Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 65: appear

"Look at this!" Long Yuehong yelled in a trembling voice.

Bai Chen and Gnawa cast their gazes over and fixed on the cigarette butts with short filter tips.

"The banner cigarette." Gnawa flashed a red light in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Long Yuehong immediately let out a sigh of relief.

He was worried that he had confessed the wrong item and would be happy for nothing, but now he doesn't have this trouble-Gnawa must have said this after strict analysis and comparison.

Bai Chen didn't say a word, already stretched out his hand, and rummaged in the pile of rubbish.

Soon, she picked up a number of items, including the wrapping paper of "Ralphine" sugar, the empty paper-pumping outer packaging, and the residue of hand-ground coffee.

"The preliminary judgment is the true ‘priest’." Bai Chen raised his head and looked at each other with Long Yuehong and Genawah.

There was an uncontrollable smile on her face.

After failing, disappointing, and exhausting energy again and again, the "Old Tune Team" finally caught the fox tail of the true "priest"!

I really caught it!

Long Yuehong couldn't hide the joy on her face, and said quickly:

"Hurry up and let the team leader and Shang Jian Yao come over."

In ten minutes, Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian arrived here and saw the "evidence."

Shang Jian Yao immediately laughed and sang:

"Hey, I really miss you..."

"Stop!" Jiang Baimian stopped his performance and said with a clear smile, "When it is not time to celebrate, when you catch the true'priest' or kill him, I allow you to stand in front of him or his corpse. Sing for five minutes!"

"I also want the small speaker and the old grid to sing together in three-dimensional surround." Shang Jianyao put forward his request.

Jiang Baimian sighed and looked around:

"Now it can only be said that we have achieved phased results. The next thing to consider is how to find the true ‘priest’ from this building."

"Pretending to be a sheriff, inspecting house by house?" Long Yuehong once again looked at the 27-story Alpha Building.

There are a large number of employees from companies, chambers of commerce, and people who rent apartments.

Bai Chen shook his head:

"I'm afraid it won't work.

"I suspect that there are a large number of'puppets' in the building, who usually work and live like normal people, and when they find an abnormality, they immediately turn into the eyes and ears of real'priests'."

"Yes, this is unavoidable." Jiang Baimian gave a simple example, "For example, when we knock on the door of this family, we use the investigation case as an excuse to observe whether there is a real'priest' when we are facing or obliquely. Behind the cat's eye in the opposite room, there may be a pair of eyes watching all this quietly, and then reminding the true'priest' in the agreed way."

Gnawa analyzed the answer accordingly:

"Excluding similar methods, there is only one option left.

"Let the true ‘priest’ come out by himself."

Papa, Shang Jianyao applauded Lao Ge, the intelligent man.

The red light in Gnawa's eyes flickered a few times.

Jiang Baimian followed with a smile:

"We have to create a scene where the true ‘priest’ has to come out."


At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, and Gnawa sneaked into the Alpha Building in disguise and entered an empty room on the third floor.

Shang Jianyao walked to the window, cleared the tables, chairs and benches, and treated the marble floor to some extent.

Immediately afterwards, Gnawa dropped the sack he was carrying and poured half of the contents on the empty area.

These are all things that are flammable and easily cause smoke.

Jiang Baimian immediately put on a gas mask, struck a few matches, and threw it at the pile of objects.

Gradually, sparks began to spread, and the black smoke quickly filled.

It didn't take long for the flames to become fierce and rise upwards, but because the surroundings were deliberately arranged isolation belts, they did not spread out.

The thick smoke quickly triggered the alarm on the ceiling.

The whining voice quickly echoed throughout the Alpha Building.

Gnawa, who had already invaded the surveillance system here, lifted the flamethrower and spewed flames into the air in the window, while letting the corresponding screen play the scene edited from the old world entertainment materials, making the surveillance personnel believe that the fire had taken shape, and walked to the building. The firefighting force inside cannot solve it.

As expected by the "Old Tune Team", the broadcasting system in the building soon shouted:

"There is a fire, everyone evacuated in an orderly manner!

"Be careful, don't take the elevator!

"If you are on a higher floor, you can go to the rooftop and wait for fire rescue."

br/>This voice spread to every corner of the Alpha Building, causing those company employees and apartment residents to hurriedly enter the stairs and continue to descend.

Those who got out the fastest saw the flames and black smoke billowing from a window on the third floor, so they were convinced that there was a fire.

On the roof of the building opposite to the Alpha Building, Long Yuehong was carrying an "Orange" rifle, using the fixed scope on it to observe everyone who rushed out of the main entrance of the building.

In contrast to him, Bai Chen is in charge of the back door area.

Long Yuehong, who was alone for the first time, was a little nervous and nervous, but he was no longer a novice and knew how to deal with such emotions.

He took two deep breaths in a row, but did not relax the monitoring of the front entrance area of ​​the Alpha Building.

In the midst of chaos, Long Yuehong's eyes suddenly lit up.

The figure caught in the middle of a group of people fits the characteristics of a true "priest":

The height is similar to the group leader, the dark circles are heavier, the whole person looks quite tired, and the walking posture is slightly leaning forward.

He is twenty-seven or eighteen years old, wearing black clothes and short black hair. He is closer to the gray race, but the outline of his facial features is deeper. He consciously uses the surrounding buildings and crowds to avoid him when he walks. Sniper.

Long Yuehong chased this person with her eyes, and used the walkie-talkie to report:

"The target appears, the target appears, and walk towards Hearst's apartment."

After shouting such a call, Long Yuehong relaxed a lot, and wholeheartedly tried to target the person who seemed to be the true "priest".

At this moment, according to the group leader's instructions, he did not give up monitoring the front entrance area of ​​the Alpha Building, and he swept another person out of the corner of his eye.

The man was also 27 or 18 years old, wearing black clothes and short black hair, was between 1.75 and 1.80 meters tall, had dark circles under his eyes, and his expression was exhausted. At this moment, he was burying his head slightly, leaning forward and walking quickly in the other direction.

Except that his appearance is not very similar to the previous one, he also fits all the characteristics of a true "priest"!

This... Isn't it too much of a "priest"? Long Yuehong couldn't help using the vocabulary learned from the old world entertainment materials.

He used the walkie-talkie to inform the group leader of the new findings:

"Another suspected target appeared! Leave in the opposite direction of Hearst's apartment!"

He only hopes that the captain and the others will have time to separate and block both of them.

The current situation made him wonder whether to shoot or not.

Not to mention that the two people are consciously looking for cover to prevent sniping in the distance. Just because there must be a puppet and an innocent person among them, Long Yuehong is a bit unable to do it.


The man heading to Hearst's apartment reached the crossroads, suddenly turned around, and walked towards the Red Wolf district.

At this moment, a figure wearing a dark green military uniform jumped out from the side alley.

He is 1.9 meters tall, and his whole body is glowing with silver-black metallic luster. He is the intelligent robot Genawa.

Looking at the suspected real "priest" target in front of him, Gnawa did not live up to Shang Jianyao's intimidation, and played his pre-recorded voice:

"You now have two options:

"One, follow me to that alley; two, I'll be beaten up, and then dragged to that alley."

The eyes of the suspected real "priest" suddenly solidified.


In the opposite direction from Hearst's apartment, another suspected target hurried to a café, seeming to want to go through it and leave through the back door.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the bullet hit in front of him.

He rolled on the spot and hid in the post box next to him.

Then, he saw a face of sunshine and Shang Jianyao wearing sunglasses.

"Hey, I really miss you..." In Shang Jianyao's tactical backpack, singing sounded in due course.


Noting that both sides seemed to be blocking the target~www.readwn.com~Long Yuehong sighed again and notified Bai Chen of the situation.

At this time, the thick smoke on the third floor began to fade, and no more flames churned.

Bai Chen did not relax because the actions of Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian and Genawah were fairly smooth, and kept monitoring the backdoor area.

Another group of people escaped from there.

Inside, there is a figure wearing a line cap, always bowing his head, walking quite forward, and his footsteps are slightly vacant.

Bai Chen's heart moved, he turned his attention completely, and then saw the obvious dark circles on the other side's face, and saw the exhausted look that could not be concealed.

"Another suspected target appeared at the back door." Bai Chen calmly made a report.

Fuck... At this moment, Long Yuehong only had such a thought in his mind.

PS: Two more will be sent today, please guarantee the monthly pass~

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