Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Strangeness

Frankly speaking, after reading the telegram, Jiang Baimian was quite puzzled, because Lehman was not the first time to smuggle arms. In the beginning, he had a large network of connections, and he also had a bunch of powerful and powerful subordinates. , The behavior is not high-profile, or even cautious, how can you suddenly and inexplicably get into danger?

   "What happened to make Lehman call for help and give him time to send this telegram?" Bai Chen said his doubts.

   Jiang Baimian looked sideways at Shang Jianyao and Genawah.

   The two shook their heads very synchronously:

   "Insufficient intelligence, unable to analyze."

  Long Yuehong saw this, and said carefully:

   "Will this telegram be fake? After someone caught Lehman, they tortured our contact information and sent a telegram to get us to the bait?"

   Jiang Baimian nodded first, and then said:

   "It also shows that Lehman is in danger."

   As soon as she finished her voice, Shang Jian Yao already said with a sad expression:

   "Our military exoskeleton device and T1 robotic arm are also in danger."

   I don't know why, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen felt that these words were in their hearts.

   Genava analyzed another possibility:

   "Could it be our enemy who came to Lehman, and the two sides reached an agreement to deal with us?"

   He means that the telegram belongs to a trap in another sense.

   "Then there is no need to do this, you can directly choose our trading site." Long Yuehong can now be called active thinking.

   Jiang Baimian gave a "um":

   "But when we deal with Lehman, we won't do exactly what he said, and we will definitely take the initiative in our own hands."

   She glanced at the telegram again, without verbose:

   "No matter what, go to Kornet Street to take a look, but don't show up in a hurry, focus on secret observation."

   "Yes, team leader!" Shang Jianyao is very concerned about this matter.


   Corne Street is located at the junction of the Red Giant Wolf District and the Jinmaisui District. It has the characteristics of good security and complex personnel.

   After several rounds of secret observation, the "Old Tune Team" initially confirmed that the apartment building No. 55 was not monitored by anyone.

  -They used the "Blind Ring" for this purpose to greatly increase Shang Jian Yao's sensing range and confirm whether there is human consciousness in those relatively distant places that are convenient for monitoring and sniping.

After completing this work, the "old tune team" once again split up. Bai Chen and Long Yuehong put on military exoskeleton devices, monitored their surroundings at high points, and responded at any time. Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and Genawat directly Entered apartment 55.

  Up to the second floor, Jiang Baimian saw Lehman's two men at a glance.

  ——They and the four members of the "Old Tune Team" except Gnawa met at Redstone Set.

   "Long time no see!" Shang Jianyao greeted with relief.

   One of Lehman's men nodded with a serious expression:

   "Why did you come here suddenly? Haven't you decided on the place and time of the transaction?"

   Isn't your boss calling for help? Jiang Baimian's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said seriously:

   "If it weren't for an appointment to trade here, how do you think we know you are here?"

   Lehman's two subordinates both showed confused and puzzled expressions. There was a feeling that things exceeded their expectations and they didn't know what to do.

   "Where is Lehman?" Jiang Baimian did not give them a chance to think.

   "The boss is on the third floor." One of Lehman's men replied instinctively.

  He immediately emphasized:

   "But you can't go up."

   Jiang Baimian's eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Shang Jianyao.

   Shang Jian Yao immediately refuted:

   "Why can't you go up?

   "We are acquaintances with Lehman; we have agreed to do a deal again; why can't we go up?"

   Lehman's two men were lost in thought, and it took several seconds before they said:

   "I can indeed..."

   Shang Jian Yao didn't say much any more, he took the lead and passed between the two people in front of him.

   Jiang Baimian and Genawat followed closely.

   There are six rooms on the third floor. Shang Jian Yao wanted to shout "Where are you Lehman Lehman", but grabbed Jiang Baimian.

   "Let Old Ge do the scan first..." Jiang Baimian said with his throat pressed.

   Before she finished her voice, the wooden door opened with a creak in one of the two rooms farthest from the stairs.

   Lehman, who looked like a honest farmer, looked at them with a probe.

   The arms dealer suddenly beamed with joy, beckoned again and again, and pressed his voice:

   "Here here."

   Seeing that Lehman was safe and sound but acting very eagerly, Jiang Baimian led Shang Jianyao and Genawa to the room with a stomach of doubts and guesses.

   In this process, they did not relax their observation, sensing and scanning of their surroundings.

   As soon as the three of them entered the room, Lehman glanced outside and quickly closed the wooden door.

   "You are finally here!" The arms dealer from "United Industries" was obviously relieved.

   "A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses will meet each other." Shang Jianyao spoke in a serious tone.

  Although Lehman can speak basic dusty language, he didn't understand what Shang Jian Yao meant at all.

   Jiang Baimian did not explain, but instead asked:

   "Mr. Lehman, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, why do you want to ask us for help?"

Before    spoke, she had already looked around to see what was happening in the room.

   This is a two-bedroom, one-living-room and one-bathroom apartment with complete tables and chairs, a clean environment, and even a TV that can receive the only channel from the city's official TV station.

   Lehman showed a puzzled and terrified expression:

   "Something strange happened and it made me feel dangerous."

   Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully, pointed to the floor and said:

   "Your men betrayed?"

   "I don't know if it counts as a mutiny..." Lehman frowned and replied.

  He further explained:

   "Every time I come to the original city, I will not be careless. I will definitely bring enough staff to ask for a trusted bodyguard of the Awakener to ensure the safety of myself and the goods.

   "This time, well, it was normal for a while, but after moving to this apartment, something strange happened."

   Lehman once again showed a look of fear:

   "First, Richardson looked at me with strange eyes, as if I was a prisoner and he was not a bodyguard, but a jailer.

   "He looked at me and forbidden me to leave the room, saying that it was all for my safety.

   "I admit that he has a set of self-consistent logic, but considering the identity of the employer and bodyguard, everything seems so absurd."

   "He is crazy." Shang Jian Yao gave the "answer" sincerely.

   "No, no." Lehman shook his head and said, "I took advantage of him to go to the bathroom and found Rondal. He is one of my subordinates and has known each other for many years.

   "When I told him Richardson was abnormal, Rondal said: ‘Boss, Richardson is right, you should stay in the room.’"

   Rehearsing Rondal's words, Lehman's face was full of fright, and it seemed that he would still have nightmares.

   His tone was suddenly excited:

   "Other people have also changed. They have become strangers one by one, trapping me here!

   "I don't know what will happen next, so I had to find an opportunity to steal the radio transceiver and ask you for help."

   Jiang Baimian listened quietly, and said in a relieved tone:

   "I can understand your fear, this kind of strange thing is really easy to scare people.

   "Don't panic, do you remember who Richardson had contact with before he had a problem?"

   Lehman had thought about this issue a long time ago, shook his head and said:

   "Except for some pedestrians he encountered on the road, he has not been in contact with anyone."

   Jiang Baimian nodded and said with a smile:

  "Then let's talk to Rondal and them~www.readwn.com~ while she was talking, she glanced at Shang Jian Yao.

  The reason why he didn't find Richardson first was because this was an awakened one, and Lehman was not too clear about his abilities and costs.

  Long Daer was one of the people who stopped Jiang Baimian and the others before. He was blond and blue-eyed, dressed in black, and looked quite sturdy.

   "The transaction is complete." Shang Jianyao walked over with a smile, "We have established a friendly cooperative relationship with Lehman; you are Lehman's henchmen; so..."

   Long Dahl and his companion both suddenly realized, and smiled sincerely:

   "You don't need to see outsiders, is there anything we need to do?"

   Shang Jian Yao immediately asked:

   "I heard you don't let Lehman go out?"

   "Yes." Long Dahl looked at it for granted, "It's so dangerous outside, how can the boss get out easily?"

   He didn't seem to think there was any problem with doing this, and he still put himself in the position of Lehman's confidant.

   Jiang Baimian frowned slightly after listening, thought about it, and said to Shang Jianyao:

   "How do you feel a bit like yours?"

   She refers to the ability characteristics of the "inference clown".

   "Really?" Shang Jianyao asked in anticipation.

   At this moment, Rondal looked at the door of a room on the second floor, smiled and raised his hand, saying hello:

   "Richardson, are you awake?"

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