We had dinner. We'll go over the details of the operation we decided to do at lunch.

"I'll guide the basics. Everybody spread out in the valley and wait, and when Salwa gets here, attack me. If I'm defeated, I'll direct you in relay form."

"Can I attack you?

"Ah. Instead, they'll suspect you if you don't attack. Just like avoiding attacks with weapons. If it's not a pretty robust weapon, it'll break."

"Copy that! And this is a lot of role, isn't it? A summoner."

Ahhh... I remember when Astarot. But I'm not going to die like I did then. Then Sho came.

"Mr. Tact, I need to ask you a favor."

While I listen to Sho's favors, Mel and his captains also listen to formation and maneuvers. And then we'll set up a formation and the operation will be executed.

I go for Salwa the Demon King with Aeon, Nowa, Blanc, Hicks and Spica. And we caught Salwa, the demon king, visually.

Demon King Salwa?

In a nutshell, I feel like a samurai of a pitch-black giant. I have a third eye on my forehead in the corner of the devil, but the pressure from its flesh is more amazing than that.

"Ho... I don't mean two Dragonuts, but you're the freelance summoner who busted Durginus, right?

You're still gonna eat up. Popular people are hard.

"Ah. Finally, they let me defeat Azi Dahaka, Tarwi and Aka Manaf"

No, though. You won't be after me if you don't lie as much as this.

'What... did those guys lose? They're pathetic. So I'm next?

"Ah. You're the only miscellaneous fish I have left. I'm sorry, but let me finish here."

'Kuku! Ha ha! Come on! Try it! I was sick and tired of all this crap! Enjoy me!

We lay down our weapons. Nowa was the first one to set it up.

"... Dragon Magic! Yville Grant Payne!"

The difficulty varies depending on whether this is decided or not.

'Aim good. But!'

When Salwa steps on the ground, the demon squares break. I still can't... you won't make it any easier.

"What's up? It's like this. '

"No way. Let's do it! Aeon, Nova!


"... Mmm!

We engage.

"" "Engagement Burst!

I will be the Dragon Knight of the Ethereal and Black, setting up Grand Albring and the Holy Sword Glam. Sarwa is happy to see it.

"Ha! That's funny!

We bump into each other. While we attack, we lead Salwa down the road to the valley. Salwa, who's focused on fighting us, has changed course and entered the path. This completes the first phase. But I realize the strength of this demon king.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just run. Then you can't beat me!

"Black fog!

"It's payback! Frozen rays! '

"Ha! It doesn't work!

We deal with the minimal attack from the sky by attacking the demon king Salwa or slashing him with the Holy Sword Glam.

This is what Mr. Laurent taught me, but it seems that the space-time amputation of the Holy Sword Glam can be slashed and torn without touching Salwa's attack, and is not affected by the power of Salwa's destruction.

The black fog naturally makes us break through, but it helps us attack from the third eye because it hides us.

I unleash a messy blade and go up into the sky once.

"... Shadow Summoning"

"Holy bullet!

When Nova summons Chibinois, it unfolds on the empty side. Bran releases a holy bullet to fill that gap, and Hicks and Spica attack with light.

Once I release the Grand Alvring and the Holy Sword Glam, I throw the twin Glaciers and the twin tempests that are unfolding around me in the direction of the day after tomorrow and set up the two again.

"That's not what summons me to do!

Salwa's Blackflame fist hits me directly and blows up, but instead it triggers a curse.

"Ha, ha, ha!


When Salwa uses the barrier, I stop the sword just before it hits the barrier.

"What? What!?

Twingleshire and Twin Tempestors slash and tear Salwa's leg, which was conscious of my attack. At that moment, the barrier disappears. Got it!

"'Dragon Breath!

Take a dragon brace from close range and take a distance. The returning Twin Glaciers and Twin Tempestors were in a lame state. Good luck.

"You're going to imitate me a lot."

"You're rude with Xiao Xiao. Call it a beautiful coordinated attack."

I never usually say this.

'That's right. Our collaboration is the strongest.'

'... Mm. Definitely.'

I think I heard Lily and the others protesting.

"Ha! Am I allowed to attack like that?

The fire power of Salwa's flames increases. But this one's ready. All we have to do after that is fight not to destroy the weapon.

We fight a combination of distance and close range. But many times he dies, and every time he survives in the place of Chibinois. And make sure Salwa goes ahead.


'Yes! Teleport!


Move back in the teleport, hit him, he gets the effect of destruction, and the replacement is activated. If we don't attack from behind, they'll notice what we're after.

"Don't mess around knowing exactly what I'm capable of. But the point is, we should destroy all the little ones in the sky!

Salwa's third eye opens wide. There's an attack coming that I don't know about!


"Yes! Absolute defense!

"Sum it all up and die! Artal Salwa! '

A diffusion beam is emitted from Salwa's third eye, most of the tibinois pierced by the beam and exploded. We went around behind Bran and got nothing.

"Well prevented my attack! But that's it!

When Salwa's flame punch flies, I protect Bran and explode. And unlike Chibinois, who kept us waiting at the second point, Bran and I meet up after the bareback was empty looking for our place. Naturally Salwa moves on as the Blancs head.

Then Tyrol and his beast summons squad stand before Salwa.

"I won't let you go from here."

"We're the opponents!

"There's no point in groceries! Out of the way of the fight!

The Tyrols force them to break through and also attack from behind, but Salwa does not deal with them at all and goes on through the valley.

"This is Tyrol. I let you break through without being dealt with at all. Sad. '

'Good day. That's all I'm saying about successful induction. Surveillance of Salwa, please.'

Copy that.

We gather strength. Sarwa turns around the corner at the signal of the Tyrols, and the moment he shows up, he smashes a concentrated attack collecting dragon braces and wave moves!


Sarwa can cut our engagement burst when we guard her with the barrier.

Fallen, I'm supported by Blanc and run away from the spot. Pity, but this is the fastest way to do it. I'm glad I built the Pallers shield because I can't speed without the Giant's protection.

"Oh, my God... let me go!

Salwa is coming after me, who ran away completely. This also succeeds in guiding the second point. All that remains is the third and final point.

Salwa also broke through the obstruction of troops centered around Luke and Mr. Martial Sky, and when he gets to the third point, I'm relative to Love Fire and Engagement Burst.

"Another engagement burst this time!

"Now... hey!

Love Huang and the sun fire kill him.


When you are slashed by a barrier, the moment you hit the barrier, the change breaks and you fall in love.

The best thing Love Fire could do with the changes she trained was to look like an engagement burst with me. Tails and ears are the same as love fire. So naturally, it's natural. I decided to use it this time.


"Oh no... that summoner's summoner! You're so brave to fool me!

"Wow! Tact, brother!

"Is that him over there!

As a result of the imminent act of love fire, the induction of the third point is also successful.

"Do you want me to go to tact!

"We are the opponents!

"You're one of him again! Out of the way! Keep the mutton in!

Salwa kicked the Takuma and Aromas blocking the way, ignoring the Tyrol's re-attack from behind, and Salwa went further.

Mission accomplished. Successfully guided '

"This is Salwa Surveillance Squad. I'll be out in the valley soon."

Final point. Salwa through the maze of the valley is on the ground with the Ions. Approaching me.

"You ran out of measures."

"Oh... but let me challenge you to the end! Guys! Total attack!


'Hmm! Don't lick it!

Salwa's third eye opens when we lay down our weapons. Then the hidden Kasumi leaps, and throws a bitter (not) or backsword at Salwa's third eye, and crushes the third eye.

"Oh, my God!

"... this previous payback"

"Ha! Superior!

Xia receives Salwa's fist, explodes, but escapes with the art of change. And our attack hits Salwa.

"Uh-oh! Now you're dead, too!

Salwa joins her hands, and she waves down. Then, Mr. Einstein's replacement doll, Cain, the effect of your modification, we moved to the top of the mountain. At the same time, there was a major explosion. Looks like you pissed me off too much. But the mission is complete.

Then there were Princess Silfi, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang besides Mr. Einstein around.

"That was a brilliant act."

"Were you looking at all of them?

"Yes! Love Fire, well done"

"I'm glad to be praised, but I'm ashamed to have been watched ~!"

Me, too. How many times have I died? Then Zhuge Liang looks at the video and talks.

"Looking out over the battlefield is fundamental to a military teacher."

"... wouldn't it have been easier to direct you with this?

"Perhaps, while fighting like you, inciting enemies will have a better chance of success"

"If you have a plan that no one will sacrifice, it's the military teacher who chooses it."

That's right. The number of soldiers is limited. It can therefore be said that the arms of the military master show how many victims are reduced and won in one operation.

In that sense, this operation will certainly be a success. But only me and Luke would have seen him die. Well, the others have been fighting Salwa all along, so are the struggles the same?

"It's time for that demon king's laughing face to change."

Sima Xu signals and everyone becomes a Special Attack Attitude. I'm watching.

"Ha ha! Hmm? What is this dumb-faced doll?

"Sorry about your dumb face!

At the same time as Mr. Cain's scratch, the illusion is solved, showing players and NPCs setting up mountains and special attacks in front of Salwa.


The moment Salwa unfolds the barrier but the special attack hits, a geometric demonic formation floats on the barrier.

"No curse. Formula Alternation"

When Mr. Einstein plays his finger, the barrier disappears.

"Nah!? Whoa, whoa, whoa! '

Everyone's Special Attack is hit. A huge demonic cube is depicted on the ground and in the sky.

"No curse. Halmagedon!"

"No curse. Gravity Coplus!"

Mr. Cain's armageddon is decided, and a gravitational collapse occurs shortly after it is finished. At the end of the day, Mr. Oppenheimer, Reich's curse inhibitor, uses the curse.

"No curse. Supernova!"

A supernova explosion occurred in the space of gravitational collapse, and Salwa was defeated. It's a terrible curse rush. And the info comes.

'Congratulations! Demon King Salwa has been crusaded'

"All demon kings, evil dragon crusades have wiped out the border walls"

Salwa is supposed to be the strongest class of this Demon King, but sometimes he has the most players who participated, and you didn't have that much experience growth.

Cheers from all. Meanwhile, the summit is calm.

"It's a swallowing thing. That demon god is coming next..."

"I'm going back to the freelancers now, and I'm heading to Gones tomorrow."

"Then so am I."

"Sylphi, your sister is this way."

Princess Silfi was caught by Princess Sarah.

"Isn't it strange to let the First Princess deal with the demon god? Sarah?"

"Keep moving around and say that? Just come with me!

"Ahhh. Guys, help me!

Princess Silfi's summoners dropped off with a troubled face.

"What's that?

"Is it a free-tier routine? Gones leaves it to him. Does that mean we're still dealing with the demon gods?

"You will. Let's say we get ready for the operation now."

"The size of the force will be the largest ever. It's worth the swing of your arm."

When Zhou Yu said so, everyone moved for the next operation. Mr. Sabah Can and Mr. Ruin participated in the demon god operation from our guild.

Besides me, members of my Gones search team were chosen by Mels, not Summoners, players and Reich, Reich Division I, Blue Freedom, from Wantwork, and Elixir Lapis. Mr Sigurd and the members of the Valkyrie, plus Jeanne, are hereby added.

This time Luke and the others are sending the demon god side. This was the general thrust of Gilmen. I don't even know what it feels like. You've been with me the whole time, and most importantly, you'd better have a little more flying power.

Mr. Crowe of Vineleaf is very busy repairing his weapon, so he couldn't join us. On Paladin Road it was decided that the Knights of the Round Table, with King Arthur as their axis, would participate.

As soon as we got back to the freelancers, we asked Paistos to fix the weapon. I'm sorry to be where I'm building weapons, but this is more of a priority than not making it.

"Excuse me. I didn't make it to the important fight."

"What are you talking about? Most of our weapons are made for us by Hepaistos, right? I'll win again with these weapons. Huh? Guys"


"... thank you. I wish you all a victory here."

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh he In the meantime, the details of the operation were determined.

The Reich defense team hits the demon god Angla Manyu first tomorrow night, and in that gap we break into Gones in battleship and make contact with the god of light.

It would be easier if we could make a transfer, but that was the best way to get in the battleship because it was sealed.

I have no idea what's going to happen from there. The certainty is that you'll have to go to complete this World Quest. We logged out in preparation for tomorrow's operation.

Name Tact Summoner of Love LV17

Vitality 140

Magic Power 340

Muscle strength 170

Defense 70

Agility 120

Dexterity value 214


Fighting Lv38 Lv39 Kicking Techniques Lv37 Lv38 Wand Lv41 Lv42 One-Handed Sword Lv50 Spear Lv34

Knife Lv43 Throw Operation Lv14 Chant Discard Lv34 Magic Operation Lv18 Magic Cut Lv23

Summoning Sorcery Lv41 Sealed Sorcery Lv40 Rune Sorcery Lv31 Inhibition Disabled Lv9 Horseman Lv42

Alchemy Lv27 Mining 36 Logging Lv39 Demolition Lv52 Appraisal Lv45

Identification Lv49 Disease Magic Lv15 Flame Magic Lv11 Ground Magic Lv15 Sea Magic Lv12

Dark Magic Lv12 Holy Magic Lv20 Lv21 Thunder Magic Lv45 Lv46 Blast Magic Lv50 Lv51 Wood Magic Lv36

Ice Magic Lv35 Lv36 Spacetime Magic Lv53 Beast Magic Lv8 Delay Magic Lv17 Continuous Chanting Lv39

Underwater Behavior Lv28 Empty Legs Lv3 Reading Lv18 Cooking Lv46 Fishing Lv22

Synchronous Lv31 Engagement Lv13 Collaboration Lv27

Name ion dragonut swallow lv16

Vitality 137

Magic Power 242

Muscle strength 160

Defense 92

Agility 320

Dexterity value 188


Dual Flow Lv50 Spear Lv10 Throwing Operation Lv34 Flying Lv39 Super Sensory Lv34 Lv35

Magic Operation Lv12 Lv14 Magic Cutting Lv25 Lv26 Fast Swimming Lv36 Dragon Eye Lv30 Moisture Body Lv16 Lv18

Ice Blade Lv38 Ethereal Thunder Lv29 Lv30 Multiple Strikes Lv30 Water Magic Lv28 Spacetime Magic Lv26

Water Flow Operation Lv10 Aokai Wave Lv19 Lv20 Hydraulic Boundary Lv14 Hail Lv20 Lv22 Star Ice Armored Lv20 Lv22

Ice Dungeon Lv13 Tsunami Lv4 Frozen Ray Lv12 Lv14 Reverse Scale Lv5 Dragon Technique Lv30

Dragonization Lv10 Dragon Magic Lv10 Rise and Fall Lv5 Dragon Brace Lv14 Lv15 Star Sea Dragon Protection Lv24

Cuisine LV30

Name Nova Drago Newt Dipendence LV13

Vitality 154

Magic Power 292

Muscle Strength 124

Defense 97

Agility 144

Dexterity value 229


Shadow Operation Lv28 Flying Lv33 Lv34 Curse Strike Lv19 Lv22 Shadow Detection Lv25 Shadow Move Lv17

Shadow Needle Lv18 Lv19 Shadow Latent Lv34 Shadow Curse Lv26 Lv27 Shadow Summon Lv15 Lv17 Signs Blocked Lv22

Virtual Lv12 Dark Vision Lv31 Lv32 Demonic Eye Lv17 Lv18 Underworld Wave Lv18 Lv19 Dark Magic Lv5

Super regenerated Lv8 black flame Lv7 focusing Lv10 Lv12 evil Lv18 resuscitated Lv4

Black Fog Lv22 Lv24 Spiritualized Lv6 Lv8 Instead Lv6 Lv10 Gravity Operated Lv5 Absorbed Lv5

Super Sensory Lv22 Lv24 Reverse Scale Lv5 Dragon Technique Lv16 Dragon Brace Lv15 Lv16 Dragon Magic Lv10

Dragonization Lv9 Cuisine Lv14 Evil Dragon Protection Lv17 Lv19

Name Brand Dominion LV13

Vitality 146

Magic Power 250

Muscle strength 180

Defense 194

Agility 172

Dexterity value 160


Flying Lv36 Lv37 Light Shield Lv37 Spear Lv39 Forced Lv29 Light Magic Lv22

Purification Lv7 Sacred Cabinet Lv5 Barrier Lv8 Lv9 Magic Obstruction Lv2 Windproof Wall Lv3

Feather Throw Lv9 Sanity Lv22 Sealed Magic Lv12 Holy Wave Lv10 Lv12 Glow Lv6

Focus Lv5 Lv6 Light Rain Lv12 Lv13 Light Wheel Lv32 Ethereal Thunder Lv3 Lv5 Light Glow Lv5 Lv8 Holy Bullet Lv25 Lv27

Sacred Therapy Lv6 Sanctuary Lv7 Guardian Junction Lv18 Lv20 Divine Punishment Lv15 Magic Manipulation Lv16

Multiple Strikes Lv25 Lv26 Medium Angel Protection Lv28 Heavenly Ascent Lv4

Name Hicks Opinions LV8

Vitality 146

Magic Power 218

Muscle strength 252

Defense 110

Agility 312

Dexterity value 154


Flying Lv42 Thunderclaw Lv30 Feather Throw Lv15 Ride Lv32 Storm Lv33

Windproof Wall Lv19 Whirlwind Blade Lv23 Disease Lv31 Lightning Discharge Lv16 Lv17 Remnants Lv32 Lv33

Light Speed Clash Lv23 Wind Magic Lv20 Holy Magic Lv10 Thunder Magic Lv22 Spacetime Magic Lv25

Rain Rain Lv12 Lv14 Thunder Breath Lv19 Flame Breath Lv17 Rainbow Light Lv11 Lv12 Ray Lv16 Lv17

Extreme Light Lv8 Lv10 Wind Wheel Lv9 Lv10 Continuous Attack Lv18 Lv20 Focus Lv9 Lv11 Rider Enhanced Lv31

Mad Warrior Lv5 Rainbow Protection Lv23

Name Spica Pegasus LV8

Vitality 150

Magic 196

Muscle Strength 232

Defense 82

Agility 286

Dexterity value 132


Rotation Angle Lv39 Light Speed Clash Lv36 Physical Destruction Lv32 Concentration Lv24 Horseback Riding Lv31

Water Driving Lv18 Hazard Prediction Lv28 Lv29 Signal Blocking Lv14 Remnants Lv17 Lv18 Star Rain Lv13 Lv14

Lightning Discharge Lv13 Lv14 Light Ray Lv16 Lv18 Light Chain Lv5 Storm Lv29 Disease Drive Lv36

Flying Lv21 Lv22 Shockwave Lv12 Hero Rider Lv28 Purification Lv13 Phantom Lv30 Lv31

Wood Magic Lv18 Sea Magic Lv5 Holy Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv21 Thunderbolt Lv7 Lv8

Mad Warrior Lv8 Resurrection Lv3 Assignment Lv3 Reverse Scale Lv5 Starbeast Protection Lv14

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