Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 117: Brutal man

Seeing Song He, Jiang Baimian probably repeated the conversation between his team and Han Wanghuo.

After Song He listened, he was rather embarrassed:

"In my eyes, he is a real person.


Jiang Baimian didn’t know whether he was a pity that Han Wanghuo finally decided to leave, or it was a pity that he did not dare to go further and could not serve as a bishop. He could not make a heavy commitment to retain Han Wanghuo, so he could only follow with a sigh. .

After Song He sighed, he shook his head and smiled:

"It's no wonder that I have been asking Han Wangchou to find a girl from the Red Stone Collection, and really settled down. He is unwilling to say that the sheriff will definitely offend many people and put his wife in danger. He still waits until the town guard is really built and erected. Start a set of public security laws that everyone is willing to recognize and abide by, and if you have a large enough savings, you can resign from the post of sheriff and then consider it."

Obviously, Han Wanghuo was afraid that his scales would be seen by people close to him, so he would rather not get married.

"Liar!" Shang Jian Yao said with feelings.

Jiang Baimian knew why Shang Jianyao said that-he had previously regarded him as a confidant because of Han Wanghuo's ideal of "unbalanced law and order, why should he be at home".

Of course, this is just a one-sided confidant.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baimian casually relieved:

"At least in maintaining the order of the Redstone Gathering and performing the duties of the sheriff and the captain of the town guard, Han Wanghuo is very serious and hardworking."

At this time, Long Yuehong suddenly thought of a question:

"Then before he comes to Redstone, why not find a second person to marry? On the dust, two people who can help each other are better than the one alone."

In this way, there will be no problem of discrimination.

When others pondered the answer, Bai Chen said calmly:

"He might look down on other people."

Jiang Baimian was taken aback, and deeply agreed:


Although Han Wanghuo is a second person, he always regards himself as a real human in his heart. Naturally, he doesn't look down on other inferior groups. At most, he has enough sympathy, friendliness and understanding for them, and marriage is free. talk.

In a sense, he is also a racist, but he stands on the human side and has natural pity for other ethnic groups.

Long Yuehong thought about the murloc, expressing his understanding of Han Wanghuo.

If he asked him to find a murloc girl as his wife, he thought it would be better to be single.

As for the mountain monster, he can barely accept it, at best he doesn't kiss very much.

Seeing that the topic became more and more biased, Song He pulled back to the topic in time:

"So, your final conclusion is that Han Wanghuo did not sell the intelligence to the second coalition army?"

"Preliminary conclusion." Jiang Baimian did not give an affirmative reply. "It can only be said that from the current situation, from the motive and standpoint, Han Wanghuo has no reason to sell the Redstone Collection, but as the investigation deepens, it is very There may be some new clues, and in time, there may be different answers."

These remarks were not leaking, and Song He was stunned.

He thought for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled:

"Why do I say similar things so familiar? Isn't this what I often see when I report to the headquarters?

"You, it seems that you also come from some organized force..."

This kind of "official writing style" will only appear when it reaches a certain scale and has a sound organization inside.

Jiang Baimian didn't expect to leak so much, so he could only laugh twice:

"Relic hunters will also be more cautious when dealing with clients with a certain background."

The two sides said a few words on this topic, but they both tacitly did not mention the issue of not restricting Han Wanghuo's actions, just as the other party had cleared the suspicion.

"I turned around and talked with Han Wanghuo again to see if I could dispel his thought of leaving." Finally, Song He expressed his attitude.

If you don't use the "Friendly" ability, you probably won't... Jiang Baimian gave an "um" and said instead:

"Warner Song, we have a suspect and want to apply for contact with them."

"Apply?" Song He changed his mind and asked, "A person from the ‘boat below the ground’?"

Smart man, the accumulation of so many years of life is really full of wisdom... Jiang Baimian answered calmly:

"Yes. If you can directly contact Mr. DiMarco, that would be the best."

Song He hesitated and said:

"'Ark below the ground' has a high status in the church, and I can't force them.

"Well, I'll first try to invite some of Mr. DiMarco's housekeepers to the church, chat with them, and if I find a problem, I will report to the headquarters."

"Need our help?" Jiang Baimian was eager to try.

Song He glanced at them suspiciously:

"Being not.

"You just wait here."

They are now in the corridor behind the hall, a small living room with sofas, coffee tables, and chairs.

The walls here are also painted red, mixed with golden.

After watching the warning person Song He leave, Jiang Baimian let out a cry:

"It's a pity, I shouldn't mention this, go directly to the elevator entrance downstairs, and get in touch with the people in the'boat below the ground'.

"Chop first and play later!"

As long as there is non-video phone contact, there are unlimited possibilities.

——After many experiments, Shang Jianyao determined that the "inference clown" could not expand the scope of influence through too complicated electronic products. At present, only loudspeakers can be used.

"Yes." Shang Jianyao said that he thought so too.

Bai Chen glanced at them separately and reminded:

"Isn't the original intention of doing this to maintain a good relationship with the vigilant sect?"

Thinking of "the gaze behind the door", Jiang Baimian nodded with a "sorrowful" expression on his face:

"In the face of this sect, we still can't be too willful."

Fortunately, she is wearing a mask and no one can see her expression.

"You have fought a fake'priest'." Shang Jianyao pointed out.

Jiang Baimian "sucked":

"Can anti-intellectualism and vigilant sect be the same?"

At least "The Last Man" does not like "watching" his own territory like "You Gu".

Moreover, the "old tune group" has never broken into an official church against intellectual religion.

After talking and laughing for a while, Jiang Baimian suddenly raised his head and looked at the vent in the small living room.

"I found you!" Shang Jianyao quickly became excited and said loudly.

Soon, the mesh baffle of the vent was removed, and Vierle stuck out his freckled face and looked down with green eyes:

"Are you trying to investigate the issue of the'boat below the ground'? I heard the Song alerter contacting DiMarco's butler."

Jiang Baimian responded with a smile:

"Do you have information that you want to sell to us?"

Vierle smiled in his signature style:

"You beg me, I will tell you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shang Jianyao suddenly played and rushed over.

Then, Shang Jianyao leaped forward with the help of a chair and grabbed the baffles on both sides of the vent.

This scared Viel back into his body and backed up a long distance.

He asked in a very annoyed voice:

"What do you want to do?"

Shang Jian Yao raised his head and said with a smile:

"Grab you, tie you up, and please."

"..." Vier frowned and looked at this guy, unable to understand the logic.

Regarding the interaction between the two, Jiang Baimian did not intend to stop it, and seemed to be happy to see it happen.

Viel quickly backed away, and didn't stop until he was about to enter another section of the ventilation duct.

He looked at the entrance where the light was shining in, hesitated for a moment, and said loudly:

"The guards of'Ark Below the Ground' mentioned one thing when chatting:

"DiMarco is a very cruel man. No matter what mistakes he made, as long as he hits or finds out the servants, he will be executed. Sometimes, if he meets him in a bad mood, even if he didn't make a mistake, he will be killed. dead."

Upon hearing this information, Jiang Baimian frowned slightly, but also solved the previous doubt:

Why does "Ark below the ground" regularly buy and train servants?

On the scale of the "boat below the ground", it is enough to get a group of servants in ten or eight years.

Because DiMarco is cruel, the attrition rate of servants is amazing. Need to be replenished regularly? Jiang Baimian's thoughts turned and signaled Shang Jian Yao to come down.

Then she asked towards the vent:

"Where are the dead servants' bodies?"

So many corpses can't be piled up in the cold storage of the "underground boat", right?

Viel's voice echoed through the ventilation duct:

"The'underground boat' has an exit on the side of the mountain, and the corpses seem to be buried nearby."

One more exit is equivalent to another entrance...Jiang Baimian was about to continue to inquire, and Viel shouted again:

"I know these, it's cheaper for you!"

His voice faded away, as if he had moved to another place with the help of ventilation ducts.

The "Old Tune Team" glanced at each other, waited a while, and finally waited for the alerter Song He to return.

Song He said without much change in his expression:

"I have interviewed the three butlers of Mr. DiMarco, and it is preliminarily determined that they have not disclosed the affairs of Bishop Renato to the murlocs and mountain monsters.

"As for the whole ‘Ark under the Ground’, apart from them, only Mr. Di Marco knows about this. As for whether Mr. Di Marco has told anyone else, they don’t know.”

Jiang Baimian deliberatedly said:

"Can I talk to Mr. DiMarco via video call?"

"No." Song He shook his head, "Unless the new bishop arrives. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

This disappointed the "old tune group" and could only turn to the other people on the list.

At noon, they returned to the hotel camp and cooked with the ingredients they bought.

When they were busy, Lehman, a smuggler from "United Industries" came to visit them again.

The businessman who looked like a Honghe farmer and had obvious rosacea rubbed his hands, and said in crappy, dusty language, slightly cramped:

"I heard from my friends that you seem to be investigating Di Marco in'Ark below the Earth'?"

"It's a task we received earlier that has something to do with Mr. DiMarco." Jiang Baimian replied very tightly.

Lehman smiled a little and said:

"Maybe you don't know, the thing I want to entrust you is also related to the ‘boat below the ground’."

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