Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 105: Redstone Episode 1

Lehman leaned forward slightly, clasped his hands, and said carefully:

"I have some friends in Redstone Set. They heard about your feat last night."

He didn't dare to say directly that the entire Redstone Collection knew that you had killed a powerful awakener. Is it a secret that everyone knows?

Jiang Baimian did not continue this topic, but asked instead:

"Mr. Lehman, what do you want us to do?"

Lehman said awkwardly:

"I want to entrust you with a task. It will be a bit dangerous, but please rest assured, it will definitely be issued by the Hunter Guild and be subject to their review and supervision."

Jiang Baimian thought for a few seconds, then smiled narrowly behind the mask:

"Does this mission have anything to do with the cause of the destruction of the old world?"

"..." Lehman was at a loss and shook his head for a long time. "There shouldn't be."

Shang Jianyao asked:

"Does that have anything to do with the cause of the outbreak of'Innocent Disease'?"

Oh, it's quite tacit... Jiang Baimian praised it in his heart.

Lehman couldn't keep up with the thoughts of the two ruin hunters opposite, and replied a little dazedly:


He heard that the stronger the Awakener, the more unstable the mental state or very strange hobbies.

Are these two like this?

That's why we can kill that powerful awakener?

Jiang Baimian refrained from laughing and said solemnly:

"We don't take all tasks, I'm sorry."

Lehman understood at once, the two questions just now were just excuses for rejection.

He was a little irritated and felt that the other party was entertaining himself.

Of course, as a smuggling businessman, it is an instinct to measure the strength of the enemy and ourselves. After a little thought, he gave up his anger and said regretfully:

"It's a pity, the reward will be very generous."

Jiang Baimian did not ask what kind of remuneration he would receive, and again rejected the other party's proposal:

"Our team needs to rest, and we won't take up the task for now."

"Well, if you want to pick it up, you can come to me at any time. I should stay at the Redstone Collection for a few more days." Lehman felt that the opposite ruin hunter was firm and stood up and politely left.

After watching the smuggler go away, Jiang Baimian said with a smile:

"If it hadn't been for us to have booked an exoskeleton device, maybe we would really consider his mission."

Now, they are the "old tune group", and they are not really a ruin hunter squad.

"Our next goals are three. One is to find a way to get in touch with DiMarco in the'Underground Ark' to see if there is any information about the destruction of the old world there, and the other is to go to the island in the lake and see the sleeping'god ', the third is to collect information on the'machine paradise' to prepare for future dealings." Jiang Baimian's thinking is still very clear.

Shang Jian Yao sighed regretfully:

"Just get another exoskeleton device."

"Yes." Jiang Baimian thought for a while, nodded, "It would be better to make Xiaobai stronger. Who would have too much of an exoskeleton device? We can also use it. Well, this is not it. Too rush, no need to take too much risk."

She was about to take off her mask, took off her coat, lay back on the bed, and continued to be a patient, only to sense that someone was coming in this direction again.

"Really, can't we give the patient time to rest?" She couldn't help but complain.

Shang Jian Yao immediately found a piece of paper and wrote a few words on it:

"do not disturb."

As soon as he opened the door and was about to stick the paper on the door, he saw Mrs. Theresa trying to knock on the door.

The widow of the arms dealer Hewig still wore the black veiled hat, followed by several people armed to their teeth with masks on their faces.

Teresa was taken aback, and asked bluntly:

"I heard that you recovered the arms?"

"Yes." Shang Jianyao said happily, "Your half is in the church."

While talking, he glanced at the people behind Teresa.

Feeling his gaze, the bodies of the few people instantly tightened, even a little trembling, and they seemed to find a place to hide if they didn't agree with each other.

How horrible the second-person awakener was last night, they have personally experienced it, and now, the one in front of them, killed the second-person awakener!

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"It's not a good thing to be too vigilant." Shang Jian Yao sincerely gave advice.

Fortunately, he didn't speak. When he spoke, the people who followed Teresa had the urge to turn around and run away.

Fortunately, they are just impulsive and not put into practice, which shows that they are all normal people.

Upon seeing this, Teresa hurriedly introduced:

"They are loyal to Hevig's subordinates and are now responsible for protecting me."

The conversation between the two was in Honghe language.

At this time, Jiang Baimian walked to the door and said with a smile:

"Now I will take you to the church to get the remaining arms. Remember to go to the guild to confirm that our mission has been completed."

Teresa breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect you to be so strong.

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be Greyspeakers.

"I was so emotional at the time. Although my relationship with Herwig was not very good, he was my husband after all."

Obviously, she knew from others at Redstone that this was a Grayspeaker squad.

"It's okay." Jiang Baimian had a little forgotten the original conversation.

Teresa was silent for a while, and then asked:

"Have you found the murderer who killed Hevig?"

"Not yet." Jiang Baimian answered truthfully, "just ruled out some suspects."

Uh...You haven't completed this task yet, so why did you just take half of the munitions? Teresa originally wanted to say this, but then she remembered the "great feats" of the Relic Hunter team across from last night, and felt the tension and anxiety of the "bodyguards" behind her, so she forced a smile:

"It seems that the real murderer will be found soon."

At this moment, she realized the feelings of some residents of Redstone Market when they faced Hervig in the past few years:

A local tyrant!

Dare to be angry but dare not speak!

Jiang Baimian was still ill, so he didn't say much, and directly asked Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong to drive the group of Teresa to the Vigilance Church.

After seeing the alerter Song He, they quickly completed the handover, so Shang Jian Yao, Long Yuehong, etc. were outside the church, standing beside the jeep, idly watching Teresa and those busy places counting arms. , Unloading materials.

Looking around, Shang Jian Yao turned his head to look at the other side.

Viel, who was only 1.6 meters tall, walked around from the side of the church and walked towards them.

After standing next to Long Yuehong, Viel looked at Teresa who was praying in the church hall and gave a low smile:

"She's real, you certainly can't imagine her."

"Really?" Shang Jianyao asked enthusiastically.

Viel smiled and said:

"During the previous Mass, Hervig was busy completing the arms deal, deliberately exposed, and was quickly found.

"Not long after, Mrs. Teresa was also found, but she did not leave the church."

Having said that, he was a little proud:

"I saw in the ventilation duct, she entered the room of Bishop Renato.

"Hehe, this may be the reason why Bishop Renato was punished by God and became a ‘unintentional’."

"Huh?" Long Yuehong didn't understand it for a while because Vier was speaking in Honghe language.

After a few seconds, he suddenly realized:

Bishop Renato and Mrs. Theresa are actually lovers!

With the help of ventilation ducts, how many secrets did UU reading www.uukanshu.com discover?

Long Yuehong sighed with emotion, Shang Jian Yao sincerely commented:

"It's really busy to hold the old age."

"Are you taunting me?" Viel glanced at Shang Jianyao, and then said, "Everyone has many invisible masks. Only through the ventilation ducts from another world can they see that they are truly removed from the mask. Look like."

Having said that, he laughed again:

"Do you want to know what Song Alerter looks like under the'mask'?

"You will never think of it."

Long Yuehong thought it over, and said before Shang Jianyao:

"This has nothing to do with us. As long as the Song Alerter does not plot against us in private, then what kind of person he is has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao agreed.

Viel lowered his lips and said:

"You will lose a lot of fun like this."

Shang Jian Yao didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly became excited:

"Then have you observed the situation in the'boat below the ground'?"

Viel chuckled:

"There are people guarding every vent of the'underground boat', and there is no way to get in."

After a pause, he added another sentence like he was talking to himself:

"However, those who guard the vents will also communicate with each other in daily life."

Before Shang Jian Yao asked again, he jumped out and disappeared behind a pile of collapsed buildings.

Only at this point did Long Yuehong react:

"What does he mean is that he still has a certain understanding of the internal situation of the ‘Ark below the Earth’?"

Shang Jian Yao said thoughtfully:

"If I find him and win him, will he tell me what I heard?"

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