Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Mars

Originally the city, the Senate.

Moore, who had the "Eagle Eye" sniper rifle in the window, looked at the countless citizens who were blocked by the city defense army with a solemn expression. He was so nervous that his throat was smoking and he wanted to drink water.

He heard that many soldiers on the real battlefield were defeated because of similar conditions, but he didn't think he would be like them.

Because he is a second person.

The place where he was distorted was his brain, and his eyeballs protruded like a monster in some stories in the old world.

This allowed him to naturally come up with a high-accuracy ballistic trajectory in his mind when shooting, so that he could adjust it in advance to achieve a nearly 100% hit rate.

This kind of expertise made Mor's father and several of his brothers and sisters become well-known "magic eyes" in the wasteland of the North Bank before they were captured by the "First City" army.

And they insisted that what they got was the "eye of god."

Neither the "Magic Eyes" nor the "Eyes of God" can be regarded as a sub-human race. Their source is Mohr's grandfather, and several large families have been divided down, and Mohr usually does not find out. A second person with the same characteristics and talents as his own family.

More has no wilderness adventures, because when his family was captured by the "First City" army, he was less than eight years old and had just mastered the use of some firearms.

Now, he is the captain of a sniper squad of the Second Guard.

"I hope there will be no conflict..." Moore heard one of his subordinates muttering next to him.

He forced his composure, turned his head, and looked at the subordinate with protruding eyes:

"There should be no major conflicts. After so many identifications by citizens, the veterans of Varo who demanded severe punishment have actually been given up by most veterans. The testimony of three people, he was thrown out the window long ago.

"In this situation, I think the consul will not insist anymore."

As members of the Senate designated guard, Mor and others know a lot about the various things that happened here, but there are not many humans in contact with them in normal times, and they can't detect this.

Moore's subordinates had black holes shrunk in their ears on both sides, and there was a very smart eye on their forehead.

He swallowed his saliva and said:


Moore knows that this is the voice of most people in the Second Person Guard. Although it is rumored that they can only rely on the senate in power, facing the gathering of citizens, they can definitely kill the killer. This is basically a fact, but this does not mean that they are willing to let things happen. Development to the point where it is irretrievable.

At that time, it’s good to say that if the Senate’s power fails, all members of the Human Guard will not be spared.

Moore remembers his children always asking themselves:

"Dad, why can't we get out of this community? It seems to be very lively outside, we want to take a look."

"Dad, is it really like what radio and TV say? When can we go out?"

Each time, Moore could only tell the child painfully:

"We are engaged in dangerous work. For everyone's safety, minors cannot leave the community."

His children will inevitably ask: "Dad, can you not do this job?"

Moore wanted to tell them that if they didn't do this "work", everyone would die.

Therefore, the Second Guard does not want a conflict to occur, but wants its own existence to always be a deterrent.

Only in this way, they don't have to fear failure, can they keep protecting their family members and survive until the offspring are born with lucky ones who are no longer obviously distorted in appearance.

Of course, Moore will occasionally flash the idea of ​​"After the conflict erupts, the senate in power will win the final victory." That way, the status of the second guard will definitely be higher, and it may be authorized to command a part of normal humans. The army may get more companions, increase the size of the community several times, and give children more places to play.

In that way, one can look forward to one day in the future when people can walk and shop in the streets of the first city.

But Moore was sober, rather than the consequences of failure, he would rather maintain the current situation.

He believes that this is also the thinking of most of the members of the Human Guard, with the exception of a few careerists.

"Punish Varo severely!"

"Punish Varo severely!"

In the shouts, some citizens were already trying to attack the city defense army phalanx, but they were all blocked by explosion-proof shields.

At this moment, the condescending Moore and other snipers saw black bulletproof cars driving to the side entrance of the Senate.

The archon is here... the second snipers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They are afraid that the consul will not come, and none of the veterans here is willing to come forward and take responsibility. This has caused problems to drag on, making the citizens gathered outside become more and more impatient and excited.

At that time, if there is any accident, it will be like a spark falling into a gunpowder keg.

Beuris, wearing a green-brown commander's uniform, entered the Senate, surrounded by a guard and a security guard in the dark.

"You finally came." Inspector Alexander nodded to this long-time political enemy from a long distance.

His daughter, Galoran, is wearing a light and simple gray knee-length skirt, acting as his secretary next to her.

Beuris looked around silently, and under the blue eyes, most of the veterans in the room couldn't help avoiding his sight.

This powerful commander walked to the window step by step and looked at the demonstrators and Gaius in the crowd.

Gaius and Beuris are actually somewhat similar. They both have black hair, thin or even slightly sunken faces, and a rather serious temperament.

But one of them has a hooked nose, one has no obvious features, one looks like a shady bird, and the other is very deep.

As the two looked at each other, a veteran named Carlo approached Beuris and said anxiously:

"Your Excellency, can't hesitate anymore!

"The citizens of the city are all on Gaius's side. Let's deprive Varro of his veteran status. Anyway, there is still trial and time. We will definitely find evidence to prove his innocence."

Beuris suddenly turned his head:

"Do you want to betray your position?"

Carlo quickly explained:

"No, I just don't think there is any need to cause riots with meaningless false names..."

This senator, who was also in his early fifties and belonged to the Axon, stopped abruptly when he said this.

Inexplicably, he felt that the gleaming light in Beiulis's eyes was strange.

"Traitor!" Beiulis' voice seemed to come from deep in his chest.

Almost at the same time, Carlo raised the corner of his mouth and made a childlike grimace.

But instead of spitting out his tongue, it became extremely loose and plugged his throat back.

He He!

Carlo struggled and fell.

"Beuris!" Inspector Alexander had no idea that such a change would happen.

But as soon as he called out the other party's name, he saw Beuris' deep blue eyes showing red bloodshot eyes.

His eyes quickly became cloudy.

His back buckled.

His mouth opened, and long saliva dropped.

"No Heart Disease".

The governor and commander-in-chief of the "First City" suddenly suffered from "unintentional illness"!

All this happened by the window, and was seen by many citizens below, all looking at each other.

At the critical moment, Gaius picked up the microphone and shouted:

"The Archon attacked other elders!

"The Archon was controlled by the'Salvation Army'!

"All citizens, we must stop this!"

The emotions of the citizens present who were close to being detonated instantly burned, and they rushed toward the city defense army phalanx like a tide.

Although the city defense soldiers turned their backs to the Senate and couldn't see what was going on behind them, they could still feel a little movement and could hear Gaius yelling.

They hesitated.

A wall made up of explosion-proof shields was washed away.

Upon seeing this, Dukas, who was in command at the scene, hurriedly used his mobile phone to ask General Focas for instructions.

Focas was silent for several seconds and said:

"Remain neutral."

The members of the secondary guards in different positions in the Senate saw the city defense army showing signs of disintegration, and their nervousness and fear rose to the extreme.

This quickly turned into motivation, and people pulled the trigger one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dozens of citizens fell in blood or were wrapped in gunpowder smoke.

This not only did not scare the rest of the citizens, but completely angered them.

Now that the shooting had been fired, Moore and the others did not hesitate to prepare for mass killings.

At this time, Gaius in the crowd raised his right hand and reached the position between his mouth and nose.

Suddenly, people realized that they couldn't shoot anymore.

They seem to have forgotten this acquired skill!


Golden Apple District, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, 15 Emperor Street.

Hearing gunshots and explosions in the distance, Kang Na, who was chatting with the "Old Tune Team", stood up and said with a smile:

"You can go to Avia."

Jiang Baimian frowned slightly and said:

"Don't wait a while?"

She hopes that when the conflict becomes more intense, all the awakened persons of the "corridor of soul" will rush to the back of the Senate.

Conna smiled and said:

"Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to contact Avia because she was protected by the'virtual world', but once she was entangled by the owner of the'virtual world', the powerhouses from other cities would soon be able to come.

"And now, their focus should be on the Senate, and no longer pay attention to other places.

"As for the owner of the'virtual world', I will help you hold it."

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