Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Hypothesis

   Underground building, 3rd floor, where Shang Jian Yao met with a psychiatrist.

   This time, he did not go right along the aisle outside the door, but after being inspected by four security personnel wearing bionic lizard armor, he passed through the metal gate opened to the right and entered the real research area.

   Soon, he came to a small room with white painted walls.

   There is only one table, four chairs, and a strangely shaped machine with red and green lights.

   There is a man sitting across the table. He is less than 30 years old. He wears heavy-looking black-rimmed glasses and looks quite serious.

   He pointed to the other side and said:

   "Sit down."

After    finished, he briefly introduced himself:

   "Liu Shiyan."

   "Good morning." Others can be rude, and Shang Jian Yao can't live without it.

   Waiting for him to sit down, Liu Shiyan pointed to the multiple data lines extended from the instrument on the table and the various sensors at their ends and said:

   "These are polygraphs, put them on and we can start."

   "Good!" Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up instantly.

   He played with the polygraph enthusiastically.

   Liu Shiyan didn't stop him, observing his behavior and making some notes from time to time.

  Finally, Shang Jianyao put the different sensing devices on the correct parts.

   Liu Shiyan looked at him and asked according to the proposed plan:

   "Have your mental problems worsened recently?

   "In layman's terms, did your brain twitching become more serious?"

   Shang Jian Yao stared at the polygraph and answered truthfully:

   "Same as before, no worse, no better."

   The polygraph did not respond to this.

   Liu Shiyan did not completely rely on the instrument, so he asked:

"you sure?"

   "We've been talking for a while, haven't you noticed anything abnormal?" Shang Jianyao still stared at the polygraph.

   Liu Shiyan frowned slightly:

   "Why do you keep looking at it instead of my eyes?"

   Shang Jianyao glanced at Liu Shiyan with a mentally ill look:

   "You are not a polygraph."

   Liu Shiyan opened his mouth and realized that he didn't know how to refute this sentence.

   He took a breath and exhaled slowly:

   "Apart from this aspect, do you notice anything different from others in yourself?"

   "Yes." Shang Jianyao replied very simply.

   Then, he stood up and began to untie his belt.

   "What are you doing?" Liu Shiyan was startled.

   "Show you what is different from others." Shang Jian Yao replied solemnly, "You can also take off your pants and compare them with me."

   Liu Shiyan only felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and finally resisted the urge to roar.

   He calmed down his emotions and said:

   "I mean, you have things that others don't, or others have and you don't."

   Shang Jian Yao regretfully fastened his belt and sat down again:

   "Obviously, I didn't show any distortion."

   Liu Shiyan glanced at the polygraph and saw that there was no response from it, so he lowered his head to record this.

   "Then what has happened to you in the past few months?" He continued to ask.

   Shang Jian Yao began to recall:

   "I gained almost 5 kilograms in weight, mainly muscles...

   "The skin has been tanned a lot, and its strength has increased...

   "The appetite is almost a third larger than before, and the **** is more..."

   Liu Shiyan heard the blood vessels in the forehead slightly jump, but still did not interrupt Shang Jianyao's statement. He dutifully observed the reaction and data of the polygraph, and made detailed records.

"I have happily accepted my current state. When I am calm, my thinking ability seems to have been improved. When I am impulsive, my courage is obviously strengthened..." Shang Jianyao seriously said of his changes, "In simple terms That is, I am stronger."

  Who will look forward and backward when impulsive, without courage? That would not be called impulse! Who is better at analyzing the pros and cons and looking for patterns when he is calm? Liu Shiyan only felt that most of what Shang Jian Yao said was nonsense.

   And the nonsense is undoubtedly true.

   After a few seconds of silence, Liu Shiyan turned to ask:

   "Do you have an abnormal ability that transcends the human category?"

   "It depends on your definition of human beings." Shang Jianyao began to argue with the other party, "If you treat both abnormal and intelligent people as humans, then everything I have is within a reasonable range."

   Liu Shiyan heard it loudly:

   "Only ordinary humans."

   "Yes." Shang Jianyao replied very firmly, "In the field of fighting, I can single out two of you, or even more."

   Liu Shiyan felt that there was a fire in his heart that was about to be suppressed, so he picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip:

   "I mean super powers, super powers that ordinary humans do not possess."

   "No." Shang Jianyao looked at the polygraph and answered very briskly.

   There is no change in the polygraph.

   Liu Shiyan saw this and turned to ask about other things.

   About ten minutes later, he put down the pen in his hand and said to the businessman:

   "This is the end of the question and answer part, and the next is the physical examination."

   "Is my condition very stable? Do I still need to check with Dr. Lin regularly?" Shang Jianyao asked expectantly as he took off the various sensors he was wearing.

   After hearing these two questions, Liu Shiyan originally wanted to say that if he can still maintain his current state, he can cancel the regular mental assessment and do it once a year.

   But he suddenly thought of a certain record in the materials, so he tentatively asked:

   "Why did you apply to perform tasks on the surface?"

   "In order to find my missing father." Shang Jian Yao answered frankly.

   It's normal... Liu Shiyan breathed a sigh of relief and asked casually:

"anything else?"

   Shang Jianyao's expression suddenly became serious, and his voice also became low:

   "To save all mankind!"

   "..." Liu Shiyan looked at him and didn't speak for a long time.

   After a while, he squeezed his forehead and said:

   "I suggest to do it regularly, at least once a month."

   "Well..." Shang Jianyao was quite disappointed.

   Then, he stood up, shook hands with Liu Shiyan and bid farewell, led by a researcher in a white coat, into an unusually spacious room.

   Here are the latest CT machines from the old world.

   There are also a series of inspection instruments in other rooms nearby, including but not limited to nuclear magnetic resonance instruments, and most of them don’t know Shang Jianyao.

   According to the arrangement, he carried out inspections of different parts of the body one by one.


   Underground building, 3rd floor, in a room where you can see all the inspection scenes of Shang Jian Yao.

   Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and gentle temperament, Mei Shouan grabbed the black hair on the side of his head and shouted to the door:

   "Please come in."

   Liu Shiyan immediately pushed in with a stack of materials.

   He respectfully said:

   "Mei Suo, here are the notes and observations made just now, as well as the record of Volunteer No. 32's situation."

   In the "C-14" project, Shang Jian Yao's number is "32".

   "Let it go." Mei Shouan glanced at the inspection data and corresponding images that were sent back on the screen in real time, and thought for a while, "Collate the experience of Volunteer No. 32 in the past six months and print it out as a file for me."

   "Okay, Mei Suo." Liu Shiyan turned on a nearby computer~www.ltnovel.com~ and got busy.

It didn't take long for   , he downloaded and sorted out the tasks and rewards that Shang Jian Yao had performed after joining the "Old Tune Team".

   Mei Shouan took this information and read it carefully for a while.

   I don’t know how long it took, he chuckled and said to himself:

   "There have been too many things, right?

   "There should be no type of thing that can manipulate luck in the awakening ability... Whether luck itself exists or not has yet to be verified...

   "Being able to survive so many things and get enough gains, this shows that their team is very strong, and it is a little stronger than the predicted ‘model’..."

   At this point, Mei Shouan wrote on the surface of the data and wrote a sentence:

   "It is reasonable to suspect that this team has an awakened person, and the most likely it is Volunteer No. 32."

   He reviewed Shang Jianyao's experimental records and follow-up conditions again, and after the various inspections were over, he deliberately wrote:

   "Volunteer No. 32 is intermittently confused in logic and has a certain jump in his thinking. If it is assumed that this is the price paid and is related to the awakening ability, then it is possible that he is in the field of'Zhuang Sheng'."

  PS: Ask for a monthly pass during the double period~


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