Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 561 Free Tier Player VS Aeshma

Free tier offensive groups assembled at the promised time. And sprinkle the usual buffs and cooking buffs.

"Mr. Earley, are you ready?

"Oh, oh... that's fine... why me"

"Because you're weak, aren't you?


Earlay got geared up to be a key in this boss fight and got to fight.

"Well, boss, I'm going to fight! I hear Gilmouth beat the boss first, so let's make sure we clear it too!


"Mr. Full Moon!

"Oh! Let's go! Go on with us!

The full moon enters first, all forming and entering the room.

The room I entered was equipped with a chaos gate, bright with purple light from the chaos gate.

And the boss sat in a chair in front of the chaos gate, forming.

Demon General Aeshma?

The demon figure was that of an old man who looked like a priest.

"Are you finally here? Welcome, free-tier dogs. My uncle's name is Aeshma. He's a middle-aged demon once entrusted with Chaos Gate and this mountain. Be nice to me."

"... I don't think that's the word to say while showing such a bloody sword in grandeur"

Then Yoichi shoots a sterling silver shotgun simultaneously. But the sterling silver shotgun stops before it hits Aeshma. Spiritual power.

"That's right, but you don't have an attitude either. My uncle."

When Aeshma disappears, Mr. Full Moon is attacked, but a mess blade strikes Mr. Full Moon.

"We have to take care of it."

"I can't afford that! Shield tackle!"

"Oops... hmm?

"Living slaughter!

Mr. Iron Heart's sleeping slaughter captures his neck but slashes him slightly. Then Mr. Full Moon can also have a slash wound on his neck.

"Is this... a curse"

"You're a boulder - my uncle doesn't like to die alone. We're looking for someone to die with."

Then Mr. Reggie and the spears hit him simultaneously and pierced him. But every spear user gets all spear damage.


"Ahhh... that hurts..."

"Seiklid Healing!"

Mirai restores everyone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?

Then everyone who tries to heal doesn't heal, and the amount of damage healed goes into it.

"... Huh? This is also a curse!?

"It's natural to seal the recovery!

Aeshma gets slashed by Mirai, but Mel stops. But the mess blade causes damage.

"Hey, don't get your hands on Mirai properly! Zheng Fist!"

Rica's positive fist enters and Aeschma flies. And the Rekkas have magic coming down. But Aeshma guards with black fog. Then the mysterious curse skill is not activated on Lisa. Apparently a blade limited skill.

"Oh boy... that's dangerous ~. Demon General moves River Spain"

"Wow oh!?

Aeshma's move took all the damage that Aeshma was supposed to take, and he falls.

"I don't know."

"Road Caliber!"

"Paradise Nublau!"

"Living slaughter!

Everyone who fell rose up and was slashed.

"What!? Hey, why... alive"

"I used to hang automatic resuscitation magic on everyone."

"I see... brilliant preparation. Then... it's time to get serious. Demon General Art Earth Blades!


Everyone who attacked Aeshma is pierced by a bloody sword that flies out of the ground and falls.

"Live All!"

"Seiklid Healing!"

When Mirai resuscitates everyone near him with resuscitation magic, Madame restores all vitality.

Once you die, you are freed from the ability of your enemies. However, there will be no more pre-applied buffs, so I have to call you back.

I'm not the one who can afford such luxury. When they all saw Aeshma, there was a formidable demon there equipped with bloody pitch-black armor.

"You'll be resurrected... then let's say I'll thoroughly smash you to death!

Aeshma holds a great sword and sword in both hands and strikes.

"Everybody, form a formation!

"Faranx Guard!"

"No use!

Aeshma's sword slips through Mr. Full Moon's phalanx guard and shield, busting the wall character. I try to wield my sword even more, but Arley plays the sword.


"Mr. Earley!

When the sword played by Arlei stops unnaturally in the air, it flies towards Arlei. Chiffon plays that, but now he's headed for Chiffon.

"Is that a no!?

"The Devil's Sword in the Must!?

"Oh, I got what was here. This sword is good, huh? I don't care what you have, it will work on all my swords! Bloody Blade Rain!"

A bloody sword appears from the ceiling and falls.



"Yes! Spirit armed!

A green wind occurs from the chiffon and the gear changes. Green wings grow in chiffon in green armor and ten windy swords appear around.

"Spirit Sword Technique Sylphide Dance!

The swords of the wind dance like dancing, playing the sword that comes down.

"Ho... a move that wears the power of a covenant spirit. But sweet! Legendary Liberation! Pierce! Filting!"

"Huh!? Hey! No! I knew it wouldn't stop!

Even if Chiffon's sword hits him, the filtering heads to Chiffon.

"Uh-oh! I'm a man too! If I did it. Aah!

The moment it hits the chiffon, Earlay enters protection and is pierced by filtering.

"Ho! Keep your body up and protect it... but you're a dog dead!

"Who's going to die?

Earlay's armor collapses and the filtering falls to the ground. Then the armor is restored. This is the magical clay armor of the devil's sword filtering measures we thought of in our midst, also known as Blackbeard Crisis Hair!

He threw his sword into his armor in a performance test and looked like a toy blackbeard crisis with lots of swords stabbed.

"If you pull a hit one day, you want a gimmick that flies up there. That's armor."

"Right. Can't we plant a blast stone where we hit it?

"... Sounds like you can"

Such a conversation was made with Mr. Crowe. This time I couldn't afford a boulder like that. Arley proudly says.

"This sword is just a must! I mean, if you can't hurt yourself with just a demon sword if you hit it, you won't show your abilities, will you?

"Huh!? Dwarves in wisdom!

Our unsolicited predictions. I have a no-tung, so I have a general anticipation about the Devil's Sword. But Arley's mind was in a hurry. Whatever. This armor is clay. It was made as thick as possible and tested for performance, but there was no guarantee that it would not penetrate.

"(Never do this again!)"

"Come on! Now we've sealed the Devil's Sword! I'll stop them all!

"It's brilliant, but the essential effect of my weapon is alive and well!

Aeshma strikes Chiffon and Ahrey, but Miranda and Yuko, Mr. Ironheart and Kai. The avant-garde with the sword is blocked.

"I won't let you go. Sword Soul Liberation!"

"It's time for me to fight back! Magic Overdrive!"

"I have to defeat you, Tact. I'm sorry for you. Let me knock you down. Immovable Truth."

"I'll make up my mind at once! Heroes Heart!"

A strong glow emanates from Miranda's sword, and Miranda's muscle strength and sensitivity are super enhanced. The magical sword treasure balls of the Great Sword made by the alliance affiliated blacksmiths that ensued Yuko shined to its limits, super enhancing Yuko's magic power and agility.

Mr. Iron Heart had a golden aura in Mr. Iron Heart when his mouth moved when the figure of the Real King appeared behind him, and only his muscle strength was greatly super enhanced. The spirit of a hero also appeared behind Kai, and when the seven-colored aura dwelt, Kai's attributes were granted all attributes, and only slightly all stats rose.

Others use the same time-limited enhancement skills, and Mirai and Madam cut the trump card.

"" Princess Player!

A buff was activated on everyone's status, further greatly increasing the time limit for time-limited skills. Earley had managed to use Heroes Heart.

"Oh, jeopardy... in time for the critical..."

"... naturally because I calculated and used it"

"Aren't you guys tough on me!?

"... you have time to say that?

Arley's saying you guys are talking about me and Mirai. And as Mirai says, a total offensive has been launched against Aeshma, and Arlay rushes to join.

But Aeshma's buffs are activated whenever he takes damage.

"Ha! That's good! More! Come more! Well, then, it won't burn!

"You're too different in character... you mazo bastard! Abu."

"The old man setting doesn't have a shadow to see anymore... ha!


Everyone pulls on Mel's signal.

Suddenly what?

"Master, let me use your majesty!

"Gay Assholes!"

The Special Attack taught by the Spears in Coughlin training is unleashed. A spear that shines like the sun kills Aeshma.

This special attack will take time and cost you one spear, magic and life. It's just a good move.

Gay Assal is also known as Assal's spear, a spear known as one held by Lou, the Sun God, the father of Coughulin. Aeshma will know what it is capable of.

"That's crap!

Aeshma plays Gaeassar with a great sword, but Gaeassar stopped in the air and pierced Aeshma.

"Nah!? This is the same as Tilving!?

"It can't be the same."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?

Aeshma is engulfed in red flames. Assal's spear is known as a special spear, just like Gayborg's. It would be rude to compare it to just a demon sword inside. Most of these games have no special abilities and have a strong Sun element.

And everyone was waiting for this decisive moment.

When the full moon sets up their shields, the crest of the reepling appears on their shields.

"Emblem Blaster!"

Waves of the crest are released from the shield. Furthermore, Yoichi and the others set up the magic gun.

"Unlimiter! Splash Cannon! '

The extra-large lasers released diffuse along the way, killing countless lasers of a wide variety of attributes to Aeschma.

The heroes, the brave, the swordsmen, and the runners.

"Brave Caliber!"

"Road Caliber!"


"Magic Blazer!

Brave Caliber loses Heroes Heart enhancement but unleashes an extra-large slaughter of the seven colored Aura in which it resides. Magic Blazer is a magic sword that generates an extra-large blade of magic and cuts it down. The treasure ball breaks at the price.

Aeshma falls, but restores half his vitality and comes back to life.

"Not yet! Not yet!"

Aeshma wields a great sword but stops moving.

"You lose the fight when it gets hot. Eleiser Wire"

It was tied with a transparent wire trap set up by Tristan.

"Nice! Tristan's Neh! Holy Demon Blasting Fist!"

Rica hits him with a rush with a fist mixed with sacred and dark attributes.

And Chiffon and Mel set up.

"Silfed Nova!"

"Holy Sword moves! Seiklid Rosary!"

A tornado was released from the armor of Chiffon, and Ayeshama was slashed to the cross with light heat as Mel drew a rosary of light as he waved his sword to the cross. And here comes Info.

"The demon general Aeshama has been crusaded. Vineleaf, the country of Forge, has been liberated. '

"Chaos gate closed"

"I won!"

The players were all delighted. But while we're at it, the operation is underway.

"Tact, you guys are already moving. Let's hurry too!


Mel and the others left it to the Dwarves to transfer with a metastatic crystal.

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