After dinner, I logged in again and went to tell everyone that I was going to the temple of Athena, and the guild had Array dressed as Amazonas.

You're more creepy than I thought.

"Mr. Louin, I'm going to try the Temple of Athena, so if anything happens, thank you very much."

"Okay, good luck, Mr. Tact."


It's through!

Array asked me, so I'll ask.

Well then, let me ask you something, what happened?

"... I was forced to wear this outfit, and I was fought forever."

In Greek mythology, Amazones has emerged as a warring nation of women only.I think the man is set to be very gentle just because there is a fairly unforgiving story of killing or enslaving.But some people feel it in hell.

"Oh, I see. So Noah's in love..."

"Shipbuilder, Shipbuilder, Shipbuilder, Shipbuilder"

Noah called the word "carpenter" in a small voice while sitting in a sports seat.Moreover, Iron core and Kai are dead in their eyes.Madame and Shizukuishi saw me dressed up as a woman.Let's keep it quiet.

The Saba can and the others are about to tell us something serious.The cans lost their ships because they broke up on the way.This happened because Noaz SKNA was my ship.

"I don't think I'll be able to land on Amazonas' island."

You hated me.

"Besides, I'm not in a position to let you escape the island.I have this. "

Everyone else abducted by Mr. Sharlow had silver bracelets on them.It's a splendid decoration, but it's like a cursed bracelet that restricts the transfer to the Ifestio waters to Amazonas Island only and can't get out of the island.

It seems that the release condition is said to be a continuous victory with ten Amazonians and their outfits.Now Noah and the Saba can are done.There must be a way out.Otherwise, Noah and Saba can't leave the island for the rest of their lives.

I'll leave the meeting to everyone. Athena will appear when I enter the Temple of Athena.

Are you ready?

"Yes, I will challenge you."

"Enough temper. Well then, your opponent is waiting beyond that door to start the trial from the moment it enters.You can choose to summon a Summoner after you've seen the other Summoner. "

So Athena-sama disappeared.That's what they said, so I'm going to leave the door open and go inside.There was a statue of Athena in the temple room.Then the light came down, and he became a man.


Ah... there was a hero who played a great role in the Troy War.

"My name is Diomedes. He's a hero with Athena's protection.Let me see if you deserve it.Now, choose a Summoner to fight against me. "


Well, what do we do? Diomedes is a hero lined up with Odysseus and Eyeearth in the Trojan War and never reached Achilles.The famous story is that the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, came into the rescue when Diomedite tried to kill Ainaise, the son of Aphrodite, when Diomedite injured her with a spear.

What's more, the most incredible story beats Ares, the god of battle, who came out after this to help Amazonians.Well, Ares and Aphrodite weren't supposed to be gods at this time, so I don't know the criteria for strength, but they must be strong.

I chose love fire, Japanese fox, Farida, Yuwell, Tiger Toru.Ares is not a god of battle who uses intelligence like Athena, but a god who pushes himself into his enemies.That's why we believe in Amazonians.If you beat the god, you should think of it as a battle of wisdom and power.

"You summoned an interesting Summoner.I've fought God before, but I've never fought the Devil. "

Really? So we're short on people?

"No way. If you're a hero, I'd like to fight the Devil."

Let's do it, Tact.

I'm not a hero, and I don't want to fight the Devil!I got caught up in all sorts of stuff, and this is what happened while I was being flushed!The Diomedes laughs as they see me.

"Looks like you've been through a lot."

"Yes, I came here with the Summoners and my friends to overcome that ordeal."

"That's a good answer. Now let me show you the power!"

Diomedes takes out his weapon. The shield and spear were taken out.The shield depicts a spear, similar to the spear that appeared during Konoha's divine liberation.To some extent, I expected this.

We line up with weapons.Love fire, Farida, Tiger Toru are in front, and me and the Japanese fox are behind.Yuwell is my escort and that of the Japanese fox.Now, how does the Diomedes work?

Looks like you're ready.


Well, let's go!

Diomedes first collided with the speed of light while holding his shield. When he hit hard, he ignored the love fire and Farida and approached me.Smart guy's after me, after all.

"I won't let you do it!"

As soon as Yuwell tried to take the Diomedes spear, the spear was pulled and kicked instead.Yuwell guards but gets blown up.

"Got it."


I'm going to shoot a starquake faster than Diomedes' spear.Then Diomedes turned his spear at me while being blown away, emitting a radiant heat ray.I'll take this.

Diomedades crashes into the wall and Love Fire and Farida chase him.

In return, radiant heat rays!


A radiant heat ray of love fire was thrown with a shield and headed for Farida, who flew over.Then Faleada stops kicking the diomode that appears over the sky.



The Farida crashes under the thrust of the Diomedase.And Diomedes tried to target me again, but Tiger Toru, who was blown up here, attacked Diomedes.


"Ku! Haaa!"


Tiger Toru made a continuous attack in the air, but did not break the shield of Diomedas. Diomedas threw his spear into the gap where Tiger Toru's attack stopped.However, Tiger Toru plays everything with his sword.

Hey ahh!


Love Fire attacked from behind and Diomedades fled with empty legs.Then Farida attacked Ifuax and took it with her shield.


Guuuu! Kuu!

Diomedaises is easily struck by IFAX.And when you hold the spear, the chain wraps around your body.


Just in return!

Yuwell hits the diomerate against the wall and retrieves the chains.

"What!? I can't believe there are chains that can't be broken by the Titans... the world is huge!"

When the Diomedes tries to attack again, they witness a pale lightning bolt.

"Formula god [Tenjio god]!"


Diomedes understands at a glance the beauty of the Tenjio god.And in that moment, the Heavenly Magic Male God appeared before the eyes of the Diomedes.


Diomedes holds a shield, but in the meantime, there will be no Tenma Yagami.The Tenma Yujin approached the hand with a shield at the moment he tried to find it.

"Absolute Defense!"

I couldn't help but use this.Diomedes waved his spear and tried to distance himself from the Tenjio god, but the Tenjio god grabbed it and stopped.And when the vision of the diomodes was dyed pale, the diomodes were electrocuted.

"Gaaaahh!? Ah... ahh..."

The Diomedase is burned black, and when it falls, the Tenma Male God is gone.But this is not the end of it, and the Diomedase wakes up alive and dead.

"Not yet, I am a hero protected by Athena!This isn't the end of it!Protect Athena, my spear!Let go of that power! Jinwei Liberation! "

It looks like Konoha's spear, but it looks like Diomedes' own spear.Fire pillars are generated around the diomedase, magical fires are lodged in the spear, and red lightning is generated.

Holy Healing!

Diomase heals. Then let's go too.

"Love Fire, and Fox!"



Engagement burst!

After engaging with the Fire of Love and the Japanese Fox, I became the Golden Fox Yin Yang Master with my gray hair and tail.I will pull out the sword of love and water.

"Fu... I'm cumming!"

Diomedaises came in with his shield on.I kick the shield.



I was blown up by the Diomatics, but I held my shield and stood still.I'll slash up the shield I'm holding at a distance from below.When the shield rose, it was slashed sideways with a water razor blade, but it was lowered behind it.

Atmospheric wall!

Vacuum cutting!


I'll slash the atmospheric wall with a vacuum and tear it apart.And when it comes to melee fights, they bump into each other.I'll be pushed in this melee.The shield was tight and could not cope with the incredible speed of the spear's continuous thrust.




"Demon King! Demon Crusher!"

Tiger Toru was attacked from the side of the diomode that attacked him, and the diomode guarded him with a shield.Then the opposite side becomes free, releasing a demon crusher that swings down from above the farider.Stop this with a spear and a hero barrier.

Seeing that, I will attack.Light gathers in the diomodes that feel it.


"I won't let you! Mugu!?"


Yuwell emerges from the ground, but the fierce sun is activated.Everybody gets blown up. But it doesn't work for me.It's just dazzling. I run with my eyes shut.

Demon sword free!


A completely unprotected diopter bites into the body of the diopter.It was worth the absolute defense.

"Gwaaahh!? * giggle *! Ooh!"

The Diomedase was bitten by the Yaki Daiyu, and pushed into force. When the spear shines golden, the light forms the shape of the daiyu.

"Spirit Spear! Athenai Glaucorpis!"

Assault!? I can't beat this.Then the Japanese fox came up with a way to carry out this attack.

Sengoku Move!

We moved to Sengoku and attacked.

"Where did you disappear?"


Tiger Toru uses the Demon Sword Liberation, and when attacked, this is guarded with a shield, but Tiger Toru is pushed.The bite from Yaki Daigo is effective.

Grand Smash!

Farida is attacking again.Stop this with a spear.

"You're not strong enough!"


"How dare you! Haaah!"

Yuwell's string of tonfa exploded, and when he blew it, we appeared behind him checking the situation with a synchronized vision with Tiger Toru.

Fox Flame Dance!



Dragontail! Farida!

"Yeah! Stop it now! Demon King! Demon Crusher!"

The love fire is slashed in succession with the fox flame dance, and then when I kick Tiger Toru by the starquake of the kick, Tiger Toru slashes and tears with the rain in May.When it's over, Ewell's dragontail hits the ground with a diomerate, and finally Info comes from above, where Farida crushes it with a demon crusher.

I've defeated the Diomedes. You can proceed to the next trial.You can also recover and repair your weapon with a logout location in front of the door and spring water. "

Faraday has reached level 10.Growth is possible. "

Farida's Battle Axe has reached level 40.You have acquired Battle Axe [Storm Smash]. "

When I was wondering about Farida's growth, when the diomerate rose, my body was thinning and light was generated.

"Excellent. I'll leave this spear to you.A spear that penetrated and hurt the gods I used to live with.I want you to use it carefully. "

"Thank you."

I felt the weight of a spear when I received it.Were you throwing a continuous thrust at such a high speed with one hand? Not at all.

Diomedase Spear: Rarity 10 Spear Quality S

Weight: 100 Durability: 1250 Attack: 500

Effects: God's Special Attack, Big Thing's Special Attack, Fire Attribute Up, Spirit, Enlightenment, Fire Purification, Sunlight, Red Flame, Return, Automatic Pursuit, Shinto Liberation, Titan Protection, Athena Protection

A spear blessed by the goddess Athena.Many heroes were defeated with a spear that had hurt God.Use the Flame Class Spear to unleash the Spear technique used by Goddess Athena.

Was that Athena-sama's trick?Wow! If I think so, Diomadez says it's going to disappear.

"In the end, I think you all know that wisdom is required in battle.Some people are just strong and active, but I don't think such people are as smart and strong as others.I want you to pursue not only strength, but also wisdom. "

That said, the Diomedase disappeared.I break the engagement burst and everyone sits down at the same time.

"" "I was strong..." "


There are two others who are stronger than Diomatics.This trial is tough.

Perform Farida's growth by telling Array by email that he may be late while taking a break.When Farida sprays the flame and grows, the info comes.

Farida has grown.I have acquired intense clashes, incineration, ignorance, danger prediction, and magic sensing. "

Name Farida Demon King Lv9 Lv10

Vit 164 174

Magic 275 185

Strength 408 418

Defense 120 130

Agility 194 204

Dex 186 196


Battle Axe Lv39 Lv40 Magic Fist Lv30 Dance Lv10 Strong Clash Lv1 Ignore Lv1 Hazard Prediction Lv1

Magic Sensing Lv1 Throw Operation Lv17 Empty Leg Lv31 Load Operation Lv31 Lv32 Demon King Haji Lv37

Magic Flight Lv15 Lv16 Red Flame Lv19 Incinerate Lv1 Positive Flame Lv11 Lv12 Flame Armor Lv15 Lv16

Flame Magic Lv12 Dark Magic Lv11 Explosive Magic Lv38 Space-time Magic Lv29 Focus Lv35

Decay Lv20 Black Flame Lv12 Physical Destruction Lv38 Block Disabled Lv25 Lv26 Battle Elevated Lv25 Lv26

Physical Activity Lv18 Lv19 Magic Dominance Lv35 Gravitational Operation Lv20 Gravitational Operation Lv21 Lv22 Burnout Lv28

Demon King Wave Lv21 Flame Wave Lv10 Heat Wave Lv25 Multiple Strike Lv26 Lv27 Multiple Disturbance Blade Lv30

Double Blade Strike Lv5 Magic King Move Lv17 Lv18 Magic Liberation Lv22 Magic King Magic Lv3 Fairy Wheel Lv2

Protect Demon King Lv15 Protect Lv16 Destruction LLv17 Lv18 Pseudodemonization Lv6

You still remember the skills of the Clash.Farida's attacks can no longer be Evaded or Blocked unless she Nullifies the skill.Extensive skill cremation was added.While you hold your shield, you can see the sunfish burning in the fire.

By the way, the Storm Smash that Farida remembers is a technique that generates multiple slashing tornadoes in the direction of swinging axes.It is a technique that should be called the front version of the whirlblade.According to Saba-san, the power is higher here.

"I was surprised to see you grow up, but you learn a lot of skills."

"I became a demon king.It's getting stronger and stronger.You can count on me. "

I'm scared to be trustworthy.When I saw Farida provoking me, I felt like I couldn't say anything.The break was over and we decided to join forces.

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