Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 219: Suspect

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"Huh?" Long Yuehong's sigh at Shang Jianyao was confused, "Why do you say that?"

Due to time constraints, the "Old Tune Team" has not yet shared the information obtained from Avia.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Baimian briefly introduced the two directions of the Third Research Institute, as well as Olei's evaluation and doubts about the "source brain".

"Therefore, the artificial intelligence of'Mechanical Heaven' may produce a consciousness close to humans, but there is a big difference in the basis and form of expression." Jiang Baimian smiled, "Old Ge should like this answer very much."

The driving Bai Chen subconsciously said:

"Then why does the'source brain' limit the degree of humanization?"

"Maybe this still has a certain hidden danger, can it threaten the hidden danger of the'source brain' itself?" Long Yuehong made a guess.

Shang Jianyao admired his idea very much and said eagerly:

"Looking back, we must make Laoge more than 100% humanized, and see what changes will happen to'Mechanical Paradise'!"

With you, it may not be the degree of humanization... Jiang Baimian muttered.

She immediately thought about it and said:

"It might be a blessing to let Lao Ge follow Lao Han and Zeng Duo this time, busy for Chuchun Town."

"What?" Long Yuehong was puzzled again.

"Yes, I'm afraid that Old Ge could not accept such good news and blew himself up on the spot." Shang Jianyao tried to squeeze his right fist and left palm, but the injury to his arm successfully prevented him.

Bai Chen frowned and glanced at Jiang Baimian:

"You mean, Lao Ge is not so trustworthy?"

For this, she is quite repulsive.

"No, Lao Ge is trustworthy, but Lao Ge may not have been implanted with any Trojan horse, or in other words, there may not be a back door hidden." Jiang Baimian said with a serious face.

Bai Chen reacted:

"'Yuannao'? Are you worried that'Yuannao' can remotely control Old Ge, so that when he sees Avia and hears information about'Yuannao', he will suddenly explode?"

When Long Yuehong's face changed drastically, Jiang Baimian nodded:

"I had a little suspicion before. There were many coincidences in Lao Ge's things. For example, it was not long after we communicated with Yuan Brain, Lao Ge was censored, and our escape was more than expected. It's a lot easier, "Mechanical Paradise" didn't even send anyone to Redstone Ji to stay.

"When Avia tells us that Ole has mastered the method of formatting'Yuanbrain' and left the corresponding information, I will be even more convinced that Lao Ge's escape was directed by'Yuannao.'

"Think about it, this kind of important information concerning the life and death of the'source brain' will casually tell a nearly unfamiliar team? Is it really relieved? It is not afraid that we will hand it over to the company or sell it after we get the information. To the big forces such as the First City, the two sides cooperate to control the Mechanical Paradise. Do you control it?"

Happiness! Even though his arm was injured, Shang Jianyao clapped tenaciously.

The more Long Yuehong listened, the more he felt that the group leader's words were very reasonable.

He did not expect that such an artificial intelligence as "Yuan Brain" would be cheating!

Jiang Baimian continued:

"If Lao Ge is here today, it's actually not a big problem.

"The high probability that he will really'break out' is when we explore the mysterious laboratory and find the information left by Ole.

"At that time, we will let Lao Ge meet outside on the grounds that there is Wu Meng in the wasteland 13 ruins, which is not suitable for robots to participate."

Having said that, Jiang Baimian laughed at himself:

"That laboratory is very dangerous, and it is not something we can explore now. The company is likely to send a small group to it, led by the awakened at the ‘corridor of mind’ level. This way we don’t have to worry about it."

"Yeah." Long Yuehong glanced out of the window and turned the topic back on track, "What should I do next?"

According to the pre-plan and his vision, there are two options.

The first plan is to take advantage of the unrest that is not over yet, hurriedly head south to leave the original city, make a circle to the north bank of the Red River, and meet up with Genawah, Han Wanghuo, and Zeng Duo, and race against time to solve the affairs of Chuchun Town.

The reason why I did not choose to go through the Red Giant Wolf District and the Green Olive District and go directly to the wasteland from the Red River Bridge in the north is because it is a key port in and out of the original city, and it will inevitably become the focus of the conflict between the two sides. It may not be possible in a short time. Passable.

Moreover, even if the turmoil is nearing an end, the winning side will surely control the bridge firmly in order to eliminate the **** supporters of the losing forces.

In comparison, the Nancheng exit, which is considered to be deep into the affiliated area of ​​the original city, should be less guarded.

The problem with this plan is that it takes a lot of time to hurry to get temporary stability, and the "old tune group" takes a prisoner of the "spiritual corridor" level, hoping to obtain the information of that secret organization, if it is delayed for a long time Only try to deal with it, it is easy to have accidents in the middle.

The second plan is to enter the Red Giant Wolf District or the Green Olive District, move the prisoners to one of the safe houses prepared by themselves, and do not rush to leave the original city.

In this way, the "old tune team" can extract information in the shortest time, solve the prisoners, and eliminate hidden dangers.

At the same time, those who are not running around on the street will not encounter accidents such as searches and interrogations, and can survive the subsequent turmoil more smoothly.

However, if this plan is implemented, after the unrest is completely subsided, the losing remnant party is basically captured. Before the martial law is lifted, the "old tune group" should have no chance to leave the original city, and will miss the best window to resolve the issue of Chuchun Town.

Moreover, Jiang Baimian and others' contact with Avia might be found out. At that time, if one or several of the "primary city" powerhouses spotted them, the trouble would be big.

Jiang Baimian had an idea for a long time, and he looked ahead and said:

"Go back to the Red Wolf area first and find a place to call General Focas."

"Uh..." Long Yuehong was taken aback for a moment, and then woke up, "Group leader, do you want to use General Focas to get out of the city?"

"As long as he doesn't become a loser in this turmoil, it is a trivial matter to get us out of the city completely and safely." Jiang Baimian laughed, "and he, an old fox, shouldn't let himself become loser."

Jiang Baimian paused and said:

"Didn't he want us to share the information obtained from Avia?

"Send it to him now!"

This not only fulfilled the promise to Avia, but also fulfilled the agreement with General Focas.

"Yeah." Long Yuehong and Bai Chen both felt that this was the best choice at the moment.

General Focas said that he would help, but so far, he has only given a pass, and he has to make up the "consideration".

"He also owes us a celebration banquet." Shang Jianyao has not forgotten this.

Long Yuehong laughed at this guy to herself twice, suddenly remembered something, and blurted out:

"How should we interrogate the prisoner?"

This is an awakened person at the "corridor of mind" level. It's okay to say that once they wake up, even if the "old tune group" is fully prepared, they may not be able to surrender, and they can't always stuff the other party with blood-stained cloth. Group? That way, the danger can be resolved, but no information can be obtained—the target is dizzy again or has a myocardial infarction.

There used to be "Fate Orbs", this is not a problem. Now, Mr. DiMarco's gifts have been exhausted.

"Show him Wu Meng's recording and make him believe in us wholeheartedly? Will it be effective when listening to it in a coma?" Bai Chen said subconsciously.

Jiang Baimian laughed:

"Leave this question to General Focas to worry about."

This is another purpose for her to contact General Focas!

Without an awakened person at the level of the "corridor of mind", it is really not easy for the "old tune group" to squeeze out information from the current prisoners.


Because of the chaos brought about by citizens' gatherings, and the frequent occurrence of gunfire and explosions, many shops in the Red Giant Wolf district did not open their doors, and those that had already opened were closed.

Their owners either went to Hope Square or hid in their homes, praying that there would be no major disturbances.

The "Old Tune Team" found a cafe and Bai Chen completed the series of operations of prying the door and sliding the lock.

When Jiang Baimian called the general's residence, Long Yuehong in the car saw a helicopter and drone appear in the air.

With noisy sounds, they flew towards different places in the city, seeming to be searching for fish that slipped through the net.

Bai Chen noticed it and hid in the cafe ahead of time. Otherwise, her military exoskeleton device was really conspicuous.

Before long, Jiang Baimian heard the voice of General Focas:


She breathed out gently:

"We have obtained the corresponding information."

General Focas was silent for a moment:

"You come directly to my mansion.

"In this case, the Golden Apple District is the safest, as long as it is not close to the conservative villas."

It seems that Gaius won? Many conservatives are trying to escape the city? Jiang Baimian guessed the current situation with only a few words of Focas.

Therefore, those from the Golden Apple area will be strictly investigated, and those entering the Golden Apple area will not be paid special attention.

"Good." Jiang Baimian agreed.

The captives of the "corridor of the soul" are a time bomb for them and must be resolved as soon as possible.

Of course, the premise is that the "Old Tune Team" has already obtained the information of that secret organization.

After this village, there will be no such shop!

This is also the reason why Jiang Baimian chose to take the risk of capturing powerful enemies instead of shooting them on the spot~www.readwn.com~ When the drones and helicopters in the air were a little farther away, Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen rushed back into the jeep.

In the process of returning to the Golden Apple District, Jiang Baimian held the radio transceiver and sent a telegram to Genawah and the others.

——Today is a critical moment. She keeps the team communicating smoothly.

To her surprise, Han Wanghuo and others did not stick to the rules and had to wait for the rendezvous. They were already on their way to Chuchun Town.

"They have a military exoskeleton device, as well as Lao Ge. As long as there is no awakened person at the'corridor of mind' level in Chuchun Town, the army has also been transferred away. Under a sudden attack, the chance is not small." Jiang Bai Mian said with satisfaction to Shang Jianyao and others.

"Hope." Bai Chen responded as he drove the jeep towards the back door area of ​​the general's mansion.

Along the way, they did not encounter any interrogation, and with the pass, they were almost unimpeded.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month~

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