Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 19: Can be "trusted"


There is still a while before the power outage at 8:30, and the street lights on the street are still shining light, illuminating the front for pedestrians passing by.

However, it is incomparable with the inside of the "Pangu Biological" underground building. Many street lights on South Street have long been broken, and only one is intact at intervals of several tens of meters. Many places have to be lightly floating, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Before dinner, Bai Chen took Long Yuehong out and stepped on it. There were already several plans for what to do next. He walked naturally and calmly, as if she was just a returning home woman holding a large utensil.

Long Yuehong was undoubtedly a little nervous, but he experienced too many things the first time he went out, and he had some immunity to similar situations, so that his hands and feet would not become soft, and his heartbeat would be throbbing.

He silently followed Bai Chen, blocking the sight of passers-by from time to time to prevent the "orange" rifle wrapped in cloth from being too conspicuous.

There is a sentry post at the gate of the South Street Slave Market. Two guards inside are holding assault rifles of the same standard. They are not intently scanning the surroundings, sitting and standing.

Bai Chen passed them, unhurriedly walking towards the central square.

Soon, she and Long Yuehong entered the blind spot of the street lamp, as if two vague shadows on the dim street.

At this time, Bai Chen suddenly turned around, came to the entrance of the courtyard of the adjacent building, and dexterously climbed the iron fence gate in a second or two.

Long Yuehong admired it for a while, because during this process, Bai Chen still scored the rifle in his stable arms.

Without delay, Long Yuehong followed the iron fence gate and did not bring out any movement.

He and Bai Chen immediately entered the building adjacent to the South Street Slave Market, and under the dim light bulb, they reached the top floor in the cold staircase.

Bai Chen took out a piece of wire that had been prepared in advance, inserted it into the keyhole, and after a few tricks, he opened the door to the rooftop.

——Although the exterior of this building seems to have cornices, it is more of a kind of imitation and decoration, and it has all the normal layouts.

On the rooftop, concealing the door, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong came to the side near the South Street Slave Market under the dim moonlight.

In this quiet night, in this open place, they heard singing, shouts, music and various noises from West Street.

At this moment, Long Yuehong looked towards the South Street Slave Market, tilted his head and said:

"What sound seems to be there?"

As soon as his voice fell, as the noise on West Street subsided briefly, the movement of the South Street Slave Market suddenly became clearer.

That is the sound of many whimpers.

Every sound is not loud, so faint as if it doesn't exist, but after they overlap, they quietly fell apart in the dark night, occasionally mixed with heart-piercing coughs and seemingly painful pain. Humph.

"The slaves are crying." Bai Chen said blankly at the market below.

Long Yuehong was silent for a while, and exclaimed:

"It's miserable...

"It's a pity that we only have four people and we can't save them."

Bai Chen turned his head and looked at the opposite alley.

After a while she said:

"This season, if you don't have enough supplies, you might as well let them stay here."

Long Yuehong thought about it carefully and discovered that this was the truth.

But it is this truth that can be established, making him a lot more unspeakable sadness than just now.

He watched Bai Chen choose the position, set up the "Orange" rifle, put his eyes in front of the scope, and monitored the opposite alley. Following his instructions, he used binoculars to observe the roof and rooms on the other side of the South Street Slave Market.

"Nothing found." Long Yuehong made a conclusion after repeated confirmations.

"Watch it every three minutes." Bai Chen emphasized.

"Yes..." After speaking the first word, Long Yue became dumb.

Usually "yes, group leader", this time he didn't know what to "be", so he added Bai Chen's name directly at the end, which seemed not good enough.

Bai Chen didn't care, and focused on monitoring the target area.

Long Yuehong followed and looked at the opposite side, just to see the team leader and Shang Jianyao walking into the alley after dinner.


"Wait next to the broken street lamp in front." On the top of Jiang Baimian's head was a hat with a black padded jacket, with a circle of brown hair inlaid on the edge.

This seems to have the effect of showing small faces.

Shang Jian Yao closed his mouth tightly and did not speak indiscriminately. He followed the group leader to the other side of the broken street lamp and hid his body in the shadows.

The light from the street couldn't reach this side at all. Only in the buildings on both sides, a little light overflowed, making the outline of various things faintly revealed.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao stopped talking, and watched each side, paying attention to the pedestrians passing by.

Whenever someone approaches, they look at each other as if they are dating couples.

——They believe that the boy and girl friends in the "Pangu Creatures" who have to meet in the corner under the cold after the lights are turned off are representative. There must be similar people on the surface, and the more relatives are in the wild grass city. The better the place, the more so, Bai Chen did not deny this.

Time passed by, and eight o'clock soon arrived.

After another minute or two, a figure walked into this alley from the entrance of South Street.

He was wearing a navy-blue cotton coat, a furry leather hat, and a black scarf. He crouched slightly with his head down, like an old man trembling in the cold wind.

When passing by Jiang Baimian and Shang Jian Yao, the old man slipped his feet, his body shook, and dropped something on the ground.

He squatted down hurriedly and fumbled for the lost property with the lights of the buildings on both sides.

Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao had already seen clearly that what the old man dropped was a badge with no words on the red background.

"Did you drop this?" Jiang Baimian bent down and smiled and handed his red gold nameplate to the old man's eyes.

The old man took a look and raised his head:


Under the dim light, he was not old at all, he was in his thirties, his eyebrows were neither thick nor thin, his features were neither ugly nor handsome, he belonged to a person with little memory.

After answering, the person quickly picked up his "badge" and stood up.

After confirming that the other party was the company's intelligence personnel lurking in Yecao City, Jiang Baimian smiled and asked casually:

"Have you stepped on here and observed the environment?"

The intelligence officer nodded and said casually:

"Whether it is the front and back of the clothes, the addition or reduction of hats, the way of wearing scarves, and the walking posture can make you look like another person at night, but this requires a little skill."

Jiang Baimian listened quietly and suddenly smiled:

"You have passed here four times, right?"

The intelligence officer looked at Jiang Baimian in amazement.

He was not surprised that the lady in front of him noticed that he had been nearby, but the other party could accurately say how many times there were in total!

Jiang Baimian smiled and looked at the other's feet and said:

"Remember to change your leather shoes next time."

The intelligence officer suddenly realized.

Jiang Baimian gave an "um" and nodded:

"Indeed, the extra shoes are not convenient to carry with you, you can only consider getting them dirty.

"Are you a little bit reluctant?"

On the dust, except for those self-proclaimed noble lords, who is willing to take the initiative to spoil their own things?

The ordinary employees of "Pangu Biology" usually live a life with relatively scarce materials, but it is better than most of the wilderness homeless settlements.

"Somewhat." The intelligence officer nodded truthfully.

He didn't say much, glanced around and said:

"It's not very convenient for communication. I will take you to a place."

Jiang Baimian immediately turned his head and glanced at Shang to see Yao.

The intelligence officer noticed this scene and frowned slightly:

"do not trust me?"

At this moment, Shang Jianyao laughed:

"How can you not trust you?


"We are all employees of the company;

"Our family are all inside the company;

"and so……"

The intelligence officer's expression gradually eased:

"That's right, everyone can be trusted."

His attitude is obviously more enthusiastic:

"I have been sent to Wild Grass City for almost two years, and I will be able to go back in another year. I don't know my daughter, haha, I don't even recognize me~www.ltnovel.com~ When I came out, she was only five years old."

"This is not very lucky, so say less." Shang Jianyao interrupted the opponent.

The intelligence officer was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Shang Jian Yao, only to see his sincere face.

"Yes." The intelligence officer felt the care of his friend.

Then, he pointed to the other end of the alley:

"It's better to change the place. People come and go here."

Intelligence agents have instinctive defenses and high demands on the joint location.

Because of the insurance of the "inference clown", even if the other party was really not trustworthy before, now he can be trusted, so Jiang Baimian no longer hesitates and nods gently:

"it is good."

After speaking, she took out the intercom, pressed the button and said:

"It's time to evacuate."

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