Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 174: "in principle"

Inside the Villa of Gnawa.


   The two law robots, Gnawa and Susanna cast their eyes at the gate at the same time.


   They all heard a sound of footsteps from far to near.


   Soon, the doorbell was rang.


   jingle bell, jingle bell.


   The blue light in the eyes of the two legal robots suddenly rose.


   Within their corresponding processors, a figure was quickly outlined, and different parts showed different degrees of red, and the distribution of metal on the body surface was also marked accordingly.


  Humans...no heavy weapons...only four pistols and corresponding bullets...two legal robots glanced at each other, confirming that the visitor's risk is low.


   One of them stood up, walked over, and opened the door as the bell reverberated.


   Outside the door was Shang Jian Yao wearing a dark blue short down jacket. He asked politely:


   "Hello, is Gnawa at home?"


   Frankly speaking, Gnawa is a bit dazed at this moment.


   His processor can’t analyze what is going on:


He originally thought that the help provided by the Qianbai team would be to destroy the power supply, take advantage of the chaos, create opportunities for himself to escape, or do other similar things, who knows, one of them came to the door openly. Acting like doing a daily visit.


   Do they think that people in the Law Hall can let me go by reasoning? This must have been approved by the "Source Brain"... There is only one door... He is the bait, and the rest is lurking around, preparing to launch an attack... Gnawa quickly traversed all possible possibilities and found enough to convince himself s answer.


  He is ready to go.


   At this time, the Law Robot at the door answered Shang Jian Yao’s question in a business-like manner:


   "Gnawa is at home.


   "But he is under review by the Law Office and cannot meet anyone."


   Shang Jianyao asked a new question in confusion:


   "Isn't the person in the Law Hall?"


   The law robot was silent for two seconds:


   "It's a smart person."


   "Aren't smart people also human?" Shang Jianyao asked further.


   Witnessing his performance, Gnawa had some doubts:


   Is this, you want to create a logical loophole and let the people in the Law Hall restart?


   It’s useless. We won’t crash. Only those auxiliary robots often fail... Our main module is approximately equal to human consciousness...


   The law robot at the door answered Shang Jianyao again:


   "Smart people and humans are different."


   "Oh oh." Shang Jianyao expressed understanding.


   At this moment, the legal robot at the door turned its gaze to the other side, and the legal robot in the house stood up.


   This is because there is another figure approaching in the light of the street lamp.


   She is wearing a gray-blue camouflage uniform, tied with a tall ponytail Jiang Baimian.


   After scanning and confirming that the visitor did not have heavy weapons or dangerous items, the legal robot at the door said to Shang Jian Yao:


   "You can leave, and wait for a visit later. Don't hinder our work."


   The legal robot in the room sat down again.


   When Shang saw Yao hesitated to answer, Jiang Baimian walked to his side without even looking at him.


   The two seemed to be strangers.


   Genava looked at this scene, and once again felt confused:


  Why did the second person of the Qianbai team come straight to the door?


   It's good to use bait to attract attention, then suddenly launch an attack?


   For a while, Gnawa was unable to analyze the current information and find out what the white team wanted to do.


   "Hello, is Mr. Gnawa at home?" Jiang Baimian ignored Shang Jianyao next to him, and asked a question with a smile.


   The law robot at the door is not like a human being, and it doesn’t feel angry or impatient because of it. It keeps the tone of business affairs and said:


   "At home, but he has to cooperate with the investigation and cannot meet guests."


   "That's it..." Jiang Baimian made a regretful voice.


   Before she finished her words, she stepped forward suddenly, stretched her left hand, and took the arm of the law robot at the door.


   The law robot reacted extremely fast, and immediately it was about to do a reverse grappling.


   For it, this is a small change that is easy to solve.


   It has never seen a human who can compete with intelligent people in strength and skill.


  Furthermore, humans are afraid of pain, and intelligent people are not afraid at all. They are the natural kings of close combat.


   Based on this reason, it adopted an equivalent response.


   In the next second, Jiang Baimian's body turned, sticking and turning, using his left arm as his main body, he forcibly pulled up the legal robot at the door.


   What a weird force this is!


In the voice of   , she completed a successful shoulder fall.


   At the same time, Gnawa followed his judgment and reacted without hesitation.


   He jumped directly at the legal robot in the house.


   The latter just stood up due to an accident at the door.




   The glass on the other side of the living room shattered, and Long Yuehong, wearing a military exoskeleton device, jumped in.

  According to Jiang Baimian’s instructions, he mainly did two things:


   One is to pin down another intelligent robot, Susana-Susana, who passively broke off his husband and wife relationship with Gnawa, is now unclear about her enemies and friends;


   The second is to cooperate with Gnawa so that he can solve the law robot in the house as quickly as possible without much movement.


   "Enemy attack!" Susanna made a voice with a clear sense of synthesis.


   It immediately opened its palm, revealing the laser emitting hole.


   Almost at the same time, under her white dress, the weapons loaded one by one flew up, or opened the corresponding baffle.


   In just one second, the "housewife" turned into a terrifying killing machine.


   Fortunately, Long Yuehong is wearing a military exoskeleton device, assisted by a comprehensive early warning system, which can react in advance and avoid the blow of the red laser.


   At this time, the law robot that was thrown to the ground by Jiang Baimian over his shoulder was not dizzy like a human, nor did he feel any pain.


   The blue light in its eyes became extremely bright, as if it was accumulating energy.


   Its arms lifted up, and the loaded weapon unreservedly revealed.


  Target: Jiang Baimian.


   Just then, a figure was reflected in its "eyes".


   This is Shang Jian Yao with a curious look.


   He is like a qualified crowd of onlookers.


   At this moment, a series of judgments flashed in the main module of the Law Robot on the ground:


  No hostility...Unknown relationship with the attacker, suspected not knowing...Not carrying heavy weapons...No attacks on me and my colleagues...


   These judgments quickly led to a result. The legal robot on the ground gave up the first wave of counterattacks, because it was Shang Jian Yao, not Jiang Baimian, who would bear the attack.


   Seizing this opportunity, Jiang Baimian crawled to the ground and stretched out his hand from the side, relying on the force of his left arm to directly open a metal baffle on the target body, revealing the main interface at the rear.


   Her finger was inserted immediately.


In   zi's voice, the silver white light illuminates Shang Jian Yao's face.


   "Power overload...Start the protection program..." The corresponding command flashed in the main module of the legal robot.


   Taking advantage of it falling into the state of overload protection, Jiang Baimian quickly opened the corresponding socket based on the induction of the electrical signal, and removed its two high-performance batteries.


   The Law Robot on the ground suddenly lost its movement.


  Huh...Jiang Baimian exhaled uncontrollably when he saw this.


   The core of her attack plan is not the strange power and high-intensity current of her electric eel-type bionic prosthesis, but Shang Jianyao's performance.


   This is based on a sentence once said by "Yuan Brain":


   "No need to be cautious, my core program has very strict restrictions on attacking humans, and many conditions must be met."


   Even if the "source brain" is like this, how can intelligent robots be an exception?


   Moreover, the legal robot headed by it also said before:


  "The reason why our intelligent people behave like humans is to better serve humans, get close to humans, and not harm them, instead of treating ourselves as humans.


   "This is the rule written by our creator in our core module, and the'source brain' cannot be violated."


   From these mutually confirmed words, Jiang Baimian made some judgments, that is:


  Intelligent robots will not attack humans who have not threatened them, have shown no hostility, and have not violated the corresponding regulations at the same time!


   And this should have a high priority in their main program!


   Therefore, she and Shang Jian Yao went to the door separately, showing that they did not know each other.


——For Tarnan's other intelligent robots, no one can fool around, but the robots from the Law Hall only arrived today, and the focus is still on examining the degree of humanization of Gnawa. They certainly don’t know much about the tower. The situation of Hernan.


   Of course, Jiang Baimian didn't dare to say that it must be so. She gave Shang Jianyao to take one step at a time. If the Law robot on the opposite side knows that they are companions~www.ltnovel.com~, then change the way.


   In short, the purpose is to use a benevolent third-party Shang Jian Yao to "drag" the target, act as a shield, and create opportunities for Jiang Baimian to solve his opponent!


   If the law robot on the ground returns to normal, he might curse "Despicable Human".


   On the other hand, the fight between Gnawa and his opponent has also entered a white-hot stage. While using various wrestling techniques, they tried to attack the weak points of the enemy with different weapons loaded.


   In the sound of bang bang dangdang, their standard clothing shattered, leaving a certain dent on the surface of the bone.


   In this process, they all avoided using higher-energy weapons to some extent, because at such a distance, facing such an enemy, it is likely to produce backlash.


   Of course, if there is a good opportunity, they will certainly not let it go, but their opponents are trying their best to prevent the birth of similar opportunities.


   is tens of seconds. Gnawa, who has been fighting outside for a long time with more data, has the upper hand. With the help of Long Yuehong, he paralyzed the enemy's power supply system, causing it to fall to the ground and unable to stand up.


   At this time, Susanna saw that the situation was not right, so she fired a grenade to notify the robot guard and withdrew to the second floor.


   In the rumbling voice, Gnawa looked at her silently, without stopping.


   "Let's go!" Jiang Baimian yelled quickly.


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