Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Chat and laugh

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Although Long Yuehong was a little psychologically prepared for Shang Jianyao's reaction, she still inevitably felt more flustered.

This is the first city... Our mission has just begun... Isn't it good to make trouble? He wanted to say that, but in the end he closed his mouth.

He glanced around and found that the team leader and Bai Chen didn't stop Shang Jian Yao, and stood up silently, while Gnawa showed a hesitant response, but Long Yuehong was not sure if he was analyzing it. Later, I felt that I should do this, and deliberately imitated the corresponding behavior to make myself more like a person.

The team leader and Xiao Bai seem to be more inclined to do something, but they will consider the consequences and analyze the pros and cons, so they are very hesitant... In the action that requires risky actions, Shang Jian Yao is the "responsible" of the whole team. That person...Long Yuehong muttered a few words, checked his weapon, and walked to the door.

The target location is not difficult to find. Relying on the intermittently sounding "she wolf" calls, the "old tune group" reached the front of an eight-story building in just ten minutes.

Sweeping a glance, they saw a big sign hanging on the top of the building, which wrote in Honghe language:

"Grey Coyote Den"

"The seventh and eighth floors are..." Long Yuehong had nothing to say, breaking the silence of the group along the way.

Jiang Baimian let out an "um", watching Shang Jianyao enter the building, and pressed the button.

One of the three elevators came down quickly, and the five members of the "Old Tune Team" walked in one by one.

Gnawa was the last one, and as he stepped in, the elevator sank heavily and shook a few times.

Long Yuehong looked around in the elevator and found that the car wall was old and had many spots.

There are some white papers on its surface, some of which are paintings and some of which are photos, and the content is very consistent—different women, or women who scratch their heads or make certain parts of them looming, their appearance characteristics are obviously gray women.

Long Yuehong withdrew her gaze and exhaled silently.

Before long, the elevator reached the seventh floor, and the landing door and car door opened one after another.

As soon as Long Yuehong walked out, he saw four men with pistols. They were all from Honghe, with different hair colors. They were wearing the same black short-sleeved T-shirts, and their arm muscles bulged.

On their side, on the walls on both sides of the aisle, there are colorful murals showing the different postures of men and women intercourse.

"There is a clear sign of worship of male genitalia." Jiang Baimian also saw the murals, did not care about Long Yuehong's red face, and commented briefly.

At this time, a guard stepped forward and said in Honghe language:

"Sorry, no female guests are accepted here."

"It doesn't matter what you said, let your boss come." Shang Jian Yao raised his chin slightly and put on an arrogant look.

Taking a look at the robot behind them, the guard who spoke before retreated into the corridor graciously and entered the "wolf den".

In a minute or two, a slightly fat man brought the guard to the elevator.

He is holding a handful of "Lianhe 202" in his right hand, he is just over one meter tall, short chestnut hair is slightly curly, there is a slight swelling around his eye sockets, and his mouth is surrounded by thick beards.

"Several people, what's the matter?" the man with a messy black shirt asked in a deep voice.

"Are you the boss here?" Shang Jianyao asked politely.

The man nodded:

"That's right, there are other partners."

"How do you call it?" Shang Jianyao asked with a smile.

The man frowned slightly and said:

"Ogg, what on earth do you want to do?"

Shang Jianyao said with a smile unchanged:

"Mr. Ogg, I'm here to advise you.

"Your business is not very good. Why don't you take the time to train them to cut vegetables and ingredients and turn them into a hot pot restaurant."

Ogg raised his left hand, which was not holding a gun, and pulled out the corresponding ear.

He deeply doubted whether he had heard it wrong just now.

Are you kidding me? He couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

He originally thought that this group of people was here to make trouble. He thought that if he could take the money, he would take the money to pass it. If it didn't work, he would find a chance to escape, then he would gather his staff, hire a team that can deal with robots, and get back in revenge.

Who knows, they look the same as drunk.

After pondering a little, Ogg sneered and said:

"The female slaves I bought back with money, they have to do what they want to do, you can't control it!

"Let's talk, who sent you to make trouble?"

While speaking, the four guards at the door greeted the companions in the "wolf den".

Ten seconds later, four or five people with miniature submachine guns rushed out and aimed at Shang Jian Yao and others.

They also wore black short-sleeved T-shirts.

The prostitutes in the "Wolf's Den" also noticed the abnormality at the door, and some people gathered together in a vague way and looked towards the elevator.

They are all gray people, thinly dressed, without any expression on their faces, and their eyes are slightly hollow, lacking the natural vitality of their teens and twenties.

Shang Jian Yao laughed and said to Ogg and others:

"Look at:

"They live here, and you live here;

"They are humans, and you are also humans;

"and so…"

Ogg and the other eight guards looked at a loss, suddenly turned around and rushed back to the reception hall of the "Wolf's Den", rushing to the side of the gray prostitutes.

They leaned their heads out of the window and opened their mouths and let out a cry:


It's like a male wolf courting.

The only guard who was not affected was dumbfounded.

Although those gray-earth prostitutes did not understand Honghe language, they could see what the usual vicious bosses and guards were doing.

Their eyes turned, and there was an emotion of surprise on Mu Ran's face.

Jiang Baimian turned his head to look at Shang Jianyao, and said in a grey language:

"Have you figured out how to deal with the aftermath?"

Shang Jian Yao first said to the remaining guard:

"follow me."

Then, while walking into the "wolf den", he smiled and answered Jiang Baimian's question:

"I just said that, transform this into a hot pot restaurant or some other restaurant."

Are you sure you can manage it? Jiang Baimian couldn't care about Shang Jian Yao's thoughts, so he subconsciously responded like this.

At this time, a gray prostitute who understood the conversation between the two was timid, but also a little eagerly stepped forward and said:

"You guys, are you here to save us?"

Her face is fairly clean, and she looks pretty, but she looks tired and she is always in a trance.

"No, I'm looking for you to discuss cooperation." Shang Jianyao said seriously, "How about running a hot pot restaurant or other restaurant together?"

Jiang Baimian resisted the urge to raise his hand to cover his face and asked:

"How to call it?"

Just now the gray prostitute replied hurriedly:

"My name is Suna."

While they were talking, the other prostitutes from the gray earth slowly gathered up, their eyes no longer so hollow.

"Su Na, right..." Jiang Baimian asked deliberately, "Is it possible to open a hot pot restaurant or a certain type of restaurant here? Can it support so many of you?"

…The team leader was also infected by Shang Jianyao… Actually considering the feasibility of opening a restaurant… Long Yuehong tried to seek Bai Chen’s approval, but found that this petite companion wearing a scarf was meditating.

She seemed to be thinking about how to arrange the future of these gray prostitutes.

Su Na glanced at each other blankly, and said hesitantly:

"It's definitely not possible here. If you can get cheap food on the first and second floors, you can still drive. This is close to the port and there are many sailors. They don't have too much money, but they are willing to spend on women, food and wine. Well, many merchants and their guards often live in the port area."

"You observe very carefully." Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully.

Su Na pursed her lip and said:

"The customers we recruit mainly come from ports.

"But Ogg doesn't allow us to learn Honghe language, and is afraid that we will communicate with the guests and cause him trouble."

At this moment, another girl interjected:

"He will let us cook, so as to save the chef's money."

She has more eyes than before, and is anxious to prove that she and others have basic cooking skills.

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"Don't worry about the source of the ingredients the restaurant needs, we have channels."

This refers to the manor houses of the Zhao family.

If you can't get rid of the "anti-intellectual religion" for a while, then contact Xu Liyan, who also bought a manor in the original city.

Jiang Baimian considered it for a while and asked curiously:

"Only relying on your business, can Org can afford so many thugs?"

"This building belongs to Ogg, he's still there, and he's still selling something that makes people feel excited." Su Na told the truth about what she had observed.

Shang Jian Yao heard this, and amidst a roar of male wolf, he looked sideways at the remaining guard.

The guard "behaved" explained:

"Cannabis and some new products from Bliss Island."

"Have you sucked?" Jiang Baimian asked Su Na and others.

At this time, the gray earth prostitutes who had not come out before also poured into the hall, a small number of guests followed in a daze, and were politely invited aside by Genava and Long Yuehong.

"No. Why is he willing to use such expensive things for us?" Su Na shook her head.

She couldn't help but asked eagerly:

"It's okay to open a restaurant, but what about them?"

She was referring to Ogg and others.

Shang Jian Yao laughed, and the remaining guard was frightened.

"Leave this to me." He pointed to the room deep in the "Wolf's Den" and said, "You come with me."

The first half of his sentence is in gray and the second half is in Honghe.

The guard made a face of weeping:


He said that, but he dared not refuse.

In this way, Shang Jianyao brought Ogg and others into the room one by one and completed a new "inference clown", allowing them to form a circular argument.

Su Na and other original gray prostitutes were surprised to find that UU reading www.uukanshu.com's vicious boss and terrible guard had turned into a sheep, and they were obedient to herself and others, and obeyed.

"Now they are your servants." Shang Jian Yao said while looking at the paper in his hand, "Well, if you persuade all the items on the list in turn, there will be no problems in a short time. Wow, it looks like a problem. What a big gangster."

"What about after a short time?" Jiang Baimian asked Su Na and the others.

Shang Jian Yao took the "United 202" in Ogg's hand and handed it to Su Na.

He said sincerely with a smile on his face:

"Hurry up and master it, and if one of them shows abnormality, give him a bang."

"This..." Su Na and the others were a little stunned.

Shang Jianyao's smile became brighter:

"I said, we are here to talk about cooperation.

"The only one who can save you in the end is yourself."

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