Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Hurricane

For Yu Tian and Bode, the strong people of the "Vigilant Sect" fulfilled their promises and arrived as promised, which gave them a surge of confidence. However, the Di Marco family ruled "under the boat" for decades and accumulated a lot of power and did not see the light of day. Before, they were still clutching a heart and couldn't solve it.

   Shang Jian Yao stood up, turned his head, looked at them, and put a finger on his lips.

   This is a relatively common body language. Yu Tian and Bode closed their mouths tightly, not daring to ask questions.

At the same time, Bai Chen, who carried the "Orange" rifle and "Short Neck" submachine gun in his hand, and Long Yuehong, who was wearing a military exoskeleton device, squatted down, pulled out the belt of the unconscious person, and cut their hands back. Tie tightly.

   They also plugged the mouths of the four guards with pre-prepared cloth heads, and pulled their trousers down to the ankles.

   In this way, there is no need to worry about these people crying for help or getting out of sleep on their own after they wake up.

Although Jiang Baimian’s “Beheading Plan” requires a quick battle and a quick resolution, there is a high probability that the battle will end before the guards wake up, and the Ark will be passed on, but there is nothing wrong with being careful. After all, no one knows whether it will happen in the middle. accident.

   When Bai Chen and Long Yuehong were busy, they buckled the gap with one hand, and Genawa, who was firmly attached to the wall, also retracted half of his finger that was inserted into the B12 camera interface.

   The blue light in his eyes flashed quickly for a while, and it took only ten or twenty seconds to put his finger back in.

   It didn't take long, he retracted his hand, pressed the B12 camera back to the interface, and repaired the malfunction caused by the electric shock by the way.

   After repairing the problems of the B10 and B11 cameras in turn, Gnawa gently jumped back to the ground.

   He speaks very fast, but he speaks clearly:

   "I have analyzed Ark's system, compiled a virus, and completed the invasion.

   "Wait another thirty seconds, all cameras will restart, and the past fifteen minutes of video will be played in a loop, and the corresponding time will be replaced with the current one."

   In this way, the guards on duty in the monitoring room will see that there is nothing wrong with the Ark, everything is normal, the same as the previous fifteen minutes.

   is really exactly the same.

   Of course, if you repeat it for too long, you will definitely find the problem, but the "decapitation operation" will not take much time.

   "Understood." Jiang Baimian said "Um", pressing his voice to Yu Tian and Bode, "Do you know how to report?"

   Yu Tian and Bode looked at each other and nodded slightly excitedly.

   What Gannawa said just now, they didn't understand it a bit, but it didn't prevent them from thinking it was very powerful.

They originally thought that the defense system of the "boat below the ground" could make it possible for a fly to fly in without hiding everyone's eyes. The intruder had no way to surprise, and could only choose to fight hard. Who knows that these strong men of the vigilant sect rely on their own. The strength and comprehensiveness of the intelligent robot can easily complete the monitoring system without causing any movement, and even make it an accomplice of the invasion.

   Yu Tian and Bode’s confidence doubled as a result.

   They began to feel that this operation to overthrow Di Marco’s tyranny might succeed!

   Seeing that the time was approaching, Yu Tian pinched the electronic product on the collar with his backhand and started to report:

   "The problem is not big, we did it a few times, and it feels almost healed."

   The guards in the surveillance room were about to inquire about the corresponding details, they saw the black screen of the three surveillance cameras light up again, showing the situation in area B3 again:

   The three groups of six guards each perform their duties, everything is normal.

   "Okay, I don't need to worry about the repairman, but I still have to check it later, lest it break again." The guard in charge responded via the area broadcast.

   Really concealed it... Yu Tian and Bode looked at each other again and found that each other's eyes were full of surprises.

  Shang Jian Yao walked up to them, pressed the monkey mask that was vivid on his face, and said with a smile:

   "I won't trouble you anymore."

   Before the words fell, he already raised his right hand.

   Yu Tian and Bode were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood, and they turned their bodies side by side, exposing the position behind their ears to Shang Jian Yao's gaze.

   Shang Jian Yao alone gave them a knife, and the strength was just right.

   Yu Tian and Bode fainted and didn't really faint, but they lie down on the ground.

   During this process, they moved very softly, as if they were afraid of knocking on themselves.

  -If the vigilant sect fails to do so, they are really being coerced and stunned. If everything goes well, they will stand up and instigate other guards to get a big cake in the vigilant sect's afterthought.

   After doing all this, Shang Jian Yao extended his right hand to Gnawa.

  Gnawa took out the rubber gloves with the yellow-green night pearl and threw it directly over.

   Shang Jian Yao pinched the fish-eye-sized bead with his left hand, and tucked the rubber gloves into his pocket.

   "Prepare." Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian took a breath and gave the order.

   Bai Chen picked up the "short neck" submachine gun, his back was slightly lowered, and he could rush out of this area at any time.

  Long Yuehong, wearing a military exoskeleton device, walked in front of Bai Chen and assumed a similar posture.

   Further ahead are Jiang Baimian holding the "Reaper" individual rocket launcher in one hand and Genawa, a silver-black robot ready to launch lasers and grenades.

  Shang saw Yaoding at the forefront, and sighed regretfully:

   "It's a pity that I can't use speakers..."

   This is because there is no trickery next, that is, to rush all the way. Before most of the power of the "underground boat" can react, the leader of DiMarco is cut off. If a small speaker is used on the way, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of surveillance.

   The "old tune group" did not consider re-entering the ventilation ducts, and went all the way down, because it would take more time, and after a long time, accidents would increase.

"Di Marco lives in Zone C on the sixth floor underground. There is only one room there. He usually stays in it and rarely changes the place where he lives temporarily... Zone C has two latest military exoskeleton devices, eight groups of sixteen Fully armed guards and two superpowered'advisors'... District A lives with a large number of mistresses of Di Marco... District B now belongs to the mistress who is pregnant with Di Marco's child, and the monitoring room is also there... …

  "The elevator cannot go directly to Zone C. You can only go to Zone A first, then go through Zone B, and enter Zone C...

   "There seems to be a secret escape route in Di Marco's room, with a special elevator..."

  The content described by Yu Tian and Bode flashed through Jiang Baimian's mind, and finally fixed on the figure of DiMarco wearing the old world black priest uniform.

   "Action!" She yelled in a low voice, and ran out of the B3 area on the second basement floor without hesitation.

   Deng Deng Deng, Shang Jian Yao held the yellow-green night pearl in his left hand, and was the first to rush into the B2 area.

   Before the guards had time to react, they felt unspeakable horror, unable to restrain themselves and rushed to different corners, curled up there, shivering.

   They all became "cowards".

   Apart from being afraid, they can't have any other thoughts!

   Shang Jian Yao almost fully aroused the power of that night pearl, so that the effect of the "coward" can last longer.

   After previous experiments, they confirmed that if they did not exert any further influence, the longest could be up to one and a half minutes.


   The "Old Tune Team" rushed to the place where the elevator was. Along the way, all the guards were separated like a tide, with expressions of extreme horror on their faces.

   None of them shouted, afraid that making a sound would make them a target. They just want to find the safest place, shove themselves in, and wait for the limelight to blow.

   Ding Ding Ding, the "Old Tune Team" rushed to the elevator in just ten seconds.

   In this process, Jiang Baimian and others strictly maintained their distance and front and rear positions. On the one hand, they were worried that they would be swept away by a sudden attack. On the other hand, if they exceeded Shang Jian Yao, they would enter the range of the Ye Mingzhu ability.

   At this time, three gray-black elevators stood quietly in front, looking very heavy.

  Gnawa has infected the entire system of the "Underground Boat" with a virus written by himself, so after waiting for the elevator, after entering, without swiping the card or entering the password, he directly pressed the button corresponding to the sixth underground floor.

   The car door slowly closed in front of Long Yuehong and the others, and then reopened after only a few seconds.

   Outside is a hallway covered with yellow-brown carpets, with multiple rooms on either side.

  According to the layout plan given by Yu Tian and Bode, Shang Jianyao took the lead and rushed into this area with the yellow-green night pearl whose light had dimmed a lot.

  His expression is hidden under the face of a monkey mask, no one can see.

   At this time, many people in this area have fallen asleep, having nightmares uncontrollably, some struggling and writhing, some woke up suddenly, gasping for breath.

   The guards on patrol were like their colleagues on the second basement floor. They each found a place to hide, or shrank in a corner, shivering, or grabbing a quilt to wrap themselves tightly.

   There must be some movement, but it is not too obvious.

   In the monitoring room, the guards on duty carefully watched the images presented on multiple screens, confirming that no abnormalities occurred, the same as in the past fifteen minutes.

   is really exactly the same.

   Suddenly, they felt that there seemed to be countless ghosts swaying around, and they believed that their companion was going to murder themselves for no reason.

   Their guts quickly melted away, each leaving their seats and rushing to a place where they could hide themselves.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng, "Old Tune Team" and a group of five rushed into Area C on the sixth underground floor.

   It was only forty seconds since they started to rush forward.

   6th floor underground, area C.

   The two guards wearing military exoskeleton devices rushed and fled first, leaving only Shang Jianyao and others behind.

   The two middle-aged men who were suspected of being awakened because their abilities are far less than that of the yellow-green night pearl, and have not sensed the approach of human consciousness, they rushed into the safe passage like a frightened bird and climbed down the stairs.

   The rest are waiting soon.

   The proud defensive power of the entire "Ark below the ground" did not last for three seconds.

   "There is only one person in the room!" Jiang Baimian yelled as he ran.

   here~www.ltnovel.com~ she doesn't need to cover up anymore.

   Shang Jian Yao, who rushed to the front, had always made the person in the room the main target of the "coward", and at this time he did not relax at all.


   Shang Jianyao, wearing a gray-blue camouflage uniform, rushed to the door of DiMarco's room, flew a kick, and kicked the dark red wooden door directly.

   He didn't go in, but bounced back and ran forward a few steps.

   Jiang Baimian, who was following him, instantly "braked" and pointed the "Reaper" individual rocket launcher at the dark doorway, aiming at the human inside.

   Without hesitation, she fired a rocket.

   The rumbling voice oscillated on the sixth underground floor, and the fiery flames rolled out.

   Jiang Baimian had already fluttered sideways, avoiding the aftermath of the explosion.

   Genawa and Long Yuehong arrived at the door in time after this wave of "storms", launching grenades into the room in distinct steps.

  Four grenades ran one place each, covering them across, leaving no dead ends.

   Boom! Boom!

   Amidst the successive explosions, the "Old Tune Team" completed the first wave of attacks in "Operation Beheading".



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