Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 171: The way to the future

Although Jiang Baimian had a certain premonition when Bai Chen asked if it was Olei of the "First City", she was still a little shocked after hearing the series of identities from "Source Brain".


   Bai Chen felt that this seemed to be a fate.


  I still can't get around "First City" after going around.


   "Yuan Nao" didn't wait for them to calm down, and continued to say without much ups and downs in their voice:


  "If you want to track down the affairs of other research institutes and find out the source of the ‘innocent disease’, you can go to the ‘First City’ and find his descendants to see if he has any clues left.


   "As the chief scientist of the Third Research Institute, he had high authority before the destruction of the old world, and he had access to more secrets than I could."


   Jiang Baimian's thoughts were transferred, and he responded sincerely:


   "Thank you."


   At this moment, she has three choices for the next direction:


   One is to go to Primordial City and find Ole Ubis, a descendant of Maximian, to see if the chief scientist of the Third Research Institute, the first citizen and dictator of Primordial City, has any words left.


—— In the last few years of his life, Ole Ubis, who firmly held the power of the "primary city" in his hands, also proclaimed himself emperor for a short time. At that time, the Senate was marginalized, which was about equal to the original city council. Responsible for the daily operation of this city.


   The second is to trace Qiao Chu and get clues from the special commissioner of the Eighth Research Institute.


   The third is to try to increase the authority to see if there is anything worth digging inside the "Pangu Creature".


   Jiang Baimian is now a little suspicious that the original body of "Pangu Biology" is also one of those research institutes, just as "Machinery Paradise" originated from the Third Research Institute.


   Of course, these directions are not mutually exclusive, you can do all of them.


   "Yuan Brain" didn't say much, the voice fluctuates with the virtual vortex on the screen:


   "What else do you want to ask?"


   As soon as it finished speaking, Shang Jian Yao took a few steps forward and took out a slightly thicker and tougher piece of paper from his pocket.


   He spoke a little faster and asked:


   "Have you seen this person?"


   Jiang Baimian looked over and found that Shang Jianyao was holding a photo.


   That photo seems to come from the electronic card information inside "Pangu Biology", which is very standard.


   Above is a man, in his thirties, with a more gentle temperament, his black hair is not too short, he is well groomed, and his appearance is somewhat similar to Shang Jian Yao.


   Jiang Baimian understood and closed his mouth.


   "Yuan Brain" scanned it with multiple cameras and replied:




   It said no, then there must be no, there is no possibility of forgetting and neglect.


   Shang Jian Yao looked at the whirlpool on the big screen, was silent for a few seconds, and put away the photo.


   "Thank you." In a low voice, he stepped back to his original position.


   The rather mature voice of "Yuan Nao" echoed again:


   "It's almost time.


   "Let me remind you a few last words."


   "Please speak." Jiang Baimian hurriedly replied.


   The whirlpool on the big screen slowly undulates:


  "Tracing the cause of the destruction of the old world is a very dangerous thing. No one has ever done it, but they either disappeared or died, and none of them got a good result.


  "You should understand what this means: someone is secretly stifling all efforts to find the truth.


  "You may have been relatively smooth before and have not encountered any obstacles, but after you locate the source of the ‘intentional disease’ as the main investigation direction, danger may come quietly. At that time, not one of you may be able to survive.


   "Please be prepared to deal with this change, don't be careless."


   At this point, although Jiang Baimian was mentally prepared when he formed the "old tune group", no one had ever directly pointed out the degree of danger like the "Yuan Brain".


   The "old tune group" may face a force that once destroyed the old world!


   This made Jiang Baimian's and Bai Chen's breathing become short-lived, and Long Yuehong felt suffocated.


   "Isn't this a good thing?" Shang Jianyao replied with a smile, "They take the initiative to jump out, and it will save you a lot of trouble than we slowly check it."


That's right... As long as you can escape the first wave of attacks and catch the personnel sent by that force, you can follow the vine and make things clear. When that time, the company can unite with major forces such as "First City" to encircle and suppress Goal... Hearing Shang Jianyao's words, Jiang Baimian became optimistic.


   Of course, she also knows that the final result may not be what she wants. What if the major forces encircle and suppress "Pangu Creatures"?


   And she is also considering another thing, that is, when she returns to the company to take a break, she asks Bai Chen and Long Yuehong to see if they want to stay in the "old tune group".


   If she doesn't want to, she will try to get them another chance to transfer.


   "Yuan Nao" did not refute Shang Jianyao's words, and said without any ups and downs:


   "I hope you can maintain this mentality in the future.


   "Okay, the time is up."


   Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen responded in unison:

   "Thank you for your answer."


   They discussed the issue of politeness beforehand, thinking that they should not show respect enough just because they are not people.


   The vortex on the big screen fluctuated twice, slowly subsiding, and there was no more light.


   "Go back." Jiang Baimian looked around and walked towards the door of the conference room first.


   After saying goodbye to Genawah, they took the elevator all the way back to the ground floor of the town hall building.


   As soon as Bai Chen got into the driving position, he saw a black seven-seater car with a little complicated structure turning in here and stopped in front of the building.


   The car door opened silently, and a full five robots with blue eyes came out.


   Unlike the smart robots in town, their uniforms are pure black.


   Jiang Baimian watched these robots enter the town hall, and said thoughtfully:


   "The reinforcements sent by'Machine Paradise'?"


   When the "higher unintentional man" had not been resolved, Gnawa asked the "Machinery Paradise" headquarters for assistance.


   "It turned out not to be here by helicopter." Shang Jianyao said that the reinforcements were not professional enough.


   There is a special apron in Tarnan. They have seen it before, so they know that there are many planes in the "machine paradise".


   "Maybe it wasn't necessary anymore." Long Yuehong gave his own understanding.


   For them, this is not something worth paying attention to, and they quickly gave up the discussion and returned to Hedong.




   Papa, after Jiang Baimian sent the information provided by "Yuan Nao" back to "Pangu Biology", he breathed a sigh of relief, leaned on the back of his chair, and said with a smile:


   "The next step is to buy food and prepare for the return journey."


   "Pangu Biology" does not have a trade representative in Tarnan, so they can't let the company to raise supplies, and they can only work on their own.


   Of course, after returning to the company, the corresponding contributions will definitely be reimbursed, and they will not let them waste their gains in vain.


   "I'm afraid..." Just as Long Yuehong uttered these three words, she saw Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen all looking at him.


   He let out a "uh" and instinctively closed his mouth.


   Jiang Baimian guessed what he was worried about, smiled and calmed down:


   "We won't be sent directly to the'First City'. This hangs up to make people breathe.


   "We have been out for so long, and if we don't go back to rest, there will be problems regardless of our mental state or mental state.


   "Since the company has stated that it can go back, it means that the internal matter has basically been resolved, and there are no excuses."


   "That's good, that's good." Long Yuehong is the one who misses home the most in the group.


   Before Shang Jian Yao teased Long Yuehong, Jiang Baimian thoughtfully added two more sentences:


   "Furthermore, we can't believe in what'source brain' says. Although it may not lie, it may not tell the whole story, and wants to drive us to investigate other research institutes.


   "So, I still have to go back to the company to see if we can apply for the relevant materials, and make the most adequate preparations. We are supported by someone."


   "Hmm." Long Yuehong said that it is imperative to return to the company.


   "Yes, you can't believe it blindly." Shang Jianyao once again became an honorary believer of the "Vigilant Sect"-unilaterally.


   Bai Chen did not speak, watching them discuss there.


   and other topics were taken by Shang Jian Yao when she returned to the company to order the first meal, she finally couldn't help but gave a few comments.


Because there will be a thank-you banquet from the residents of Tarnan and the baptism ceremony of the "Forge Sect", the "Old Tune Team" was not in a hurry to raise the food for the return trip, and leisurely went over the old world that they bought back. Books, looking at the small amount of old-world entertainment materials that Shang Jianyao cheekedly copied from the proprietress Aino-Bai Chen is still a little afraid of this, while Jiang Baimian is worried that the team members will fall from then on, not only limiting the number, UU看书www . uukanshu.com also reviewed and selected content.


   She is very afraid that Shang will see Yao gaining wings from then on.


   In the evening, they went out for a walk to Binhe Avenue, shopping, looking for food, and selecting supplies.


  As soon as he turned into this busiest street, Jiang Baimian keenly discovered that something was wrong.


   The number of patrolling robots has increased significantly!


   Whether it is an intelligent robot or a corresponding auxiliary robot, there are a lot more than usual.


   "What happened?" Jiang Baimian said suspiciously.


   She just wanted to ask a familiar local person to ask, she saw Shang Jianyao walking up to a member of the Robot Guard wearing a dark green military uniform and asking:


   "Alpha, what happened?"


  Alpha...Alpha Stuart? The intelligent robot friend that Shang Jian Yao made? Shang Jian Yao actually recognized it... Jiang Baimian was a little surprised.


   For these intelligent robots, if there is no auxiliary chip to help record the characteristics, she feels that she would be a little blind.


   Alfrench answered Shang Jianyao’s question with a heavy heart:


   "The Law Department sent a team over to examine the degree of humanization of Chief Gnawa."


what? Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen were a little confused and confused.


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