[EO] This is a thread that talks about the Gones War freeties. part 8

About the Gones War Freetier Side, here's a thread to write about.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


734. Unnamed Summoner

I'm not sure how it ends ~!

735. Unnamed Spears

That's not it. Do it! It's too harsh to end a forced event with ability!

736. Unnamed Knight

What happened to you? Suddenly the event ended...

737. Unnamed Fellow

You wouldn't know if you weren't a freetier or a Vineleaf affiliate... the ability of the Gonese-affiliated Valkyrie apparently forced the event to end with its ability to force the war to truce.

738. Unnamed Knight


739. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

What's that?

740. Unnamed Brave

Is that so...

741. Unnamed Knight

That's what we think most! The capital of Gones. It was the present!

742. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

Was the freetier attacking that far... this one just knocked out the boss...

743. Unnamed Sage

We split our forces and crusaded the two bosses in one day, and we attacked them from the sea at the same time.

744. Unnamed Sage

Seriously... that's amazing. Free tier.

745. Unnamed Knight

They were both defeated by a young girl, Mr. Summoner?

746. Unnamed Knight

The hell it feels like Toddler Girl Summoner and Summoner's Troops defeated it and other members attacked Vineleaf.

747. Unnamed Knight

Surprisingly... I thought I knocked them both out.

748. Unnamed Summoner

I know how you feel, but it felt like this toddler girl Summoner was thoroughly in command of the operation.

749. Unnamed Fellow

Did he even think about the last operation?

750. Unnamed Fellow

It feels like he thought about the general course of the operation and we all came up with various proposals for the details and reinforced them. Mostly it was the way it was supposed to be.

751. Unnamed Fellow

Is that pretty awesome?

752. Unnamed Knight

I know it's a mess, but that's pretty much what people think of the operation, right? The NPCs over here were anticipating the enemy's movements and working on the operation.

753. Unnamed Spears

Do you mean that the young girl Summoner is on the same level as the heroic warrior of the Three Kingdoms... (._.) Note

754. Unnamed Fellow

How was the wantwork? The boss knocked you down, didn't he?

755. Unnamed Fellow

Yeah. At the end of the day, I don't know. The brave party was knocking us down. Look at the boss' info and all that in the one-to-one slate.

756. Unnamed Magic Instructor

All I can tell you is that the heroes of the Three Kingdoms were cool.

757. Unnamed Fellow

You've been playing a lot over there, haven't you? We all looked like we were having fun on the bulletin board.

758. Unnamed Fellow

Yeah. We also played with a finished robot w

759. Unnamed Fellow

Tell me more about it there. Is the key an Xmakina after all?

760. Unnamed Fellow

No. You can make it if you have all the ingredients. It was very difficult to collect the material and I actually had a young girl Summoner help me for a long time.

761. Unnamed Fellow

Shredding. Give us the material too!

762. Unnamed Fellow

No! Because the goal is for everyone to ride a solo bot!

763. Unnamed Gunner

This time it was huge that the guild of the Toddler Summoners gave everyone chubby or island protection.

764. Unnamed Gunner

I know. I was disappointed in my skills and experience with bullets and artillery fire.

765. Unnamed Knight

If you had experience, wouldn't you have had more wantwork? Participating NPCs would have seen each other almost as one another and wouldn't have gotten much experience for a general position because they have summoners.

766. Unnamed Fellow

Perhaps the participating NPCs are far above Wantwork.

767. Unnamed Fellow

I know I'll calculate again, but I'm knocking the whole boss out for general positions only, and the participating NPCs were located all over the place, so it wasn't that much. Besides, the summoners fought quite separately from the ground battle because the defense of the sky was the main one, so I think it's a lot more.

768. Unnamed Knight

Seriously... I thought it was more rampant.

769. Unnamed Brave

He told me to stop talking about my experience... because some of them were event-hubbed.

770. Unnamed Fellow

Is that who you were?

771. Unnamed Fellow

It's Reich's top guild. I didn't get along with the production job and they kicked me into the event.

772. Unnamed Heavy Knight

Even this would have eliminated the lie sign. It hurts too much not to be able to attend the event.

773. Unnamed Merchant

You deserve it!

774. Unnamed Blacksmith

This is what happens because I only order weapons that are better than the weapons of a Toddler Summoner or something unscrupulous!

775. Unnamed Fellow

I see... so you got kicked.


[EO] This is a thread that talks about the Gones War Wantworkside.Part 9

Gones war wantworkside. With it, it's a thread to write.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


199. Unnamed Brave

Come on! Talomatti, I knocked him down!

200. Unnamed Brave

Now we're at the Demon King's Crusade Brave Party too!

201. Unnamed Knight

Oh! I almost shredded the Sankokushi NPC.

202. Unnamed Musketeer

That's it.

203. Unnamed Knight

Don't tell him.

204. Unnamed Knight

You didn't have half the sense of despair when the Trinity NPC turned to the enemy because of Talomati's ability.

205. Jane Doe Knight

Zhao Yun was the best in saving Liu Bei from the dark fall.

206. Unnamed Female Clergy

That's against the rules.

207. Unnamed Spears

If that's the best I can say, I'm Kanye's special. Blue Dragon Moon Knife sucks.

208. Unnamed Fellow

Mr. Zhu Goliang! Tell me how to build a tiger tank! That's the only way to beat a robot!

209. Unnamed Fellow

You wouldn't have told me, would you? You won't beat Robo to that.

210. Unnamed Woman Farmer

Battle positions are easy...

211. Unnamed Merchant

We, the productive jobs, took a fatal blow.

212. Unnamed Knight

I couldn't stop Apaosha from advancing.

213. Unnamed Merchant

Farmers and pharmacists are a big blow... though it's starting to feel good around the corner...

214. Unnamed Wizard

You went for some pinpoint wantwork... because even if you went to the freelancer, there would be less damage because of the island of Leapling.

215. Unnamed Merchant

Give us the island, too.

216. Unnamed Female Pharmacist

We're going bankrupt (> <)

217. Unnamed Woman Merchant

I'm exchanging the ingredients with the reepling, so I'm going to go around for now, so it's okay. We just have to do something about the fields that died in the drought.

218. Unnamed Farmer

I was wondering if you could turn the water in the water tree from the reepling? I feel most likely.

219. Unnamed Woman Merchant

Copy that. I'll try to negotiate.

220. Unnamed Swordsman

I'm glad I seem to manage.

221. Unnamed Musketeer

Right. By the way, where's the girl at the Trinity NPC?

222. Unnamed Knight

That's all you're disappointed in. The freetiers are cute girls. The NPCs worked...

223. Unnamed Brave

I had that dream when I couldn't complete the Valkyrie Quest.

224. Unnamed Hero

You won't be able to do it in a short time… you won't be able to clear it without a lot of tweezers at the forefront of the offense like Summoner the Toddler.

225. Unnamed Knight

Right. You had quite a few unusual quests this time. Valkyrie's rescue quest was a trap after all.

226. Unnamed Ninja

Any rewards for the sacrifice?

227. Unnamed Brave

Ask the king. Probably can't, though.

228. Unnamed Ninja

Right ~.

229. Unnamed Fellow

The biggest problem with this event isn't the end of the war, it just ended with a truce, right?

230. Unnamed Fellow

Well, I guess this event still goes on. Not all the demon kings of Zoroaster have left either.

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