Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 6: coincide?

Latest website: Mei Shouan didn’t say too much about the relatively important knowledge, such as how to determine whether there is a door to the “new world” in a room. It is necessary for Shang Jian Yao to pass all the reviews before he can tell him what is currently mentioned. This part is mainly for precautions, lest Shang Jian Yao, a spiritually problematic awakener, rashly explores the "corridor of the soul" during the review period and encounters problems that could have been avoided.

After nearly an hour of conversation, Mei Shouan asked his researcher to take Shang Jian Yao for a detailed physical examination.


495 floor, C area, activity center.

Long Yuehong, who had had dinner, plucked up courage and came here.

He found that most of the neighbors in the neighborhood did not regard him as a monster, but were very curious about the robotic arm and interested in his current state.

After Long Yuehong explained with the prepared rhetoric, their attention quickly turned to the function of the mechanical arm. From time to time, someone came to touch it, knock it a few times, and request a demonstration.

It even included some young girls, which made Longyue Red Monster embarrassed.

After successfully eliminating the psychological barrier, he finally found an opportunity to squeeze out the crowd and come to a corner position.

"Hi, Meng Xia, long time no see." Long Yuehong smiled and greeted a lady.

He got rid of "harassment" on the pretext of seeing his classmates.

Just as Meng Xia was about to get up, responding to her old classmates, her husband Zhang Lei had already brushed the floor and assumed a supportive posture.

"This is?" Long Yuehong was also a person who had experienced outside, and he immediately noticed that there was a "situation".

Looking very silent and introverted, Zhang Lei, with sharp eyes, smiled rarely:

"Xia Xia is pregnant."

Long Yuehong is not surprised at all. Meng Xia and Zhang Lei have been married for more than a year, and they have encouraged childbirth in the style of "Pangu Biology". It is actually too late for them to have children until now.

"Congratulations!" Long Yuehong smiled.

He took the initiative to pull a chair and sit down, not letting his old classmates get up for politeness.

"Thank you." Meng Xia replied, and then asked curiously, "Is your robotic arm really strong?"

She originally wanted to ask, "Did you really apply for the transplant?" But she felt that the relationship between the two parties was not so good, so she changed the topic.

Her husband, Zhang Lei from the outside world, further asked:

"What model is it?"

"T1 type." Long Yuehong did not hide.

Zhang Lei was slightly surprised:

"Have you been to'United Industries'? This is a relatively new model, even if it was rare in the city at first."

"We know an arms dealer from'United Industries'." Long Yuehong explained briefly.

Meng Xia became more curious, and asked her husband aside:

"Is this really amazing?"

"Yes." Zhang Lei looked around and gave an example, "If you apply it well, he can kill everyone here alone."

This refers to the activity center.

Long Yuehong subconsciously said modestly:

"The premise is that there are no awakened people here, no genetically modified ones, and no biological prostheses transplanted."

Meng Xia was utterly dumbfounded.

What she cares about is not the power of the robotic arm, although this is indeed a bit, what she is angry and funny is the example given by her husband.

What a broken example!

Long Yuehong even responded to this example!

This is the same as when someone asks if this kitchen knife is not sharp, and the other person's answer is enough to hack your whole family to death.

Although the tone and nature are not so serious this time, the underlying logic is similar.

Meng Xia couldn't help but sighed:

"Can you discuss something good?"

Is this the habitual thinking of people who have lived on the surface?

Long Yuehong also noticed this problem, raised his mechanical arm, scratched the back of his head, and forcibly changed the subject:

"Meng Xia, you just got pregnant, right? You can't tell.

"At this time, shouldn't you go out less, why did you come back here?"

Under the influence of Shang Jianyao, a qualified member of the "Life Sacrifice" cult, Long Yuehong has some common sense that he shouldn't have.

Meng Xia pouted and said:

"Our floor is too boring. There are no people in the activity center. It's uncomfortable to stay here, but the atmosphere here is good."

Only then did Long Yuehong remember that Meng Xia and Zhang Lei lived on the floor where foreign employees were the mainstay.

He was about to say something, but saw Shang Jian Yao walking into the center of the activity.

"Here." Long Yuehong waved his hand.

Seeing that Yao had just moved closer, Shang felt his stomach and asked Long Yuehong:

"Do you still have some noodles in your house?"

"Yes. What's wrong, I didn't have the meal?" Long Yuehong asked.

Shang Jian Yao sat opposite Meng Xia and sighed:

"The institute doesn't care about the food, but it has kept me until now. I have nothing to eat and can only make it myself."

"What are you going to do in the research institute?" Meng Xia asked curiously.

Shang Jian Yao answered frankly:

"Be researched."

"Haha." Meng Xia laughed.

After a long absence, Shang Jian Yao still likes to joke like before.

However, compared with the meeting at school, his personality has changed quite a bit.

In the lively activity center, the four people chatted, and the atmosphere was very leisurely.

During this process, Zhang Lei glanced at Shang Jianyao:

"I thought you would also transplant robotic arms."

This is his intuitive judgment.

"It was robbed by him, there is only such one." Shang Jianyao pointed to Long Yuehong very angrily.

He showed unabashed envy, jealousy and hatred.

Meng Xia completely believed that Long Yuehong had applied for the transplant on his own initiative.

After chatting for a few more words, Shang saw Yao looking around and didn't see a familiar figure, so he asked:

"Where is Old Chen?"

In private, they called Chen Xianyu, the director of the activity center on this floor, to be more of Old Chen, and in person, he was mainly Chen Xianyu.

Meng Xia's expression changed a few times, and he replied with a heavy tone:

"At the beginning of August, the company broke out with a wave of'intentional illness', and Grandpa Chen was unfortunately infected."

"Ah..." Long Yuehong felt a little unreal for a while.

It's just been a few months since I've been out.

Shang Jian Yao also fell silent, and the people in the activity center were playing cards, chatting, or discussing whether to organize a dance party on the weekend, which was very lively.

Long Yuehong, who originally thought this kind of leisure and coziness was very beautiful, suddenly couldn't sit still.

He said to Meng Xia:

"Shang Jianyao and I are leaving first, he is still hungry."

"Bye." Meng Xia waved her hand.


After making a large bowl of braised beef noodles from the preserved canned food and Longyue Hong’s noodles, Shang Jianyao washed and rinsed and went to bed.

He entered the "corridor of the soul" again.

He divided it into ten, looked around, and found that the distribution of house numbers was the same as before, there was no change.

Following the original route, Shang Jian Yaomen went to the side of the corridor.

Not long after, he came to the vicinity of room "1215".

He plans to go a little deeper this time and collect more abnormal situations so that he can prepare later.

Looking at it with ten eyes, Shang Jian Yao's eyes froze at the same time.

The position in their memory, the golden house number is:


"Changed?" Shang Jian Yao, who was wearing a deerstalker hat, said silently for a moment.

"The other house numbers have not changed." The cowardly Shang Jianyao reminded his "colleagues."

Shang Jian Yao colleagues of the Democratic Consultative Council.

The honest Shang Jian Yao frowned:

"That's weird.

"Is there something weird in room '1215'? It's a mobile type, so it's hard to enter it again?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say." Jian Yao, a half-man and half-machine businessman in a red robes, shook his head.

Ten Shang Jian Yao you and I discussed it for a while, but still couldn't come up with an effective explanation. After the review was over, I asked Mei Shouan if he had seen any changes in the house numbers of the surrounding rooms.


Early the next morning, in the elevator leading to the 647th floor.

Long Yuehong looked at the constantly changing numbers on the LCD screen and was silent for a while:

"Is there an epidemic of ‘innocent disease’ at least once a year?"

He was referring to the interior of the "Pangu Creature".

"This is what we remember." Shang Jianyao raised his hand and rubbed his chin.

Although many times before the "intentional illness" did not break out on the 495th floor where they lived, the adults who heard the corresponding broadcasts were always a little worried and subconsciously reduced the number of gatherings in the activity center, so they also felt that when they were young at that time. Left a certain impression.

"Last year was late autumn, and there were people from the'Life Sacrifice' Order... this year is early August..." Long Yuehong tried to find the connection between the two epidemics.

There is no doubt that he failed.

If the pattern of the "no heart disease" epidemic were so easy to be discovered, it would have been found by researchers long ago!

At this time, Shang Jianyao, who put his hand on his chin, let out a cry:

"Isn't it the time for your surgery in early August?"

The first turmoil in the city occurred in early August.

"What's the connection?" Long Yuehong felt it was just a coincidence.

He believes that Shang Jianyao wants to make a joke more about himself, saying that his serious injury caused the "unintentional" epidemic within the company.

Arriving on the 647th floor, entering room 14, Shang Jianyao directly yelled at Jiang Baimian who had arrived:

"Dabai, you can check when the company's August epidemic started and when it ended."

Jiang Baimian grinds his teeth:

"Any questions?"

Although Dabai was her own nickname ~www.readwn.com~ and asked the team members to use it, every time Shang saw Yao shouting like this, she felt a sense of oweness.

"Guess?" Shang Jianyao responded with interest.

Jiang Baimian gave him a sideways glance, and was too lazy to talk to him again, using the computer, accessing the intranet, and scrolling through the corresponding news within the scope of his authority.

She looked at it and said:

"The first case was on the morning of August 7th, between 8:30 and 10:30, because it was discovered late and the time cannot be precise...

"The end is on August 13..."

Having said this, Jiang Baimian paused and frowned.

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong.

After hesitating, Jiang Baimian said in a deep voice:

"August 7th was the day when the city was in turmoil at first."

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