Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 224: Qin clay soldiers and Jomon clay doll

Before the boss battle, we check the formation. Then it seems that there's something that everyone doesn't agree on.

"Takuto-kun...are you going to fight as it is?"

"Yeah, but?"

"Nii-chan, it's a boss battle, right?"

"What's the problem?"


Look, Loco Moco is fine. He says there's no problem! Besides, everyone hasn't leveled up yet! We can't finish like this. Mel reminds me.

"If it gets dangerous, change it, okay?"

Yes, yes. If it gets dangerous, I'll change.

So, we all entered the square and took up our positions. Then a huge rock fell and blocked the exit.

It's a style that doesn't allow you to escape. Now, what's the enemy?

A lot of armed clay dolls are coming out of the ground. I've seen this one before.

Terracotta Army Lv18

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

These are dolls made during the time of the First Emperor of China, etc., that were buried with the dead.

Let's attack first.

『Arrow Rain!』

Tristan-san and Yoichi-san's arrows rain down on them.

But the Terracotta Warriors are also unleashing their Arrow Rain. Oh no, they're chanting!

The rest of us ran away at once, but there was nowhere to run. That's how many arrows there were. There was nowhere for me to run either.

Hokage´s party made a mark and used ninjutsu, but they couldn't handle it.

"...Leave it to me"

Nowa creates a shadow wall. Nowa, you're the best!



Mirai is behind me, preparing her recovery magic. Mirai is our lifeline. I can't let her get hurt.

In the meantime, I cast Rune Arts on the Terracotta Archers while Nowa protects me. Now they can't shoot Arrow Rain anymore.

In the meantime, Kitsuneko checked the Terracotta Mages with fire bullets to buy me some time. The rest was my job. The targets are the Terracotta Mages.


There was a huge explosion where the Terracotta Mages were frozen in place and they were blown away. However, the Terracotta Spearmen had broken through Mangetsu and the others and were closing in on us.

I take out my sword.

"I'll intercept them! Mir, use vines to stop those guys' skills! Nowa, Sabik, Kitsuneko! Give us some support!"



Yoichi-san will decide when he sees my battle stance.

"We'll aim for the enemy's rear guards!"

That's excellent judgment. I'm sure I killed a lot of them with the explosion earlier, but mages must still be around. The Terracotta Archers will also shoot at us with normal bows. In order for us to fight with peace of mind, I think it's best to aim for the rear guard.

So, let's do our job. Mir cleaves the vines and cancels the Terracotta Warriors' martial arts. Kitsuneko burns away the Terracotta Warriors with evil flame.

Sabik attacks the ones that are still attacking us. I take care of the rest.

But when I slash the Terracotta Warriors, they split in half and I defeated them. Oh? Weak?

I slash another one and it's defeated again...is this the boss fight? Anyway, I need to focus on these guys for now.

"I'll help you, degozaru!"

Hokage´s party joined in and were defeating the Terracotta Spearmen together when Mangetsu-san´s party arrived.

"Sorry! I was pulled out"

"No, I need a swordsman"

"That doesn't seem to be necessary, does it?"



The swordsmen are blown away by Rekka's explosion.

Mel's party are the last ones left fighting. I'm sure they'll be fine. I turned around and saw Loco Moco with a lot of arrows stuck in him.

"Lo, Loco Moco~~~~!!?"

I hurriedly pulled out the arrows from Loco Moco.

"Are you alright!? Loco Moco!"


Apparently he was okay thanks to the fluffy hair. I was impatient.

"That's it!"

It looks like Risa has defeated the last enemy. But all the Terracotta Warriors we defeated turned into clods and gathered in one place. The Terracotta Army is not the boss after all...while everyone is on alert, the clods appear in a new form.

Clay Figure?

? ? ?

It's a clay doll said to have been made during the Jomon period. It looks just like the famous clay figurine found in Aomori. But it's a boss monster, so naturally it's big.

But why couldn't they have made a clay figure out of Haniwa? I want my expectations of the first emperor to be returned because of the Terracotta Army.

That was the moment I thought that. The clay doll's eyes flashed red and a beam of light shot out at us.

"O, Oh?"

But I was undamaged. I thought I was dead...but things got worse. All the players turned to stone, except us.

It seems that we escaped being petrified because I had applied Bless before entering the cave. The clay figure's face turned red and steam came out of its ears, probably because we were safe. It seems to be angry.

Its arms shine. Is that a martial art? I won't let you!

"Rune Arts!"

Clay Figure's mysterious martial art fails to fire. I'm glad it worked.

However, the mouth of the Clay Figure glows red next. It looks like the only thing that's faster is the petrifying beam from its eyes.

"Everybody freeze! Mir, drop it in the pit!"

"I, I understand!"

Mir disappears into the ground. And the Clay Figure spits fire from its mouth. I'm ready, too!

"Water Wall!"

A wall of water blocks the fire. Meanwhile, Mir finishes setting up the pit.

"I'll drop it!"


But the Clay Figure did not fall into the pit. It seems to have been floating slightly above the ground. You're a cat-shaped robot! If it doesn't fall, I'll force it down!

When the flames subsided and my water wall was finished, the Clay Figure moved its arms. I start chanting my magic. I thought it would be a game of speed, but it wasn't to be.

"...Shadow Binding"

Thanks to Nowa's help in stopping Clay Figure's movement, I succeeded in chanting my magic. Nowa is really good. And you, Clay Figure, fall!


The Clay Figure tumbles into the pit with a downward airflow.

"Everyone, buy us some time!"

Nowa and the others attack the figure as it falls into the pit. In the meantime, I refresh Mirai's petrification and apply Bless to her. If we're petrified, we're out.

I immediately work with Mirai to heal the others. The first to go are Hokage´s party The reason for this is that they have bombs and are fast, making them good guides.

『Grudge of petrification!!』

While Hokage´s party were applying the bombs to the Clay Figure, we healed Mangetsu-san and Rekka and they joined the battle against the Clay Figure. At Mirai's discretion, I heal Yuko and Risa. Next I'll take care of Tristan-san, Yoichi and the others and Mirai will take care of Migazuki-san and the others. I healed Mel and Keigo last and they were all restored to normal.


"It was the right decision"

"...If you're healed, go and fight"

I'm sure Mirai and I have made the right decision. The two of us have a lot of firepower against the Clay Figure. We'll use MP potions to heal. In the meantime, I look at everyone's battles and I see that they have changed from the battles in the event.

Risa in particular is damaging the Clay Figure with qi bullets and power-ups. Yuko is using Impact Slash. It seems that impact slash can easily deal damage to hard enemies. I'll keep that in mind.

"Now, I also participate"

The next moment, I felt as if I was being slammed from above and pushed to the ground. This is...downburst!?


Mirai recovers me and I'm okay. What the hell was that just now?

Then, Risa, Yuko, Rekka and Hokages party, who had been taking damage, were blown to the ground and didn't move as they fell. They seemed to be dead.

The ones who were safe were Mangetsu-san´s party, Yoichi-san´s party and Tristan-san. This is...

"It's some kind of counter. Maybe the damage they did to the Clay Figure was returned to them"

Mel's explanation made sense to me...the only members of my team who survived were Nowa, Sabik and Loco Moco. Mir and Kitsuneko were defeated.

Nowa had tied it up with her shadow bindings, so no damage had occurred. Sabik used bite, so he took some damage and was seriously injured, but he was lucky that the bite didn't do much damage. Loco Moco took no damage because he didn't do anything to begin with.

Mir and Kitsuneko had been taking a lot of damage, and it looks like the repercussions were huge. I completely didn't expect such a nasty monster to be here.

Fortunately, the Clay Figure was almost defeated, but it had regeneration and we had no firepower left. Then Nowa asks me for permission.

"...Nii, let me use pseudo-dragon. I'll take out everyone's enemies"

That was a good idea. I've never seen Nowa pseudo-dragonize before, but this is my only chance!

"I rely on you"

"...N! Pseudo-dragon!"

Nowas raises her hands and banzai, a black pillar of light wrapped around her and she becomes a pseudo-dragon. Black dragon ears, tail and wings grow. And Nowa has two black horns that Lily and Ion don't have. Check the status.

Name Nowa Dragonewt (Pseudo-Dragon) Lv25

Vitality 28→48

Magic Power 68→88

Strength 20→40

Defense 19→29

Agility 27→47

Dexterity 58→78


Shadow Manipulation Lv9

Flight Lv1

Curse Strike Lv1

Shadow Detection Lv8

Shadow Movement Lv4

Shadow Hiding Lv9

Shadow Binding Lv4

Shadow Summoning Lv2

Stealth Lv7

Mimicry Lv3

Night Vision Lv11

Evil Eye Lv1

Dragon Technique Lv1

She's still strong. Nowa then says.

"...Nowa, angry. So die...Evil Eye!"

As she says this, Nowa's eyes glow bright red. At that moment, the Clay Figure plummets to the level of a disease, not a disease, but a pure status down. In addition, it seems to be unable to move due to the abnormal status of stopping.

Nowa's attack continues. Nowa puts her arms out in front of her. Then the shadows in the room gather around Nowa.

"...Dragon technique, Dragon Absolute!"

One after another, the snake-shaped shadow dragons fly out from the shadows gathered around Nowa and enter the shadow of the Clay Figure.

Then, the shadow of the Clay Figure expands and the shadow turns reddish brown. The next moment, the Clay Figure is sucked into the shadow and as it clings to the shadow, its vitality and magic power diminish rapidly.

This is...the shadow version of Ribina's ability.

Ribina's ability is limited to men, but it makes the opponent immobile and siphons off their vitality and magic power. On the other hand, Nowa can probably activate it, as long as there is a shadow.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but Nowa's target is a shadow, so it's more all-around.

The last thing it wants to do is to use a martial art on Nowa. She can't use magic if it's a martial art. But there's no way I'm going to let that happen.

"Rune Arts!"

The martial arts was blocked again and without even being allowed to resist, the Clay Figure died. That's where the info comes in.

『The level of Love Summoner has increased. You got status point 2pt』

『The level of Love Summoner has increased. You got skill point 1pt』

『Loco Moco´s level has reached 16. Evolution is possible』

『Sabik's level has reached 16. Evolution is possible』

Hmm? Status points have increased. Then it's strength and agility values. My remaining skill points are 63 pt.

Loco Moco and Sabik are evolving, but first is Nowa. I support Nowa who is about to collapse due to the reaction of the pseudo-dragon.

"Good job. You've done well. Nowa"

"...N. Nii...are you scared of Nowa?"

Apparently, Nowa has a complex about her abilities and the fact that she looks different from Lily and the others.

"I'm not going to be scared of Nowa, who was seriously angry and worked hard for everyone. You were so cute"

"...Nii. I want you to forget"

Unfortunately, I don't think I can do that. I was lucky to see the hidden side of Nowa.

"...Uh. I don't want to move for a while"

Nowa, who said she didn't want to move for a while even though she worked hard, was so shy and I just laughed.

Name Takuto Love Summoner Lv1→Lv2

Vitality 65→66

Magic Power 120→123

Strength 55→56

Defense 40

Agility 54→55

Dexterity 93→96


Fighting Lv9

Kicking Lv16

Staff Lv22

One-handed Sword Lv20

Spear Lv10

Katana Lv1

Throwing Lv7

High-Speed Chanting Lv20→Lv21

Summoning Magic Lv28

Seal Magic Lv5→Lv8

Horsemanship Lv15

Alchemy Lv17

Mining Lv20

Logging Lv17

Dismantling Lv33

Appraisal Lv20

Identification Lv29→Lv30

Wind Magic Lv22→Lv23

Fire Magic Lv21

Earth Magic Lv22

Water Magic Lv28→Lv29

Dark Magic Lv22

Sacred Magic Lv5→Lv8

Lightning Magic Lv22

Explosion Magic Lv22

Wood Magic Lv23

Ice Magic Lv22

Space-time Magic Lv35

Underwater Action Lv2

Reading Lv8

Cooking Lv33

Feeding Lv7

Fishing Lv16

Synchro Lv10

Cooperation Lv2

Name Nowa Dragonewt Lv25→Lv28

Vitality 28→30

Magic Power 68→72

Strength 20→22

Defense 19→20

Agility 27→29

Dexterity 58→62


Shadow Manipulation Lv9

Shadow Detection Lv8

Shadow Movement Lv4

Shadow Hiding Lv9

Shadow Binding Lv4→Lv7

Shadow Summoning Lv2

Stealth Lv7

Mimicry Lv3

Night Vision Lv11→Lv13

Pseudo-dragonification Lv1→Lv2

Name Sabik Black Mamba Lv12→Lv16

Vitality 54→60

Magic Power 18→22

Strength 33→36

Defense 20→22

Agility 41→45

Dexterity 33→36


Bite Lv15→Lv19

Coiling Lv11

Deadly Poison Lv14→Lv17

Heat Detection Lv12→Lv13

Name Loco Moco Cloud Sheep Lv13→Lv16

Vitality 71→75

Magic Power 31→33

Strength 6

Defense 51→57

Agility 24→27

Dexterity 8


Ramming Lv3

Danger Detection Lv5→Lv7

Run Away Lv1

Hair Growth Lv7

Milking Lv7

Cold Resistance Lv1

Name Kitsuneko Youko Lv1

Vitality 38

Magic Power 67

Strength 51

Defense 28

Agility 50

Dexterity 40


Bite Lv12→Lv14

Sign Detection Lv11→Lv12

Danger DetectionLv3→Lv5

Fire Magic Lv13→Lv15

Dark Magic Lv1→Lv3

Night Vision Lv9→Lv11

Evil Flame Lv14→Lv15

Sorcery Lv2

Illusion Lv5

Possession Lv3

Fire Fang Lv1→Lv5

Fire Claw Lv1→Lv5

Fire Bullet Lv3→Lv5

Name Mir Dryad Lv2

Vitality 60

Magic Power 60

Strength 32

Defense 32

Agility 65

Dexterity 60


Earth Hiding Lv10→Lv11

Vine Lv8→Lv10

Swift Lv3→Lv5

Wind Magic Lv1→Lv3

Earth Magic Lv6

Wood Magic Lv5→Lv7

Water Magic Lv1

Photosynthesis Lv1

Transfer Lv1

Nectar Lv3

Pollen Lv3→Lv4

Collecting Lv10

Planting Lv4

Parasitic Plant Lv6→Lv8

Trap Setting Lv6→Lv7

Plant Summoning Lv1

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