Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Give gifts

Latest website: The "Old Tune Group" made a special circle, crossed the Red River from other places, and returned from the southeast of the city.

This is because the garrison in the forward camp has reported that they have multiple military exoskeleton devices. Even if they have acquaintances, they will not help them and cause a lot of trouble.

Compared with the entrance to the north bank, there were a large number of manor houses in the southeast of the city at first, and there were many citizens coming and going every day, and the inspections were relatively not so strict.

In addition, the arrest of the accomplices of the assassination in the arena has been going on for several days, and the soldiers must have been less concerned than before.

Entering the city and returning to a safe house, Jiang Baimian glanced at the sky and said:

"Today’s task is to take a break, and three things tomorrow. One is to return the car and change the car and change the Jeep back to the original paint. The other is to find Smith of the Mirror Sect in Jinmaisui District. Third, the third is the most important thing. Visit Xiao Chong."

Whether it is to prevent the "king of the unintentional" from instinctively affecting the original residents of the city, or to ask him to help in certain matters, it is necessary for the "old tune group" to come and "chat" with him.

For Shang Jian Yao, meeting friends is a very important thing in itself.

Hey, Shang Jianyao applauded Jiang Baimian's arrangement.

"Xiao Chong should be very friendly to us..." Long Yuehong muttered in a self-comforting tone.

Bai Chen echoed:

"As long as we don't offend him and follow him more, nothing will happen."

At this time, Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

"Since it's a visit, do I have to bring some gifts, or it would be rude?"

Long Yuehong was a bit at a loss, and subconsciously wanted to say "It's not necessary."

In the ordinary employees of "Pangu Bio", due to limited quotas, not many contribution points, and insufficient materials, everyone does not have the habit of giving gifts during festivals and daily visits. The exchanges with each other are closer to the concept of door-to-door.

"Yes." Bai Chen agreed with the group leader.

Among the wilderness wanderers and relic hunters, the lack of supplies is the norm. There is no custom of giving gifts to other people’s homes. However, the more inadequate the supplies, the stronger the buying effect. Bai Chen Occasionally doing something "illegal", and when seeking convenience, I will join a few people to get things together to buy the guard or supervisor.

Genawah has a rich "human gifting database" and directly asked:

"What should I give?"

Jiang Baimian glanced at Shang Jianyao and found that he was not interested in discussing this topic at all, and he looked like "friends are not polite".

"Well, food?" Jiang Baimian regained his gaze and said thoughtfully, "I remember Xiao Chong said that he also eats, but it is relatively small, and taught those'higher unintentional people' how to use fire, how to roast and cook."

"Bring Xiaochong a bunch of beef, canned food, potatoes?" When it comes to this topic, Long Yuehong is particularly excited.

He felt that this was a gift that everyone on the dust could not resist.

Of course, Xiao Chong may not be considered a "person".

"Is it a little strange, let others do it by themselves?" Jiang Baimian commented from a polite point of view.

"I usually give it easy to eat." Bai Chen recalled his past experiences. "Canned food is okay. Potatoes and beef are not necessary. They can be changed to bread. There is also the original pizza with the characteristics of the city. The bread is also the best. Choose the one with cream, which can be bought on the streets with better conditions in the Red Giant Wolf District. Children like this."

"You seem to be good at coaxing children." Jiang Baimian laughed.

Bai Chen said silently for a few seconds:

"sometimes will."

"Is this because they remind you of your childhood?" Gnawa asked without understanding.

You broken robot, pay attention to emotional intelligence! You are almost forming a second general with Hey! Jiang Baimian couldn't stop him, so he could only curse Old Ge in his heart.

Bai Chen pursed his mouth, and said after a few seconds:


Her voice was low and not too clear, but she was not angry, nor irritated.

Jiang Baimian quickly changed the subject:

"In addition to food, you can also consider Xiao Chong's favorite game."

"Send game cards?" Shang saw Yao's spirits, as if he wanted to pick Xiao Chong personally, and then play together.

Xiaochong's old world game console uses a card.

"There are very few game cards saved, and it is not so easy to get a good one." As he talked, Jiang Baimian laughed, "But we have a lot of computer games."

This is one of the old world entertainment materials they collected in Tarnan.

Seeing that Long Yuehong was still a little puzzled, Jiang Baimian added:

"Give Xiao Chong a computer with the latest model and install all kinds of games on him!"

From then on, the "King of the Unintentional" was completely addicted to the game, and never wanted to destroy the world... Long Yuehong had such an idea inexplicably.

Then, he subconsciously said:

"very expensive."

It is especially expensive at first.

"The latest models of portable computers here are probably eight or nine hundred Olei, or even more." Bai Chen reported the number.

"Eight or nine hundred?" Jiang Baimian was shocked.

She knew it was expensive, but she didn't expect it to be so expensive.

In Tarnan, the "machine paradise", a portable computer of the latest model can be converted to about 100 ore, and the slightly less old model can be won in 50 or 60 ore.

"It's about the price." Gnawa confirmed Bai Chen's statement.

When the "Mechanical Paradise" delegation traded with the people in Yecao City, they paid attention to the value of corresponding electronic products in the surrounding area.

Jiang Baimian quickly calmed down his emotions, and said carefully:

"Two plans, one is to put the application fee on this, anyway, the'black shirts' are almost close to the balance of the balance. If you drag it for a week or two, they should not urge them, and the second is from the group. Squeeze one in for Xiao Chong, um, just use my one."

"Use mine, your station has a lot of documents and data." Bai Chen calmly proposed.

"Yes." Jiang Baimian waved his hand brazenly, "I'll make it up for you!"

After finalizing this matter, Jiang Baimian hesitated again:

"Isn't it a bad idea to give such an expensive gift from the beginning?

"I don't know if Xiao Chong has ever heard the phrase "Nothing to do, but not **** or steal"..."

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong looked at each other, thinking and saying:

"You can send it the second time, bring some food the first time, just chat, don't mention things that need help, only deepen the relationship."

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"This plan is relatively safe."

"Group leader, do you want to bring a set of clothes by the way?" Long Yuehong took the initiative to add, "I remember Xiao Chong only took the game console and its accessories when he left the ground floor of the underground computer room without clothes. "

Jiang Baimian thought for a moment and said:

"Not for now.

"I'm afraid that there is any special meaning in that suit, and terrible things will happen if he changes it.

"However, when you said that, I remembered a situation, Xiao Chong was very eager to eat tomato scrambled eggs at the time.

"Well, we can bring some more tomatoes and some eggs, and we can decide whether to make them for him at that time."

"This is fine!" Shang Jianyao raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Then it's so decided." Jiang Baimian sighed and took out the radio transceiver.

Because they only received but not sent this time, they did not go to the special safe house.

When the agreed time was reached, "Pangu Biology" responded to their report last night:

"As long as you don't enter the wasteland 13 ruins, nothing will happen within three days."

"Then everyone has worked hard for three days." Jiang Baimian shook the telegram in his hand.

The company's clear explanation gave Long Yuehong a sigh of relief.


Nothing happened overnight, and no one had an accident in the "old tune group".

They returned the car they had previously rented, changed company and rented a multi-purpose car, and then bought the agreed food.

On the way, they also painted the jeep of their group back to the original gray-green color.

After finishing all these things, the two cars drove into the Red Wolf area one after the other, heading straight to the street that Shang Jian Yao had visited in the dream.

Before long, they arrived at their destination and found the low-rise building on the side of the street.

Step by step up to the fifth floor, Shang Jian Yao ran to the door on the right and banged.

This time, he did not shout "Xiao Chong".

After dozens of seconds, the door of the room opened with a creak, and Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong and others were caught in the sight of a scary cat creature with blood-red muscles exposed~www.readwn.com~meow~ "It's not Sleeping Cat, it's Shang Jian Yao.

He tried to greet each other with the newly learned cat language.

Sleeping Cat gave him a disdainful look and let go of the way to the interior of the room.

Jiang Baimian glanced at it and saw the big-screen TV, the black game console and the corresponding handle, and the black-haired boy Xiao Chong in a yellow suit.

His red schoolbag is just aside.

"Xiao Chong!" Shang Jian Yaoqing said sincerely, "Have you eaten? I brought you some pizza and butter bread, as well as tomatoes and eggs. You can make tomato scrambled eggs."

Xiao Chong hesitated for a few seconds, pressed pause, and stood up reluctantly:


Guru, he swallowed his saliva.

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