Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 707 Swallow Shellfish and Cape Aerial Battle

On the last morning of the third consecutive holiday, we celebrate the final day of the event. It's a pretty hard schedule because I have to get swallow baby shellfish and Penglai ball branches by tonight, but I have to do it.

First of all, try to acquire the most difficult shellfish of swallows that I did not anticipate. I chose Aeon, Ikes, Blanc, Konoha, Thousand Shadows. There should be no escape now. Explain the operation to everyone, and when we walk to the Cape, the Anatomies don't escape as planned.

Now we can fight decently. Me, Aeon, Ikes, Bran go up in the sky.

We take a distance from the cliff where the nest is, and we wait and see. Anatsubame and the others moved together at a certain distance. All right, we're off the cliff!

But the number of beetles increases all at once. Can I use the shadow counterpart?

"I'll intercept you!

"" "Yes!

When ix and blanc attack without attacking the cliffs, the snails are at their last resort.

No, it's not because it's continuous. Probably purely evasive. Did you say driftstone swallow?


Even if the ions are slashed, the clams still rub off. I was struck by a thunderbolt, too. You can use your cut here... and your favorite spit attack will arrive.

"Not much more! Guardian Boundary!"

Bran protects us at the protective juncture, but we don't care, we spit at the protective juncture. Then the saliva on the protective juncture solidified and we were trapped.

I see. I see... Then we will receive communications from a thousand shadows.

I got a swallow baby shellfish!

Confirm with Synchronized Vision.

Swallow Shellfish: Event Items

One of the five treasures in Takettori's story. A phantom treasure that is said to come out with swallows when they lay eggs. Cherry blossoms are known as amulets for cheap births.

I'm sure of it. Thousand shadows and Konoha have a sign blockade, so I got a swallow baby shellfish on the cliff. The boss should come out here.

The boss is coming. Thousand Shadows, Konoha "


And the boss appeared out of the sky, as the information suggests.

Hiyan Lv30

Boss Monster Enemy Target Active

Big swallow-type boss. The name is probably from a Japanese fighter plane. Feiyan is a nickname, and his real name is Trio. Seems that Yakuro-san was explaining it in more detail, but he said he forgot.

When the swallow collided with Konoha's wings, I heard the sound of the sword. Konoha's ice blade and flying swallow's blade skills collided.

We need to get on with it. As long as we have the swallow shellfish here, there's no need to bother.

"It's time to punish. I'll kill you all at once!

"" "Yes!

"I'm coming! Shield Attack! Thunderbolt"

When Blanc destroys a saliva stuck with a Shield Attack, he uses Thunderbolt.

"Ice thunder!

"Request for assistance. Mia and Dio. Master, we will destroy the enemy."

"Jesus, Master."

Aeon also uses ice lightning, and Ikes calls Mia and Dio for help, working together to shoot down each other.

If this is okay, I'll concentrate on flying swallows. Everyone knows how to defeat us.

While I was preparing, Konoha and Thousand Shadows were in a stunning aerial battle with Feiyan. Feiyan has been aiming for a thousand shadows. This is because a thousand shadows have swallow shellfish.

However, even if it is aimed at the thousand shadows, the thousand shadows are attacked gloriously with the magic of transformation. However, Feiyan is also brilliant and uses all the magic of Konoha's magic manipulation. The attacking swallow uses fire rain and shells to target thousands of shadows. This is one of the reasons we were supposed to be taking names from fighters.

"Black Dragon Unleashed! Spatial distortion!"

Thousands of shadows return all of these attacks to Feiyan, but Feiyan uses them and the magic of Konoha in pursuit. The ability to evade is truly remarkable. But no matter how powerful they evade, they just have to launch an attack that they can't escape.

"'Magnetic Circle'"

There is no escape for the swallows surrounded by magnetic circles. As a matter of fact, I was caught in a magnetic circle because I could not evade a complete surprise attack, leaving behind the hand of a sudden descent and a sudden rise.

"It was a good fight, but that's it. Living Together!"


Thousands of shadows were slashed and Konoha's Hale shower was set, and Hiyan fell to the ground. The Aeons had already wiped out the Anatsubame. But the ions are depressed.

"Ugh... I spit on my new armor..."

"What was I all about?

"We are not dirty. Master"

"" Don't tell me we're dirty!

Peace. I praised Thousand Shadows and Konoha for returning, and got Swallow Shellfish from Thousand Shadows safely. With this, we will be able to steadfastly gain the right to challenge the dragon. I was very nervous because I couldn't fail in this fight. I'm really glad I managed.

Now, let's dismantle Feiyan and Anatsubame.

Swallow Nest: Rarity 6 Food Quality B

Anatomy's nest. It is a nest of swallows that contains no mud or dead grass and is known for its luxury ingredients. Ingredients traded at a fairly high price in one piece of work.

Feather Feather: Rarity 6 Material Quality B

A feather that improves flight ability very lightly. Cherry blossoms are believed to be magical feathers that can be swallowed. Flight capability improves tremendously, but there are very fragile points.

Good job! We've got luxury ingredients! Anatsubame barely came off, and I could only get it from two, but it's probably because it's a luxury food.

This is the second reason why it was presumed that the description of the feathers of the swallows took their names from the fighters. Yakuro-san said he only seems to be aware of the flying swallow of the fighter plane.

Now we have the second treasure. The first, to be exact. Because a firefly fur coat is being made. Either way, there are two more treasures to get. From here, I will visit the shrine.

Name Aeon Drago Newt Swarow Lv22

Vit 170

Magic 290

Muscle Strength 198

Defense 112

Agility 384

Dex 210


Dual Wield Lv50 Spear Lv11 Throw Control Lv34 Fly Lv39 Super Sensory Lv35

Magic Operation Lv14 Magic Cut Lv27 Fast Swim Lv38 Dragon Eye Lv30 Moisture Lv19

Ice Blade Lv38 Lightning Lv30 Ice Thunder Lv4 Lv6 Multi Strike Lv31 Water Magic Lv28

Space-time Magic Lv26 Water Flow Operation Lv14 Sky Sea Wave Lv20 Hydraulic Boundary Lv14 Hail Lv22

Star Ice Armor Lv23 Ice Hold Lv13 Tsunami Lv4 Refrigerated Ray Lv14 Supercoolant Lv4

Reverse Scale Lv6 Dragon Skill Lv30 Dragonization Lv11 Dragon Magic Lv11 Rebirth Death Lv5

Dragon Breath Lv16 Star Sea Dragon Protection Lv24 Cooking Lv31

Name Ikes Command EXMAKINA Lv20

Vit 213

Magic 213

Strength 213

Defense 213

Agility 213

Dex 213


Flight Lv25 Lv26 Multi Soldier Lv34 Night Vision Lv20 Telephoto Lv26 Projectile Lv33 Lv34

Lv20 Lv22 Detailed analysis Lv14 arithmetic process Lv33 Lv34 Command Lv11 Lv13 Multiple aiming Lv16

Behavior Prediction Lv29 Lv30 Ranged Hostile Lv32 Magic Sensing Lv8 Reflection Lv14 Super Armor Lv5

Magic Recovery Lv13 Lv14 Fired Lv30 Accelerated Lv9 Barrier Lv5 Lv6 Space Grasp Lv13

Conversion Lv11 Parallel Link Lv30 Lv31 Support Request Lv6 Lv7 Link Lv4 Lv6 Magic Charging Lv21

Unlimitor Lv4 EM Burst Lv4

Name Brand Dominion Lv19

Vit 146

Magic 274

Strength 186

Defense 200

Agility 190

Dex 162


Flying Lv37 Light Shield Lv38 Spear Lv39 Forced Lv30 Light Magic Lv22

Cleanse Lv7 Sacred Cabinet Lv5 Barrier Lv9 Magic Jamming Lv2 Windbreaker Lv3

Feather Throw Lv10 Magic Lv23 Sealed Magic Lv12 Holy Wave Lv13 Glow Lv7

Focus Lv7 Light Rain Lv13 Halo Lv32 Lightning Lv7 Lv9 Lightning Lv9 Holy Bullet Lv27

Sanctuary Lv6 Sanctuary Lv7 Guardian Boundary Lv20 Sanctity Lv17 Magic Manipulation Lv16

Multi Strike Lv26 Medium Angel Protection Lv28 Ascension Lv4

Name Conoha Glaux Lv23

Vit 100

Magic 210

Strength 104

Defense 74

Agility 160

Dex 175


Assassination Lv34 Flying Lv47 Ice Claw Lv30 Throw Lv35 Spiritual Eyes Lv39

Sign Block Lv31 Lv32 Continuous Chant Lv31 Chant Destroy Lv32 Magic Operation Lv26 Lv27 Simultaneous Chant Lv30

Disease Magic Lv5 Sea Magic Lv2 Holy Magic Lv21 Lv22 Dark Magic Lv15 Lightning Magic Lv40 Lv41

Ice Magic Lv43 Space-time Magic Lv23 Ice Blade Lv32 Lv33 Phantom Lv21 Protection Lv10

Cold Resistance Lv19 Goddess of Protection Lv11

Name Thousand Shadow Kurama Tengu Lv13

Vit 90

Magic 142

Strength 182

Defense 61

Agility 216

Dex 158


Flying Lv26 Lv27 Knife Lv25 Lv26 Staff Lv3 String Lv5 Bar Lv1

Fan Lv1 Night Vision Lv13 Signal Block Lv13 Lv15 Days Otovent Lv10 Lv11 Otoventricular Lv6 Lv7

Empty Leg Lv16 Practice Lv19 Senki Lv10 Lv11 Trim Lv16 Lv17 Dark Blade Lv15

Through Lv5 Witchcraft Lv5 Fantasy Lv13 Wind Magic Lv11 Dark Magic Lv11

Shinto Magic Lv10 Sengoku Lv12 Mindful Power Lv6 Hijacking Lv3 Henshin Lv4 Lv6

Shadow Doppelganger Lv20 Shadow Sewing Lv5 Focus Lv7 Siren Lv7 Lv8 Strike Streak Lv10

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