Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Paper

   When Genawa touched Yan Hu, who was like a mummy, Jiang Baimian raised his attention to the highest level, and also used the auxiliary chip in his left arm.

   She paid close attention to the weak electrical signal of the "sleeping god" Yan Hu, and when she noticed any changes, she would immediately stop Gnawa.

   Shang Jian Yao stood next to Gnarva, posed as if he would push the opponent away at any time.

   Soon, Gnawa’s fingers touched Yan Hu’s dry skin.

   At this moment, Jiang Baimian sensed the weak change in the bioelectric signal, and felt that something would grow out of the void.

   She was about to let Gnava retract her palm, the change was fleeting, as if it had never happened.

   Everything returned to the original silence.

  Because the target is intelligent robots, not humans, so the mutation can't go on? I don't know if latex gloves can produce the same effect... Jiang Baimian closed his open mouth and continued to observe.

   At this time, Shang Jianyao sighed regretfully, and said to Genava:

   "I thought it could be a hero to save the United States."

   He also seemed to notice that Yan Hu's remaining consciousness was restless for a second.

   "Beauty? The gender set by my main module is male." While groping on the "Sleeping God" with a silver-black metal palm, Gnawa pointed out Shang Jian Yao's wording mistakes while groping on the "Sleeping God".

   Shang Jian Yao sternly said:

   "The beauty here refers to the beauty, and the beauty does not distinguish between men and women, regardless of whether it is purebred, deformed, or intelligent."

   He replaced the name of the second person with a deformed person.

   "It can even be a car." Jiang Baimian added subconsciously.

As soon as    finished her words, she began to condemn herself.

When    is so serious, why do you want to join such an inconspicuous topic?

   Regarding Shang Jian Yao’s explanation, Genawah was very satisfied, and stopped refuting anything, and did his best to do his work.

   Frankly speaking, seeing Yan Hu’s dry skin, prominent bones, and skull-like head, Jiang Baimian felt that this was even more terrifying than a real corpse, and even more nightmare.

   She asked herself that she had to do tens of seconds of mental construction before she dared to examine the terrifying body of such a "sleeping god", and she would always feel a little bit responsive in her heart.

   And Gnawa has no discomfort at all, just like this is also a bunch of ordinary things composed of "0" and "1".

   After a careful search, Gnawa came to the conclusion:

   "The target has only a pair of yellow underwear and a set of white linen. There are no other objects, and no clues are left."

   "..." Jiang Baimian always finds this description a bit strange.

   Shang Jian Yao shook his right and punched his left palm:

   "This dress and underwear may also be a ‘magic item’, a set of branch laurel crowns and branch bracelets."

   Jiang Baimian's mouth moved, and he analyzed it carefully:

   "I don't think it is.

  "The locations of them are very obvious. If they are items taken out of the'corridor of the soul' or collected by Yan Hu, the'fear bishop' of the guard sect will definitely take them away."

   Shang Jian Yao shook his head:

   "I know the reason, because I won't take it either."

   "Why?" Jiang Baimian wanted to hear unusual ideas.

   Shang Jian Yao answered seriously:

   "It's impolite.

   "It looks like a pervert."

   Jiang Baimian stopped responding to him, and said to Genava:

   "You touch Yan Hu's body again to see if there is anything on it."

   Genava followed her words and stretched out the silver-black metal palm again, inserting it between Yan Hu's body and the bottom of the coffin.

   After groping for a while, he shook his head made of metal:


   "No..." Although Jiang Baimian felt that this answer did not surprise him, he always felt that something was wrong.

   "The group of believers were too ungodly, they didn't make a bed for the gods they believed in. How uncomfortable it is to lie on such a hard wooden board." Shang Jianyao expressed his opinion.

   "Maybe it's the folk or religious habits here." Gnawa tried to analyze the reason why the group of believers did this.

   Listening to the conversation between the two, Jiang Baimian's eyes suddenly lit up.

   She asked thoughtfully:

   "You said, Yan Hu had a premonition that he was going to fall asleep and lay down in this coffin, or after he fell asleep, he was found by the believers and carried into this coffin?"

   "Lack of sufficient data, it is impossible to restore the situation at that time, it is recommended to use the hypothetical analysis." Genawa answered quite "straightforwardly".

   Shang Jian Yao smiled and said:

   "He certainly didn't lie in by himself.

   "If it is me, knowing that I am going to fall asleep, then I must put a layer of mattress on it, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to lie down for so long."

"Theoretically this is the case. Yan Hu's preparations were not adequate. This also reflects that it took a few decades for the murloc to come and take away the branches of the laurel crown." Jiang Baimian did not say anything to death, "Well... also. Maybe the situation was sudden and urgent at the time, and Yan Hu had no time to do other things."

   She continued:

  "Let’s first analyze the situation where believers carried Yan Hu into this coffin.

  "They should be arranged according to the religious habits of the'Yan Luo Temple' or Yan Hu's usual words. There are many things that can be considered, but we don't care, because there is a very serious and important issue.

   "That's where they carried Yan Hu into this coffin."

   Genava directly derives the answer:

   "There are two possibilities, one is the place where Yan Hu suddenly fell into a coma, and the other is his room, where he unknowingly fell into trouble during his sleep."

"Yes, it is very likely that he was lying on the bed, his consciousness entered the'corridor of the soul', explored there, and searched for the door of the new world. As a result, he had gained something and encountered problems." Jiang Baimian was based on this from Shang Jianyao. The usual performance of the awakened and the words carved by Yan Hu with his nails are inferred.

  —Yan Hu left some **** scratches on the inside of the coffin. They formed the four words "New World".

   Without waiting for Shang Jian Yao to spread the problem to strange places, Jiang Baimian rolled his wrist and glanced at the electronic watch, and said with a smile:

  "So, where is Yan Hu's room?

"He shouldn't use this coffin as a bed usually. He didn't have anything to make. It must be very uncomfortable to fall asleep. Yan Hu doesn't like to enjoy it anymore, and there is no need to torture himself like this, unless he has hobbies in this area or has paid for it. The corresponding price."

  Shang Jian Yao nodded his head, saying that's it.

  Awakened are not ascetic monks, so they don't need to polish themselves like this.

"From a religious perspective, since Yan Hu is a living god, he can only live in this temple, or in other words, there must be a part of the space where he lives into a temple." Gnawa analyzed similar data in the past. , Gave his own conclusion.

   Jiang Baimian looked around and said:

   "But here, we've looked for it last time, and we didn't find a place to live..."

   While talking, she suddenly turned around and cast her gaze to a place.

   Shang Jian Yao smiled at the same time:

   "I didn't find a place."

   He pointed to the coffin.

   A more accurate description is the stone slab held down by the coffin.

   Genavalo made an analysis and understood the meaning of the two, and immediately opened the corresponding inspection module.

   is a few seconds, he pointed to the bottom of the coffin and said:

   "There is a large hole in the ground here... The preliminary analysis result is a small room."

   Jiang Baimian's face, which was blocked by the delicate monk's mask, suddenly smiled.

   She just analyzed a bunch of them, but they were just bold assumptions, and now they have finally proved it!

   "Excuse me, please push this coffin away." Jiang Baimian said to Genawa, "Be careful, I will stop at any time."

   Same as before, she increased her concentration and used the auxiliary chip, Shang Jian Yao also put up a pose, ready to "heroes to save the United States."

   Gnawa pressed his hands on the edge of the coffin, controlling his power and pushing forward.

   During this process, Yan Hu's bioelectric signal did not change abnormally.

   As the coffin moved away, a dark hole appeared on the corresponding stone slab.

   It is very narrow and small, and can only allow a slender person to pass normally. Below it is a faintly visible staircase-like Genawa, which must be sideways to enter.

   Jiang Baimian rolled his wrists to look at the time, and allowed Genawa, the all-round robot, to ventilate the space below the opening.

  Shang Jianyao, wearing a monkey mask, looked on the sidelines with admiration. He seemed to think it was a cool thing to hide so many devices and load so many modules on his body.

   Soon, Gnawa completed the environmental treatment, and checked the situation inside by the way:

   "There are no poisonous gases, bombs, radiation, or dangerous creatures, and the house structure is very stable."

   The next second, Shang Jianyao turned on the flashlight and walked along the stairs to the ground.

   Jiang Baimian and Genawat followed closely.

  The stairs are only seven or eight steps, and it didn't take long for Shang Jian Yao to get down to earth.

   This is a small room with only one bed, one table, one cabinet and one chair.

  This place is not completely without light. The surface of the old desk is placed with a yellow-green bead.

   It is very small, so it has normal fish eyes.

   "The Pearl of the Night..." Jiang Baimian murmured, stopping Shang Jianyao's search behavior, and let Gnawa do the corresponding things.

  Because time is waiting for no one, Gnawa completed the work as quickly as possible:

The cabinet was empty, and the clothes seemed to have been taken away; the bed only had mattresses, pillows and quilts; the chair was nothing special, but because of the influence of the temple environment, it looked very clean; the table above was There is a piece of paper in the drawer of that small night pearl.

   "Paper..." Jiang Baimian followed the light of Shang Jian Yao's torch and looked at the yellowish sheet of paper.

   There are some numbers and symbols on it:

  "1210, √



   "314, √

   "329, √


   If you haven't been to Tarnan, Jiang Baimian will definitely be confused by these numbers.

   But with the matter of the "higher unintentional person", with the number "five zero three", and with Zhou Yue's explanation, she naturally had a guess:

   "This is the room of the'Spirit Corridor' that Yan Hu once entered? Tick to indicate that he has completed the exploration? In the end, he has gained something in Room 102, which is suspected to be related to the New World, but he also encountered an accident?"

  Dangdang, Shang Jianyao hit the side of the flashlight with one hand, completing the applause in this way.

  The silver and black intelligent robot Gnawa was taken aback, and clapped in order to get together.



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