Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Harvest

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The broken and old mobile phone was obviously very light, but Gaius held it in his hand, as if he was holding something tens or hundreds of kilograms, and his arms trembled to a certain extent.

In the dim environment, he pointed the "black hole" screen of his mobile phone at the former consul Beuris.

This strong man who had suffered from "innocent disease" seemed to smell a dangerous smell, and his unmovable body shook from inside to outside.

But in an instant, his bloodshot muddy eyes lost all their brilliance, and only a little fear was frozen inside.


Beuris fell on his back, breathing stopped, his heart stopped beating, and no breath of life remained.

Gaius was quietly relieved when he saw this.

Although the consul and commander-in-chief had just been "unintentional" and turned into a dangerous monster, and no longer had a strong political influence, Gaius still didn't dare to care.

Such a big man, even if he becomes an "unintentional person", he is also a "high-level unintentional person" who can change the current situation and cause serious damage.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for the new "higher unintentional person" of Beauris, who had just successfully smashed all the nobles and their entourages and guards in the Senate, Gaius didn't think things would develop so smoothly.

You know, among this group of people, there are many "Spirit Corridor" level awakeners. If they join the battle in time, the situation outside the Senate will definitely not be what it is now, and Gaius has no chance to sneak in and use That cell phone controlled the situation.

He hopes that before the big figures who have entered the "new world" wake up and decide the victory or defeat, the situation will become clear, and then there will be enough chips to buy in to appease them.

After thinking about it, Gaius moved the phone screen to another conservative veteran.

When the figure of the veteran was reflected in the "black hole" of the mobile phone screen, he also lost his life silently.

In this way, Gaius dealt with conservative veterans one by one, especially those who were powerful or had wide-ranging influence.

Even if a small number of conservative veterans are themselves awakened at the "corridor of soul" level, Gaius has no mercy, and even put them on the priority list for removal.

Gaius knew that this would significantly reduce the high-level strength of the "First City" after the turmoil, but he didn't care.

He valued the stability of his subsequent rule more than the overall strength of the "Initial City".

Besides, he has united many sects this time, and he will definitely get a share of the pie and continue to tie them to his chariot. The awakeners of the "corridor of soul" of these sects can be counted as the "primary city" by rounding. High-level combat power, at least externally.

Watching a famous conservative veteran fall down, or his face is distorted, full of fear, or his muscles are loose, and the stench leaks out, Gaius's mind suddenly rang a "jingle bell".

The phone obviously didn't dial any more, he still heard the corresponding ringtone!

Gaius looked terrified, knowing that if he continued, he would also be affected.

He glanced at the remaining ten or so conservative veterans, sighed rationally, and pressed the hang-up button.

The screen of the phone in his palm did not immediately return to normal, and the group of "black holes" reluctantly lingered for several seconds before dissipating.

Nearly ten seconds later, the broken screen of the mobile phone was no longer pitch black, and there was no light anymore, and the "jingle bell" sound in Gaius's ear disappeared.

The immobile inspector Alexander and others seemed to have recovered control of their bodies.


Golden Apple District, 14 Yuanqiu Street, in the classic villa of Avia.

As the parrot pecked hard, her eyes moved slightly, and she subconsciously raised her hand, blocking her face:

"Fuck, who hit me?"

"Your father!" Parrot replied in a rounded tone.

Conna opened her eyes, shook her head, and finally remembered her current situation.

"I think you are tired and crooked!" While threatening the parrot with dusty words, she put a "aura of friendliness" on herself.

No matter what the situation is, the most important thing is not to be beaten!

——As an awakened person at the "corridor of soul" level, Kang Na's hearing has been restored.

While talking, Conna stood up and cast her gaze out of the window.

After seeing the awakened person who could force people to fall into a coma on top of the black car, she blurted out in surprise:

"What's up with him?"

He and others were "forced to sleep", who caused this guy to faint?

The parrot opened its mouth and replied:

"You ask me, who shall I ask? Are you stupid?"

Kang Na didn't scold it, because she saw a place not far from the military green jeep, and Shang Jian Yao, who was sleeping there, woke up slowly.

No one can fall asleep with a wound and bleeding in his left arm, unless he has suffered severe blood loss and is close to shock.

More importantly, the owner of the "True Dreamland" has been anesthetized and is unable to maintain the effects of the ability. Shang Jianyao and others have become normal sleepers and wake up more easily.

Ding Ding Ding!

As soon as Shang Jian Yao stood up, he rehearsed his posture many times in his dream and rushed towards the army green jeep.

He first stretched out his right hand, grabbed Jiang Baimian's left wrist, and pulled out a few times. Then, with the help of the front cover of the black car, he jumped to the top of the vehicle in two stages and squatted next to the anesthetized enemy.

Shang Jian Yao didn't go to bandage the wound, anyway, the multi-function saber was still stuck in it, blocking part of the blood flow.

He took off the tactical backpack with his backhand, turned out the medical box from the inside, and quickly got a dose of anesthesia needle.

This is to make the enemy fall asleep completely before the effect of the anesthetic gas is weakened by good ventilation!

As for whether it will overdose or cause death, it is not an issue that Shang Jian Yao is concerned about now.

At this time, Jiang Baimian in the jeep woke up, reflexively made a carp and almost hit the steering wheel.

When she saw the situation on the top of the black car clearly, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and turned to deal with the small speaker that was still playing songs.

She didn't want to have everything under control, but she suddenly regained her sense of hearing, started urinating urgently, and appeared flaws.

Upon seeing this, Kang Na upstairs nodded approvingly, and focused her attention on the old woman in the room wearing a black hat.

She walked over and picked up her own pistol, inserting it into the inside of her clothes, so as not to affect her "friendliness", she said to the parrot:

"Go to a farther place and stay, and if there are still conditions later, come and wake me up again."

"Damn it, you ignorant woman, did I call it and go?" As the parrot complained verbally, the body responded honestly.

As the wings flapped, it flew out of the broken glass window.

Conna looked at the sleepy old woman and didn't take the opportunity to attack her.

It is not that she is soft-hearted, but that after communicating with the "old tune group" before, she recognized that this turmoil is likely to be manipulated by one or more old people behind the scenes, not daring to kill their believers.

If the death of the other party attracted the attention of the corresponding old age, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, Kang Na sat on the armrest beside the old woman, paid close attention to her state, and was ready for a peaceful physical sleep.

After giving Kao an anesthetic, Shang Jian Yao took out the bandage and other items from the medical box and treated the wound on his left arm.


He pulled off the multi-function saber and tore off some of the blood-stained clothing.

"Here, your lovers." Jiang Baimian walked off the jeep and put the small speaker and portable recording device on top of the black car.

She found that her hearing had almost recovered, and she believed that Shang Jianyao was the same.

Then, she ran to the side of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong, waking them up one by one.

Regardless of explaining anything, as soon as she saw the two companions wake up, she said quickly:

"You look at the captives, and Shang Jian Yao and I went in to find Avia.

"If the captive shows signs of waking up, you immediately shoot him to death!"

Captive...Long Yuehong was still a bit at a loss.

He waited until he saw Kao who was unconscious on the top of the black car before he realized that he was waiting for someone to catch an awakened person at the "corridor of soul" level!

"Okay." Bai Chen, wearing a military exoskeleton device, nodded, took a few steps, and rushed to the black car.

At this time, Shang Jianyao completed the initial dressing, and smiled and said to Bai Chen:

"I will add insurance for you."

He stuffed the piece of clothing stained with his own blood into Kao's mouth~www.readwn.com~ so that when the other party wakes up, the end of his nose will be filled with a strong smell of blood.

Long Yuehong stared blankly, and suddenly felt a little pity for the awakened person at the "corridor of soul" level.

Shi can be killed but not insulted!

However, with the operation of Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong gained a lot of confidence in watching the unconscious enemy.

Jiang Baimian resisted the twitch of the corner of his mouth, did not say much, crossed the black car, and ran to the classic villa of Avia.

She is racing against time.

Shang Jianyao stuffed small speakers, portable recording equipment, rosary beads, necklaces, gold coins and other items found from the enemy into his tactical backpack, and followed Jiang Baimian in a big jump.

The two followed their encounters in the "real dreams" and walked through the room all the way to the bathroom and living room in the memory.

After pushing the door and entering, they saw the dead maid and Avia who was still sleeping.

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