Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 112: leave a message

"help me!"

The figure in the darkness stretched out his hand to Shang Jianyao, like a drowning man trying to grab the last straw.

However, Shang Jianyao was completely cold, as if sinking slowly in the winter water.

As the hand got closer and closer to him, the gleaming darkness in front of him shook violently.

Finally, the pitch black shattered silently, and the sun shone in, allowing the black coffin and the "mummy" covered in sack to be reflected in Shang Jianyao's eyes again.

His consciousness returned to the real world.

At the same time, his body still has obvious numbness, and many nerve endings are beating gently.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Baimian retracted his left hand, which was still braving a little light, and asked with concern, "I think your expression is distorted, so I try to wake you up."

Having said that, she sighed with joy:

"Fortunately, you took off your mask!"

"How long has it been?" Shang Jianyao did not answer the question.

"About three minutes." Jiang Baimian could tell the answer without turning his wrist to look at his watch.

She had been paying close attention to Shang Jianyao's situation and specific time just now, after all, they couldn't stay in the temple for too long.

Shang Jian Yao thought about it for a while and said:

"I feel that only ten seconds have passed."

He immediately described the dark environment he had just "seen", the dimly lit window, the fuzzy high tower in the distance, and the figure creeping under the window.

"That figure is yelling ‘help me’?" Jiang Baimian asked in a bit of astonishment.

Shang Jian Yao answered the question:

"He speaks dusty language."

Jiang Baimian looked around the layout of the temple, looked down at the black hair and rough linen of the "mummy", and nodded lightly:

"It's normal."

She immediately muttered to herself with interest:

"He is actually shouting'Save me'... Does this mean that his current state is not a natural occurrence?

"When he explored the depths of the'corridor of the soul', something went wrong. He was trapped inside, and his consciousness could not return to his body?

"Before, his breath blended into the Murloc Awakener. If he wanted to be bred, he was trying to open up the channel between the spiritual world and the real world?"

Every time Shang Jian Yao entered the "Sea of ​​Origins", she would have similar worries, and at this time she naturally made a guess.

"It may also be that he wants to make some attempts to trap his conscious consciousness in his subconscious." Shang Jianyao gave another possibility.

At this moment, he is doing academic analysis seriously.

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"But this can't explain why his body can survive to the present.

"Could it be that when in such a predicament, the body of human beings or the awakened will naturally enter a state of suspected deep freezing?"

Her question was not answered for a while, so she could only turn to say:

"I don't know what that window and the tall tower outside the window mean.

"If it's your guess, it should be some kind of mental mapping, and if I guess it right, it may be a scene in the depths of the'corridor of mind'..."

Having said that, Jiang Baimian rolled his wrist and looked at his watch:

"Time is running out. Let's search for other clues. There is nothing to discuss here air-to-air."

Shang Jian Yao deeply agreed, put on the mask again, and removed the flashlight from the armed belt.

The yellowish beam of light snapped into the black coffin, letting the shadows disperse everywhere, revealing more details.

With a gun in one hand, Jiang Baimian leaned down and checked the sleeping "god" named Yan Hu from top to bottom with the light of the flashlight.

As she looked down inch by inch, she suddenly noticed that some nails on the mummy's right hand were broken and stained with dark red.

"Injured?" Jiang Baimian's heart moved, and he signaled Shang Jianyao to focus the light of the flashlight on the inner plate of the coffin next to the "mummy" right hand.

As the light ruled the area, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao saw scratches at the same time.

Some of these scratches are normal, some are intermittent, and some are stained with dark red marks.

"He used his fingers to make this abruptly after he fell asleep? He could still move his fingers occasionally, in the early days?" Jiang Baimian couldn't understand the meaning of those scratches, because they might be made several times. Not all together.

She no longer carried the gun, let it be carried on her body, then took out the pen and paper from her pocket, and moved the scratches to the paper one by one according to the layout on the inner panel of the coffin, and actively shortened the gap between them. distance.

After the re-engraving was completed, Jiang Baimian finally recognized what these scratches were.

They are four gray texts:

"new world"

"The new world?" Jiang Baimian did not expect that after the "god" Yan Hu fell asleep, the prompt left by his exhaustion was such a phrase.

Shang Jian Yao suddenly realized:

"He is trapped in a new world!"

"Will it be too simple? Moreover, what does the new world represent? Where is it?" Jiang Baimian did not blindly deny Shang Jian Yao's guess, but asked more questions.

Insert one sentence, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] It's really good, it's worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"I don't know." Shang Jianyao was quite honest.

Jiang Baimian rolled his wrist and looked at his watch:

"Go back and discuss again, continue."

She and Shang Jianyao quickly checked the situation inside the coffin and found no more clues.

They seized the last time and quickly passed the left and right corridors of the temple. As a result, even the dust was almost invisible here.

"It's almost time, it's time to quit." After returning to the place where the coffin was parked, Jiang Baimian made a rational decision.

Shang Jian Yao seemed a little bit reluctant, but still chose to obey the group leader's orders.

Jiang Baimian glanced at the sleeping Yan Hu in the coffin last, his eyes swept across his closed eyes, skinny face, and slightly yellowish white linen, and landed on the branch bracelet on his right wrist.

Jiang Baimian guessed that this should also be an item that can produce a wonderful effect, but the final change of the Murloc Awakener made her dare not try it rashly.

The ghost knows whether the things left by Yan Hu have similar backdoors or "viruses"!

"Huh..." She sighed, suppressed the greed in her heart, turned her body, and no longer looked back and walked outside the temple.

It is better to leave this kind of high-risk matter to the vigilant sect personnel or the company's team specializing in similar matters that may come in the future.

Seeing that Yao was in no hurry to follow her, Shang put away the flashlight, stepped diagonally, and supported the coffin board with his hands wearing rubber gloves and covered it.

After doing this, he stood in front of the coffin where he could no longer see the sleeping "god" and bowed solemnly three times.

Jiang Baimian, who had decided not to look back, stood in the patio and watched the scene speechlessly.

"He's not dead yet..." Jiang Baimian sighed.

"It's warmer and won't be harassed by bugs." Shang Jianyao gave his reasons, and then he lowered the white curtain at the entrance of the hall.

Jiang Baimian "heh" said:

"Then you bowed ghostly?"

"Polite." Shang Jianyao answered truthfully.

After the two left the temple in horns, Shang Jianyao turned around and closed the dark door gently.

"It's very polite." Jiang Baimian commented vaguely.

She went on to say:

"While we still have time, let's search in other houses to see what clues we can find."

It was far worse than the nearest one. They opened the door and entered the house directly in the alley outside the temple to conduct a simple investigation.

It's a pity that it seems to have been sifted by the fishermen, leaving nothing related to the text.

The only thing that can be seen is that there are traces of fighting in many places, and blood has been blackened.

"It seems that it was really attacked by the'unintentional', and no one survived in the end..." Jiang Baimian combined the information provided by the murloc captives, UU read www.uukanshu.com to make a judgment.

When the "unintentional disease" broke out in the town, the remaining humans became the prey of the "unintentional".

Due to time constraints, Shang Jian Yao and Jiang Baimian didn't stay for too long. They left the house in the alley and rushed to the place where the bicycles were parked.

When approaching the entrance of the alley, Jiang Baimian looked back at the doors he had deliberately left unclosed, and said thoughtfully:

"Then who closed the door for them?"

The "unintentional" hunted in the house should not have the instinct to close the door at will.

"Fully automatic." Shang Jianyao replied seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed to the outside of the alley and said with joy:

"The bike is still there."

"Do you really think they will be stolen?" Jiang Baimian's voice gradually lowered, and he turned his head to look at the mountain in the middle of the island in the lake.

There may be some "unintentional people" still living there, and they might really ride bicycles.

Without further delay, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao rode on their bicycles and left the market town on the same route.

At this time, the winter evening has quietly arrived, and the sky has dimmed a lot.

After riding for some distance, Jiang Baimian couldn't help but look back at the market town where the temple was located.

This town full of the ancient charm of the old world is silent and without the slightest anger in the gradually darkening environment.

For some reason, Jiang Baimian suddenly thought of the evening in Shuiwei Town:

A large number of townspeople returned from the rear farmland and wild woods. In the square with many "illegal buildings", stoves were set up to cook food, and some of the children after school ran around, chasing each other, and some looked forward to it. Looking at my own stew pot...


I don't know how long it has passed before returning to the quiet town, in the alley where the temple is.

A gust of wind whizzed past, and the open doors closed one after another.

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