Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Behind the coincidence

   Facing the huge waves that reflected the scenes and many businessmen, DiMarco's figure suddenly blurred, as if to be divided into countless lanes, running to each side.

   But at this moment, the eight Shang Jian Yao who had assimilated in his body made their own moves.

Some of them were prominent in Di Marco’s thighs, trying to stretch their bodies, entangled the enemy’s legs, and some were on their foreheads, with two arms outstretched, and firmly covered Di Marco’s mouth. The torn chest appeared, tightly holding Di Marco's torso, and some drilled out of the head, holding a small speaker, playing the sad music of the old world...

   Di Marco was so firmly entangled by the eight Shang Jian Yao that grew out of his body.

   This made DiMarco unable to move, yelling but not yelling, but his eyes gradually became desperate and was completely submerged by the huge waves.

   In the "corridor of the soul", in the room that belonged to him, the human faces on the dark wall broke away one by one, and the whole environment fell apart in the rapid fade.


   Below the ground, in Area C on the sixth floor of the boat, in the dilapidated Di Marco room.

   Jiang Baimian hovered in the air with his left hand, and did not press Shang Jian Yao again.

   She was hesitating to give a few seconds of observation time and what kind of cut-off conditions to set. The ordinary glass ball held by Shang Jian Yao's palm suddenly stained with a green color.

   In the blink of an eye, the glass ball becomes a luminous night pearl,

   Jiang Baimian's heart moved and looked into Shang Jianyao's eyes.

   Under that energetic monkey mask, Shang Jianyao's eyes in a deep state quickly returned to normal.

   He immediately lowered his head, looking at the turquoise night pearl in his palm, and fell into thought.

   "What are you thinking about?" Jiang Baimian asked tentatively, ready to go.

   Shang Jian Yao answered truthfully:

   "I was thinking, what color would I be."

   This answer is really business-minded... Di Marco certainly can't imitate it... Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief in secret, and asked thoughtfully:

   "Did you counterattack while Di Marco, uh, robbed you of your body? That should be when he was weakest...

   "Do you rely on yourself to be divided into nine?"

   Jiang Baimian couldn't think of an accurate term to describe DiMarco's behavior, and could only draw nutrients from old world entertainment materials.

   Shang Jianyao expressed his "shock" with his eyes and tone:

   "Can you invade the hearts of others?"

   It is Shang Jian Yao, there is no doubt... Jiang Baimian asked subconsciously:

   "What is fused with the glass ball is the residual breath of Di Marco?"

   Seeing Shang Jianyao nodded to express affirmation, she didn't ask any more, and instead said:

   "According to the plan, I'll go see how Xiaobai is."

   On the other side, Long Yuehong had already turned back and returned to the room, and hurriedly opened the gravel on Bai Chen's body with Gnawa.

   "How is it?" he asked with concern.

   "Yes, hiss, can't die..." Bai Chen moved his body a little, frowning and replied, "Mainly the right shoulder and arm. There may be fractures."

   Genava heard this and slightly modified the parameters of his own detection module, and started an inspection for Bai Chen.

   At this time, Jiang Baimian also rushed over, took off his tactical backpack, and directly injected Bai Chen with a non-card.

   This is to prevent accidents.

   "Hold it up, I'll make a simple fix for you first." Jiang Baimian said, getting busy.

  Bai Chen is also a person who has suffered a lot of injuries. He pursed his lips and nodded.

   After a while, Genava straightened up and said:

   "Preliminary judgment, there is no internal bleeding."

  Huh... Jiang Baimian and Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and Bai Chen closed his eyes.

   At this time, there were footsteps approaching all around Di Marco's room, fast or slow, heavy or light.

   The guards of the Ark finally reacted and began to rescue DiMarco.

   Shang Jianyao has re-covered the black and white mask on Lars' face, and took out the blue and white loudspeaker and a piece of manuscript paper full of content from his tactical backpack.

   His energetic voice immediately echoed at this level:

   "Di Marco is dead! Di Marco is dead!"

   The footsteps approaching here stopped almost at the same time.

  "We are only targeting DiMarco alone. Don’t worry about the others, even if you are a relative of DiMarco.

  "It can even be said that the vigilant sect hopes that the followers of "You Gu" in the Ark will no longer have to worry about fear and face the brutality of Di Marco.

  "We will allow each of you to freely enter and exit the Ark, and you can distribute large tracts of land around the Redstone Set that are now deserted, and get enough food to support the next harvest.

  "You are free to choose your own way of life. If you want to leave the Ark, you can leave the Ark. If you want to stay here, you can stay here. If you want to farm, you can cultivate. If you want to continue your current service work, you can continue.

  "The butlers and deacons who were in charge of various businesses do not have to be afraid. You will continue to do your own things and maintain the corresponding channels, but you will only share the benefits originally given to DiMarco, and everyone including you.

   "The captains of the various guards don't have to be afraid. You are still the main force in maintaining the order of the Ark, and the guns that protect everyone's safety and collective interests.

  "We will also form the Ark Management Committee, the members are mainly born from among you, and the overseer is the bishop of the church.

   "Well, now all come to DiMarco's room, we will discuss the list of members of the management committee and the follow-up income distribution plan.

"Some people can take this opportunity to take part of the supplies and leave the ark from another exit, but from then on, you will no longer have to rely on, and can only wander alone in the wilderness, and be the first to approach us and be the first to show sincerity. , Will get enough preferential treatment.

   "Yu Tian, ​​Bode, you are one of them..."

Shang Jianyao first used a loudspeaker to make the guards, servants, mistresses, and children on the 6th floor hear clearly and clearly, and then used the Ark’s broadcasting system to spread his voice from every angle here. , Reached the ears of some personnel who went out on duty.


   On the second basement floor, the four guards who were stunned by Shang Jianyao and others have awakened and heard the broadcast.

   Yu Tian and Bode stopped disguising, and at the same time stood up and lifted the **** of the rest of their companions with joy.

   The guards looked at them with weird eyes, a little angry, and a little envious.

   When Yu Tian and Bode looked back, they all smiled.

   "Quickly, we will rush over now, but we can't be late." Yu Tian urged, and at the same time made a promise, "rest assured, if I take a bite, you will not be missing!"

   Bode immediately echoed:

   "Everyone is brother, we must unite!"

   The four guards "hot blood" put on their faces, and immediately slapped their chests to ensure that they would follow the two.


  1st basement level, still in the servant's room during the training and inspection period.

   Ge Lin and Ge Miao, two sisters, were awakened by the noise outside and heard the footsteps of the patrol guards and deacons rushing to the elevator.

   At this time, Shang Jianyao switched to a gray voice that echoed through the electronic products on these people:

   "Di Marco is dead!


   "Each of you can freely enter and exit the Ark, you can distribute the large tracts of land around the Redstone Collection that are now deserted, and get enough food to support the next harvest..."

   Ge Lin was at a loss for a while, then she realized a fact:

   The bad-tempered Mr. DiMarco who loves to kill servants is dead!

   His rule was overthrown, and the "Ark below the ground" was replaced by a new owner.

   And the new owner promised that everyone has a field, everyone has food, and everyone no longer has to worry about being killed for no reason, and that they don’t have to worry about every day.

   We, we are saved, we, we have, there is a future... Ge Lin's vision suddenly became blurred.

   The next second, she grabbed sister Ge Miao's arm:

   "Hurry up, let's go too!"

   These original slaves poured out of their rooms one after another.


   The "old tune team" who has dealt with Bai Chen's injury is waiting for everyone from the "boat below the ground" to arrive.

   At this time, many people have gathered in the dilapidated room, most of them the guards on the floor and DiMarco's mistress and children.

   Jiang Baimian looked around, was about to say something, suddenly cast his eyes to the outside of the door, to the vent on the ceiling.

   Soon, a figure jumped down there.

   The figure is a half-year-old child, with a head of about six meters, with soft yellow hair and green eyes. It is Vier who has been missing for a few days.

   He looked at Di Marco's body in the room and mumbled:

   "You guys solved it so fast that it made me late.

   "Damn, ‘coward’ should be paired with ‘extreme fear’, this can scare DiMarco to death, even if he is just a ghost."

   "Ah? What did you say?" Jiang Baimian really didn't hear clearly.

   Shang Jianyao, who was wearing a monkey mask next to her, kindly helped ~www.ltnovel.com~ and repeated it authentically.

   Jiang Baimian's brows moved slightly when he heard it, and he looked at Viyer and said:

   "Do you know that we have that night pearl? You have already entered the ‘underground boat’?"

  Viyer showed a harmless smile:

   "You don't think my disappearance is a coincidence, do you?

   "The envoy, I am a reserve envoy, what is that murloc, I will be the real envoy in the future!"

   At this point, he looked solemnly:

   "Everyone, behind coincidences are often fate rushing."

   Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen and others looked at each other, their expressions became uncontrollable and solemn.

   she tentatively asked:

   "What else can Zhi Sui say to us?"

  Vier smiled:

  "To describe with ‘oracle’!

   "How can Zhisui give an oracle to ordinary people? Even me, only occasionally can hear his voice from another world."

   Mentioned the oracle of the old age, Viel's expression also became solemn:

   "He said: The answer to all questions lies in the new world."



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