Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 7: taste

How many wives? Born in an underground building, Long Yuehong, who grew up in an underground building, could hardly imagine such a thing.

Shang Jianyao seriously discussed:

"It must be too busy."

"There is this custom in some places, and in some places there are still several husbands for a woman." Jiang Baimian recalled what he had seen and heard.

When I saw Yao, I was a little curious:

"If you put people from these two places together and the two customs are mixed, what will it look like?"

Jiang Baimian thought for a while:

"Probably, the eldest husband of my second wife, the third wife and the fourth husband of my second wife turned out to be my son?"

Long Yuehong was dizzy when she heard it, but for a short while she couldn't figure out what the relationship was.

His gaze swept away, and suddenly he saw a few meters away, in front of an RV, a few people wearing padded jackets and old down jackets standing there, bowing frequently to two red candles.

The two candles shook with fire, and there was a piece of air-dried meat, a cleanly shaved chicken, steamed buns, and wowotou.

"What are they doing?" Long Yuehong staggered slightly, trying to see more clearly.

Bai Chen glanced at that direction:

"They are worshipping the car head god."

"The head of the car?" Jiang Baimian asked enthusiastically.

Bai Chen organized the next language:

"For the ‘rootless’ group, vehicles are the most valuable asset and an important member of the family. Many of their customs and habits are derived from this.

"They are always worried about where the vehicle hits, where it hits, or is caught in a swamp, or overturned due to some obstacles. Therefore, they created a car head **** to worship and pray for a safe journey and a smooth wind. No failure."

Shang Jian Yao gave a "tsk":

"Doesn't belong to the jurisdiction of which executive?"

"Yes, what they worship is not a certain old age." Long Yuehong echoed.

Bai Chen's smile flashed by:

"The executives are not so broad. In many places, many people have just heard of this term.

"Well... Many sects who believe in old age have tried to incorporate the Chatou God into their own religion, in order to develop the'rootless' group into their own believers. Now the best is the'Crystal Consciousness Sect', which is also true A sect that worships Buddha and Bodhi in January.

"In some other'rootless people' groups, the Chatou God has been renamed Chatou Bodhisattva."

"The competition between the gods is fierce." Shang Jian Yao commented sternly.

Long Yuehong glanced at the place where the Chatou **** was worshipped again, looked at the dried meat, cooked chicken and steamed buns, and said:

"Will this be too wasteful?"

Even for the employees of "Pangu Bio", this is also a feast-level food. It is not eaten like this during the holidays.

"It won't be thrown away." Bai Chen explained, "After the sacrifice, the food will be brought back and shared by the whole family. On the dust, except for a few places, there will be no waste of food at all."

Having said that, her expression softened a little, and the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked:

"In many wilderness homeless settlements, what the children look forward to most is to worship the gods, which means that the next meal will be very rich, and only once or twice a year will be rich."

"That's it..." Long Yuehong equated this with the New Year Festival of "Pangu Creatures", and immediately felt the same.

While talking, a group of four people came to the most lively part of the camp but also far away from the tanker truck.

It is more open here, with only three longer and larger RVs parked.

They were loosely enclosed into an open "mouth" shape, and the side doors were all opened, exposing the tables and chairs, kitchen counters, cabinets and other things inside.

And in the place surrounded by them, there are various tables, chairs and benches in the outermost circle, and the middle part is completely empty.

At this time, on the top of the RV facing the gap, several spheres were constantly flashing green, red or purple, covering the entire area in a psychedelic light.

On the top of the other two RVs, there is a speaker on each. They play very rhythmic music, which makes people who gather in the blank area can't help but writhe.

Jiang Baimian stared for a while, and the probing hand caught the eager Shang Jianyao:

"Don't mix up.

"Go in first."

Shang Jian Yao reluctantly retracted his gaze, made up the tactical backpack that was about to be put down, and followed Jiang Baimian to the innermost RV.

On the way, they met a young man who had shaved both sides of his hair.

Jiang Baimian stopped him, smiled and asked:

"Where is your leader?"

While talking, she smelled a more obvious smell of gasoline from the other side.

In the cold winter night, the young man didn't wear much, just a long-sleeved red cotton T-shirt and a pair of pants with wide trousers.

There was a faint sweat on his forehead, as if he had just experienced a violent exercise.

"Call the leader." The young man emphasized.

"Yes, leader." Shang Jianyao has always been kind.

The young man was choked:

"I mean, our leader is called the group leader, no, he is not the group leader, he is the leader of our business group."

"Where is your head?" Jiang Baimian asked before Shang Jianyao spoke.

The young man pointed to the RV at the deepest point:

"The one that sells things is."

After answering, he looked up and down Jiang Baimian and said with a smile:

[Reading red envelopes] Follow the public.. public accounts [Book Friends Base Camp], reading up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Dancing together?"

"No." Jiang Baimian refused without hesitation.

When they talked, because the music was strong and powerful, they all let go of their throats, as if they were shouting.

For Jiang Baimian, this is like a fish in water.

The rejected young man didn't bother, his body swayed up and down in accordance with the rhythm, giving way to the road.

Looking at Jiang Baimian's back, he raised his right hand, sniffed the smell on his forearm, and said to himself in doubt:

"She doesn't like the smell of gasoline in this model?"

When the "old tune group" was about to reach the target RV, an old lady suddenly appeared in the shadows around.

She was carrying a brown dustpan with many bottles and jars in it.

"Would you like some gasoline? Or, do you want diesel?" The wrinkles on the old lady's face were obvious, and she looked a little thin.

When Long Yuehong and others were at a loss, Shang Jianyao asked very adaptively:


"..." The old lady was speechless for a while, "This can't be eaten."

She immediately said loudly:

"Sprinkle a little bit on your body and make you the most popular people in the camp!"

She freed her hand and pointed to a vial and said:

"This is the 15-type gasoline of'Tangerine Company', the purest kind, and the smell is just right.

"You just need to sprinkle a little. I don't know how many girls are fascinated by you tonight!"

Jiang Baimian heard thoughtfully and said to himself:

"Because many vehicles need fuel, many people here also love the smell of fuel?

"Perhaps, for them, the fragrance of flowers is far less attractive than the smell of gasoline or diesel."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" The old lady's hearing is a bit bad, and the environment here is very noisy.

Jiang Baimian laughed blankly and said loudly:

"we do not need!"

Seeing the old lady returning to the shadows with a little disappointment, the four "old-tuned group" boarded the RV in the deepest place.

The space inside is quite spacious, and there are many tables and chairs that can be placed. Right outside, there is a creamy white platform to Shang Jian Yao's chest and abdomen.

There are several high stools in front of the platform, and behind the platform there are wooden cabinets displaying various bottles and cans.

Between the wooden cabinet and the platform, stood a man close to 1.8 meters.

He was in his forties and fifty years, with short hair, a large circle of gray beard around his mouth, and a black leather jacket that shimmered slightly.

"Would you like some wine?" the uncle asked with a smile.

"Do you have wine?" Jiang Baimian pulled the high stool and sat down, and asked rhetorically.

Long Yuehong also felt surprised:

"Pangu Biology" is a place with sufficient food. Alcoholic beverages are controlled products. The annual production is very small. Each person has only a very small quota. On the dust of famine everywhere, you can meet a seller casually. Wine!

The uncle who was suspected of being the leader of the "Rootless" merchant group said with a smile:

"Wild tree wine.

"I don't know what kind of fruit it is. It grows here every summer. It is sour and astringent. No one will eat it, and it can't be preserved until winter. But when it is made into wine, the flavor is unexpectedly good."

When everyone else in the "Old Tune Group" sat down, Jiang Baimian joked:

"I think people who take the car as their home, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, who take driving as their life-long career will not drink."

The uncle suddenly smiled and said:

"That's why we only drink frequently every winter."

He sighed:

"My grandfather's generation, because of the destruction of the old world, can't go back to their hometown, and their mental state is not very good. Many times they can only rely on alcohol to paralyze themselves.

"This also caused a lot of accidents and lost some vehicles.

"When we reach our parents, there will be the first team rule. Everyone must have a tattoo on the body."

Having said that, he turned his body and pulled up his clothes, revealing his back.

On the bronzed skin, two rows of large black characters are very eye-catching:

"Drink without driving, and drive without drinking."</div>

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