Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 103: disease

Song He didn't know much about the "corridor of the soul". After Jiang Baimian asked a few more questions, he returned to the hotel camp with Shang Jianyao and others, went into each house and slept each.

In a dizzy time, Jiang Baimian woke up, feeling his forehead hot, his body aching, and his whole body limp and uncomfortable.

I got sick? She sat up on her support and tucked the pillow behind her back.

As she reached out to touch her forehead, she glanced away and saw Shang Jianyao sitting beside another bed, taking advantage of the skylight outside the window, holding a needle and thread, carefully mending the jacket with multiple bullet holes.

This is a must-have skill for every “Pangu Biology” employee who has been performing tasks in the dust for a long time.

At the meeting that had just formed the "Old Tune Team", Jiang Baimian planned to give a special lesson on this, but she found that Shang Jian Yao was more proficient than her.

After thinking about Shang Jian Yao living alone after fourteen-five years old, she was relieved and stopped mentioning this aspect.

"What time is it?" Jiang Baimian retracted his hand touching his forehead, confirming that he was really sick.

She didn't even have the energy to look at her watch.

Since the dangerous period of genetic modification, except for the inflammation caused by the injury, she has not been sick for a long, long time.

Was it because the heart was overloaded last night, was affected by the electric shock, and did not rest in time afterwards, which caused the illness? Jiang Baimian thoughtfully, Shang Jianyao put down his needlework and clothing, turned his wrist to look at his watch and said:

"It's almost one o'clock."

"It's so late?" Jiang Baimian was a little surprised.

She doesn't feel hungry at all.

"You seem to be sick." Shang Jianyao pointed out.

"How did you find out?" Jiang Baimian asked subconsciously.

Shang Jianyao stood up, took out the small mirror that he carried with him to "mislead" him, and handed it to Jiang Baimian.

"You have red cheeks and dry lips. When you fell asleep, you still talked in sleep, as if you were calling ‘mother’ and ‘daddy’..." Shang Jianyao described every detail that supported his reasoning.

"Stop!" Jiang Baimian's body poured out a force, forcibly stopping Shang Jianyao and continued.

She felt that her image as a steel woman warrior had been severely damaged.

After making the sound, she felt fatigued and her mouth was very dry, so she reached out to the bedside table where the sundries were piled up, and tried to pick up her water bag.

Before she finished her movements, Shang Jian Yao had already walked over quickly, picked up the water bag, unscrewed the lid, and reached her mouth.

"Oh." Jiang Baimian was shocked.

She did not refuse, Gulu drank a few sips of water before smiling and saying:

"Is this a confession for acting arbitrarily last night?"

"This is what the companion should do." Shang Jianyao responded unchanged.

Jiang Baimian glanced at him, and took this opportunity to ask:

"Why did you rush out?"

Shang Jianyao replied seriously:

"If the awakened one is not resolved, all the residents of Redstone Market will die."

Jiang Baimian looked at his dark brown and nearly black eyes, and found that there was a crystal clear inside.

"Hey, at least this time remember to notify me in advance." Jiang Baimian sighed helplessly.

Having said that, she suddenly became a little angry:

"Why didn't you get sick?"

It's only fair if two people are sick!

Moreover, it is Shang Jianyao who should be sick the most. Maybe he can take this opportunity to break through the "Island of Disease."

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while and said:

"At that time, I was not about to pass out of a coma."

This means that the load on his heart has not really exceeded the limit, nor has he suffered subsequent electrical stimulation.

Jiang Baimian sighed in his mouth and said in silence for a moment:


She immediately said:

"Quickly, boil some hot water, get a towel, I'm going to put on my forehead.

"No matter what, you acted arbitrarily last night and must be punished!"

Shang Jian Yao had no objection, and skillfully boiled the tap water, adjusted the temperature, and twisted a towel over.

Jiang Baimian began to instruct him to do various things again, including but not limited to going to the next room to communicate with Bai Chenlong Yuehong, helping the patient to the toilet, changing towels, sewing clothes, and filling water bags.

Seeing Shang Jian Yao busy back and forth, Jiang Baimian suddenly realized:

When his mother was ill, he was already proficient in these things.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Jiang Baimian's eyes lit up, and he patted along the way when he got out of bed:

"We had a misunderstanding before!"

"What?" Shang Jianyao tried to understand what the other party meant.

Fearing that his thinking would develop in a weird direction, Jiang Baimian explained directly:

"Aren't we always thinking about how to resolve your fear of disease?

"Actually, with your attitude towards your own life and death, you shouldn't be so afraid of disease."

Shang Jian Yao thought about it next:

"Illness makes me unable to do things, and I am afraid of doing things too late."

Jiang Baimian replied angrily and funny:

"This is not the point."

She immediately said:

"I think your fear of disease is more of a fear that it will take away people around you, and you can't do anything about it."

Shang Jian Yao fell into deep thought and did not speak for a long time.

Jiang Baimian laughed:

"I'll let you see what is physical strength and what is sickness!

"If the company's genetic modification technology is promoted everywhere, and genetic modification is no longer so dangerous and becomes controllable, then humans will be free from the threat of most diseases."

After speaking, she leaned on the pillow and said with satisfaction:

"When I recover, you can try it in this direction.

"Well, get me something to eat, I'm starting to feel hungry.

"This is a good sign!"

After lunch, because Jiang Baimian was ill, the responsibility of interrogating the second captive was handed over to Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong.

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According to Jiang Baimian's instructions, they first went to the Vigilance Church and invited the Vigilant Song He to interrogate together.

This is to use the other's ability to make people friendly, so that Shang Jian Yao will not expose the "inference clown".

Song He hadn't just gotten up for a long time. An elderly person his age did not show any discomfort after staying up all night, and his body was really well maintained.

For Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong's invitation, he gladly accepted, took the two church guards, and took his own car to the Redstone Set and entered the lower-level public security station.

This alerter took the lead. Although Han Wanghuo was still resting and did not come over, Shang Jianyao and others easily entered the interrogation room and saw the prisoner who was the least injured.

This is a murloc, with gray-black scales covering its body, and gills trembling slightly from under the ears to the neck.

——In Long Yue's red eyes, all murlocs have no difference in appearance, and can only be distinguished by tall, short, fat and thin.

After each seated, Shang Jianyao asked first:

"Who is that murloc who can suffocate people?"

The murloc captive behind the iron railing glanced at him with protruding eyes, lowered his head, and was silent.

At this time, Song He smiled and said:

"This is not a confidential matter."

The murloc captive thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the reason.

He quickly loosened his attitude, raised his head, and said hesitantly:

"It's a divine envoy."

"Divine envoy? Which envoy who is old-fashioned?" Long Yuehong was very polite, and asked Song He's consent.

"Not the old age." The murloc captive shook his head. "He was originally our third pastor. We believe in the God of the old world. Later, later, he asked us to change the name to his envoy."

The murloc's language evolved from the Honghe language, and Long Yuehong was struggling to hear it, and it took a while to understand what the other party meant.

It was Song He, who had obviously taught himself the language of the local people, and asked fluently:

"when did it happen?"

"Less than a year ago." The murloc captive seemed to be talking to a friend.

"What else happened at that time?" Song He asked.

There was awe in the eyes of the murloc captive, white and black:

"He, he became very strong, very scary, like the incarnation of a god.

"He can kill a person easily and can easily destroy an army."

Shang Jian Yao asked with interest:

"Before? Is he strong?"

The murloc captive glanced at the guy in the monkey mask, and said not too willingly:

"He has some abilities, but they are not too powerful. He can make a person unable to open his mouth, cannot eat, and can make a person tired easily, just like lack of oxygen..."

After listening to the description of the murloc captives, Song He asked softly:

"Did he do anything before he became an envoy?

"Or, have you encountered anything?"

The murloc captive fell into the memory and said after a long time:

"We landed on the largest island in Nuhu Lake.

"My grandfather said that there are market towns there and there are several villages. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, we were busy protecting ourselves, subsistence, farming, and fishing at first. Later, we kept thinking about it, wanting to fight back, but we didn’t pay attention to them. Case."

When talking about "fighting back", his emotions had a certain ups and downs, and he seemed to no longer trust Song He.

But soon, he became friendly enough again:

"After being repelled last time, we have been recuperating. Many young people have become interested in that big island because they have been idle for too long.

"The island is much larger than the one where we live. The roads are well preserved and there are deserted farmland everywhere. We are very surprised that where the humans on the island have gone, they should not have been attacked by outsiders.

"After searching for a while, we found the market town where they once lived and found some records."

It's a pity that the group leader didn't come, she must be very interested in these things...Long Yuehong gradually adapted to the murloc language.

The murloc captive continued:

"Through those records, we know that after the destruction of the old world, the people on that island soon believed in a **** named Yan Hu. He claimed to be the Yama King in the myth of the Gray People.

"With the protection of this god, the people on the island did not suffer any disasters and lived very well. Just when they accumulated some power and planned to seize the surrounding area of ​​Nuhu Lake, the **** fell into a deep sleep. Did not wake up.

"After losing the blessing of the gods, a large-scale ‘unintentional disease’ broke out on the island soon, and the remaining humans should have been hunted down before long."

Large-scale "no heart disease"... Long Yuehong's scalp was numb when she heard this description.

At this time, Shang Jianyao asked enthusiastically:

"You found the sleeping god?"

The murloc captive's lips moved for a while and then said:


"We found His sleeping temple."

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