Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Crash

Shang Jianyao looked ahead, smiled and said:

   "Actually, I also have this suspicion, so I want to find him and take care of him."

"With the ability of our group, it is not necessarily possible to do this." After killing the "priest", Jiang Baimian did not float at all, and solemnly reminded, "If it weren't for the mysterious powerhouse Du Heng at the time, he was surprised. After Xiaochong is gone, what end we will end up with is still unknown."

   Shang Jian Yao nodded:

   "What I plan to do is to understand reason and move emotions."

   Are you sure this is useful? For some reason, Jiang Baimian's mind is all certain images from the old world drama.

   Among them is "the mother-in-law slaps and rolls, snots and tears her son to divorce".

   Of course, Jiang Baimian’s imagery is still somewhat different from the original series. For example, the mother-in-law is played by Shang Jianyao, and Xiao Chong is the son.

   While talking, the two walked to the Ugo Hotel.

  To this day, they still keep three rooms here-they are not stingy in setting up a safe house with a large amount of funds for activities.

   After passing through the hotel door, Shang Jian Yao and Jiang Baimian saw that there was no one at the front desk, and the door to the hotel owner’s room behind was closed tightly.

   They were quite familiar with this, and they looked at each other and nodded.

   Without language, they easily understood what the other person meant:

   An electrical signal confirming that there is human consciousness in the room, and an electrical signal confirming the presence of a medium-to-large creature in it.

   The two approached the front desk and waited patiently.

  Waiting and waiting, Jiang Baimian heard a heavy gasp and a beastly painful growl.

   She raised her hand to touch her metal cochlea, and looked at Shang Jian Yao with a little surprise.

   She remembers that with her own hearing, she had to bypass the front desk before and walk to the door of the hotel owner's room to hear a similar sound. Now, she is still outside the front desk.

   "It's a bit fierce this time." Shang Jianyao's evaluation confirmed Jiang Baimian's suspicion.

   Jiang Baimian turned his gaze to the room again, and muttered to himself with a little worry:

   "Are there any dangers?"

   "Go in and take a look?" Shang Jianyao made a suggestion.

   If the disease is really difficult to alleviate, the sooner it is found, the sooner it is sent to the doctor, the more likely it is to be rescued.

   Jiang Baimian's eyes moved slightly:

   "Wait another minute."

   She worries that breaking in so hastily is not to save people but to break the secret of the hotel owner Hugo.

   "Okay." Shang Jian Yao walked around the front desk and came to the door of the room, assuming the posture of hitting the door as soon as the time came.

   Jiang Baimian followed him and was also ready.

   Time passed by, and the heavy breathing and beast-like roar of pain in the room not only did not subside, but became more frequent and intense, as if some kind of horror was brewing.


   The sound of many things being swept to the ground came out.

   Jiang Baimian glanced at Shang Jianyao and nodded lightly.

   She means that you can act.

   Although there are still seventeen or eighteen seconds away from one minute at this time, the movement inside made her feel that she couldn't wait any longer.

  The ready-to-go Shang Jianyao sank his shoulders and slammed, directly smashing the wooden door of Ugo's room against the side wall.

In the clanging voice, Jiang Baimian saw the situation in the room.

   Here is a standard one-bedroom, one-bathroom layout, with no extra decorations. There are sewing needles, burning candles, multiple ropes, old knives and other items scattered on the concrete floor.

  The dark-skinned Ugo was standing in front of the bed with his upper body naked, with traces of whip beating on his body.

   The whip is in his right hand.

   He felt the movement at the door, half-turned his body, looked over, his eyes were cloudy, he lost human spirituality and became like a beast.

   At this moment, the first thought that came to Jiang Baimian’s mind was:

   "No heart disease"!

   Boss Ugo got "no heart disease"!

   The next second, she smelled the odor of strong sweat permeating the air, the special smell of candle burning, the foul smell from the toilet bowl, and various smells that are not so obvious at all.

   Jiang Baimian feels that his sense of smell is now about to catch up with a canine creature.

   This caused her to feel nauseous and wanted to spit out the remaining food in her stomach pouch with acid water.

   Then, she saw Shang Jian Yao rushing out and rushing to the hotel owner Ugo.

  Can you still be immune to this state if you have mental problems? Jiang Baimian was a little surprised for a while.

   She just flashed such a thought, Shang Jian Yao spit out wow, and because of the close distance, the yellow and green face was poured over Ugo.

   Hugo, with muddy eyes and a twisted face, subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but failed to avoid it. The whole person seemed to be rigid for a second.

   Shang Jian Yao seized the opportunity and threw a fist sideways, banging it behind his ear.


   Ugo fainted directly to the ground.

   Jiang Baimian then smelled the sour smell of the vomit, which was so strong and exaggerated that she finally couldn't restrain herself, turned her body, and vomited at the door.

   After vomiting, she found that her sense of smell had returned to normal.

   Although the smell of vomit is still so obvious, it is no longer unbearably strong.

   "Has become a ‘higher unintentional’?" Jiang Baimian frowned and approached Ugo, who was covered in vomit.

   These streets have begun to break out of "intentional disease" again?

   Shang Jian Yao was silent for a while:

   "Very similar."

   "But what happened to the whip in his hand and the marks on his body?" Jiang Baimian looked puzzled.

   After careful inspection, she found **** pinholes, burn marks covered with a layer of wax, and old knife marks on Ugo's body.

   Shang Jian Yao said seriously:

   "He wants to light candles to make clothes, but his hands and feet are too stupid."

   "Can you be stupid enough to hurt your whole body?" Jiang Baimian muttered, "He has a hobby of self-abuse?"

   "Suppress something with pain?" Shang Jianyao instantly thought.

   This time, Jiang Baimian did not refute, and nodded gently:


   She paused and then said:

   "Don't rush to find the sheriff, wait for Boss Ugo to wake up to see what happens."

   Simply a "higher unintentional person", she consciously can handle it, not to mention that there is Shang Jian Yao next to her.

   Shang Jian Yao agreed with "Hmm", as if he had originally thought that way.

   With the "help" of the two, more than a minute later, Hugo's eyes moved twice and his eyelids opened slowly.

   What surprised Jiang Baimian was that the pale blue eyes she saw were no longer muddy, but a little bloodshot.

   The focus of Ugo's eyes quickly recovered, and Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, who had been disguised, were reflected in his eyes.

   He sat up abruptly, ignoring his filth, and asked in a hurry:

   "Who let you in?"

   Jiang Baimian did not answer the question:

   "Did you just get ‘unintentional’? I completely lost my mind and wanted to attack us."

   She used these words to imply that Ugo was the door he opened himself.

   This is not to deceive the other party, but to ease the atmosphere, anyway, Ugo can check the situation of the door to know the facts.

   Ugo's expression gradually became gloomy.

   He didn't answer immediately, and slowly got up.

   looked down at his own situation, Ugo remained silent for several seconds before saying:

   "It's not'innocent disease', it just looks a bit like it."

   "More than a little bit." Jiang Baimian pierced Wu Ge's cover relentlessly.

She didn't want to do this, but Ugo's behavior just now was really too "unintentional", and as the leader of the "old tune group", she felt the need to ask whether it was from an individual or a collective perspective. clear.

   At this time, Shang Jianyao said in a whimsical tone:

   "Is this your price?

   "Did you use'innocent disease' in exchange for ability?"

   "I'm not a fool." Ugo denied his guess.

  He was silent for a while, looked around, and saw that neither Jiang Baimian nor Shang Jianyao had any intention of retreating, so he added:

   "You have seen it anyway, I don't have to hide anything.

   "I am an awakened person, and the price I pay is ‘rational’.

  "This caused me to intermittently have only biological instincts left, and it looked like I had ‘unintentional disease’.

   "I was able to control myself to a certain extent before, so that the situation was quickly alleviated, but it may be that I was depressed too many times, and this time the outbreak was particularly strong."

   Shang Jian Yao asked curiously:

   "Why did you choose to pay rationally?"

   Ugo glanced at him and said coldly:

   "This world is full of pain, so is life. What is the point of being rational?"

   "Awesome." Shang Jian Yao clapped.

   What a cruel person... Jiang Baimian helped to add something in his heart.

   she immediately said thoughtfully:

"Could this be the essence of'intentional disease'? The brain is responsible for the rational part of the problem, and only biological instincts remain. The difference is that your rationality is only suppressed and can be restored, and theirs completely disappeared. "

   "They are not only left with biological instincts, but also the phenomenon of reversion, their physique, skill and talent have become stronger." Ugo did not answer ~www.readwn.com~ but put forward a point that Jiang Baimian's hypothesis could not explain.

   Jiang Baimian gave a "um" and fell into thought.

   At this time, Ugo looked down at the vomit on his body and in the room, and said calmly:

   "If there is nothing wrong, I will take a shower first."

   As a citizen who grew up in the first city, the habit of washing off dirty things is inscribed in his genes.

   Jiang Baimian smiled sorry, and led Shang Jianyao out of Ugo's room.


   The door closed before their eyes.

   "It's a pity, a lot of food was eaten for nothing at noon." Shang Jianyao looked at the wooden door with a distressed look.

   Jiang Baimian did not take this topic that would easily make him nauseous, so he thought about it and said:

   "The boss of Ugo always said that there is pain everywhere, the world is full of pain, and life is full of pain, which sounds a bit religious.

   "Is he a member of a secret sect?"

   "'Dawn Morning Star'?" Shang Jianyao immediately raised a possibility.

   This is a guess based on Ugo's ability characteristics.

   "It feels like the doctrine is not very similar." Jiang Baimian shook his head, "The focus of'Dawn and Morning Star' is on fear of dreams and the use of dreams."

  PS: I accompanied my daughter-in-law to the hospital. I haven't fully activated it yet. I can still code a word. I don't know when I will ask for leave. In short, when I ask for leave, try to keep the manuscripts updated daily. .

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