Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Temple

At this time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the winter sky was no longer so bright, but it was not close to the evening. The radiant light fell on the ground, and the lake breeze was blowing slowly, which made people feel like they were back in the morning.

The road on the island is indeed as the murloc prisoners said, the damage is not too serious, but some places have been cracked due to the sun and rain, and some sections of the road are more muddy and dusty.

To Jiang Baimian riding a bicycle, it was the slightly cold wind that made people’s mind blowing in the morning. On the left is a large amount of farmland that spreads to the foot of the mountain. On the right, you can see smoke waves through two rows of withered trees. The vast lake.

Such a view and such a feeling made her mind broadened and her spirits refreshed.

If she hadn't been carrying a grenade gun or an assault rifle, she would have almost forgotten the purpose of this trip.

"Unfortunately it is winter, and the farmland and woods are not much green, otherwise it must feel better." Jiang Baimian sighed while pedaling.

Shang Jian Yao tried hard to keep his bicycle from rushing too far, and thought for a while and said:

"Autumn may be more beautiful."

"Why?" Jiang Baimian didn't expect Shang Jian Yao to actually choose a season.

Shang Jian Yao answered frankly:

"There must be a lot of fruit on the tree."

"..." Jiang Baimian decided not to continue this topic, and instead said, "The fish people seem to have evacuated from this island. I don't know if it was the order of the divine envoy, or because it has been more than three days, something terrible has appeared. thing……"

This is one of the precautions given by "Pangu Biology":

Cannot stay on the island for more than three days.

Shang Jianyao, wearing a monkey mask, thought for a moment:

"The prisoner was not asked this question."

"I didn't know at the time." Jiang Baimian subconsciously relieved.

When Shang Jian Yao and Long Yuehong went to inquire about the murloc captives, she was still sick, had not reported the matter to the company, and had not received the precautions for exploring the Forbidden Temple.

The next morning when the "Pangu Creatures" called back, Redstone Group exchanged captives with murlocs and mountain monsters.

Shang Jianyao, who tried hard to control himself, didn't let the bicycle speed too fast and glanced sideways at Jiang Baimian:

"I think it should be the order of the divine envoy."

"Oh?" Although Jiang Baimian judged this way, he was still interested in Shang Jianyao's inference process.

She feels it is necessary to learn alternative ways of thinking, not to be complacent.

After all, many awakened people have certain mental problems, and it is difficult to predict their behavior patterns with normal logic.

Shang Jianyao said truthfully:

"He and Alert Song have made friends. When mentioning the island of the lake and the Forbidden Temple, they will not fail to say that terrible things will happen if you stay on the island for too long, unless he doesn't know the specific situation."

"Yes." Jiang Baimian was a little disappointed, because this was normal reasoning.

Jingle Bell!

At this time, Shang Jian Yao moved the bell on the dragon's head with great interest, as if he wanted to use it to play a piece of music.

Unfortunately, Bell can't do this kind of thing.

"..." Jiang Baimian withdrew his disappointment.

The two of them rode by the abandoned houses beside the lake. After ten minutes, they finally saw a market town.

Its style is very similar to that of Ye Cao City, with white walls and black tiles, cornices and arches, full of the charm of the old world and ancient times.

Of course, here is also different from Yecao City:

One is that there is no city wall; the other is that the houses are generally not high, with two or three floors.

The market town is covered with bluestone slabs, and the withered weeds are pulled up by the cold wind from time to time and lifted into the sky.

For some reason, as soon as he entered this market town, Jiang Baimian felt the light dimmed.

This made her look into the scene, both ancient and secluded, but also a bit gloomy.

There is no doubt that the entire market town has no signs of human activity. If it weren't for the winter, it would have become a paradise for green plants and wild animals.

——Even now, Jiang Baimian can still see dried animal excrement in the corners and ditches.

"No smell." Shang Jianyao sniffed and made a judgment.

Jiang Baimian didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned his wrist and looked at his watch:

"It's 4:16, and we must leave the town before 4:42, regardless of whether we find anything of value."

"You are wrong." Shang Jianyao pointed out.

This is less than half an hour.

Jiang Baimian sneered while distinguishing the road based on the confession of the murloc captives and looking for the temple:

"This is called a margin.

"The ghost knows if there is any difference between this and the ones that the company found before. You can't completely follow the precautions given by the company, and you have to raise the standard."

"You are very suitable to join the Vigilant Cult." Shang Jian Yao exaggerated.

Jiang Baimian squinted and grumbled:

"I think you are scolding me.

"Can the vigilance of sects and the vigilance of normal people be the same thing?"

After confirming the general direction, she rode her bicycle along the roadside ditches to the center of the market town.

According to the description of the murloc captives, the temple was in the alley east of the market square.

The inside of the market town is the same as the outside of the market town, except for the hum of wind and the sound of bicycles, it is quiet and quiet enough to make your scalp numb.

"I don't think it is in the wild. When I get here, it really feels weird that there is no sound." Jiang Baimian glanced left and right, and attributed part of the reason to the narrow road, the cramped environment, and the depressing atmosphere.

Shang Jian Yao immediately sighed:

"It's a pity that Long Yuehong didn't come."

"What will happen when I come?" Jiang Baimian answered casually.

Shang Jian Yao said "Hey":

"Then I can tell him ghost stories."

"You are really his good friend." Jiang Baimian said sincerely.

As they spoke, their eyes widened, and a small square appeared.

To the east of the square, there is a half-meter-high platform with nothing on it.

Across this concrete platform, you can see a narrow alley with a stale smell wafting through the alley, as if no wind has blown in for a long time.

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Jiang Baimian quickly turned off the bicycle and leaned it aside.

Their destination has arrived.

Shang Jian Yao got out of the car and talked about his worries:

"Do you want to lock it? If you come out and find that the car is lost, it won't be great."

"If your car is lost, I will pick you up!" Jiang Baimian did not say where the bicycle was stolen from such a ghost place, and responded directly to Shang Jianyao's thoughts.

Ten seconds later, the two placed their bicycles, picked up their assault rifles, and stepped into the alley in front of them.

The more you go inside, the more stale the air is, and it feels like it's about to freeze, but this doesn't affect Shang Jian Yao and Jiang Baimian's breathing.

In this alley, all the doors and windows of the houses are tightly closed. Unlike other areas in the town, many doors are open, and it seems that they have been searched.

Moreover, the doors here are uniformly painted black.

As he walked, Jiang Baimian heard the footsteps of himself and Shang Jianyao.

They reverberated constantly in the alley, stacked together.

"It's really peculiar here." Jiang Baimian sighed, that temple had appeared in front of them.

The temple is located at a high place at the bottom of the alley, and there is no essential difference from the surrounding architectural style.

Its black door is tightly closed, black tiles are connected to it, and a white paper lantern is hung on each side.

Perhaps it was sheltered by the eaves, and the lanterns were not affected by rain, as they were only hung up last night.

The gate of the temple is higher than other buildings, and there is a plaque under the eaves with black background and white characters.

Jiang Baimian just glanced at random, and he could see the content on the plaque:

"Yam Luo Temple"

"It's kind of like that." She commented pertinently.

This did not affect her progress, and soon, she and Shang Jianyao arrived at the gate of the temple.

When she came close, she had a strange feeling, that was the fear that was directed at the bottom of her heart.

Without hesitation, Jiang Baimian stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the door with slight force.

——Before riding the bicycle, she and Shang Jianyao had already put on latex gloves.

At this time, she was cautious, even using her left hand.

In the squeaking sound, the black door of the temple slowly opened backwards, revealing the inner scene.

The first thing that caught the eyes of Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao was a patio with a water tank at each of the four corners.

At the end of the patio, there is a palace, with a white curtain hanging down from the door.

After crossing the threshold and entering the temple, Jiang Baimian’s fear instantly dissipated, but his mind seemed to be on a heavy stone~www.ltnovel.com~ I felt extremely depressed.

Even the sound of the wind here seems to have disappeared, and it is so quiet that it doesn't seem to be in the real world.

Suddenly, Shang Jian Yao asked:

"Can I take a speaker?"

"Huh?" Jiang Baimian, who was engrossed, didn't react for a while.

"Play a song." Shang Jian Yao hurriedly explained.

Use speakers to sing in this gloomy, mysterious, quiet, depressed, and weird temple? Play those weird songs? Although Jiang Baimian thinks this can effectively destroy the current atmosphere, he always finds it too strange.

A place that will be "haunted" at any time reverberating "You are my little apple" is crazy.

She thought it over and said:

"It's not used yet, but you can prepare."

"Good." Shang Jianyao was excited.

The two men with assault rifles immediately horned each other and entered the entrance of the main hall.

After lifting the white curtain and tying it up, they saw the altar, the incense burner, the ashes, the futon and the white candles.

However, there is no idol on the altar, and behind the altar blocked by the altar, you can't see the actual situation at a glance.

At this time, Shang Jianyao suddenly spoke:

"With human consciousness, no more than ten meters."

He used a rather vague description, and he seemed not too sure about the specific scope.

"After you came in, did you feel it?" Jiang Baimian asked in surprise.

She remembered that Shang Jianyao's maximum range was 20 meters.

Shang Jian Yao nodded heavily.

Jiang Baimian immediately concentrated, and he hesitated after a while and said:

"Indeed, there are electrical signals, very weak...very low biological activity?"

She said, holding the gun, and with Shang Jianyao, walked around behind the altar.

Then they saw a coffin, a black coffin.

The coffin was open, and there was a person lying in it.

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