Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 63: new job"

Before Shang saw Yao's response, Jiang Baimian added:

"It seems that the anti-intellectual religion is attacking General Focas, and the sect of Desires is targeting the inspector Alexander. They both work together. As long as one of them succeeds, the situation in the ‘Initial City’ will irreversibly slip into the abyss."

Shang Jianyao nodded:

"Why not the other way around?"

I don’t know how this guy thought about this strange question, Jiang Baimian said casually:

"Maybe General Focas has no worldly desires and will not eat the bait of the sect of the ‘Holy Desire’..."

While she was talking, she laughed, seeming to think it would not be too good to say bad things about General Focas behind the scenes.

Besides, certain abilities of those awakened by the "Holy Desire" sect, even in the face of eunuchs, can make them lustful, at most there is no channel for venting.

After a pause, Jiang Baimian said sternly:

"Alexander is one of the two giants of the'First City', and the security forces around him are absolutely far better than those of General Focas. Only those who have entered the noble class can meet the goal, hehe, the sacred desire of'integration' "Sects have a chance, and similarly, the anti-intellectual religion has clearly penetrated the residence of General Focas for more than a period of time, and there is no shortage of location, people, and harmony."

She used the "fight" of a goblin fight.

Shang Jianyao raised the telescope again, and the target was several public toilets in that area.

Jiang Baimian did not stop him, and exclaimed:

"Fortunately, we didn't lose the watermelon picking sesame seeds, and we gave up here as soon as we found other clues."

While talking, she was always observing the modified dark green vehicle.

On the one hand, she remembered the license plate number "A125" belonging to the Senate; on the other hand, she paid close attention to the movement of the target.

The dark green off-road vehicle, which was suspected to be riding another fake "priest", drove past General Focas's mansion and turned to the left at the intersection ahead.

It circled most of the circle and entered the back door area of ​​General Focas's mansion.

There was a blind spot in the sight of Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao.

It took about ten minutes before the modified dark green off-road vehicle reappeared in the eyes of the two of them, and drove out of the Golden Apple area from another road unhurriedly.

"True'priest' sent puppets to contact the'anti-intellectual' lurkers in the general's residence?" Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully.

Shang Jianyao then sighed:

"The usage rate of public toilets in the Golden Apple District is not high."

It is completely incomparable with the Green Olive District, but the coverage of public toilets here is far better than that in the Green Olive District, and there are almost every street.

"The true ‘priest’ should not be here now, do you have to travel thousands of miles to go to the toilet?" Jiang Baimian sneered.

She fell into deep thought and said to herself:

"If you are a true ‘priest’, what will you do if you are sure to take part in the plan to assassinate General Focas?

"Considering from the real ‘priest’’s style and habit of doing things, not yours..."

Shang Jian Yao suddenly leaned forward, raised his hand to cover his mouth, and forcibly yawned.

"..." Jiang Baimian was almost speechless, "I don't want you to imitate his appearance!"

Shang Jianyao straightened his body again and assumed a posture of thinking:

"The true ‘priest’ is a cautious and cunning man."

"Yes, if he wants to do such a big thing, even if he only serves as a deputy, he will inevitably have a clear grasp of all aspects of the situation." Jiang Baimian echoed, "From his perspective, what would I do? Hmm... Even if a puppet is responsible for contacting, observing the surrounding environment and understanding various trends, I will not be too relieved, because the puppet’s eyes cannot replace my eyes, and the puppet’s ears cannot replace my ears. The information they collect is likely to be missed. Some key details...this is an idea that a person who is extremely cautious from the negative side will inevitably come up."

The intelligence of extreme conceit comes from the false "priest" Guo Zheng in Yecaocheng-his memory is only slightly tampered with. Once the "hypnosis" effect is removed, he will immediately know that he is a false "priest" instead of insisting that he is. The true "priest", according to him, is because the true "priest" does not allow false "priests" to become true "priests", even if they are only in memory.

Similarly, the previous false "priest" Sandel had a similar experience.

His memory of being tampered with only concealed the existence of the true "priest" and gave him a fake "priest" scene. As soon as he saw that Yao destroyed the "hypnosis" effect after business, he immediately realized that he was a fake "priest". ".

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while and said:

"Such an arrogant and cautious person is likely to do a site survey in person."

Jiang Baimian nodded gently:

"He should make some observations to confirm the details, but there is a high probability that he will not come forward directly.

"And if you don't want to come out directly, and you can observe the situation yourself, you can only..."

At this point, Jiang Baimian frowned.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"It can only be like we do now!"

Use terrain and tools to observe and monitor in remote places!

In this way, you can also find out whether the puppet is being followed.

"Yes!" Jiang Baimian was suddenly a little excited.

She pointed to the floor and said:

"Will the true ‘priest’ be in this building?"

"Or..." She took out a hand-drawn map, pointed to a few markers on it and said, "How many tall buildings do we choose?"

Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped.

Jiang Baimian ignored him and walked back and forth a few steps:

"We have to add a few buildings that we previously excluded. They may not be too high, but they are closer, and the true ‘priest’ is not like us, and we need to worry about being detected by the ‘anti-intellectual’.”

She just said this, and the rested Long Yuehong, Gnawa and Bai Chen entered this rented room, ready to replace them.

"Team leader, have you gained?" Long Yuehong could obviously feel Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao's emotions high.

Jiang Baimian smiled and recounted his previous observations and analysis, and finally said:

"The true ‘priest’ is likely to be closer to us than ever before."

"Then how to determine which building the true'priest' is in, one by one?" Long Yuehong became excited and asked the most critical question.

"This is a method, but there are many buildings that meet the requirements, and there are even more rooms. It will take a lot of time to investigate one by one." Jiang Baimian said carefully, "It's just a matter of time spent. , I'm afraid to cause the real'priest' to be on the alert and startle the snake."

Bai Chen thought and said:

"Squatting outside each building for two days, observing people entering and exiting, looking for targets that fit the characteristics of the ‘priest’?"

"The goal needs to buy ingredients, buy refreshing items, and will definitely go out every two or three days." Genawa agreed.

"Why?" Shang Jianyao objected, "Anyway, he has puppets. Let them buy them and send them by relay."

Just as the fake "priest" Sandel used the "Wolf's Den" surveillance video before, layer by layer changed hands, layer by layer.

"With the prudence of the'priest', after entering the observation area, there is a high probability that they will choose not to go out anymore, and the'others' will deliver the necessities of life. Hehe, anyway, the rooms in the apartment here are equipped with toilets. Uh, they prefer to call the toilet. Room.” In the process of thinking and analyzing, Jiang Baimian's face gradually showed a smile.

She looked around and said:

"I know how to find out the true ‘priest’!"

"How to find?" Long Yuehong asked very cooperatively.

Jiang Baimian put away his smile and said with a serious face:

"Go to the trash rooms in those buildings and search for the contents.

"The true'priest' has sleep disorders, and the spirit will be weakened. In this state, the tolerance for the living environment will be significantly reduced. Especially when he tries to rest, he must be concerned about the quietness of the room and the corresponding smell. There are higher requirements, but now the weather is getting hotter, and the garbage has been piled up at home for a long time, there will inevitably be a peculiar smell, and the true "priest" should not let them stay in the room.

"Of course, the method he chose is probably to'hypnotize' neighbors and let them take out the trash for themselves."

After a pause, Jiang Baimian concluded:

"As long as we find the cigarette butts of the banner cigarettes, the wrapping paper of the'Ralphite' candy in a certain garbage room at the same time, then we can preliminarily determine which building the real'priest' is in!"

——On the fringe of the Golden Apple District, there must be some people who eat "Ralphi" candy, but there are almost no people who smoke banner cigarettes.

It belongs to the port, to the heavy manual workers in the Green Olive District.

Looking through the trash...Long Yuehong responded while imagining the scene:

"Yes, group leader!"


Posen, wearing a ragged jacket, looked at the two men and women in front of him who were dressed normally and wore strange masks, and took a few steps back with a little cringe.

Since the last field in the outskirts was annexed, he has become a scavenger in the Golden Apple District.

Unlike other districts, the residents often have food leftovers, which are thrown away as garbage, so that they can fill their stomachs. At the same time, there is no shortage of items in the green olive district that are valuable in the green olive district. Posen can change a card from time to time. S or Drasse.

"Don't be nervous, we are here to help you." Shang Jianyao, who put on a gas mask due to the smell, said solemnly, "You are a waste of time alone."

Posen didn't speak ~www.readwn.com~ with a look of alert.

Shang Jian Yao squatted down, turned out a few crumpled pieces of paper, unfolded it, and then threw it to Posen:

"I haven't used it much, you can take it back and make a record."

Posen didn't dare to pick him up, but he hesitated to leave, because the garbage room in this building was likely to harvest food.

At this moment, Jiang Baimian, wearing gloves, glanced sideways at Shang Jianyao:

"Do your own thing."

"By the way." Shang Jianyao emphasized that he was not wasting time.

Seeing that the men and women were busy, and stopped looking at themselves, Posen hesitated for a while, plucked up the courage, and joined them.

This is not only work, but also life.

PS: It will be updated in the early morning~

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