Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Natural Sect

   495th floor, C area, No. 11.

   In the living room of Long Yuehong's part-time master bedroom, a family of five members were sitting in different places, listening to the radio and chatting about Long Yuehong's experience on the surface.

   Of course, Long Yuehong also knows that the review is not over yet, and it is still uncertain what can be said and what can not be said, so I can only pick the ones that make the least mistakes.

   "Brother, have you learned how to make hot pot?" Long Yuehong's younger sister, Long Aihong, asked expectantly.

   She is only sixteen years old, almost 1.7 meters tall, with half-length hair with bangs, and looks very childish.

   Compared with Long Yuehong, her facial features are obviously better and she is an out-and-out little beauty.

  Long Yuehong smiled after hearing the words:

   "Lack of enough spices, there are not many in the material supply market."

   Seeing the disappointed expression on his sister's face, Long Yuehong smiled and added:

   "But you can make a simple version. Tomorrow I will go to the market to exchange two big bones and come back to make the soup..."

   "Okay!" His brother Long Zhigu let out an excited voice.

   hot pot is not something you can eat in the staff canteen, and Long’s usually doesn’t have the concept of hot pot at all.

  Long Zhigu is 18 years old this year, at the critical moment of getting into college, but his height has exceeded his brother by a full three centimeters.

   Thanks to the effect of genetic modification, his appearance can be considered to be above average in the "Pangu Creature".

   "That's right, I'll learn how to cook every time I go out." Listening to the radio, Gu Hong knitting a sweater smiled and said with emotion, "I can talk about it well when I meet other girls in the future."

   Long Dayong followed with a smile:

   "I suffered from this loss at the beginning, and your mother despised me at that time, and then I slowly learned how to cook."

   The unmarried young people of "Pangu Biology" mostly do not know how to cook, because they can go directly to the staff canteen to eat, which is trouble-free and convenient, and it is not too expensive.

   Long Yuehong smiled and said:

   "The most important thing for hot pot is to make the soup base and seasonings, everything else is simple..."

   He whispered and described the types of hot pot he had eaten before. Hearing it, Long Zhigu and Long Aihong couldn't stop swallowing, and from time to time he picked up rice crackers, fluffy biscuits and other snacks to bite.

   They haven't been out after dinner recently, but it's definitely not because my brother returned home with a bunch of snacks and drinks. The main reason is to listen to the hero in his mind about his wonderful life on the surface.

   At the end of the conversation, Long Yuehong raised his mouth:

   "We got a lot of portable computers this time. I have applied to the company and hope I can keep one or two, but I don't know if it will work."

   Long Dayong, Gu Hong and others have not touched a computer much, but they have seen real objects in work units and schools, and they can easily understand what a portable computer is.

   "What's the use of taking it back?" Gu Hong asked not too clearly.

   In her opinion, computers such as computers are placed in the work unit, which is convenient for work, and they don’t need them at home.

  Long Zhigu and Long Aihong are not very excited. For them, the computer is still too unfamiliar, and they don't know what they can do when they get it.

  Long Yuehong seemed to see herself who had never seen the market in the past, and smiled and said:

   "You can familiarize yourself with computers in advance, and when you are admitted to the university, it will be easier to choose a relevant major.

   "Moreover, it can also list the radio section so that you can listen to it repeatedly."

  Long Yuehong didn't mention the entertainment information of the old world, worrying that it would harm his younger siblings' studies.

   He decided to hide the old world entertainment materials in a relatively hidden place in the computer, and only let them know and understand when his younger brothers and sisters enter work in the future.

   Hearing that the broadcast can be recorded, Long Dayong murmured:

   "Does this consume electricity? We don't have much energy quota..."

   They only turn on a small light now, mainly using the light from the street lamp that shines through the window.

  Long Aihong was excited:

   "Brother, when can I get it?"

   "It depends on the company." Mentioned this matter, Long Yuehong sighed, "Didn't someone bring their belongings back to the company and be found? In recent months, the review will definitely be very strict, not so fast."

"Do you know about that too?" Gu Hong raised his head and lowered his voice unconsciously. "I heard from people in my unit that it was an employee of the security department named Yan Qing who brought a recorder with cult materials to reply. At the company, when he was meeting with some people, he was arrested while holding a ceremony. Hey, everyone in the room was naked and unclothed..."

  This, that "Natural Sect" believes in the old "mandala" in the field of desire? Long Yuehong looked around subconsciously, and found that her younger sister was shy, and her younger brother was full of curiosity.

   As for Long Dayong, he already knew that there was no change in his expression.

   "Mom, are they really that messy?" Long Zhigu couldn't help asking.

   Gu Hong glanced at him:

   "What do you think?

   "They didn't do anything, so they took off their clothes and chatted in the room, and prayed."

   How does this sound unconvincing... Long Yuehong imagined the next scene, feeling that she didn't quite believe that those people were really naked and chatting there.

   Even if there are men or women in the room, he doesn't think it is so innocent.

   Seeing his elder son's unbelieving face, Gu Hong quickly explained:

"I didn't think this was fooling people at first? But later they told me that the cult requires everyone to find their original nature and not to be troubled by acquired things. They believe that they can only strip themselves off and return to nature. Only then can you hear the teachings of the gods and get salvation."

   Gu Hong tried his best to recall what he had heard, and didn't mix her own words much.

   "Strange sect." Long Yuehong made an evaluation.

   This made him unable to tell which of the "Natural Sects" actually believed in.

   "Yes, just like a madman, is it not ashamed to strip yourself off?" Long Dayong quickly expressed his opinion.

   Gu Hong glanced at him sideways:

   "Don't you often be shirtless too?"

   "Can this be the same?" Long Dayong shouted injustice.

  Long Yuehong smiled at his parents and did not interrupt.

   The family just eat, drink, talk and laugh until the lights are off.

  Because the small bathroom of his own lined up, Long Yuehong took the torch, went out the door, and walked to the nearest public toilet.

   This is located at the junction of Zone C and Zone B.

   At this time, most of the employees had finished washing and went back to their homes, ready to go to bed. Long Yuehong only met two or three people on the way.

   In the dark and deep corridor, the yellowish flashlight dangled, illuminating the outline of the public toilet.

   Long Yuehong was about to turn to the right, when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

   The figure was hanging from the door of the men's room, shaking gently.

   In the past, Long Yuehong must have been so scared that he backed away again and again, maybe he would trip over something, fell to the ground, and couldn't shout.

   But after so many experiences, he just exploded from his hair and raised a hand to block it in front of him.

   Just as he was preparing to yell, the figure hanging at the door of the men's room lightly swayed and fell in front of him.

  Long Yuehong's flashlight shot upwards, revealing a face with sharp eyebrows, bright eyes, deep contour lines, and masculine features.

   "..." Long Yuehong was taken aback for a moment, and then squeezed her voice with difficulty restraining her anger and shouted, "What are you doing on the door?"

   The figure in front of him is Shang Jian Yao.

   Shang Jian Yao looked sincere:

   "When I saw you coming, I wanted to say hello to you."

   "Is there anyone who greets you like this?" Long Yuehong asked angrily.

   Shang Jian Yao explained seriously:

   "I think it's too boring to greet you in the same way. You have to develop new tricks, and it can also exercise your courage and responsiveness."

   "I thank you! If it is outside, I have already drawn my gun, okay?" Long Yuehong calmed down a little.

   Shang Jian Yao smiled:

   "You can't shoot."

   Long Yuehong couldn't refute it.

   After a few seconds, he exhaled and pointed to the front:

   "Don't block the door."

   Shang Jian Yao immediately gave way.

   Long Yuehong wanted to walk directly into the toilet, but suddenly remembered the situation of the "Natural Sect" that his mother had just shared, so he added:

   "I will tell you something later."

"Okay." Shang Jianyao seems to have entered a serious state~www.ltnovel.com~ After urinating, washing his hands, Long Yuehong is on the street not far from the public toilet, and the general concept and strange rituals of the "Natural Sect" Say it again.

   He finally asked:

   "Which one do you think this believes in?"

  Shang saw Yao "hmm" and said:

   "I'm not in Jiang Baimian mode now, I can't answer you."

   I'm so stupid, really...I shouldn't talk to this guy, just wait for tomorrow to go to the office to have a group discussion...Long Yuehong sighed slowly and waved his hand:

   "I went back to sleep."

   When he said this, his flashlight shone towards the street leading to C area.

   Suddenly, a human figure flashed past the intersection in the distance.

   Under the faint light of the flashlight spreading past, Long Yuehong saw that the other party was naked, and she was naked.

   That is a man.

   "Uh..." Long Yuehong turned his head to look at Shang Jianyao, "Did you see it?"

   Shang Jian Yao closed his eyes and shook his head:

   "No, I am afraid of long needle eyes."

  PS: Ask for a monthly pass during the double period~


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