Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 475 Aquas' Water Tree Rescue Quest
We defeated Starhydra. We ask Pufu to help us, melt the demon salt and meet Mr. Riesha.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Tact. Thank you so much. As a representative of the town of Aquas, I would like to thank you"
"Nothing... more than that, Mr. Riesha, the water tree"
"Yes. As you can see, when the rain and wind passed the other day, this was what was happening. I've never heard of anything like this."
You don't know about the salt damage? Well, it's supposed to be a disaster along the sea. Salt damage is a disaster caused by salt to plants and buildings. Typhoons that occur in the sea also cause a large number of tidal winds, although they usually occur in tidal winds from the sea.
This typhoon story would include this disaster, which is not usually known, as an event aimed at pinpoint. The whole water tree is covered with salt because plants are basically vulnerable to salt. This situation should be pretty bad, but do you want to ask?
"Um... is the water tree okay?
"I don't know. I have a contract with the Spirit of this water tree, but I can't have a conversation in the morning..."
Hmm... you can't just leave it like this. Do you want to take a preliminary action for now?
"How far does it work but I don't know, but I have a few thoughts, so can I try?
"Huh!? Oh, please! If you can put the water tree back together, we will thank you very much."
Info comes.
Request Quest 'Free Aquas' Water Tree from Demon Salt ': Difficulty C
Time limit: 48 hours
Reward: Title, Water Tree Cane
Remove the demon salt that covers Aquas' water trees.
You're coming on a quest... it won't be easy. And is there a time limit?
This means that the failure of the quest means that Aquas water trees will wither.
Will you let me? This water tree is the parent tree I got. I want to help you.
Okay, let's do a little digging first. I tried it in the castle, but let's try holy water again.
"Meal... will you sprinkle holy water on the water tree?
"Okay! Holy water!"
Holy water builds momentum on the water tree. What do you say?
The salt stays on. No change. I knew it wouldn't work.
I've heard from my aunt at the supermarket that the first way to deal with salt damage is to rinse the salt off with real water first.
But then I will do slow salt because the effect is weak. This is a scientific approach and decent soil improvement materials are sold if they are real.
It's a mystery if it's in this world, but let's ask the experts.
"Soil improvement materials? You've never heard of me... Yuna?
"There can't be... my field."
'If not, don't you know lime or something?
"I know a limestone once. But it's a pretty early item, is that okay?
Oh... I think I found it a long time ago. But can you solve that with an item like that? Do you want me to ask you something else?
"So don't you know a fossil or a place?
"I don't know about fossils, but I know where old fossil monsters come from."
Do you know that? It's Mr. Boulder Saba Can!
'Where is it?
"It's an ancient island sea. You've never been there, have you? '
No. I'm sorry. They tell me more about it and there will be giant ammonites, camelocellus, aromatic callis and other ancient monsters.
They just seem to have strong enemies and no one has fought properly. Good... let's be opponents. If you're strong, you'll get better items than the early ones.
I came to the ancient island a long time ago. It's just this place is full of salt and looks like another island. Anyway, take Safi and travel to the sea.
My members decided to try with Chez, Puh-suke, Luna, Safi and Ethereal Dome. Ethereal dome is my neck. Aeon, Lian and Dean did not choose this time.
The reason is that if the other person is a fossil monster, it will probably be hard. Then it's not for Lian and Dean. Ion feels like he'll do something about it, but probably Chez, Pusuke will be quicker.
Then get on Safi and get out of the line!
A lot of enemies came quickly into the sea.
Ammonite LV35
Tame Monster Crusade Target Active
Ammonites are shellfish that lived in the famous Tai Ancient. Famous for its fossils.
Fossils feel romantic but full of living ammonites is a little traumatic footage.
I'm going to stretch my mouth. If that's what you want, I have an idea here too!
Putsuke tends, hits the mouth of the ammonite, and disassembles the mouth of the ammonite. Plus, Puo-suke jumps to the ammonite. Ammonites do not escape with their auxiliary opponents who pull into shellfish.
That's the math! Then as the Ammonites all pulled in, they came in, spinning.
Safi plays that at a rotating angle, with a chess ice axe.
"" "Thunderboltex" "
Thunder poured on the Ammonites, but they spinned again and rushed in. Sounds like it's not working... then aim... there!
"Dimension Bomb"
Blast inside the ammonite. The ammonite doesn't accumulate. When he shows his face, Luna bathes in magic and falls.
But you're not efficient... any good hands? They stopped moving when they ate Thunderboltex. So how about this?
"Magnetic Circle"
The yellow demon cubes are drawn, and the Ammonites are sucked in there and electrically shocked. Again, thunder damage has not occurred, but it is important to be able to attract it.
I give instructions to get Safi out of the sea. The ammonite, whose magnetic circle has expired, follows.
Safi ascertains the position of the ammonite from the sky as it flies out into the sea with momentum. Right now.
"Magnetic Circle"
When magnetic circles are installed at sea, the Ammonites gather at sea. How about this!
"" "Meteo!
Drop meteorites on the Ammonites, causing massive damage. Most ammonites have cracks in their shellfish. It's a meteorite for an ancient monster, isn't it?
When the chess ice axe hits, the shellfish crumbles and the ammonite body tries to tangle in the chess, but the chess bites and when thrown, slashes and rips the ammonite with the ice axe.
Another ammonite can't even prevent Luna's magic attack, and is silent. Apparently thunder doesn't work when you pull into shellfish.
Remaining ammonites also come here, but they are not Safi's enemies, such as run-down ammonites. Beautifully pierced with a rotating angle.
That's the end of the fight. When I tried to dismantle it, Ethereum let me know that I was in the way.
Anomalocaris LV38
Tame Monster Crusade Target Active
This guy was also a giant shrimp in the old days... he looks like one.
Anomalocaris then swung his previous tentacle and flew the water blade. Chess gave me a quick guard.
You bastard... you're in danger. Then the shell of Anomalocaris peeled off this time, and the shell flew in.
Putsuke breaks down the shell. I'll teach you hell when you're on track!
"Magnetic Circle"
I sealed Anomalocaris' movements. Come on, there's no escape.
"Puo-suke, you can eat."
Putsuke swallowed the anomalous locaris and broke it down.
Oh, boy. Okay, let's dismantle it again.
Pure Limestone: Rarity 6 Material Quality C +
Limestone with no impurities. It is used as a material for various stones such as marble and cement. By heating, pure lime can be made.
Ugh! I was looking for this. What do you care about marble or something, but let's leave it now. Ammonites vary. I got it from all of it.
Anomalocaris has broken down nicely, so there's nothing left. It's a shame, but now it's more of an aquas water tree than that. Let's try to hurry.
Enter production at home. It's easy though. Simply use powdering on pure limestone. It doesn't even need to be heated. Here's the finished one!
Pure Lime: Rarity 6 Material Quality C +
It is used as a concrete material in lime with high purity. It is also used in fields and has the effect of helping vegetables grow. However, if you use too much vegetables, you should be careful when handling them.
Pure lime complete! There is only no explanation for the salt damage measures… do you want to swing it like it is in the textbook for now?
I'll try it with demon salt in the garden. Then the bee and the demon salt react, but the pure lime disappears. You're lying... it doesn't work. But there was a reaction. Then I don't think the lime is wrong. But I don't know enough from here on out.
I logged out and looked online and found the answer. They say more powerful lime exists. It's more immediate than lime, and it doesn't seem to be used without much leeway, but I just have to make this!
Log in to the game to learn how to make it and head to the Hapaistos workshop.
"What's wrong with you? Mr. Tact?"
"I'm sorry... it's a little urgent. Can you heat this limestone up at high temperatures?
"Wow, I get it!
When Hepaistos receives and bakes limestone, it is complete.
Raw Lime: Rarity 6 Material Quality C +
It is used primarily in combating salt damage in fields with the most neutral lime. When water is added, it becomes hot enough to ignite, and care should be taken in handling it.
All right! Done! Expectations are high because it also says salt damage control in the proper explanation. Thanks Hepaistos, retest with garden demon salt.
It reacts more with the bees than it did earlier, but it doesn't work. It's okay… there is more to this.
Adding water from the water tree to the raw lime reacts violently, completing the strongest lime.
Calcifying Lime: Rarity 6 Material Quality B-
It boasts the strongest alkalinity in lime and has an anti-epidemic effect. used for the purpose of promptly neutralizing acidic soils. Care should be taken not to touch directly when using nitrogen fertilizer because it emits a very strange odor.
This is all I have left. I completely forgot about the epidemic protection, but it was the calcifying lime that was used when pesto and pork cholera were used. Buy gloves from Mr. Ruin and use calcifying lime in the garden.
Ruin and the others watched. The demon salt reacted with a great bee, silence. If this doesn't work, I don't have a hitter. Then the demon salt crushed with parin. All right! Thanks! Net!
Mr. Ruin and the others got a cheer too. Once I told everyone how to make it, I made a ton of calcifying lime and headed to Aquas.
And when I carefully used calcifying lime on the water tree, I reacted violently with the bees just as earlier, and the demonic salt crushed. Aquas water tree became its original appearance.
"The water tree is in its original form... thank you! Mr. Tact!"
When Mr. Riesha thanked me, I heard cheers from all over town. No, something... embarrassing.
"Even from me... thanks for your help"
Info comes when the light falls on me.
"You have earned the title: Blessings of the Great Water Tree"
Titled "Blessings of the Great Water Tree"
Effects: Wood Magic Power Up (Pole), Water Magic Power Up (Pole)
A title that can be earned when blessed by the Spirit of Aquas' Water Tree.
Is this the title of the reward? More than that, your voice just now. No way... is that the Spirit of this water tree?
"Oh? I've never heard this kid speak to people before. Looks like you wanted to thank me a lot."
Shame on you again. Then I got my water tree cane for completing my quest reward.
Water Tree Cane: Rarity 9 Cane Quality A +
Weight: 50 Durability: 200 Attack: 50
Effects: Holy Water, Water Magic Power Up, Wood Magic Power Up (Pole), Flood
Canes made from aquas water trees. Strong water skills can be used.
Well, that's bad... how much can you flood by yourself. I guess we should let Sethia or something hold it, but Sethia and the others rejected it. The story is that I should use it because I got thanks for the help from Mizuki. That makes me old school, but I put the oak wand up to Lian.
"Wow! Thank you! Senior Tact."
I was afraid of Leann, who would rejoice, and Setia, who would stare silently. 'Cause you have no choice.
Well, I'm not going to be boggling. What you do is pile up. I'll have to mass produce this calcifying lime for now. Let's ask everyone to cooperate.
Name Tact Summoner Of Love Lv7
Vitality 132
Magic 300
Muscle strength 120
Defense 70
Agility 90
Dexterity value 193
Fighting Lv34 Kicking Technique Lv31 Wand Lv38 One-Handed Sword Lv40 Spear Lv30
Knife Lv33 Throw Lv19 Chant Discard Lv24 Magic Operation Lv11 Magic Cut Lv10
Summoning Sorcery Lv40 Sealed Sorcery Lv35 Rune Sorcery Lv15 Rider Lv40 Alchemy Lv25 Lv27
Mining Lv35 Logging Lv36 Demolition Lv49 Appraisal Lv41 Lv42 Identification Lv46
Disease Magic Lv13 Flame Magic Lv7 Earth Magic Lv9 Sea Magic Lv11 Dark Magic Lv9
Holy Magic Lv16 Thunder Magic Lv42 Blast Magic Lv44 Wood Magic Lv31 Ice Magic Lv35
Spacetime Magic Lv50 Beast Magic Lv6 Delay Magic Lv14 Continuous Chanting Lv29 Underwater Behavior Lv23 Lv24
shrinkage Lv18 reading Lv16 cooking Lv44 fishing Lv20 sync Lv28
Engagement Lv8 Collaboration Lv17
Name Chez Arcas Bear LV3
Vitality 100
Magic 130
Muscle Strength 132
Defense 136
Agility 66
Dexterity value 72
Chewing Up Lv27 Lv28 Fighting Lv28 Ice Axe Lv22 Lv24 Iron Wall Lv28 Forced Lv27 Lv28
Ice Armor Lv25 Star Armor Lv14 Lv16 Physical Destruction Lv20 Lv21 Magic Resistance Lv12 Lv13 Assault Lv29
Swimming Behavior Lv27 Lv29 Ice Claws Lv29 Ice Fangs Lv14 Lv15 Snow Lurking Lv5 Ice Braces Lv19
Holy Brace Lv8 Ice Throw Lv26 Serial Strike Lv14 Lv15 Holy Magic Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv5
Star Protection LV7
Name Puojie Clear Slime LV3
Vitality 163
Magic 54
Muscle strength 0
Defense 190
Agility 84
Dexterity value 112
Predatory Lv38 Lv39 Defensive Lv27 Physical Invalid Lv38 Deformed Lv40 Captured Lv10 Lv11
Adhesive Lv14 Shock Absorption Lv29 Lv30 Virtual Lv2 Divided Lv23 Superregenerated Lv28
Taunt Lv22 Corrosion Lv22 Lv23 Underwater Behavior Lv24 Lv25 Extremely Cold Body Lv33 Lv34 Purification Lv21
Disassembly Lv19 Lv20 Absorption Lv19 Hydraulic Cutting Lv3 Refrigeration Gun Lv1 Throw Lv5
Wind Attribute Disabled Lv1 Water Attribute Disabled Lv12 Fire Attribute Disabled Lv21 Light Attribute Disabled Lv21
Name Luna Vivian LV1
Vitality 114
Magic Power 210
Muscle Strength 76
Defense 60
Agility 185
Dexterity value 140
Flying Lv32 Harp Lv22 Dance Lv29 Signs Blocked Lv7 Future Predictions Lv12
Swimming Behavior Lv1 Lv3 Charming Scale Powder Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv7 Lv9 Chanting Discard Lv7 Lv9 Concurrent Chanting Lv7 Lv9
Water flow operation Lv3 moisture body Lv2 wind magic Lv21 Lv23 water magic Lv15 lightning magic Lv23 Lv25
Wood Magic Lv14 Ice Magic Lv23 Light Magic Lv8 Lv10 Assignment Lv6 Blessing Lv7
Guardian Lv7 Fantasy Lv7 Holy Sword Liberation Lv2 Fairy Ring Lv1 Lake Protection Lv2
Name Safi Ickak Lv15 Lv16
Vitality 80 82
Magic 84 86
Muscle Strength 110 114
Defense 58
Agility 95
Dexterity value 68
Rotation Angle Lv11 Lv13 Swimming Behavior Lv30 Flight Lv6 Lv8 Leap Lv8 Lv10 Hydrated Fang Lv9
Propulsion Lv20 Lv21 Assault Lv18 Physical Destruction Lv9 Lv11 Robust Lv7 Acoustic Detection Lv18
jamming sound wave Lv6 water blade Lv9 disease Lv20 horseback riding Lv20 Lv22 lightning rod Lv2
Wave Wake Lv7 Wave Lv6 Physical Changes Lv9
Name Ethereal Seasnake Lv10 Lv12
Vitality 44 46
Magic 17 18
Muscle strength 30 32
Defense 15
Agility 24 25
Dexterity value 24 25
Biting Lv1 Winding Lv1 Poisoning Lv1 Thermal Detection Lv1 Lv2 Underwater Behavior Lv1 Lv4
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