Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Research Institute

At this moment, whether it was Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, similar thoughts flashed in their minds:

how come?

   In their common sense, the robot warrior is the best choice to deal with the "advanced unintentional". Logically speaking, there should be no problems.

Of course, this is only common sense relative to them. Most people in Tarnan don't know the specific situation of the awakened and the "higher unintentional", but they have seen the strength of the robot warrior and feel that ten members of the robot guard are enough. Solve the trouble in the southwest mountainous area.

   This can deal with an ordinary army!

  Who knows, they just lost contact.

   This made the residents of Tarnan who were still very safe last night panicked instantly.

   In the entire Tarnan, there are only 24 members of the Robot Guard, and this time, it was nearly half!

  ——The members of the Robot Guard are all intelligent robots, and the one responsible for monitoring, repairing, and cleaning is not the same model.

   "The situation in the mountains may be more complicated than we thought." Jiang Baimian regained his gaze and said, "Maybe it's not just a problem of'higher unintentional people'."

   As soon as she finished speaking, Shang Jian Yao said thoughtfully:

   "I thought of someone."

   "Who?" Jiang Baimian had a vague premonition, but he still asked.

   Shang Jian Yao sighed, showing an expression that he missed very much:

   "Xiao Chong."

   "You mean..." Jiang Baimian forcibly lowered his voice, "That ‘higher unintentional person’ is not an ordinary ‘higher unintentional person’, and has reached the level of Xiaochong?"

   Although several members of the "Old Tune Team" hadn't really seen Xiao Chong's abilities, they spontaneously protected him from multiple "higher unintentional people" and obeyed his orders. One or two can be imagined.

If the ordinary "higher unintentional ones" correspond to the awakened ones in the "Hall of Stars" and the "Sea of ​​Origins", then Xiao Chong is at least the one who has entered the "Corridor of Mind", not even worse than Yan Hu, maybe even worse. Stronger.

   "Maybe." Shang Jianyao said frankly, "I was just thinking, if Xiao Chong meets the ‘higher unintentional person’ in the mountains, what will happen? Will he be obedient?"

   At this point, his eyes lit up, he shook his right hand and punched his left palm:

   "If I pretend to be Xiao Chong, will there be a similar effect?"

   "You are too tall." Jiang Baimian gave up being reasonable and pointed to the core of the problem.

   "Yes." Shang Jianyao sighed again, "Even if I walk on my knees, I am taller than him."

   Good fellow, you really care about your friend's height... Long Yuehong rejoiced that it was not him who was inadvertently ridiculed, and slandered.

   With Shang Jianyao's interruption, Jiang Baimian and the others quickly calmed down, looking at the specific description of the task.

   At the end of reading, Long Yuehong couldn't help but speak:

   "This task only has 500 credits?"

   The task rating is only B, which is only one level higher than that of the Yecao City investigation of Liu Dazhuang's shooting.

Although the latter involves the City Lord’s Mansion and has high-level attention, it is always just a relatively ordinary case on the surface. Now this task has been filled with ten members of the Robot Guard, and they can all be combined with the city defense of Weed City. The army pulled his wrist.

   Of course, the premise is that the latter has not arranged a position in advance so that all kinds of heavy weapons are in place.

   Jiang Baimian also felt strange, but after a little thought, he understood the reason:

   "This is just an investigation into the relevant situation, and it was not allowed to directly deal with the ‘higher unintentional person’."

   This is a reconnaissance mission, not a monster cleaning mission. The danger is indeed dangerous, but it is definitely better than facing a terrifying target.

   Bai Chen followed and nodded:

   "If you are lucky, you may not be in danger."

   For example, the "higher unintentional man" has moved position, leaving the battlefield and corresponding traces of the battle with the Robot Guard.

   At that time, even if the members of the Robot Guard have been destroyed, they can go back to the specific situation and find useful information by retrieving the "black boxes" on their bodies.

   "The reward is also very generous." Jiang Baimian added again.

   The bounty is Gnawa, the mayor of Tarnan, who will prepare ten non-intelligent combat robots to distribute to the relic hunters who have investigated important information.

   If you don’t want robots, you can choose other materials of equivalent value.

   "Pick up?" Shang Jianyao asked enthusiastically.

   Jiang Baimian glanced at him:

   "This is a bit dangerous. We are not real relic hunters. We need to complete tasks to make a living."

   Shang Jian Yao explained to himself:

   "I want to exchange my reward for a robot that can turn into a car."

   "Uh..." Jiang Baimian hesitated.

   This sounds pretty good.

   But, but it won’t let the “old tune group” take such a big risk...

   In case that "higher unintentional person" really reached the level of Xiao Chong, this time you can't expect a big guy like Du Heng to pass by.

   At this time, Bai Chen calmly added:

   "It can also be replaced by the requirement to meet the'source brain'."

   "Also..." Jiang Baimian frowned slightly and was silent for a while.

   Just when Shang Jian Yao tried to say something more, she exhaled, smiled and said:

   "Whether to pick up or not should not be decided so hastily.

   "First of all, we have to confirm whether we can change the remuneration to see the'source brain' side, and second, we have to collect all the information that can be collected in Tarnán and analyze how much risk is there..."

   After speaking, she turned around and walked towards the gate of the Hunter's Guild.

   At this time, Long Yuehong weakly said:

   "Didn't Genawah have not yet rejected our request to see'Source Brain'?"

   "That's right...then wait." Jiang Baimian realized that the road hadn't been blocked, and there was no need to change directions in such a hurry.

   Anyway, things in the southwest mountainous area don’t seem to be resolved for a while.


   The next morning, when the "Old Tune Team" had just finished their morning training, a member of the Robot Guard wearing a dark green uniform and carrying a single-soldier bazooka came to the "You Dream" Hotel.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Baimian and the others went downstairs and asked after receiving the call from the room.

   The Robot Guard member whose eyes flashed in blue light replied in a magnetic but emotional voice:

   "Commander Gnawa asked me to tell you that "Gen Brain" doesn't see anyone."

   "Okay." Jiang Baimian knew that he was not righteous in front of him, so he didn't say much.

   When the robot guard left the hotel, Aino, the proprietress sitting at the front desk, asked curiously:

   "Do you want to see "Source Brain"?"

   "Why, do you have a way?" Jiang Baimian asked in surprise.

   Shang Jian Yao has rushed to Ainuo.

   Today, I changed into a long cashmere dress, and Aino, who is still beautifully dressed, glanced at Shang Jian Yao and said with a smile:

   "I haven't seen'Source Brain', how can there be a way?"

   Having said that, she changed her mind:

   "'Machine Paradise' is very caring about the old world and is always looking for relevant people."

   "For example, Maximian?" Jiang Baimian made an association instantly.

   Ai Nuo laughed, as if a flower was blooming:

   "The little girl is pretty smart.

   "I once heard my elders mention this person, saying that he is the chief scientist of the Third Research Institute."

   "The Third Research Institute?" Jiang Baimian naturally thought of Qiao Chu and the Eighth Research Institute behind him.

"Yes." Aino nodded, "I don't know exactly what it is. I only know that there are nine similar research institutes. They are the most powerful gray country and the most powerful Red River people before the destruction of the Old World. The main theme of the research institute jointly established by the state seems to be, facing the future?"

   The past of the hotel proprietress is also a story, she knows so much... After listening, Jiang Baimian sighed with emotion.

   "Thank you." She sincerely expressed her thanks.

   "How can I just say thank you?" Ainuo smiled, "I have to let these two handsome boys spend the night with me."

   "Cough, cough..." Long Yuehong almost choked to death with her saliva.

   "Okay, okay." Shang Jianyao said excitedly, "We can dance, sing, play cards, compete, etc., etc."

   "Okay, just kidding." Ainuo smiled and shook his head, "My old arms and legs can't stand the toss of young people."

   Why are these words so familiar? Ah yes, President Gu Bo also said...Long Yuehong was taken aback for a moment, and then woke up.

  Farewell to Aino, Jiang Baimian directly asked Bai Chen to drive to Hexi, and went to the town hall to see Genawah, the mayor of Tarnan and the captain of the Robot Guard.

   Town Affairs Office is located in a ten-story building in Hedong. The glass curtain wall is cleanly polished, reflecting inches of golden in the sun.

  As soon as they walked in, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and the others saw the so-called cleaning robot, which looked like a mop and grew out of many mechanical tentacles with suction cups that can wrap things around.

   This allows it to be cleaned from the ground to the ceiling.

   In addition to cleaning robots, there are combat robots loaded with many weapon modules, trash can robots responsible for playing soft music, pet robots shaped like cats and dogs, and so on.

   There are only a few intelligent robots wearing clothes, and the number is extremely rare.

   After passing through, the "Old Tune Team" met the robot mayor Genawah in an office on the top floor.

   It is still wearing the military uniform, UU reading www. uukanshu.com stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out to the northeast.

   When the four of the "old tune group" approached, it turned its body and said in its mellow baritone:

   "What else do you have?

   "If you want to see the'source brain', there is no room for change."

   Jiang Baimian responded with a smile:

   "If we investigate the matter of the'higher unintentional people' in the southwest mountainous area, and find the members of the guards who have lost contact, will we be able to see the'source brain'?"

   Genava was silent for a while:

   "I can help you ask for instructions again, but without any guarantee.

   "If it really doesn't work, you can pick other rewards."

   This is the expected answer, Jiang Baimian said instead:

   "Actually, it is very simple for you to solve the problem in the southwest mountainous area.

   "After initially clarifying the approximate range, I fired missiles there, made a saturated artillery bombardment, and plowed the place again by various means."

   This is the most effective way for the human army to solve the "high-level unintentional", but it consumes too much ammunition, but the "mechanical heaven" should be able to bear it.

   Genava paced a few steps:

   "One is the efficiency problem, the other is the mountainous terrain is complex, there are too many places to hide, and the third..."

   It paused and said:

   "The ten members of the guard are my companions. I don't want to take a risk until I know their situation."

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