Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Flattery

"Long Ye Yu Huo (!

Shang Jian Yao said "Oh":

"Your father dances well, so you can't look good."

He didn't seem to hear clearly what Zhao Yide was talking about.

Seeing Xue Shiyue and others were also not commenting, Zhao Yide had to repeat:

"My father has something to ask you for help. I don't know if you are willing to meet him."

Jiang Baimian's thoughts turned, and he said narrowly:

"As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

"It's okay to see it, but it can't be in Zhao's Mansion. You have to find a place where everyone can feel at ease."

Zhao Yide felt that this was reasonable, so he nodded and agreed:

"it is good."

He was about to propose a meeting place, when Shang Jianyao patted his shoulder suddenly:

"Eat first, and talk later, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Zhao Yide slowly turned his head and looked at Shang Jian Yao, only to see his sincere and serious expression.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhao Yide picked up the small spoon and struggled with the potato stew.

Tears were almost streaming out of his eyes.

"If you don't like meat, I can help you." Shang Jianyao glanced at him and made suggestions in due course.

Like Feng Lunyin, Zhao Yide replied in a hurry:

"it is good!"

Jiang Baimian quietly cast his lips down.


After the sun sets, on the central square of Yecao City.

Wearing an autumn hat and a loose robe, Zhao Zhengqi sat on the sidewalk chair, blowing the cool night breeze, watching the surrounding bodyguards work hard and without a trace to prevent the citizens of the city and the hunters of the relics from approaching here, his expression was a little dull. .

This is the meeting place chosen by Jiang Baimian.

When she and Shang Jianyao walked towards Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen consciously dispersed and monitored their surroundings.

Their focus is on the surrounding high-rise buildings, mainly to prevent people from being sniped.

As for the square area, most of it is within the scope of Shang Jianyao's "absence of hand movement", which is the awakened ability, and it does not need to be paid too much attention.

"Two, long time no see." Zhao Zhengqi smiled and stood up when he saw Xue Shiyue and Zhang Qubing approaching.

Shang Jian Yao opened his arms and made a gesture of embracing him.

The fat and fat Zhao Zhengqi touched his gray beard, piled up a smile, and accepted a warm hug.

"Your dancing style impressed me deeply." During the hug, Shang Jianyao patted Zhao Zhengqi on the back.

Zhao Zhengqi quickly retracted his hand, stood up straight, and sighed with a smile:

"When I was a child, everyone was in a difficult life, and they often relied on singing and dancing to adjust their mood."

While talking, he stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Baimian's virtual squeeze.

After the four took their seats, Jiang Baimian asked straightforwardly:

"Professor Zhao, why do you want to see us?"

Zhao Zhengqi glanced at his elder son, Zhao Yide, and considered the words:

"Excuse me to ask, where do you plan to go next, and what are the arrangements? You can't delay your business because of my request."

He put his posture very low and low.

Jiang Baimian replied with a smile:

"We are going to a few big forces to meet opportunities, hoping to have better development."

Zhao Zhengqi showed a clear expression:

"Then I would like to invite a few to go to the first city, uh, the real city."

"Have you encountered difficulties?" Shang Jianyao asked concerned.

Zhao Zhengqi said:

"Our Zhao family is on the outskirts of the city, on the south bank of the Red River. There are several manors."

Seeing Jiang Baimian's smile, he hurriedly explained:

"We gray people have a good old saying: eggs can't be put in a basket."

Jiang Baimian nodded lightly, and Zhao Zhengqi continued:

"There was a problem with those manor houses some time ago, and they failed to turn in last year's income as scheduled. It was said that it was due to the weather and the production was severely reduced.

"I sent a steward, and he reported that it was indeed the case, and I sent Yide's brother to him, and he also sent a telegram back saying there was nothing unusual.

"I believed it this way, until a friend of mine passed by those manor houses by chance and found unidentified people entering and leaving.

"I secretly searched for a team of relic hunters in the original city. They monitored the manors for a week and confirmed that there were often unknown people there.

"I also found another team of relic hunters and asked them to investigate in the manor, and the results reported that there were no strangers."

"It sounds weird." Shang Jianyao stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Zhao Zhengqi looked like he had found a savior:

"Yes, I am very worried about my child, and there are a few confidants, and I was thinking about whether to invite the guild's'senior hunter' to take action, but Yide told me that you are back.

"In my mind, your strength is stronger than that of the'Advanced Hunter'."

He remembered that Odick had also become Zhang Qubing's "friend".

Shang Jian Yao entered the contemplation mode, Jiang Baimian looked at Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide with a smile, without speaking.

Zhao Zhengqi gritted his teeth and said:

"I know that I am not too trustworthy in your hearts. I am willing to be influenced by that ability again and'become' your friend.

"Then you will know if I lied."

This attitude is really not wrong... Jiang Baimian was about to reply a few words, and Shang Jian Yao's eyes suddenly brightened:

"Can the brother inherit the property of the Zhao family?"

"..." Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide were taken aback for a moment, and then regretted.

Since the awakened person's ability can "make friends", it will definitely make both parties become half-brothers or biological fathers and sons with no genetic relationship.

In their imagination, the "father" is of course Zhang Qubing, and he can only be the "son".

"He was joking." Jiang Baimian finished off, "I don't have to do this, as long as we give up the task at any time without the promise of paying any price."

"Are you willing to take over?" Zhao Yide asked in surprise.

Jiang Baimian smiled and replied:

"It depends on what price you can offer."

Zhao Zhengqi thought for a while and said:

"I don't know what you are interested in. It's better for you to make a price. As long as the Zhao family can afford it, it will be fine."

This attitude... Jiang Baimian couldn't help but gave a secret compliment.

She still remembered how arrogant and ruthless Zhao Zhengqi was in the aristocratic chamber, but now, he is completely pulled down, making people feel like spring breeze.

A person has such two completely different faces.

It is not easy for someone who can gain a certain status and become a nobleman in the early days of the new calendar... Jiang Baimian is not sure about Zhao Zhengqi's age, and has no way of knowing whether he has experience in the chaotic era, so he can only sigh with emotion at will.

After pondering for seven or eight seconds, Jiang Baimian said the answer that he had considered for a long time:

"A sum of money and the use of the Zhao family's network of influence in Primordial City to do us a favor."

It is precisely the nobles who fancy Ye Cao City have inextricably linked relationships with the "First City" that she is willing to meet Zhao Zhengqi.

"About how many Olei? What kind of help is needed?" Zhao Zhengqi asked.

Jiang Baimian smiled:

"I can’t say exactly how many Ole’s are. After all, we haven’t figured out the degree of danger of this matter. Don’t worry, it won’t be too much. You can definitely bear it, because once the degree of danger exceeds our expectations, we will Give up directly.

"That help is also, in short, it won't put the Zhao family in danger."

It’s a good thing to say now, and you can’t just listen to you how to set a price then...Zhao Yide muttered in his heart.

He really had the feeling of seeking skin with a tiger.

Zhao Zhengqi recalled the things Qian Bai team had done in Yecao City and what he knew, and said carefully:

"no problem."

"Congratulations." Shang Jianyao stretched out his hand to him.

What is congratulations? Zhao Zhengqi hesitated and shook his hand.

"If you can often help the refugees, then we can be true friends." Shang Jianyao said truthfully.

In response, Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide could only respond with smiles, and they dared not say anything.

"Looking back, remember to tell us the situation of the Zhao family's liaison in the original city." Jiang Baimian raised his head and glanced at the moon hanging in the sky, and slowly stood up.

Zhao Zhengqi followed up and stretched out his right hand:

"It's okay now, happy cooperation."

Shang Jian Yao replaced Jiang Baimian, shook his hand, and said with a smile:

"Since the cooperation is happy, why don't you dance and celebrate?"

Zhao Zhengqi's expression froze first, and then he smiled:

"Okay, go to my house and jump."

Shang Jian Yao shook his head:

"That will have to wait a while, right here."

He smiled and pointed to the central square where people came and went.

At the same time, he took off the tactical backpack and prepared to take out the small speaker.

Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide imagined the scene of themselves and others dancing in the square, and their expressions became a bit ugly.

Jiang Baimian slapped Shang Jianyao's hand:

"Don't disturb the people!"

She turned to Zhao Zhengqi and Zhao Yide and smiled:

"Don't listen to him."

Zhao Zhengqi breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly informed Jiang Baimian of the Zhao family's liaison officer in the original city.

Then, in Shang Jianyao's disappointed eyes, he pulled Zhao Yide, surrounded by his bodyguards, and hurriedly left the central square.

The "Old Tune Group" group of four people then walked back to South Street in a walking posture.

At this time, the lanterns are already on, and the streets are light and dark, or dim or dark.

Some people huddled in the corners of the streets, wrapped in torn and dirty quilts, brewing sleepiness, some people gathered in the street, looking at the passing passengers, reaching out for relief.

"There are more beggars in the city than before..." Long Yuehong looked around and sighed.

Bai Chen looked ahead~www.readwn.com~ calmly said:

"Most of those who sleep outside in winter are dead."

Long Yuehong thought of the wilderness wanderers outside the city, and fell silent. Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao also did not speak, and walked forward quietly.

Back on the second floor of the "Afu Gun Shop", Jiang Baimian turned on the radio transceiver to see if Gnawa or the company would send a new telegram.

Just after eight o'clock, a radio wave came in suddenly.

After receiving the telegram and translating the content, Jiang Baimian moved his eyebrows and said to Shang Jianyao and others:

"It's not Gnawa's, nor the company's."

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