Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 41: Triple effect

Shang Jian Yao immediately agreed, slapped his thigh and said:

"I almost thought that the real murderer was not us."

It's as if you just heard that you attacked Eugene, turned him into a slave, and brought him back... Long Yuehong couldn't help but slander.

Of course, he didn't have the idea of ​​arguing with the mental patient about this issue, lest Shang Jianyao began to repeat "Hey, I made genetic modification only 1.75 meters."

——During the chat, Long Yuehong asked Shang Jian Yao about his attack on Eugene, hoping to learn something from it.

Jiang Baimian ignored Shang Jian Yao and said with a smile:

"We are in a good state now, and no one will doubt us.

"I'm afraid that things get worse and worse. Different forces in the city start to fish in troubled waters and chase their own interests. It is easy to turn Weed City into a gunpowder barrel and explode at one point."

Speaking of which, Jiang Baimian did not see the outside world and looked towards Bai Chen:

"Take the 20 Ore you just received to buy food, you have food in your hand, don't panic."

"Okay." Bai Chen sitting on the stool at the table nodded.

Jiang Baimian immediately took out the piece of paper from Chen Xufeng and handed it to Bai Chen:

"You take a look first."

Long Yuehong immediately got up, picked up the stool, moved to the side of Bai Chen, and browsed with her.

"Hypnosis, memory...no wonder..." At the end, Long Yuehong let out a suddenly realized voice.

He also made up for what is called hypnosis.

"In this way, Lin Feifei and the others are indeed under the control of the'anti-intellectual education', rather than being planted and framed." Unlike the past, Bai Chen expressed his thoughts relatively more actively.

"It's not completely ruled out. It can only be said that the possibility is very low, not so coincidental." Jiang Baimian agreed.

Then, she deliberatedly said:

"From the perspective of the'anti-intellectualism' behavior, they are more extreme and like to make big things.

"From this point of view, can we guess that they are gradually becoming active in Wild Grass City, in addition to missionary needs, they are also preparing to do something important?

"This has nothing to do with Lei Yunsong, Lin Feifei and others from the'Pangu Creatures'. Normally, it is impossible to affect them unless..."

Jiang Baimian paused, and Long Yuehong blurted out:

"Unless they accidentally broke the'anti-intellectualism' plot?"

"It may also be that there is an intersection from Yecao City in the middle, and Lei Yunsong and Lin Feifei are involved in this." Bai Chen followed speculation.

Shang Jian Yao was unwilling to lag behind and said his thoughts:

"There is another possibility:

"When the'anti-intellectual religion' was handing out flyers, they were bumped into by Lei Yunsong and they had a conflict. They became angry and became angry. They didn't stop doing two things. They found the strong inside the sect to take action and saved their face."

"How irritable is this?" Jiang Baimian replied euphemistically. "Although this fits the stupid setting of'anti-intellectualism', it can be seen from their doctrine that their god-chosen is quite smart. , So as not to grow out of knots when there is no need."

She looked around and said:

"For the time being, the investigation will be based on breaking the conspiracy and getting involved in other incidents."

"Yes, group leader!" Long Yuehong responded with his head held high, happy because his thoughts were affirmed.

Jiang Baimian then reminded:

"Next, we will begin to deal with this ‘anti-intellectual religion’ and hope to find them out as soon as possible.

"No one can guarantee safety during this process. You'd better make a little preparation to prevent yourself from being hypnotized at some point, or losing important memories and adding more memories you shouldn't have."

Long Yuehong quickly asked:

"Group leader, what should I do?"

Jiang Baimian smiled:

"Don't be too nervous, you see, a person as strong as Eugene will be resolved quickly?"

"Team leader, as soon as you say'look at it', I wonder if I have been affected by the'inference clown'. I regard Shang Jian Yao as you, and you as Shang Jian Yao..." Long Yuehong whispered back. One sentence.

"Huh?" Jiang Baimian touched his metal cochlea.

Then she smiled:

"Aren't I Shang Jian Yao?"

"Okay, kidding." She restrained her expression and gave her own opinion. "You can prepare some small notes that you can store next to your body, and write down a few key memories in a way that others can't understand but you can understand. Go up and indicate "this prevails." After that, check it every once in a while and check your own state against it."

"Okay." Bai Chen agreed after a little thought.

Jiang Baimian looked at her and suddenly remembered something:

"By the way, Odick asked you? How did you ask? Rely on the influence of dreams?"

"Well, I don't know when I fell asleep, and I don't know I was dreaming. Fortunately, I found out the paper-folded star of Shang Jianyao before I woke up." Bai Chen briefly described.

"It's not easy." Shang Jianyao commented.

I don't know what he is referring to.

Jiang Baimian thought for a while and helped him add:

"This is the most difficult application of'Reference Clown' in the current situation.

"It makes your subconscious mind believe that there is such a small paper-folded star on your body, so it reflects in a dream.

"In reality, matter cannot be fabricated, so you can't touch it."

"The strangest thing about me is that when I can't touch the folded stars in reality, shouldn't the effect of the'inference clown' be lifted?" Bai Chen was a little puzzled.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"It's very simple. I added a triple effect, not a double effect.

"Do you remember what I said after you reasoned out that there was a paper-folded star in your pocket? It was also a ‘reasoning’."

Bai Chen recalled:

"You mean, ‘it’s very mysterious, involves supernatural powers, and is an important item that cannot be touched or touched now’?"

Papa, Shang Jianyao clapped.

He explained excitedly:

"The first effect is to make you think that the team leader and I are strangers, ignoring related memories.

"The second effect is that you are influenced by me, a stranger, thinking that you have paper-folded stars in your pocket.

"The third effect is to let you come to the conclusion that you can't touch the star now. In this way, when you fail to find it in reality, you still believe that it will appear in your dreams."

"If it weren't for Odick later, would this effect never be lifted?" Bai Chen asked.

Shang Jian Yao shook his head:

"After you sleep, if you dream of nothing or anything else, it will be relieved naturally."

Seeing that Bai Chen was relieved, Jiang Baimian began to summarize:

"In this way, Odick's awakened ability has two capabilities: forced sleep and dream interference.

"Uh, how do you feel in your dream?"

"Before I took out the paper-folded stars, I was a bit muddled. It was similar to a normal dream. I knew who I was, but I didn't feel anything unusual about the changes in the surrounding environment." Bai Chen said truthfully.

Jiang Baimian muttered to himself thoughtfully:

"This is quite different from the real dream of a nightmare horse."

"At that time, in my dreams, I was sober and felt that it was in reality." Shang Jianyao added eagerly to help.

Jiang Baimian nodded gently:

"Because it is real enough, the damage in the dream will be fed back to reality.

"Well, Oddik's ability to affect dreams and nightmare horses should not be the same. One can be called "real dreams" and the other can only be called "manipulating dreams."

"It's true that Odick's dream ability is weaker than that of Nightmare Horse, but he also has the ability to'force to fall asleep', which must not be underestimated."

As long as it is used with a gun within the corresponding range, this is simply a BUG.

After discussing this matter, Jiang Baimian returned to the topic:

"The most important question now is, how do we find people who are ‘anti-intellectual’?"

"After the power outage, squatting to guard the people who distributed the leaflets? Uh, in the situation in Yecao City, there should be many patrols at night, and they should not dare to come out..." Long Yuehong first put forward an opinion and made it by himself. In the negative, "Look around the library? Maybe they will burn the library again in the chaos."

"After the library was burned once, it has been guarded by the heavily armed city defense army." Jiang Baimian entered and exited the library several times, and he knew a lot about this.

Shang Jianyao then showed a distressed expression:

"The information is not detailed enough.

"If we can figure out what the ‘anti-intellectual’ sacrament is, we can go to the corresponding shops and market research."

"...This is a way of thinking." Jiang Baimian had to admit that mental patients can always find directions that normal people would not think about. "This is either to ask Odick or send a telegram to the company. Well, we have to do it ourselves. With a radio transceiver, you can't rely on Chen Xufeng. On the one hand, it is easy to expose him. On the other hand, there are too many intermediate links and not timely enough, and the critical moment may be delayed because of this."

She looked around and continued:

"In addition to this, there is another direction.

"Think about it, "anti-intellectual education" wants to destroy knowledge. In addition to one of the carriers of knowledge, books, which group will it target?"

"Teacher!" Long Yuehong, who had received formal education since childhood, reacted at once.

Jiang Baimian nodded with satisfaction:

"Although in Yecao City, the teachers in regular schools live in North Street, which is relatively safe, there are other people who cannot be forgotten.

"There are no public schools like Shuiwei Town in some wilderness homeless settlements, but some people hope that their children can at least be literate. Therefore, when they have a little spare capacity, more than a dozen families will unite and work out. For some supplies, ask one or two part-time teachers to teach for a few months, and then it depends on the actual situation.

"You have also seen that the living conditions of the citizens in Yecao City are better than those in most wilderness homeless settlements, and the population is quite large. Could there be some children who cannot go to North Street to study, and the elders have no time? Or families who are unable to teach~www.ltnovel.com~ join forces to ask a few teachers for short-term education?

"Could there be people like this who make a living out of this?"

Bai Chen immediately said:


"Many relic hunters themselves are illiterate. It is not so convenient to accept tasks in the Hunter's Guild. It is a waste of time to listen and ask. If such people have more money, they also have a certain amount of free time. , Ask a teacher to teach common words.

"In Wild Grass City, this is called a'temporary teacher'."

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"Then we will visit these'temporary teachers' separately to see if they have received threats recently and where they come from."

PS: The last half day of January, ask for a monthly pass~

PS2: It will be updated in advance on the first day of February, in the early morning~

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