Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 128: Forge Cult

Seeing Miens' movements and listening to his blessing, Jiang Baimian's first reaction was to turn his body and look at the corner of the rock wall.

Sure enough, Jeep rushed over with a whimper and stopped a few meters away.

Then, Shang Jian Yao opened the door of the driver's seat and jumped down.

In Pong’s voice, he, who was also wearing a gray camouflage uniform, walked quickly to Mins and asked urgently:

"Which sect are you from, and who do you believe in?"

This attitude is just like meeting a half-brother... Although Jiang Baimian is mentally prepared, she still feels that Shang Jianyao's performance makes her have the urge to raise her hand to cover her face.

At this time, she missed the masked life of Redstone.

Mins was taken aback, and after seeing Shang Jian Yao's appearance, he politely replied:

"We are members of the'forge sect', and we believe in the'scorching door' representing August."

"Scorching Door"... This old age seems to be relatively low-key, and not very famous in the north... Jiang Baimian nodded invisibly when recalling what he knew, the information provided by the company and what Bai Chen said.

Shang Jianyao asked:

"Did you dance when you saluted?"

Minnes didn't understand why this pretty good-looking young man was struggling with this matter, but he said honestly:

"Dance is a way for us to please the gods. The sect's way of saluting is a special dance, which symbolizes the instinctive reaction of all people in front of the old age."

Are you scalded by the "scorching door"? Both Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong couldn't help but slander.

Of course, on the surface, Jiang Baimian would certainly not be so rude, and he agreed with a smile:

"I have read some old world books. It says that in the old age, humans also used various dances to please and communicate with the gods. This is the source of many rituals."

Seeing that the squad that easily defeated the "Mountain Fox" bandit group behaved very friendly, Mins relaxed a little, looked at his companion and said:

"We don't know these things well. We chose dance because it and flames are the most pleasing to the old age.

"Our greatest respect and best blessing to a person is to say, "May the breath of the gods bathe you" or "dance for you" while saluting.

"If you say the latter sentence, you will often take a short dance choreographed by yourself."

Quite interesting, is it too strange that you, an old man with a lot of white hair, dance such an intense dance? Jiang Baimian has a deep memory of the scene just now.

"Oh." Shang Jianyao responded with bright eyes.

The next second, he also twitched his body, simulating the performance of being burned.

After a few moves, he said seriously:

"Dance for you."

After that, he had another weird dance that he didn't know where he learned from.

Miens and others looked a little at a loss, and then asked in surprise:

"You belong to our sect?"

"I think so, but it has not been approved by your bishop." Shang Jian Yao answered frankly.

Ha, don’t ask what the sacrament is this time? Is the charm of dance so great? Wearing an exoskeleton device, Long Yuehong, who was in charge of alerting her surroundings, was surprised and funny.

"Self, think?" Mins couldn't understand what Shang Jianyao meant for a while.

It took a few seconds before he smiled clearly:

"Do you want to join our sect?

"Hehe, we don't have a bishop. The person in charge of a diocese is the devotee, and the daily preaching is the praiser. Ordinary believers like us are collectively called the grateful people."

Jiang Baimian correlated these three nouns with the ranks of other sects, and asked before Shang Jianyao:

"Go up? What's above the devotee?"

"It's the ‘scorching man’ and the messenger and spokesperson of the old age-the ‘God Dancer’." Mins did not hide it, this is not a secret.

"'God Dancer'... Then is he dancing very well?" Shang Jianyao's focus shifted.

He looked like he wanted to fight against each other.

"I have never seen the'God Dancer' crowned." Talking about this, Minnes consciously took on the missionary duty. "The'scorching gate' of our faith is the incarnation of the gate of the new world, only With His approval and blessing, we humans can pass through the gate, get rid of the dust, and gain a new life.

"In this aspect, you can enter the new world directly by pleasing and praising him for a long time, gaining divine grace, and being led directly into the new world. You can also believe in and find the real new world door in the ruins of a certain city in the dust. At that time , Every believer who walks to the "scorching gate" will be redeemed."

Having said this, Minnes twitched his body so hot again, and then prayed:

"Praise the door to the new world!"

This is considered to be a better sect that combines the faith in the old age with the legend of the new world... Well, it is mainly due to the word'door' in the title of the old age... Jiang Baimian listened to the rice with enthusiasm. Ens recounted, quickly doing evaluation and analysis in his heart.

This is her hobby.

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while, and finally raised the question:

"What is your sacrament?"

"Our sacrament is related to fire." Minnes introduced.

The better this powerful team has an impression of the "Forge Cult", the better the safety of him and his companions will be guaranteed.

At the Holy Communion, Mins, who had been in contact with many sects, was quite proud. He saw that Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian and others were a little confused, and quickly explained with enthusiasm:

"Our sacrament is called'hot pot' in the old world."

Shang Jianyao's eyes light up again.

Miens smiled and continued:

"The flame is the darling of the old age, and to use it is to please the old age.

"The southern part of our'Linhai Alliance' has many kinds of spices, and peppers are grown, which can be used to make hot pot bottoms.

"When we start the fire with coal or charcoal and let the hot pot boil, we can put the pre-cut slices of meat, offal, potato slices, green bamboo shoots down and cook...

"The specific types depend on what ingredients are around you, the way to eat the poor, the way to eat the rich.

"Even if you don't have the background material and are in the wilderness, as long as you can boil water, you can still enjoy the sacrament."

Listening, Long Yuehong beside him couldn't help but want to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Fortunately, his dry mouth prevented him from succeeding.

The painting style of this "melting pot sect" is different from other sects...this is the food lovers league, right? I've moved a little bit...Well, it can be seen that the food supply inside the Linhai Alliance is relatively sufficient... Jiang Baimian glanced at Bai Chen and found that she was still focusing on monitoring the prisoners. robber.

After listening to Meins’ description, Shang Jianyao asked directly:

"So, how can I join your sect?"

Miens became more pleased and said with a smile:

"As long as you can meet a ‘devotee’, uh, a ‘prayer’, you can become a ‘grateful person’ under his guidance.

"Well, the nearest ‘devotee’ from here is in Tarnan."

Tarnan... Isn't this our destination, the foreign trade point of the "machine paradise"? Jiang Baimian asked in surprise:

"People in'machine heaven' will also believe in'scorching door'?"

Miens shook his head:

"All we met in Tarnan were intelligent robots, and they didn't believe in religion at all.

"His Excellency Li Zhe is in Tarnan, serving the merchants and hunters of the'Linhai Alliance'. In addition to him, there are clergy of other sects."

Speaking of this, Mins explained:

"Our ‘Linhai Alliance’ and ‘Machinery Paradise’ are near and have a long-term trade relationship. At least half of the humans in Tarnan come from our ‘Linhai Alliance’.”

"You also came from Tarnan?" Jiang Baimian keenly grasped a key point.

"Yes." Mins didn't hide this.

He sighed:

"We have been in Tarnan for a while, the transaction has been completed, and everyone can't wait to go home.

"I think that caravans are scarce in winter, and there are no longer so many people going out in the homeless settlements. The robbers will definitely reduce the frequency of activities and spend the winter quietly, so they decided to take advantage of the recent cold weather to cross the Chilar Mountain. Back to'Linhai Alliance'.

"Who knows, I actually encountered the'Mountain Fox' bandit..."

He wanted to say that "Mountain Fox" is a more famous and powerful bandit group in the Chilar Mountain area, but he closed his mouth again when he thought of the one-sided battle before.

For the team in front of him, "Mountain Fox" was not worth mentioning.

After listening to Mins’ answer, Jiang Baimian laughed:

"Sometimes, reverse thinking is really effective, and doing the opposite is also a way.

"But the premise is that you have to think about it: if you don't develop according to your expectations, do you have the ability and preparation to withstand the unexpected."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Chen next to her asked:

"Why do you have to rush back to the'Linhai Alliance'? Anyone who has experienced wandering in the dust knows that winter is the most difficult season."

Minston was a little hesitant.

He looked at his comrades, and considered for a moment:

"I really don't know how to say it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"The personnel in Tarnan's'Mechanical Paradise' are all intelligent robots. They have no need for food and have never thought about farming. All caravans and hunters eat food either by themselves or by organizing teams to get around . There are also forces that are fancying this business opportunity, and they specialize in bringing food to sell.

"But similar things are portable, mainly cans and biscuits."

Minston gave a bit, and said bitterly:

"After eating canned food and biscuits for a month or two, everyone missed the food at home."

He thought that this kind of "hypocritical" would be ridiculed. Who knows, the powerful team in front of him, except the one wearing the exoskeleton device, can't see his face, the others all showed a worried expression.

"In that case, Tarnan is really not a good place." Jiang Baimian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Shang Jian Yao followed with a sigh.

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