Name Tact Summoner of Petition LV21

Vitality 144

Magic Power 356

muscle strength 178

Defense 70

Agility 120

Dexterity value 220


Fighting Lv39 Kicking Technique Lv38 Wand Lv42 One-Handed Sword Lv50 Spear Lv34

Knife Lv43 Throw Operation Lv14 Chant Discard Lv34 Magic Operation Lv18 Magic Cut Lv23

Summoning Sorcery Lv41 Sealed Sorcery Lv40 Rune Sorcery Lv31 Inhibition Disabled Lv9 Horseman Lv42

Alchemy Lv27 Mining 36 Logging Lv39 Demolition Lv52 Appraisal Lv45

Identification Lv49 Disease Magic Lv15 Flame Magic Lv11 Ground Magic Lv15 Sea Magic Lv12

Dark Magic Lv12 Holy Magic Lv21 Thunder Magic Lv46 Blast Magic Lv51 Wood Magic Lv36

Ice Magic Lv36 Spacetime Magic Lv53 Beast Magic Lv8 Delay Magic Lv17 Continuous Chanting Lv39

Underwater Behavior Lv28 Empty Legs Lv3 Reading Lv18 Cooking Lv46 Fishing Lv22

Synchronous Lv31 Engagement Lv13 Collaboration Lv27

The remaining skill points are 76pt. The number of monsters you can summon is 4.


Cane: pine cane, baobab cane, oak cane, yellow dragon cane, water tree cane

Sword: Scarlet Ring, One Handed Sword of Reap Ring (Iron Sword), Grand Alvring, Holy Sword Glam, Mithrill Sword,

Spears: Riepling straight spears, single-horn dragon spears

Knife: Leapling's Silver Knife, Thunder

Magic Book: Famieux

Gun: Queen Ampistol Modified

Cannon: Taslam

Protective equipment: robes of papiness sheep, robes of gold wool, dragon robes of reepling, robes of winter reaper, robes of teumesos

Shoes: Wolf Shoes, Reaping Dragon Shoes, Teumesos Shoes

Gloves: Dragon Gloves in Reap Ring

Cloak: Wind Dragon Cloak

Decoration: Beef Ball Necklace, Engagement

IMPORTANT ITEMS: Witch Hidden, Unlocked Wood Key, Tracked Wind Chicken

Normal Items: Finist's Wing Pen, Hawkman's Wing Pen, Legion's Wing Pen, Dynamite, Queen Anne's Statue, Grenade, Magic Inhibitor Smokescreen


[Straight], [Jab], [Hook], [Upper], [Body Blow], [Jolt], [Dragon Hole]

Kicking moves

[Front Kick], [Foot Pay], [Back Kick], [Side Kick], [Turn Kick], [Fly Kick], [Binary Kick], [Knee Kick], [Serial Kick], [Heel Drop]

wand martial arts

[Hit], [Magic Up], [Magic Barrett], [Magic Circle], [Entrust], [Trinity Magic], [Shift Change], [Magic Javelin], [Resist],

[Magic Blast], [Magic Shield]

one-handed sword

[Slash], [Heavy Slash], [Wind Poke], [Hayabusa Slash], [Serial Slash],

[Aerial Slash], [Mirage Slash], [Buster Caliber]


[Blink], [Return Blink], [Draw Strike], [Living Slash], [Blink], [Rapid Rain], [Baihua Chaos]


[Lancer], [Backdancer], [Pilebunker], [Whirlwind Wheel], [Penetrator],


[]/(n, vs) (yoji) magic/magic/magic/

[Windcutter], [Airshot], [Air Impact], [Element Wind],

[Fuwar Wind], [Atmosphere], [Windwall], [Downburst],

[Dust Devil], [Fly], [Sonic Boom], [Supercell], [Tornado],


Flame Magic

[Fire], [Power Up], [Fire Arrow], [Element Fire],

[Fireshower], [Burst], [Firewall], [Heat Trans],

[Resist Heat], [Fireblast], [Tridhell], [Flame Circle],

[Firestorm], [Ravaflow]

earthly magic

[Earthshot], [Madball], [EarthArrow], [Element Earth],

[Tremmer], [Earthwall], [Bottomless Swamp], [Dessert Storm],

[Earthquake], [Resist Stone], [Meteo], [Sink Hole],

[Walling Rock], [Lampard]

Sea magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua],

[Water Cutter], [Splash], [Aquawall], [Water Prison],


[Hydric Press], [Marine Snow]

Dark magic

[Attackdown], [Defensive Down], [Slow], [Magic Down],

[Sleep], [Illusion], [Charm], [Dark Knight],

[Shadow Room], [Dark Ray], [Nightmare], [Curse]

sacred magic

[Heel], [Light], [Attack Up], [Defense Up], [Laser],

[Clear], [Area Heels], [Light Shield], [Refresh], [Flash Bang],

[Saint], [Brace], [Heel All], [Shining], [Rainbow Circle],


Thunder Magic

[Stan], [Lightning], [Shock Bolt], [Thunderbrunch], [Blitz],

[Resist Paralysis], [Thundervaltex], [Magnetic Circle]

Explosion magic

[Bomb], [Mine], [Ray Bloat], [Red Ray], [Explosion],

[Time Bomb], [Chain Explosion], [Dimension Bomb], [Detonation], [Napalm]

Wood magic

[Glow], [Leaf Cutter], [Poison], [Bin Bind], [Chic],

[Gilty Thorn]

Ice magic

[Ice Needle], [Slip], [Freeze], [Icicle Arrow], [Resist Ice],

[Blizzard], [Diamond Dust], [Hail Shower]

space-time magic

[Quick], [Return], [Communication], [Proposal], [Warp Gate],

[Gatepoint], [Acceleration], [Teleport], [Teleportation],

[Dimension Fault]

sealing magic

[Rune Arts], [Rune Magic], [Rune Skills], [Rune Weapon],


Summoning magic

[Demon Stone Summoning], [List Summoning], [Legion Summoning], [Synthetic Summoning], [Combined Summoning], [Sealed Stone Summoning]


[Demon Stone Generation], [Shape Change]


[Fermentation], [Powdering], [Drying]


[Synchro Burst], [Synchro Vision]


[Engagement Burst]

Alliance Rank

Adventurer Alliance Orange

Beast Demon Guild Orange


"Challenger to Demonic Extremes," "Pioneer of Title," "Hunter of the Young Wood Forest," "Three Star Chef," "PKK," "Innocent Champion," "Blessing of the Young Wood Forest," "Pioneer of Class Change," "Riding Combat," "Crusader of Named Demons," "Pioneer of Synthetic Summons," "Dear Summoner," "Liberator of the Base Area," "Point winning kings," "liberator of ancient islands," "loricon," "dragon neut summoner," "fairy summoner," "knight's medal," "pioneer of senior positions," "free-tier hero," "savior of the village of verdole," "liberator of the summoner," "breakthrough of the rabbi rinth," "liberator of the rainy village," "foundational magic master," "demon conductor," "liberator of slaves," "dragon killer," of Reason, Pioneer of Top Positions, Demon King Killer, God Killer, Beyond Dragon Trials, Desert God Challenger, Big Water Tree Blessing, World Tree Blessing, Cherry Blossom Toy Champion, Hero Warrior, Intermediary, Ghost Teacher, Second Dueling Event Champion

Lily, Ion, Sethia, Love Fire, Ix, Nowa, Livina, Lian, Wah Fox, Blanc, Sefone, Farida, Yuwell, Gray, Tiger Thou, Konoha, Chess, Gail, White Night, Yu Fang, Black Iron, Alanea, Locomoco, Airy, Darley, Fox, Pusuke, Luna, Meal, Ishino, Hix, Dean, Stra, Safi, Moon Glow Night, Spica, Cruz, Ethereal, Sieg, Coral, Thousand Shadows, Harbellas

42 bodies

Name Lily Dragon Newt Hope LV20

Vitality 170

Magic 186

muscle strength 352

Defense 128

Agility 154

Dexterity value 126

Star Fist Lv26 Flying Lv41 One-Handed Sword Lv48 Great Sword Lv44 Ham Lv24

Hazard Prediction Lv35 Super Sensory Lv36 Dragon Eye Lv31 Star Reading Lv37 Physical Destruction Lv33

Star Armor Lv 30 Star Wall Lv 20 Star Rain Lv 19 Holy Cabinet Lv 4 Star Light Lv 12 Continuous Strike Lv 33

Focused Lv17 Super Playback Lv24 Stars Qi Lv43 Light Magic Lv27 Stars Wave Lv20

Interstellar Cloud Lv7 Reflection Lv8 Reverse Scale Lv6 Dragon Technique Lv30 Dragon Magic Lv10

Dragonized Lv10 Dragon Breath Lv16 Live and Rehabilitated Lv5 Star Dragon Protection Lv23


Great Sword: The Great Sword of Reapling (Iron Great Sword), The Great Sword of the Flying Lizard, Est Oracion, The Great Sword of the Crystal Dragon

Hammer: hammer of reepling, load hammer of reepling

Protective Equipment: Dragon Newt Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Made Outfit (Classical), Party Dress

Shoes: Dragonut's Shoes

Decoration: Engagement, Cherry Blossom Hair Decoration, Dragon Necklace

one-handed sword

[Slash], [Heavy Slash], [Wind Poke], [Hayabusa Slash], [Serial Slash],

[Aerial Sabre], [Mirage Slash], [Star Sword]

Great Sword

[Charge Slash], [Rolling Slash], [Impact Slash],

[Grand Slash], [Shield Break], [Blade Break], [Burst Slash]


[Crash], [Impact Crash]

Dragon technique

[Dragonclaw], [Dragontail], [Dragondive], [Dragonwing]

Light magic

[Heel], [Light], [Attack Up], [Defense Up], [Laser],

[Clear], [Area Heel], [Light Shield]

Dragon Magic

[Shooting Starlight], [Dragonic Bracing]

Name Ion Dragon Newt Swallow LV20

Vitality 140

Magic Power 254

muscle strength 166

Defense 92

Agility 336

Dexterity value 190


Dual Flow Lv50 Spear Lv10 Throwing Operation Lv34 Flying Lv39 Super Sensory Lv35

Magic Manipulation Lv14 Magic Cutting Lv26 Fast Swimming Lv36 Dragon Eye Lv30 Moisture Body Lv18

Ice Blade Lv38 Ethereal Thunder Lv30 Multiple Strikes Lv30 Water Magic Lv28 Spacetime Magic Lv26

Water Flow Operation Lv10 Aokai Wave Lv20 Hydraulic Junction Lv14 Hail Lv22 Star Ice Armored Lv22

Ice Dungeon Lv13 Tsunami Lv4 Frozen Ray Lv14 Reverse Scale Lv5 Dragon Technique Lv30

Dragonization Lv10 Dragon Magic Lv10 Rebirth Lv5 Dragon Brace Lv15 Star Sea Dragon Protection Lv24

Cuisine LV30


Sword: One Handed Sword of Reaping (Iron Sword), Silver Sword of Reaping, Twin Greyshire, Twin Tempestors

Spears: Riepling's Straight Spear, Star Crystal's Wind Spear

Protective Equipment: Dragon Newt Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Maid Clothing (Minisca), Party Dress

Shoes: Dragonut's Shoes

Decoration: Star Hair Decoration, Engagement, Dragon Necklace

[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk

[Double Slash], [Dual Edge], [Countercross], [Dual Splash],

[Sturm Edge], [Meatier Edge], [Sea Smelting Blade], [Grand Southern Cross]


[Lancer], [Backdancer], [Pilebunker]

Water magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua],

[Water Cutter], [Splash], [Aquawall], [Water Prison]

space-time magic

[Quick], [Return], [Communication], [Proposal], [Warp Gate],


Dragon technique

[Dragonwave], [Dragontail], [Dragondive], [Dragonwing]

Dragon Magic

[Quattro Sea Spud], [Dragonic Cyclone]

Name Sethia Holly Elf LV18

Vitality 152

Magic Power 348

Muscle Strength 136

Defense 93

Agility 124

Dexterity value 300


Wand Lv25 Magic Bow Lv42 Eagle Eye Lv34 Shooting Lv33 Woodworking Lv30

Collection Lv38 Dispensing Lv20 Engraving Lv16 Gemstone Magic Lv12 Gemstone Finishing Lv12

Sealed Magic Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv23 Concurrent Chanting Lv23 Magic Operation Lv13 Wind Magic Lv22

Flame Magic Lv1 Sea Magic Lv1 Earth Magic Lv23 Dark Magic Lv15 Holy Magic Lv11

Thunder Magic Lv24 Explosion Magic Lv23 Wood Magic Lv27 Ice Magic Lv20 Tree Magic Lv28

Trap Installation Lv5 Magic Inhibition Lv2 Inhibition Disabled Lv1 Forest Manipulation Lv11 Knowledge of Holy Elves Lv31

Spirit Summoning Lv11 Spirit Junction Lv13 Spirit Magic Lv3 Column Stone Junction Lv7 Servant Lv14

Cuisine LV25


Cane: Cypress Cane, Maple Cane

Magic Wand: Clan Reap

Bow: Cypress Bow, Maple Bow, Acacia Long Bow, Cherry Bow

Arrows: Cypress Arrows, Pine Arrows, Baobab Poison Arrows, Hydra Poison Arrows, One-Horned Dragon Arrows, One-Horned Dragon Poison Arrows, Trikabuto Poison Arrows,

Magic Instruction Book: Skogentact

Protective Equipment: Elf's Protective Equipment, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Maid Clothing (French), Party Dress

Shoes: Elf's Shoes

Decoration: Ring necklace with ribbon, engagement and grass knot

wand martial arts

[Hit], [Magic Up], [Magic Barrett], [Magic Circle], [Entrust],

[Trinity Magic], [Shift Change]

Magic Bow

[Shoot], [Strike Shoot], [Trident Arrow], [Arrow Rain],

[Penetrate Arrow], [Burst Arrow]

Jewelry magic

[Generation of treasure balls]

Wind magic

[Windcutter], [Airshot], [Air Impact], [Element Wind],

[Fuwar Wind], [Atmosphere], [Windwall], [Downburst],

Flame Magic

[Fire], [Power Up], [Fire Arrow], [Element Fire],

[Fireshower], [Burst], [Firewall], [Heat Trans],

[Resist Heat], [Fireblast], Tridhell], [Flame Circle]

earthly magic

[Earthshot], [Madball], [EarthArrow], [Element Earth],

[Tremmer], [Earthwall], [Bottomless Swamp], [Dessert Storm]

Sea magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua], [Water Cutter],

[Splash], [Aquawall], [Water Prison], [Bracelain],

[Submarie], [Karen Rapids], [Waterworld]

Dark Magic

[Attackdown], [Defensive Down], [Slow], [Magic Down], [Sleep],


sacred magic

[Saint], [Brace], [Heel All], [Shining]

Thunder Magic

[Stan], [Lightning], [Shock Bolt], [Thunderbrunch],

[Resist Paralysis], [Blitz]

Explosion magic

[Bomb], [Mine], [Ray Bloat], [Red Ray], [Explosion],

[Time Bomb]

Wood magic

[Glow], [Leaf Cutter], [Poison], [Binbind], [Debrey Poison],


Ice magic

[Ice Needle], [Slip], [Freeze], [Icicle Arrow]

Tree magic

[Forest Warrior], [Woodwall], [Woodbrace], [BlossomStorm]

Spirit Summoning

[Spirit of the earth], [Spirit of the water tree]

Name Love Fire Hermit Beast LV18

Vitality 160

Magic Power 214

Muscle strength 258

Defense 100

Agility 306

Dexterity value 164

Knife Lv43 Duplicant Lv35 Sickle Lv25 Flame Magic Lv12 Spacetime Magic Lv19

Black Flame Lv23 Holy Fire Lv35 Flame Operation Lv9 Days Ear Pass Lv36 He Heart Pass Lv23

Hazard Prediction Lv36 Signs Blocked Lv10 Magic Cutting Lv24 Physical Cutting Lv26

Spiritual Power Lv16 Immortal Qi Lv27 Immortal Lv21 Phantom Lv14 Divine Magic Lv16

Cut Lv23 shrinkage Lv31 kamikatsu Lv30 witchcraft Lv12 blood awakening Lv14

Cuisine Lv28 Red Flame Lv8 Fire Lv6 Hermit Brace Lv10 Fox moves Lv12

Divine Down Lv2 Veterization Lv8

Sword: One Handed Sword of Reaping (Iron Sword), Flaming Wolf Sword

Knife: Leapling's Silver Knife, Love Moon, Yang Fire, Love Huang

Protective Equipment: Witch Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Made Outfit (Japanese Style), Party Dress

Decoration: Bell Hair Decoration, Engagement, Cherry Blossom Hair Decoration


[Blink], [Return Blink], [Draw Strike], [Living Slash], [Blink], [Rapid Rain]

[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk

[Double Slash], [Dual Edge],, [Countercross],

[Dual Splash], [Sturm Edge]

Flame Magic

[Tridhel], [Flame Circle], [Firestorm], [Larvaflow]

Shinto Magic

[Xu], [junction]


[Change], [Sneak]


[Aerial floating], [Self-regeneration]

Fox moves

[Hermit Tail], [Flame Vehicle]

Name ix command exmakina lv17

Vitality 207

Magic 207

muscle strength 207

Defense 207

Agility 207

Dexterity value 207


Flight Lv25 Multi Soldier Clothing Lv34 Dark Vision Lv20 Telephoto Lv26 Shooting Lv32

Essential Lv18 Detailed Analysis Lv13 Computational Processing Lv33 Command Lv11 Multiple Targeting Lv15

Behavioral Prediction Lv28 Ranged Enemy Lv32 Magic Sensing Lv6 Reflection Lv14 Super Armored Lv3

Magic Recovery Lv12 Serial Lv30 Accelerated Lv7 Barrier Lv5 Spatial Grasp Lv13

Replacement Lv11 Parallel Links Lv28 Assistance Request Lv6 Collaboration Lv4 Magic Charging Lv20

Unlimiter Lv3 EM Burst Lv3

submarine unit

Underwater Behavior Lv6 Diving Lv6

Energy ring

Throw LV

Aircraft uniform

[Twin Energy Blades], [Energy Gun], [Energy Cannon], [Missile Launcher], [Wing Unit], [Ion Booster], [Headgear], [Stannet Gun], [Taylor Energy Gun], [Sword Flyer], [Laser Flyer], [Reflector], [Energy Barrier], [Ranged Sound Radar], [Magic Sensing Radar], [Missile], [Tracking Missile] [Energy Ring]

Outfit: Freedom (in case of redecoration from analysis, the ability of the protective equipment does not exist), swimsuit, party dress

Decoration: Engagement Ring, Ring Necklace with Reap Ring

Requests for assistance: Sub-exmakina (Mia, Dio), Nano-exmakina (Ann, Du), Evidence Zero (only from Battleship)

Name Nova Drago Newt Dipendence LV17

Vitality 160

Magic Power 308

Muscle strength 128

Defense 97

Agility 148

Dexterity value 238


Shadow Operation Lv28 Flying Lv34 Curse Strike Lv22 Shadow Detection Lv25 Shadow Move Lv17

Shadow Needle Lv19 Shadow Latent Lv34 Shadow Curse Lv27 Shadow Summon Lv17 Signs Blocked Lv22

Virtual Lv12 Dark Vision Lv32 Demonic Eye Lv18 Underworld Wave Lv19 Dark Magic Lv5

Super regenerated Lv8 black flame Lv7 focusing Lv12 evil Lv18 resuscitated Lv4

Black Fog Lv24 Spiritualized Lv8 Instead Lv10 Gravity Operated Lv5 Absorbed Lv5

Super Sensory Lv24 Reverse Scale Lv5 Dragon Technique Lv16 Dragon Brace Lv16 Dragon Magic Lv10

Dragonization Lv9 Cuisine Lv14 Evil Dragon Protection Lv19

Protective Equipment: Dragon Newt Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Party Dress

Shoes: Dragonut's Shoes

Decoration: Engagement, Moon Necklace

Shadow Actions

[Shadow Dragon]

Dark magic

[Nightmare], [Curse]

Dragon Magic

[Dragonic Prison], [Yville Grant Payne]

Dragon technique

[Dragon Absolute], [Dragon Tail]

Name Livina Lilim LV17

Vitality 154

Magic Power 306

muscle strength 156

Defense 114

Agility 210

Dexterity value 208


Whip Lv19 Blood Sucking Claws Lv15 Demon Fist Lv7 Flying Lv31 Hidden Lv14

Dark vision Lv28 corrupt Lv36 psychic induction Lv15 trap installation Lv5 attractive absorption Lv37

Magic Manipulation Lv7 Magic Inhibition Lv3 Streak Lv18 Dark Magic Lv17 Thunder Magic Lv18

Blast Magic Lv18 Spacetime Magic Lv16 Shadow Lurking Lv6 Gold Tied Lv9 Clustering Lv5

Barrier Lv12 Dream Lv12 Dark Bullet Lv22 Dream Bubble Shadow Lv5 Black Fog Lv3

Super Playback Lv3 Magic Liberation Lv7 Dark Wave Lv10 Slutty Dream Boundary Lv27 Demonization Lv5

Dream Demon Protection LV9

Whip: Thunder Dragon Whip

Protective Equipment: Sacubus Clothing, Papinez Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal costumes: shorts, short t-shirts, date costumes, party dresses

Shoes: Sacubas Shoes

Decoration: Heart necklace, engagement


[Wip], [Swamp], [Swamp Up]

Dark Magic

[Attack Down], [Defense Down], [Slow], [Magic Down]

Thunder Magic

[Stan], [Lightning], [Shock Bolt], [Thunderbrunch],

Blast Magic

[Bomb], [Mine], [Ray Bloat], [Red Ray],

space-time magic

[Quick], [Return], [Communication], [Proposal], [Warp Gate],


Name Lianne Nehrace LV17

Vitality 152

Magic Power 320

muscle strength 144

Defense 100

Agility 257

Dexterity value 212


Spear Lv34 Wand Lv1 Hymn Lv36 Curse Lv12 Dance Lv12

Fast Swimming Lv33 Continuous Chanting Lv12 Chanting Discard Lv14 Concurrent Chanting Lv14 Hydraulic Bullet Lv15

Disease Magic Lv11 Water Magic Lv24 Holy Magic Lv10 Thunder Magic Lv19 Collaboration Lv8

Riding Lv16 Future Predictions Lv7 Multiple Attacks Lv17 Diving Lv18 Seduction Lv12

Acoustic Detection Lv19 Flood Lv6 Water Flow Operation Lv10 Sea Wave Lv12 Tsunami Lv8

hydraulic junction Lv3 heavenly punishment Lv4 pseudo goddess Lv5 cooking Lv18 personage Lv31

Mermaid Protection LV10

Cane: Oak's Cane

Spears: Ripled straight spears, Ripled silver spears, Earla Trident

Magic Book: Snowdance Tact

Normal Costume: Pink One Piece, Papinese Sheep Robe, Swimsuit, Party Dress

Decorations: Seashell Necklace, Mermaid Pendant, Pearl Bracelet

Exclusive Equipment: Thunder Mermaid Crystal, Ice Mermaid Crystal

wand martial arts



[Lancer], [Backlancer], [Pilebunker], [Whirlwind Wheel], [Penetrator]

[]/(n, vs) (yoji) magic/magic/magic/

[Sonic Boom], [Supercell], [Tornado], [Expansion]

Water magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua], [Aquawall],

[Water Prison]

sacred magic

[Saint], [Brace], [Heel All], [Shining]

Thunder Magic

[Stan], [Lightning], [Shock Bolt], [Thunderbrunch],

Name Wafox Hermit Beast LV17

Vitality 168

Magic Power 320

Muscle Strength 143

Defense 106

Agility 238

Dexterity value 235


Fan Lv14 Kagura Lv17 Throw Operation Lv10 Black Flame Lv22 Holy Fire Lv27

Flame Operated Lv 8 Days Ear Pass Lv 24 Other Heart Pass Lv 16 Kamipo Pass Lv 17 Hazard Detection Lv 28

Sealed Magic Lv20 Phantom Lv16 Flaming Magic Lv11 Holy Magic Lv13 Shinto Magic Lv34

Witchcraft Lv17 Spirituality Lv10 Style God Lv5 Talisman Lv6 Immortality Lv17

Immortal Lv14 Dining Structure Lv16 Gold Tied Lv3 Fire Lv4 Sewing Lv32

Leather Craftsman Lv24 Cooking Lv26 Blood Awakening Lv9 Hermit Brace Lv13 Fox moves Lv15

Divine Down Lv2 Veterization Lv9

Fan: White Fan

Protective Equipment: Witch Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Normal Costume: Party Dress

Decoration: Flaming Necklace

Flame Magic

[Tridhel], [Flame Circle], [Firestorm], [Larvaflow]

sacred magic

[Saint], [Brace], [Heel All], [Shining]

Shinto Magic

[Xu], [Junction], [Prayer], [Dazhi]


[Change], [Sneak]

sealing magic

[RuneArts], [RuneMagic]

Fox moves

[Hermit Tail], [Flame Vehicle]


[Aerial Floating]

Formula God

[Paper God]


[Attack Talisman], [Defense Talisman]

Name Brand Dominion LV17

Vitality 146

Magic Power 266

Muscle Strength 184

Defense 198

Agility 184

Dexterity value 162


Flying Lv37 Light Shield Lv37 Spear Lv39 Forced Lv29 Light Magic Lv22

Purification Lv7 Sacred Cabinet Lv5 Barrier Lv9 Magic Obstruction Lv2 Windproof Wall Lv3

Feather Throw Lv9 Sanity Lv22 Sealed Magic Lv12 Holy Wave Lv12 Glow Lv6

Clustering Lv6 Light Rain Lv13 Light Wheel Lv32 Pale Thunder Lv5 Light Light Lv8 Holy Bullet Lv27

Sacred Therapy Lv6 Sanctuary Lv7 Guardian Junction Lv20 Divine Punishment Lv15 Magic Manipulation Lv16

Multiple Strikes Lv26 Medium Angel Protection Lv28 Ascent Lv4

Spear: Riepling's Straight Spear, Earla Javelin

Shield: Starfrost Shield, Pallers Shield

Magic Book: Bright Tact

Protective Equipment: Angel Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Usually: Party Dress

Decoration: Angel Feather Necklace


[Shield Guard], [Repel], [Shield Attack], [Impact Counter],

[Shield Drive]


[Lancer], [Backlancer], [Pilebunker], [Whirlwind Wheel], [Penetrator],


Light magic

[Heel], [Light], [Attack Up], [Defense Up], [Laser],

[Clear], [Area Heel], [Light Shield]

Name Sefone Vampire Queen LV17

Vitality 180

Magic Power 278

muscle strength 156

Defense 110

Agility 146

Dexterity value 210


Sickle Lv19 Shadow Wings Lv20 Blood Sucking Lv26 Dark Vision Lv32 Blood Sucking Claws Lv10

Shadow latent Lv22 shadow operation Lv12 shadow summons Lv30 shadow movement Lv7 hidden Lv20

Dark Magic Lv10 Ice Magic Lv17 Spacetime Magic Lv15 Gravity Operated Lv4 Fantasy Lv2

Transfer Lv5 Resuscitation Lv20 Immortality Lv27 Blood Flow Operation Lv22 Bleeding Bullet Lv18

Blooddragon Lv7 Gold Tied Lv7 Barrier Lv8 Blood Crystal Lv15 Restraint Operated Lv5

Magic Erosion Lv2 Magic Liberation Lv5 Curse Seal Lv26 Dark Wave Lv16 Blood Wake Lv2

Vampire Protection LV10

Sickle: Dark Sickle, Winter Reaper Sickle

Protective Equipment: Vampire Clothing, Papiness Sheep Robes, Swimwear

Shoes: Vampire Shoes

Normal Costume: Party Dress

Decoration: Bat Necklace


[Slice], [Charge Slicer], [Rolling Slicer]

Dark magic

[Nightmare], [Curse], [Lifedrain], [Magicdrain]

Ice magic

[Ice Needle], [Slip], [Freeze], [Icicle Arrow], [Blizzard],

[Resist freeze]

space-time magic

[Quick], [Return], [Communication], [Proposal], [Warp Gate],


Name Farida Demon General LV17

Vitality 102

Magic 164

Muscle Strength 248

Defense 80

Agility 130

Dexterity value 128


Axe Lv26 Demon Fist Lv28 Dance Lv10 Throw Operation Lv12 Shrink Lv22

Load Manipulation Lv20 Evil Lv34 Dark Magic Lv10 Spacetime Magic Lv23 Concentration Lv33

Seduction Lv15 Physical Destruction Lv31 Defense Disabled Lv2 Combat Elevation Lv1 Magic Disruption Lv26

Gravity Operated Lv10 Dark Bullet Lv23 Dark Wave Lv12 Shock Wave Lv13 Continuous Strike Lv12

Blade Lv10 Demonic Art Lv7 Magic Liberation Lv18 pseudo Demonization Lv5

Axe: Dark Battle Axe of Reaping

Protective Equipment: Sandfall Desert Clothing

Shoes: Sandfall Desert Shoes

Normal Costume: Party Dress

Decoration: Sterling Silver Ring Bracelet


[Swing], [Heavy Smash], [Rolling Smash], [Charging Smash],

Dark magic

[Nightmare], [Curse], [Magic Drain], [LifeDrain]

space-time magic

[Quick], [Return], [Communication], [Proposal], [Warp Gate],


Demon General Technique

[Breaking Break]

Name Yuwell Drago Newt Core LV11

Vitality 156

Magic 120

Muscle Strength 229

Defense 306

Agility 94

Dexterity value 112


Iron Fist Lv2 Everything Armed Lv13 Mining Lv1 Forging Lv12 Robust Lv12

Forced Lv7 Dragon Angle Lv3 Clash Lv7 Super Sensory Lv9 Dragon Eye Lv7

Fast regenerating Lv8 containment Lv5 practice air Lv15 load operated Lv13 metal armored Lv7

Metal Wall Lv10 Gemstone Throwing Lv3 Gravity Operated Lv13 Soil Magic Lv10 Soil Latent Lv10

Clustering Lv5 Stone Wave Lv8 Throwing Operation Lv3 Geographical Operation Lv1 Reverse Scale Lv3

Dragon Magic Lv6 Dragon Techniques Lv8 Dragonized Lv6 Dragon Brace Lv5 Rebirth Lv3

Star-Nuclear Dragon Protection LV6

Weapons: Great Sword of Steel, Battleax of Steel, Hammer of Steel, Great Shield of Steel, Flail Morningstar of Steel, Halvard of Steel, Tonfer of Steel, Cannon

Protective Equipment: Dragonut Clothing

Shoes: Dragonut's Shoes

earthly magic

[Earthshot], [Madball], [EarthArrow], [Element Earth],

[Tremmer], [Earthwall]

Dragon technique

[Dragon Armor]

Dragon Magic

[Petroy Lotion]

Name Gray Acena LV22

Vitality 100

Magic 112

Muscle strength 180

Defense 100

Agility 222

Dexterity value 120


Biting Lv37 Mithrill Nails Lv36 Robust Lv29 Sign Sensing Lv35 Hazard Prediction Lv36

Hair Needle Lv21 Dark Vision Lv32 Preemptive Lv24 Mithril's Tooth Lv37 Disease Walking Lv36

Divine Lv28 Spiritual Power Lv15 Divine Magic Lv12 Phantom Wolf Lv22 Discover Lv18

Lurking Lv14 Instant Death Lv22 Roaring Lv22 Mithrill Brace Lv15 Awakening Lv8

Co-operative Lv19 Coverage Lv10

Name Conoha Glaux LV21

Vitality 100

Magic Power 210

Muscle Strength 104

Defense 74

Agility 160

Dexterity value 175


Assassination Lv34 Flying Lv46 Ice Claws Lv29 Feather Throw Lv35 God-Eyed Lv38

Signs Blocked Lv31 Continuous Chanting Lv29 Chanting Discarded Lv29 Magic Operated Lv25 Concurrent Chanting Lv27

Disease Magic Lv4 Sea Magic Lv2 Holy Magic Lv21 Dark Magic Lv15 Thunder Magic Lv36

Ice Magic Lv42 Spacetime Magic Lv23 Ice Blade Lv32 Phantom Lv21 Guardian Lv10

Cold Resistant Lv18 Goddess Protection Lv10

Name Tiger Cher Demon Knife Tiger LV21

Vitality 98

Magic 98

Muscle Strength 264

Defense 86

Agility 141

Dexterity value 120


Biting Lv22 Nail Strike Lv24 Tail Knife Lv42 Duplicate Lv39 Leap Lv30

Dark vision Lv27 assault Lv33 intimidation Lv14 shrinkage Lv29 whirlwind Lv21

Demon Lv29 Physical Cutting Lv26 Magic Cutting Lv17 Thunderlight Lv23 Continuous Strike Lv27

Sickle Lv31 Tiger Gun Lv17 Super Sensory Lv28 Demon Knife Liberation Lv10

Name Chez Arcas Bear LV19

Vitality 112

Magic 158

Muscle strength 158

Defense 196

Agility 74

Dexterity value 84


Biting Lv29 Fighting Lv29 Ice Axe Lv31 Iron Wall Lv35 Forced Lv33

Ice Armor Lv34 Star Armor Lv28 Physical Destruction Lv30 Magic Resistance Lv24 Assault Lv33

Swimming Behavior Lv29 Ice Claws Lv33 Ice Fangs Lv19 Snow Lurking Lv17 Iced Braces Lv23

Holy Brace Lv17 Ice Throw Lv36 Serial Strike Lv24 Holy Magic Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv19

Star Protection LV16

Name Gayle Nemea LV18

Vitality 82

Magic 164

muscle strength 138

Defense 112

Agility 222

Dexterity value 80


Chewing Up Lv28 Disease Drive Lv29 Square Shooting Lv30 Thunder Magnetic Armor Lv16 Gold Armor Lv23

Physical Destruction Lv20 Thunderclaw Lv35 Intimidation Lv16 Dark Vision Lv29 Taunting Lv28

Thunder Magic Lv35 Earth Magic Lv3 Electromagnetic Operation Lv16 Vessel Operation Lv4 Charging Lv15

Discharge Lv27 Lightning Lv26 Thunder Tooth Lv20 Thunder Needle Lv8 Madness Warrior Lv6

Lightning Lv13 Golden Protection Lv14

Name White Tiger White Night LV18

Vitality 100

Magic 140

Muscle strength 158

Defense 76

Agility 220

Dexterity value 106


Biting Lv28 Wind Claws Lv34 Other Hearts Lv24 Kamikaze Lv33 Leap Lv22

Heavenly Ear Channel Lv14 Defense Disabled Lv21 Dark Vision Lv26 Intimidation Lv13 Wind Magic Lv28

Earth Magic Lv2 Thunder Magic Lv20 Forest Manipulation Lv7 Context Manipulation Lv7 Xianqi Lv30

Spiritual Power Lv20 Spiritualization Lv13 Holy Wave Lv12 Storm Lv20 Roar Lv18

Shrink Lv 30 Desolate Lv 7

Name Youfang Marnagarm LV18

Vitality 80

Magic 199

Muscle Strength 122

Defense 154

Agility 123

Dexterity value 74


Biting Lv35 Signs Sensing Lv31 Hazard Prediction Lv29 Ice Claws Lv27 Dark Vision Lv28

Defense Disabled Lv24 Resistance Disabled Lv20 Ice Throw Lv15 Ice Tooth Lv32 Ice Armor Lv21

Reflective Lv13 Extremely Cold Brace Lv30 Frozen Bullet Lv18 Snowstorm Lv2 Snow Latent Lv19

Immediate Death Lv18 Cold Resistant Lv18 Mad Warrior Lv7 July Protection Lv7

Name Black Iron Steel Golem LV18

Vitality 202

Magic 0

Muscle Strength 272

Defense 272

Agility 36

Dexterity value 38


Fighting Lv25 Robust Lv49 Deformed Lv18 Forced Lv46 Physical Resistance Lv43

Physical Destruction Lv23 Mining Lv6 Steel Wire Lv14 Catapulting Lv14 Ray Lv22

Sniping Lv25 Electromagnetic Lv20 Rotational Injection Lv26 Electrical Resistance Lv6 Cold Resistance Lv3

Heat Resistant Lv20 Poison Disabled Lv13 Disease Disabled Lv9 Corrosion Disabled Lv5 Playback Lv27

Guardian LV9

Name Alanea Girls Spider LV18

Vitality 100

Magic 155

Muscle Strength 139

Defense 65

Agility 82

Dexterity value 236


Blood Sucking Lv10 Fighting Lv6 Adhesive Yarn Lv33 Flexible Yarn Lv23 Steel Wire Lv46

Manipulative Yarn Lv17 Sewing Lv24 Hidden Lv15 Trap Installation Lv32 Yarn Sensing Lv15

Toxic Brace Lv16 Earthlurk Lv23 Throw Lv7 Earthmagic Lv15 Dark Magic Lv11

Curse Lv7 Charm Lv7 Servant Lv10 Demon Lv19 Demon Lv17

Awakening LV5

Name Loco Moco Gold Sheep LV18

Vitality 204

Magic 176

Muscle Strength 42

Defense 180

Agility 114

Dexterity value 100


Flying Lv30 Clash Lv6 Hazard Prediction Lv23 Escape Lv13 Hair Growth Lv26

Milking Lv26 Cold Resistant Lv3 Happiness Lv14 Blessing Lv14 Protective Lv17

Discharge Lv10 Thunder Magic Lv20 Light Magic Lv21 Purification Lv1 Heavenly Punishment Lv10

Thundering Lv9 Light Glow Lv4 Heaven's Protection Lv14 Gold's Protection Lv6

Name Puisuke Clear Slime LV18

Vitality 205

Magic 76

Muscle strength 0

Defense 246

Agility 86

Dexterity value 122


Predatory Lv42 Defensive Lv27 Physical Invalid Lv41 Deformed Lv45 Captured Lv16

Adhesive Lv22 Impact Absorption Lv33 Virtual Lv7 Divided Lv26 Ultra Playback Lv31

Taunt Lv25 Corrosion Lv30 Underwater Behavior Lv25 Extremely Cold Body Lv39 Purification Lv24

Disassembly Lv29 Absorption Lv19 Water Pressure Cutting Lv7 Refrigeration Gun Lv9 Throw Lv7

Wind Attribute Disabled Lv1 Water Attribute Disabled Lv12 Fire Attribute Disabled Lv25 Light Attribute Disabled Lv25

Name Darley LV18

Vitality 96

Magic 148

Muscle Strength 133

Defense 66

Agility 264

Dexterity value 137


Kicking Technique Lv10 Clash Lv26 Burning Lv23 Flame Operated Lv26 Riding Lv34

Disease Drive Lv29 Defense Disabled Lv17 Physical Destruction Lv15 Horseman Enhanced Lv33 Serial Strike Lv16

English Qi Lv24 Practice Qi Lv26 Ha Qi Lv20 Pale Flame Lv15 Discharge Lv6

Shockwave Lv7 Assignment Lv8 Collaboration Lv12 Hegemony Coverage Lv24

Armor: Chaos Dragon Birding

Name Airy Hayes Rune LV18

Vitality 206

Magic Power 170

muscle strength 134

Defense 80

Agility 161

Dexterity value 120


Angle Strike Lv32 Clash Lv17 Climb Lv7 Danger Detection Lv20 Leap Lv18

Walking Lv27 Tree Magic Lv12 Light Magic Lv27 Tree Planting Lv12 Milking Lv24

Guardian Lv12 Blessing Lv10 Rich Lv18 Resurrection Lv4 Madness Warriorization Lv6

Sealed Magic Lv15 Column Stone Boundary Lv15 Forest Manipulation Lv10 Heavenly Strike Lv7 Stars' Coverage Lv4

Name Fox Daiji LV 18

Vitality 102

Magic Power 220

Muscle Strength 142

Defense 80

Agility 160

Dexterity value 142


Chewing Lv27 Tail Strike Lv12 Signal Sensing Lv26 Hazard Prediction Lv22 Magic Manipulation Lv10

Flaming Magic Lv1 Dark Magic Lv12 Evil Lv20 Demonic Lv21 Dark Vision Lv25

Blackflame Lv31 Witch Lv12 Phantom Lv15 Possession Lv9 Seduction Lv9

lethal poison Lv12 flaming teeth Lv19 flaming nails Lv23 flaming bullets Lv31 sick braces Lv9

Mad Warrior Lv4 Magic Liberation Lv6

Name Luna Vivian LV18

Vitality 128

Magic Power 278

Muscle Strength 84

Defense 60

Agility 217

Dexterity value 160


Flying Lv36 Harp Lv24 Dance Lv30 Signs Blocked Lv9 Future Predictions Lv17

Swimming Behavior Lv3 Charming Scale Powder Lv14 Continuous Chanting Lv22 Chanting Discard Lv22 Concurrent Chanting Lv22

Water Flow Manipulation Lv5 Moisture Body Lv4 Disease Magic Lv1 Water Magic Lv21 Thunder Magic Lv30

Wood Magic Lv20 Ice Magic Lv30 Light Magic Lv22 Assignment Lv8 Blessing Lv9

Guardian Lv10 Fantasy Lv9 Holy Sword Liberation Lv4 Fairy Ring Lv3 Lake Protection Lv3


Harp: Maple Lira

Clothing: Fairy Clothing, Swimsuit, Party Dress

Decoration: Fairy Necklace

[]/(n, vs) (yoji) magic/magic/magic/

[Windcutter], [Airshot], [Air Impact], [Element Wind],

[Fuwar Wind], [Atmosphere], [Windwall], [Downburst],

[Dust Devil], [Fly], [Sonic Boom], [Supercell]

Water magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua], [Water Cutter],

[Splash], [Aquawall], [Water Prison]

Light magic

[Heel], [Light], [Attack Up], [Defense Up], [Laser],

[Clear], [Area Heel], [Light Shield]

Thunder Magic

[Stan], [Lightning], [Shock Bolt], [Thunderbrunch], [Blitz],

[Resist Paralysis]

Wood magic

[Glow], [Leaf Cutter], [Poison], [Bin Bind], [Chic],

[Gilty Thorn]

Ice magic

[Ice Needle], [Slip], [Freeze], [Icicle Arrow], [Resist Ice],


Name Yi Snow Woman LV18

Vitality 102

Magic Power 258

Muscle strength 140

Defense 80

Agility 106

Dexterity value 152


Ice Blade Lv30 Snow Throw Lv15 Serving Lv20 Ice Armor Lv16 Magic Resistance Lv14

Snow Lurking Lv17 Snow Hidden Lv16 Disease Magic Lv4 Ice Magic Lv25 Storm Snow Lv28

Snowstorm Lv14 Monster Lv25 Fortune Manipulation Lv13 Kakara Lv18 Snow Split Lv13

Weight Operated Lv15 Immediate Death Lv20 Continuous Attack Lv20 Trap Installation Lv7 Ice Wave Lv16


Clothing: Snow Woman Clothing, Swimsuit, Party Dress

Decoration: Snow Necklace

[]/(n, vs) (yoji) magic/magic/magic/

[Sonic Boom], [Supercell]

Ice magic

[Ice Needle], [Slip], [Freeze], [Icicle Arrow], [Resist Ice],


Name Meal Nero Hamadruas LV18

Vitality 167

Magic Power 212

Muscle Strength 84

Defense 90

Agility 108

Dexterity value 152


soil latent Lv34 forest operation Lv31 handsome Lv17 wind magic Lv15 soil magic Lv17

Wood Magic Lv20 Water Magic Lv12 Photosynthetic Lv24 Transfer Lv7 Nectar Lv12

Pollen Lv14 Collection Lv37 Planting Lv24 Stock Sharing Lv18 Water Flow Operation Lv13

Holy Water Lv13 Rain Beggar Lv7 Flood Lv7 Super Regenerated Lv7 Condition Abnormal Disabled Lv8

Parasites Lv24 Trap Installation Lv19 Plant Summoning Lv14 Protection of Water Trees Lv16


Clothing: Dry Added Clothing, Swimsuit, Party Dress

Decoration: Clover necklace

Wind magic

[Windcutter], [Airshot], [Air Impact], [Element Wind],

[Fuwar Wind], [Atmosphere]

earthly magic

[Earthshot], [Madball], [EarthArrow], [Element Earth], [Tremmer], [Earthwall]

Water magic

[Rain], [Aquaball], [Mist], [Element Aqua], [Water Cutter],


Wood magic

[Glow], [Leaf Cutter], [Poison], [Bin Bind], [Chic],

[Gilty Thorn]

Plant Summoning

[], [], [Water Tree]

Name Hicks Opinions LV12

Vitality 148

Magic Power 224

Muscle Strength 262

Defense 110

Agility 324

Dexterity value 158


Flying Lv42 Thunderclaw Lv30 Feather Throw Lv15 Ride Lv32 Storm Lv33

Windshield Lv19 Whirlwind Blade Lv23 Disease Lv31 Thunder Discharge Lv17 Remnants Lv33

Light Speed Clash Lv23 Wind Magic Lv20 Holy Magic Lv10 Thunder Magic Lv22 Spacetime Magic Lv25

Rain Rain Lv14 Thunder Breath Lv19 Flame Breath Lv17 Rainbow Light Lv12 Ray Lv17

Extreme Light Lv10 Wind Wheel Lv10 Continuous Attack Lv20 Clustering Lv11 Rider Reinforced Lv31

Mad Warrior Lv5 Rainbow Protection Lv23

Armor: Volcano Dragon Birding

Name Strazmay LV13

Vitality 208

Magic 238

muscle strength 245

Defense 140

Agility 224

Dexterity value 154


Flying Lv38 Biting Lv21 Dragontail Lv18 Dragonnail Lv19 Toxic Dragon Scale Lv26

Assault Lv28 Surprise Lv19 Windproof Wall Lv3 Violent Lv20 Flame Brace Lv14

Dark Breath Lv6 Thunder Breath Lv14 Ice Breath Lv14 Rapid Toxic Breath Lv19 Corrosion Breath Lv21

Dragon Eye Lv23 Volcanic Ammo Lv28 Disease Lv19 Multiple Strikes Lv31 Whirlwind Blade Lv19

Wind Magic Lv12 Thunder Magic Lv18 Fear Lv5 Ride Lv25 Shockwave Lv5

Resurrection Lv4 Reverse Scale Lv5

Name Deanstar Hydra LV13

Vitality 200

Magic Power 272

Muscle Strength 236

Defense 120

Agility 132

Dexterity value 134


Biting Lv38 Winding Lv22 Swimming Behavior Lv28 Combat Elevation Lv10 Robust Lv12

Toxic Dragon Scale Lv34 Toxic Marsh Lv6 Multiple Attacks Lv41 Terror Lv11 Divine Demon Poison Lv36

Fast Playback Lv32 Curse Strike Lv18 Poison Mist Lv5 Divine Demon Poison Brace Lv32 Wind Brace Lv11

Fire Breath Lv11 Sea Breath Lv11 Star Breath Lv12 Dark Breath Lv5 Thunder Breath Lv11

Ice Brace Lv11 Thermal Detection Lv26 Virtual Lv7 Resurrection Lv23 Madness Warriorization Lv5

Reverse Scale Lv5 Star Protection Lv5

Name Spica Pegasus LV11

Vitality 152

Magic Power 200

Muscle Strength 241

Defense 82

Agility 298

Dexterity value 134


Rotation Angle Lv39 Light Speed Clash Lv36 Physical Destruction Lv32 Concentration Lv24 Horseback Riding Lv31

Water Driving Lv18 Hazard Prediction Lv29 Signal Blocking Lv14 Remnants Lv18 Star Rain Lv14

Lightning Discharge Lv14 Light Ray Lv18 Light Chain Lv5 Storm Lv29 Disease Drive Lv36

Flying Lv22 Shockwave Lv12 Hero Rider Lv28 Purification Lv13 Phantom Lv31

Wood Magic Lv18 Sea Magic Lv5 Holy Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv21 Thunder Magic Lv8

Mad Warrior Lv8 Resurrection Lv3 Assignment Lv3 Reverse Scale Lv5 Starbeast Protection Lv14

Name Safi Moby Dick LV14

Vitality 176

Magic 144

Muscle Strength 190

Defense 104

Agility 142

Dexterity value 116


Rotation Angle Lv24 Swimming Behavior Lv35 Swimming Flight Lv22 Bleach Lv12 Hydrated Fang Lv9

Clash Lv30 Assault Lv27 Physical Destruction Lv19 Robust Lv17 Acoustic Detection Lv22

jamming sound wave Lv7 ice blade Lv9 disease walking Lv28 riding Lv28 sacred magic Lv10

Thunder Needle Lv5 White Mist Lv12 Tsunami Lv12 Vortex Lv9 Wave Lv10

Roar Lv5 Sea Breath Lv8 Extreme Cold Breath Lv8 Physical Change Lv20

Name Moon Fai Night Auga Road LV11

Vitality 196

Magic Power 170

muscle strength 360

Defense 156

Agility 84

Dexterity value 100


Hammer Lv28 Battle Axe Lv1 Great Sword Lv1 Chain Lv5 Demon Fist Lv6

Struggle Lv27 Physical Destruction Lv24 Defense Disabled Lv15 Load Operated Lv6 Forced Lv18

Robust Lv21 Roaring Lv9 Assault Lv22 Weird Lv26 Combat Exalted Lv25

Throw Operation Lv9 Super Playback Lv25 Terror Lv2 Black Flame Lv6 Thunder Discharge Lv7

Focused Lv5 Physically Active Lv6 Flame Brace Lv17 Dark Brace Lv9 Shockwave Lv7

Mad Warrior Lv5 Magic Liberation Lv6 Blade Strike Lv4 Reverse Scale Lv3 King's Protection Lv5


Hammer: Gold crushing rod

Name Cruz Merugine LV11

Vitality 242

Magic 208

Muscle Strength 184

Defense 122

Agility 178

Dexterity value 158


Blood Sucking Lv18 Tightening Lv22 Spear Lv18 Fast Swimming Lv9 Flying Lv16

Fierce Toxic Tail Lv26 Lethal Toxic Lv19 Blood Sucking Blade Lv25 Water Pressure Cutting Lv10 Water Pressure Bullet Lv8

Ice Blade Lv11 Water Wheel Lv15 Continuous Strike Lv17 Violent Breath Lv21 Sea Breath Lv25

Earth Magic Lv1 Sea Magic Lv2 Dark Magic Lv2 Thunder Magic Lv21 Ice Magic Lv21

Water Latent Lv17 Thermal Detection Lv27 Seduction Lv19 Terror Lv13 Trap Installation Lv10

Sea Wave Lv 10-Person Lv 14 Phantom Lv 8 Heavy Rain Lv 7 Fairy Ring Lv 3


Spear: Ice Dragon Moon Knife

Clothing: Synth's Swimsuit, Party Dress

Decoration: Star Ring Bracelet

Name Ethereal Blue Dragon LV17

Vitality 182

Magic 157

Muscle strength 140

Defense 90

Agility 150

Dexterity value 110


Chewing Lv14 Winding Lv7 Snapping Lv8 Flying Lv21 Lethal Poison Lv11

Thermal Detection Lv15 Swimming Behavior Lv13 Dragon Scale Lv14 Dragon Claw Lv15 Ultra Playback Lv15

Heavy Rain Lv5 Disease Magic Lv2 Palsy Lv10 Wind Wall Lv5 Thunderstorm Lv12

Holy Wave Lv10 Spiritual Power Lv1 Ethereal Thunder Lv15 Sea Breath Lv14 Thunder Breath Lv12

Reverse Scale Lv5 and Soul Lv4

Name Coral Peacock LV18

Vitality 206

Magic 156

Muscle Strength 112

Defense 60

Agility 148

Dexterity value 102


Surprise Lv15 Flying Lv24 Clash Lv17 Forced Lv10 Robust Lv12

Flame Claw Lv10 Hazard Prediction Lv13 Fire Rain Lv12 Wind Magic Lv10 Fire Magic Lv10

Light Magic Lv8 Fire Lv16 Holy Fire Lv10 Volcanic Ammo Lv13 Speed Playback Lv16

Cold Resistant Lv7 Flame Breath Lv15 Holy Breath Lv13 Resuscitation Lv4 Yangitis Lv14

Inflammation Lv 5 and Soul Lv 4

Name Harvelous Hell Ortros LV23

Vitality 130

Magic 185

Muscle Strength 237

Defense 84

Agility 183

Dexterity value 110


Biting Lv16 Signs Sensing Lv11 Dark Vision Lv8 Danger Sensing Lv13 Disease Walking Lv16

Toxic Lv13 Flaming Teeth Lv15 Flaming Claws Lv13 Fear Lv13 Burning Lv16

Flame Bullet Lv12 Black Flame Lv5 Continuous Strike Lv15 Roar Lv8 Fire Brace Lv10

Dark Brace Lv5 Protecting the Underworld Lv2

Name Sieglite Dragon LV11

Vitality 112

Magic 121

Muscle strength 158

Defense 108

Agility 154

Dexterity value 96


Flying Lv15 Dragon Tooth Lv15 Dragon Claw Lv17 Dragon Scale Lv18 Dragontail Lv15

Clash Lv13 Ride Lv2 Light Magic Lv12 Glory Lv3 Light Brace Lv12

Light Rain Lv7 Regeneration Lv3 Dragon Air Lv10 Disease Walking Lv15 Reflection Lv3

Light Shockwave Lv4 Light Wave Lv7 Dragon Technique Lv7 Reverse Scale Lv3 Dragon Brace Lv8

Light Dragon Protection LV13

Name Thousand Shadows Saddle Horse Tengu LV11

Vitality 90

Magic 140

muscle strength 176

Defense 61

Agility 208

Dexterity value 155


Flying Lv26 Knife LLv24 Wand Lv3 Ring Lv5 Stick Lv1

Fan Lv 1 Dark vision Lv 13 Signal blocking Lv 13 Days Ear pass Lv 10 His heart pass Lv 6

Empty Legs Lv15 Practice Qi Lv18 Xianqi Lv9 Cut Out Lv15 Dark Blade Lv15

Transmission Lv5 Witchcraft Lv5 Dream Lv12 Wind Magic Lv7 Dark Magic Lv7

Shinto Magic Lv10 Immortal Lv12 Mindfulness Power Lv6 Robbery Lv3 Transformation Lv3

Shadow Body Lv19 Shadow Sewing Lv5 Concentration Lv7 Sickle Lv7 Continuous Strike Lv8


Cane: Cane of the Disciplined Monk

Knife: Mirror illusion

Tie: Steel wire

Clothing: Saddle Horse Tengu Clothing, Party Dress

Decoration: Crow Necklace

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