Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 622 Cain's Investigation Report and Coffee Quest

I finished my lunch and when I logged in I handed Mr. Yuna some vanilla ice cream ingredients and he was guild talking about the quest.

"You clear it that way,"

"It's against the rules to use a holy sword glam on your boss."

"I've cleared the quest, okay?

I've found that out before.

"When you think about it, this quest is about harvesting vanilla, so you probably don't have to crusade the boss."

"I see. Why don't you hide from the ninjas and stuff?"


When I hear about my next coffee quest, it explodes.

"We even confirmed Giant Hogweed, Angel Trumpet, Gilty Blackberry, Gimpiginpi, Gersemium Elegance, Trikabuto, Mantinil, Rafresia, Shokdiokonyak, Uzbokazura, Mousengoke..."

"Isn't that a shitty poisonous grass, stinking plants, eating plants..."

Gilty Blackberry is probably about Himalayan Blackberry.

"Because it's a forest of death... hehe"

Apparently, you're back to quite a death. I mean, does this quest have to break through or escape all these plant monsters to get to the coffee of destination... Yuna tells me.

"Plant-based monsters can be lethally poisoned or confused just by touching them. If you get confused, you go over there, touch the plant-based monster again. You can't do anything with repetition, you die."

"Of course. Some plants attack, some just fall from above."

"What's to burn it down?

"It's full of poison. And we're making sure there's little fire in the woods."

I only have a bad feeling about this anymore. Still have to go! Then Mr. Cain came.

"Hey. Were you taking it in?

"I'm not in a hurry, so I'm fine. Is this about the earthquake?

"You talk fast. The results of our investigation arrived. Apparently there's something underground and it's definitely moving. And it's an unusual monster."

Tension runs on us. You think Mr. Cain has enough monsters in the basement to call it a monster?

"... I met an earthquake yesterday near the town of Fast, is this the way to go? After that, did you confirm who you were, etc.?

"First of all, it is not possible to predict the current situation. I feel like I'm swimming around the ground like I want to. It's just getting more active every day. We might get out on the ground nearby."

"I don't even know who I am. Each Beast Demon Guild Branch Branch Branch Manager Class has someone with a Fifth Evolution Summoner, but those Fifth Evolution Summoners are frightened. Yesterday, Aura reported that the Welsh Dragon had overreacted."

There's something about that Welsh Dragon overreacting. I have an idea.

"... how does it relate to Gones?

"... I don't know. The only thing I know for sure is that this guy suddenly became active after the war."

I don't think it's irrelevant, but there's no proof.

"Okay. I'll be on guard here."

"Please. This guy's warning has been given to other countries. I think we're going to crusade with all the worst countries out there, so please share your information."


Mr. Cain returns, and we meet face to face.

"... what do you think?

"You won't even have to think about it if you're determined that Gones is involved. Zoroastrianism, not the Demon King, and I can only think of one being so feared in a monster, as far as I know."

"... right"

There is a dragon that probably reigns at the top among the monsters of Zoroastrianism. That's Azi Dahaka. It is a three-necked dragon created by the fiercest demon, Anla Manyu.

This dragon cannot be defeated and is said to have been confined deep underground in Mount Damervand. The fact that he is underground is also consistent with this.

"I don't know where we're going."

"I guess it's more likely here… because it's the freelancers that attacked Gones the most. I believe the location is Mount Yellow Ossa."

"There are nine tails over there."

"That's right. If it's somewhere else, it means Iji Mine."

That would make you uncomfortable. Then Mr. Yuna speaks.

"Suddenly you show up here."

"Uh. I hope you don't, because I'm scared that you've stepped on some kind of flag when you shut up!

Then why did you say it?

"When do you think they'll come?

"Normally, after the weapon from the duel event is complete... I think it's about three days from now, but that's not strange to come right away from what we just talked about. Still, I think we still have a reprieve."

Do we have to do what we can?

"I would like to ask Mr. Yug and the others to make an arborest. Tell everyone else in production to get ready with the intention of becoming a war again."

"Raja, instead, Gilmouth would like some coffee!"

Ah!? I didn't know I'd do it yet! Gone... I can't help it. Let's do it. I'll get the gear made for this quest. That's it.

High Performance Mask: Rarity 7 Armor Quality B +

Effects: Toxic Resistance, Disease Resistance, Malodor Invalidity

A mask made of a three-layer structure. It perfectly cuts bad odors and is also highly resistant to poisons and germs.

Protective Clothing: Rarity 7 Protective Equipment Quality B +

Effect: Poison void, Disease void

Endurance value: 50

Clothing made of vinyl. Protective equipment that completely cuts poisons and germs on the body. However, because it is made of vinyl, the durability value is not high.

Apparently, it's even hard to get inside without these two. What I tried to equip myself with. Am I a researcher or a surgeon or something?

When you take a quest, you first summon Sethia and Meal and decide on the members.

"Honestly, it doesn't change the level of danger. We're the only ones who have to get dressed, and I think it would be nice to have someone who can handle the poison thinking about what if."

Lily, Wah Fox and Luna were chosen. Well, I wonder what it's like.

We asked the Japanese fox to put a bond on it, and we tried to move on, but the bond hit the trees in the woods and got in the way and couldn't move on. Apparently, plants and rocks don't interfere when you apply the junction, but with it, you hit a major obstacle, such as a tree or rock, outside.

That's why I try to proceed with caution, but first my protective clothes are damaged and lost at Gilty Blackberry's Together. Water droplets fell there, and they all died.

Buy again, try again.

"Father! Please help me!

Luna was caught by Mowsengoke.


"Yeah! Hey. Oh! Hmm?"

It's utubokazura watching Lily stop.

"No! Lily, sister! If you see that."

"Sirloin steak ~ ~!"

Lily entered the Uzbokazura and lost her vitality when she was able to close the entrance.



I move in shrinkage and slash and tear mousengoke with thunder.

"Are you all right? Luna."

Dropped it, me, dead. Later, when I saw the protective clothing, it was melting.

"Probably touched a poisonous grass with digestive fluid..."

I dare you. It is natural to touch the leaves in the woods.

"You can't do this with clothes or something... what happened to Lily?

"Uzbokazura is a delicious smell that distracts you and lures you into your body by showing you your phantoms."

I mean, did Lily jump into the illusion of a sirloin steak... when Lily became the equivalent of a bug?

"Lily, your sister prioritized meat over me..."

"Uh... tact!"

You won't be able to follow me if I cry. This.

"What are we going to do? Tact Han."

"Let me think for a second. Everybody get back to production."

I put Luna on my lap and think rocking in my rocking chair.

"" Uh-huh... uh-huh "

"... Aren't you playing? Mr. Tact."

I am told by Aeon with my jitsu eyes. It's rude. I thought about it. The first thing I found out this time was that I can't fathom clothes on this quest unless they are pretty high-performance protective clothing.

Gilty Blackberry tsu control is mandatory for digestive fluids in addition to poison control at least. It's quite difficult with clothes. Then another way is realistic.

"But can you ride in a tank?"

Then I won't have to touch it first. But I can't make it. No, I could make a robot, so it's going to take a while. I mean, can you go robotically? But it looks like it's still difficult to get around.

Wait... a tank. Hmm.

"Can we go with this?

I write blueprints on paper. I'm not picturesque, but I can write if it's as good as an explanation. This would also make Jewell. Quickly go to the request.

"Should I make this?


"... it just looks like a giant iron box, huh?

"Oh... that's what I want. After that, use a toughened glass window on the door and the wall."

All I thought about was an iron box that's hollow down there. And this iron box is designed to make windows of toughened glass made by blacksmiths to check with their eyes.

Here's the operation. Push this forward with Lily, Farida and Yuwell. Over! I made windows because I had to hollow them out to find coffee and really walk downstairs, so I'm in danger of poisonous grass. To get the Sethias to check this out.

This should be safe if we proceed slowly and reliably. Manpower tank operation if you want to name it. Because it looks so good, I want to look good about the name of the operation.

It's done at night, and it's dark when you go in to try it... at night. I took out the lamp I bought for the tent and we went out.

"How dare you, well, think about something so unintelligible"

"But it makes sense. It's not really affected by venom or grass."

"Speaking of greed, you want something to do the sampling"

"You might have to come in protective clothing, close enough to open the door."

I do want the poison of tricabuto and the like because the elves used it. I was able to challenge you.

Trikabuto: Rarity 8 Material Quality A-

Beautiful flowering grass, but with a fairly powerful lethal poison. It is mainly used as a material for poison arrows.

Then it's because of us being impotent. Lily suggests.

"It's light, and I can go all at once? Tact."

"No. If you do, you're out of rice. Lily."

"Wow, okay."

Lily starts listening. Besides, it's light because Yuwell is making it light for me. Actual weight is 1500. Not enough muscle for everyone either. It's Sama Yuwell.

The manned tank then progresses well and discovers the desired coffee. And I collected it and completed the quest. When I left, I was free of coffee items.

Coffee Actual Processors: Important Items

Machine that allows you to choose how to process coffee fruit washed, natural and pulped natural. An almost essential guide to making coffee.

Roaster: Important Item

Machine that allows you to choose the method of roasting shallow, medium and deep stir frying and perform roasting. An almost essential guide to making coffee.

Siphon Coffee Maker: Important Items

Siphonic coffee maker. Machines used when making coffee.

I'm not a coffee fan. If you let it fruit, you will enjoy the flavours of various coffees. When I checked with Mr. Ruin, he still asked for a considerable amount. I bought my share, and when I went to deliver it to the Alliance, my clearance tactics frightened me again. 'Cause I didn't think of anything else.

After planting coffee trees and tricabuts on the island, I made a sneak new ice cream in my mothership and logged out today.

Name Sethia Holly Elf LV11

Vitality 146

Magic Power 320

Muscle strength 130

Defense 93

Agility 122

Dexterity value 282


Wand Lv24 Magic Bow Lv42 Eagle Eye Lv34 Shooting Lv33 Woodworking Lv29

Collection Lv37 Lv38 Dispensing Lv20 Engraved Lv16 Gemstone Magic Lv12 Gemstone Finishing Lv12

Sealed Magic Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv21 Concurrent Chanting Lv21 Magic Operation Lv12 Wind Magic Lv22

Flame Magic Lv1 Sea Magic Lv1 Earth Magic Lv23 Dark Magic Lv15 Holy Magic Lv11

Thunder Magic Lv22 Explosion Magic Lv21 Wood Magic Lv27 Ice Magic Lv19 Tree Magic Lv27

Trap Installation Lv5 Magic Inhibition Lv1 Inhibition Disabled Lv1 Forest Manipulation Lv10 Knowledge of Holy Elves Lv29 Lv31

Spirit Summoning Lv9 Spirit Junction Lv11 Spirit Magic Lv3 Column Stone Junction Lv5 Servant Lv12

Cuisine LV25

Name Farida Demon General LV9

Vitality 98

Magic 148

Muscle Strength 216

Defense 80

Agility 122

Dexterity value 122


Axe Lv24 Demon Fist Lv28 Dance Lv10 Throw Operation Lv12 Shrink Lv19

Load Manipulation Lv16 Lv18 Evil Lv33 Dark Magic Lv10 Spacetime Magic Lv21 Concentration Lv30

Seduction Lv15 Physical Destruction Lv31 Magic Disruption Lv26 Gravity Manipulation Lv8 Dark Bullet Lv23

Dark Wave Lv9 Shockwave Lv11 Continuous Lv9 Disturbance Blade Lv7 Demon General moves Lv6

Magic Liberation Lv15 pseudo demonization Lv2

Name Yuwell Drago Newt Core LV2

Vitality 152

Magic Power 110

Muscle strength 205

Defense 270

Agility 94

Dexterity value 104


Iron Fist Lv2 Everything Armed Lv8 Mining Lv1 Forged Lv10 Lv12 Robust Lv9

Forced Lv7 Dragon Angle Lv2 Clash Lv4 Super Sensory Lv6 Dragon Eye Lv4

Fast regeneration Lv6 containment Lv5 Practice air Lv9 Lv11 Load operation Lv5 Lv8 Metal armoured Lv7

Metal Wall Lv8 Gemstone Throwing Lv1 Gravity Operated Lv5 Lv8 Soil Magic Lv10 Soil Latent Lv7

Focus Lv1 Stone Wave Lv4 Reverse Scale Lv1 Dragon Magic Lv6 Dragon Technique Lv6

Dragonized Lv3 Dragon Breath Lv2 Live and Rehabilitated Lv1 Star Nuclear Dragon Protection Lv5

Name Loco Moco Gold Sheep LV9

Vitality 178

Magic 152

Muscle Strength 42

Defense 168

Agility 106

Dexterity value 95


Flying Lv28 Clash Lv5 Hazard Prediction Lv22 Escape Lv12 Hair Growth Lv25 Lv26

Milking Lv25 Lv26 Cold Resistant Lv1 Happiness Lv13 Blessing Lv13 Protective Lv15

Discharge Lv9 Thunder Magic Lv20 Light Magic Lv21 Purification Lv1 Heavenly Punishment Lv7

Thundering Lv7 Light Glow Lv3 Heavenly Protection Lv14 Golden Protection Lv4

Name Airy Hayes Rune LV8

Vitality 174

Magic 144

Muscle Strength 124

Defense 80

Agility 140

Dexterity value 114


Angle Strike Lv31 Clash Lv13 Climb Lv5 Hazard Detection Lv20 Leap Lv14

Disease Lv25 Tree Magic Lv12 Light Magic Lv27 Tree Planting Lv10 Lv12 Milk Collection Lv23 Lv24

Guardian Lv11 Blessing Lv10 Rich Lv16 Lv18 Resurrection Lv3 Madness Warrior Lv4

Sealed Magic Lv13 Column Stone Boundary Lv15 Forest Manipulation Lv9 Heavenly Strike Lv3 Stars' Coverage Lv2

Name Meal Nero Hamadruas LV9

Vitality 143

Magic 176

Muscle Strength 82

Defense 88

Agility 100

Dexterity value 142


Soil latent Lv33 forest operation Lv30 handsome Lv16 wind magic Lv12 soil magic Lv15

Wood Magic Lv20 Water Magic Lv12 Photosynthetic Lv23 Transfer Lv6 Nectar Lv12

Pollen Lv13 Collection Lv36 Lv37 Planting Lv23 Lv24 Stock Division Lv16 Lv18 Water Flow Operation Lv8

Holy Water Lv12 Rain Begging Lv6 Lv7 Flood Lv5 Super Regenerated Lv5 Condition Abnormal Disabled Lv5

Parasite Lv22 Trap Installation Lv19 Plant Summoning Lv11 Protecting Water Trees Lv13

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