Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Difficult "choice"

Under the light of not-so-largely-spaced street lights, Long Yuehong walked slowly along the street to observe whether there were old local residents.

During this process, he was inevitably attracted by the dazzling array of products in each stall, and he was full of interest in the strange and strange things found in the ruins of different cities.

After walking forward for a while, Long Yuehong stopped in front of a booth.

There are many jade, jade, and diamond jewelry.

He felt that his mother didn't seem to have anything similar, and he wanted to get her one or two back.

——In "Pangu Bio", the accessories of ordinary employees are mainly silk flowers and hairpins. Necklaces, earrings, rings, brooches and silk scarves are not the ones that have been passed down for generations, or the employees of the "Safety Department" go out to pick up trash. "The ones picked up are scarce and not so easy to get.

Long Yuehong knelt down, picked up a diamond necklace that looked quite dazzling, and looked at it for a while.

He is unable to distinguish whether this is considered good-looking for women, and can only be considered from another angle:

Gold and silver jewelry are more practical. Even if you change it back, if your mother doesn't like it, you can still use it as an equivalent.

——During the trip, Long Yuehong and Shang Jianyao learned some economic concepts from Jiang Baimian.

"Why are there no gold jewelry?" Long Yuehong took the diamond necklace, scanned it around, and asked in confusion.

The stall owner was a gray man with a beard, and replied grimly:

"Some of the gold and silver are collected by caravans, do you still need to sell them?"

Yes, these are all items that have industrial uses and can also be used as currency... After Long Yuehong was relieved, she put down the diamond necklace.

He felt that the attitude of the stall owner was not very good, and he did not want to trade items with him.

As soon as he stood up, the stall owner also stood up, yelling:

"Foreigners, don't you know our Tarnan rules?

"Pick up what you have seen, you must buy it!

"You've touched it with your hands, what else would anyone want?"

Long Yuehong was surprised and a little apprehensive. She was about to explain that she didn't know the situation. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a man suspected of being a local resident playing with a set of white porcelain dishes at the stall next door and then putting it back. After going back, slowly turned and left.

In the process, no one stopped him, and no one made him have to buy it.

Long Yuehong, who had a lot of dusty experience, suddenly woke up, raised the corner of his clothes, and revealed the pistol in his armed belt.

The stall owner smiled disdainfully:

"Want to grab it directly?

"I don't think you know how powerful the Robot Guard is!"

Long Yuehong certainly remembered the law of "Tarnan prohibits private fights". What he did just now was just an attitude.

He raised his head and glanced at the surveillance camera on the nearby street light, then asked the stall owner:

"Do you want to hit me?

"This seems to be a private fight."

The stall owner laughed:

"Personal fights without weapons, the Robot Guards don't care."

While talking, the owners of the two stalls next to him also stood up, strengthening his momentum.

"It turned out to be like this." Long Yuehong got the answer he wanted and made a sudden realization.

As soon as the voice fell, he took a step, not advancing but retreating, and rushed up.

When he worked with Bai Chen in Yecao City before, he received corresponding teachings:

In the face of similar situations, never show a weak posture, even if the opponent's firepower is fierce and can really kill you, you have to bluff.

Of course, if the enemy does not eat this set at all, there is an old saying:

"A person who knows the current affairs is a good man."

Almost a minute later, Long Yuehong patted his clothes, looked down at the stall owner and his two companions who fell on the ground, and said "doubtfully":

"It's really strange, why doesn't it count as a private fight if you don't move a weapon?"

The stall owner and his two companions huddled together, covering their stomachs, groaning in pain, unable to answer.

Frankly speaking, the three of them really went together. Long Yuehong's double fist might not be able to beat six hands. After all, he couldn't kill people, but he unexpectedly took the lead. After a time gap, he reacted to the stall owner's companion. The main goal was quickly solved before, and then two other weaknesses of taking into account the stalls and shrinking their feet were used to easily handle them.

Seeing that the surrounding pedestrians and other stall owners did not intervene in this matter, Long Yuehong had a deeper understanding of the rules of survival on the dust:

In the contemporary era where order has not been fully established, a big fist is the last word.

He felt a little more determined, and stepped forward.

As he walked, he saw a familiar figure:

Shang Jianyao was standing in the middle of the street, looking left, right, and forward. He seemed very hesitant, as if there was something important that he couldn't make up his mind on.

Hey, he will have this kind of time too? Long Yuehong was curious for a while, and had the idea of ​​going up and asking.

At this moment, he saw clearly the situation on the street:

On the right, a group of people gathered around, dancing strange dances following the drum beats in the stereo, shouting in unison from time to time "Praise you, the door to the new world";

On the left, another group of people gathered around the half-high wooden platform, singing loudly, "The world is a fantasy, Nanke Yimeng" and "The mirage is the highest, the broken mirror is forever", bringing out an ethereal and sacred feeling;

On the right front, an iron pan is standing, exuding a strong fragrance, and the powdered chicken wings are gradually turning pale gold. In front of the iron pan, there is a very thin pillar, and a woman is standing on the pillar on one foot. At the top, he opened his arms completely, showing his symmetry and balance to his heart's content.

When his gaze came back, Long Yuehong had already understood what Shang Jianyao was embarrassing:

There are three different sects, dancing, singing and fried chicken wings make him unable to choose!

This is really a crucial crossroad in Shang Jianyao's life... Long Yuehong suddenly flashed a line from the radio drama in her heart.

In fact, if the three were not too close together, he felt that Shang Jian Yao would definitely "take all of them."

At the same time, he also initially confirmed which of the three sects are:

One is the "forge sect" they have just met, the other is the "Glory Scale" mentioned by Felin, the leader of the "Rootless" merchant group, and the other is the cult that believes in the "Broken Mirror" in November.

Tarnan is really lively...Long Yuehong decided to ignore Shang Jian Yao and continue his "adventure".

Although he is also a bit greedy for fried chicken wings, he is not a person who will betray his faith for the sacrament.

Crossing the serious and hesitant Shang Jian Yao, Long Yuehong walked for several tens of meters.

With a glance, he saw an old lady sitting at the entrance of the alley.

The old lady was wrapped in a thick dark red cotton-padded jacket, and underneath was a wicker chair. Her hair was gray and her age was obviously not young.

There was no stall in front of her, she seemed to just come out to feel the excitement.

Seeing that the other party was a dirt man, Long Yuehong mustered up his courage, moved closer, and shouted politely:

"Mother-in-law, can I ask you something?"

The old lady raised her head and opened her mouth:


Long Yuehong was at a loss.

Only then did he discover that certain dialects of Huitu language might be more difficult to understand than Honghe language.

This is how to do? Just as Long Yuehong retreated and prepared to leave politely, the old lady took out a black electronic product the size of a palm from her pocket, pressed a button, and repeated the previous words again.

Then, the black object made an electronically synthesized sound:

"The young man is very polite, what do you want to ask?"

Long Yuehong briefly forgot her mission, and blurted out:

"what is this?"

He has confirmed that the other party can understand his own dusty language.

After the old lady said it again, the black electronic product made a sound again:

"This is a'translator' made in the old world, repaired by Mechanical Heaven.

"Last time a caravan gave me a bunch of cans in order to exchange food, vegetables, and livestock for my family. There is also it, which is very useful."

"Indeed." Long Yuehong gradually understood what Shifang Trading Company Mins said:

There is nothing strange about Tarnan, that is, there are more robots, electronic products, and mechanical products.

Thinking about whether to tell the group leader, while getting one or two spares, Long Yuehong turned to ask:

"Mother-in-law, are you a local?"

"Yes." The old lady used the "translator" to communicate with Long Yuehong, "I am in the new calendar for 3 years. It has been more than 40 years, and the children have children. Hey, I stayed at the beginning. The decision I came down was really wise. None of my friends in the southern region lived to my age. They were either killed by robbers or encountered war, plague, famine, or a little older, all kinds of The disease came."

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Long Yuehong praised the venue and stepped into the topic:

"Mother-in-law, you have been in Tarnan for so many years, do you know what you want most from the'machine paradise'?"

The old lady recalled and said:

"They want a lot. They haven't gotten it, haven't made it, or don't even exist. There are a lot of things, such as'Nuclear Power Miniaturization Technology','Ultra High Performance Battery Technology', Old World Controllable Nuclear Fusion The key data for the study, the construction of the “Linhai Alliance” oil pipeline to Tarnan, the repair of more railway lines between the two places, er, they seem to be lacking in various mines."

"..." Long Yuehong's expression stiffened.

The mineral resources and infrastructure are not mentioned, the previous requirements, if the "old-took team" can get it or get it out, they can directly enter the process of "saving the world".

After a few seconds, Long Yuehong reluctantly asked:

"They have nothing else, do they really want it?"

The old lady thought for a while before saying:


"When I first came to Tarnan, "Mechanical Paradise" was offering a reward for someone. He was called Maximian, a man from Red River, who seemed to be a scientist.

"This reward has been offered for many years, and then I don't know if I found it or gave up. There is no more information."

Maximian...Long Yuehong took down the name and asked:

"Do you remember the characteristics of that person?"

The old lady replied without hesitation:

"I don't remember, I didn't take this task at all, I heard someone mention it."

Long Yuehong asked:

"Then who took it?"

"The old undead took it," the old lady said with a smile, "just now the guild president, old man Gu Bogu."

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