Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Precautions

In this report, Jiang Baimian still did not have the gaze of "You Gu" on the night that Bishop Tirenato was "innocent".

On the one hand, she feels that the "old tune group" is currently still at the Redstone Collection, is still vigilant about the church's sphere of influence, and is still in the place where "yougu" is concerned. Actively leaking this matter might arouse the anger of the old man. Of course, she is still an atheist. For the time being, she treats Zhisui as a powerful creature beyond imagination, and she does not have a particularly serious heart of awe and a strong urge to worship. She is only considering reality based on reality-people are in the eaves. Down, had to bow his head.

On the other hand, she has always known that the company hides a lot of secrets, and her attitude towards the ruined old world is very interesting. Therefore, during the investigation, she instinctively wanted to keep a little bit of the gains that were not related to the mission.

Moreover, they have a friendly relationship with the Vigilant sect, and respect "You Gu". They have not done any blasphemous behavior and do not need to seek help from the company for the time being.

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Regarding the matter of watching the obsessive years, Jiang Baimian did not say so in detail to Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, mainly to remind them that there may be obsessive years in this world, and he would also look at the dust and even descend into the world.

She didn't share the fear, hopelessness, and shock at the time so as not to scare the two team members.

As soon as it got dark, the "Old Tune Group" who had used dinner received a call back from "Pangu Biology":

"You can do certain investigations, but pay attention to the following:

"One, after entering the temple, you cannot touch anything directly with your hands, you must wear latex gloves, rubber gloves and other items;

"Two, unless necessary, the body of the so-called ‘god’ cannot be moved;

"Three, no more than a quarter of an hour in the temple, no more than half an hour in the area near the temple, and no more than three days in other places on the island."

After translating the content, Jiang Baimian said with emotion:

"The company is not unfamiliar with this kind of things, and they have summed up a formal process."

She is even more curious about the reasons behind these taboos, and whether the company has figured out the source of the problem, or has it filled out a product of experience based on human life.

"Otherwise, how could he be the biggest suspect of destroying the old world, the ultimate villain of the current dust?" Shang Jianyao responded to Jiang Baimian's emotion in the tone of a radio drama.

Long Yuehong hesitated, but still asked:

"Really sure to go?"

After seeing the list of precautions, he was not so scared.

Unknown is the most scary thing, knowing how to deal with it will definitely not be so scary.

In this regard, Long Yuehong’s most direct thoughts are:

It feels good to be backed by the company!

"Should go." Jiang Baimian said without embarrassment that she wanted to set off now, smiling slightly, "But at least you have to wait until you receive the exoskeleton device, which improves your strength, and then think about it."

"Okay." Long Yuehong felt more relieved.

At this time, Bai Chen looked at Jiang Baimian, thinking and asking:

"If the company doesn't let us explore, are you going to sneak in?"

"How come?" Jiang Baimian opened his eyes wide and denied, "I am not Shang Jian Yao!"

"You can consider becoming Shang Jian Yao." Shang Jian Yao proposed enthusiastically.

Bai Chen ignored Jiang Baimian's denial and whispered:

"Are the people left behind are not counted as companions?"

"Huh?" Jiang Baimian made a decisive decision, raised his right hand, and touched his ear. "What did you say?"

Then, she said solemnly:

"I will not leave any companions, but everyone has their own tasks."

Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped.

Jiang Baimian became angry from embarrassment, turned his head and yelled, "You want to practice more combat", and stood up and moved his hands and feet.

Next, Shang Jianyao saw what Jiang Baimian went all out.


The next morning, Shang Jianyao took off his clothes and left his upper body naked, and asked Long Yuehong to help him apply medicine to the bruise on his back.

"It's almost gone, your recovery ability is indeed better than mine." Long Yuehong sighed sincerely.

This is the second medicine.

Shang Jian Yao sincerely put forward suggestions:

"More beatings can effectively improve the ability to resist."

"Haha." Long Yuehong laughed dryly, "I'm not you, how can I support the team leader for so long? The team leader is really terrible. I was ill yesterday, so I can reach that level. She usually seems to be Have reservations."

"If you don't keep it, you can only practice fighting once a week." Shang Jianyao said with a smile, "It's mainly you. You have to lie down in a hospital bed for a week."

Long Yuehong wanted to refute, but finally nodded with deep feeling.

During the conversation between the two, Shang Jianyao suddenly turned his head and looked outside.

At this time, Jiang Baimian, who was enjoying the white morning medicine in the next room, had pushed out the door and greeted:

"Captain Han."

"Your exoskeleton device is here." Shang Jianyao jumped out and put on his clothes.

Long Yuehong couldn't hide his excitement, and rushed to the door.

When Shang saw Yao put on his mask, he immediately opened the door.

At a glance, he saw Han Wanghuo carrying a rifle, two ragged off-road vehicles, and several members of the Redstone Market Town Guard.

They are moving a crate to Jiang Baimian.

"A'AC-42' universal exoskeleton device, please check and accept it." Han Wanghuo said in an official tone.

Jiang Baimian looked sideways at Long Yuehong and said with a smile:

"Come on, check it out."

Long Yuehong and Shang Jianyao couldn't wait to walk over, opened the crate, and checked the metallic black exoskeleton device.

At the same time, Jiang Baimian said to Han Wanghuo:

"Didn't you say you have to wait two more days?"

Han Wanghuo, who didn't wear a mask, smiled a little rare:

"You are all here, they dare not delay."

The real power figures in the town guard passed unanimously.

Jiang Baimian laughed blankly:

"Are we so scary?"

"Yes." A certain town guard member who had just brought a box of food back whispered.

Fortunately, Jiang Baimian did not hear clearly.

Shang Jian Yao hummed a ballad:

"The little monk went down to Huazhai..." (Note 1)

The lyrics behind him were blocked by Jiang Baimian's staring eyes.

Upon seeing this, Han Wang expressed his feelings:

"There are many powerful teams of relic hunters on the dust, which can destroy a larger settlement on their own.

"Now, in the eyes of many townspeople in Redstone Ji, you are such a team of relic hunters."

How terrifying the Murloc Awakeners that night was, and how deep the shadows left in the hearts of the people of Redstone Market, how exaggerated their awe and fear of the "Qianbai Squad" are now.

The praised Jiang Baimian said modestly:

"Redstone Set, a large settlement with the blessing of old age, cannot be destroyed by the relic hunter team, including us."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the members of the town guards looking over at the same time, and their eyes seemed to say, "You really have considered destroying the Redstone Collection".

Are you too vigilant? Excessive sensitivity is not a good thing... Jiang Baimian took a mouthful of old blood into his throat.

Soon, Long Yuehong, with the help of Shang Jianyao, put on the black exoskeleton device with a very simple weapon module.

Trying to move his body, he once again felt the power of this equipment.

After some experiments, Long Yuehong happily reported back:

"no problem!"

At this time, Bai Chen also checked the boxes of food and determined that the amount was just right.

Jiang Baimian immediately said to Han Wanghuo:

"The transaction is officially completed."

Han Wanghuo breathed a sigh of relief and said instead:

"Didn't you say that you have collected information about'Machinery Heaven' within a week?"

"Already done?" Jiang Baimian asked in surprise.

Han Wanghuo shook his head:

"Not yet, but I saw a problem from the information I found now."

"What?" Shang Jian Yao leaned over with interest.

Han Wanghuo groaned for a moment:

"No one has ever seen a human from the'machine heaven'.

"They will always be dealing with intelligent robots."

"So..." Jiang Baimian was not surprised.

Xu Liyan, the lord of Yecao City, also mentioned a similar situation.

After talking about this matter, Han Wang saw that several members of the town guard were at a certain distance from here, and were in a state of finding a place to hide at any time, so he suppressed his voice and said:

"There is one thing I need to ask you."

"What?" Jiang Baimian asked doubtfully.

Han Wanghuo organized the next language:

"The night that Bishop Renato was urgently recalled to the headquarters of the Vigilant Sect, who else knew about it besides you?"

Seeing that "Qianbai Team" didn't answer for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ He simply explained:

"This morning we exchanged prisoners with murlocs and mountain monsters, and Gaudí, whom you know, was released.

"He said that after he was caught, there were some discussions about the murlocs: They had to prepare for another month, and waited for the reconnaissance to clear the situation before launching an attack. As a result, they suddenly received the departure of Bishop Renato and the new Bishop. The news that hasn't arrived yet, in order to seize this opportunity, we started the action ahead of time.

"Because the operation failed and even lost the envoy, they complained to each other and revealed this information."

Jiang Baimian understood what Han Wanghuo meant:

"Someone betrayed this key information to the second person?"

"I think so." Han Wanghuo did not hide his thoughts.

The news that people received was that Bishop Renato was called back to the headquarters? This is a bit interesting... Jiang Baimian said thoughtfully:

"That night, the church guards and guards were there, as well as Baz and Viel..."

And what these people know is that Bishop Renato is suffering from "no heart disease"!

Han Wanghuo listened quietly and nodded:

"I will check them one by one."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"We seem to be suspects too."

Han Wanghuo was dumb:

"If you betray this information, the only reason is that you want to hook out the Murloc Awakener and use our exoskeleton device to solve him."

"Good reason!" Shang Jianyao applauded and expressed deep inspiration.


In the afternoon, the prepared "old tune team" entered the lakeside area and borrowed the speedboat of the town guard.

With the help of Han Wang, they have planned a route to bypass the murloc gathering area.

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