Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 9: director

What Jiang Baimian meant was that the most likely person responsible for the second review of Shang Jian Yao was a higher-level company executive or a "spiritual corridor" level awakener with special abilities.

Of course, these two possibilities overlap, and it is not ruled out that someone is not only a high-level above M1, but also a "spiritual corridor" level awakener with special abilities.

Shang Jian Yao looked indifferent:

"Anyway, I really have a mental problem."

"..." Jiang Baimian seriously thought about what he should pay if his awakening experiment succeeded.

She did not discuss this topic anymore, because her purpose was only to remind Shang Jian Yao and make him more prepared-as long as there is no principled problem, the company must be a "spiritual corridor" level awakener. Very forgiving.

At this time, Long Yuehong said to Jiang Baimian with some anxiety:

"Group leader, how should we respond to the review?"

Jiang Baimian laughed:

"If your words are heard by someone else in the company, you will be fired today and rushed to the surface."

Long Yuehong suddenly became uncomfortable.

"What should I say?" Bai Chen took the initiative to resolve Long Yuehong's embarrassment.

Jiang Baimian glanced around, then laughed:

"It has to be said how to cooperate with the review."

She cleared her throat and added two sentences:

"After my struggle, the review of the three of us is limited to the Ministry of Security, following the usual procedures.

"In other words, you won't encounter awakened people, and you won't get on machines such as polygraphs. You should, uh, cooperate according to the predetermined plan."

Phew, the team leader is really capable... The background and ability are different... Long Yuehong was obviously relieved:


At the critical moment when he left the "old tune group" and strived for subsequent treatment, he didn't want to be censored for any problems.

Of course, he didn't think he had many problems, so he raised his finger to count carefully, there were only four:

One, Bang Shang Jian Yao concealed the identity of the Awakened;

Second, some things related to Du Heng and Xiao Chong were concealed;

3. Did not report on the scenes and sounds that Shang Jian Yao saw and heard from Yan Hu;

Fourth, it conceals the fact that Gnawa has actually joined the "old tune group".

The first point has now been exposed, and it is ready to push to Shang Jian Yao's ability. What Long Yuehong is most worried about is that this is equivalent to deceiving the company. Once discovered, the punishment will be severe.

In addition to this, he feels that if he encounters an awakened person with special abilities, he should not be able to hide things from the old. The second and third are not big problems. After all, there are only a few corresponding memories, unless the other party is extremely purposeful. Be clear, otherwise, even if you can look through the memory, it will not be easy to find such small details and not appearing many times.

To put it simply, although this certainly cannot be described by finding a needle in a haystack, it is about finding a specific island in the vast sea, and it is not clear what the characteristics of this island are.

As for the military exoskeleton device, the "old tune team" plans to cross the open road all this time.

Seeing Bai Chen and Long Yuehong both nodded slightly, Jiang Baimian exhorted again:

"If you can't do anything, immediately confess and be lenient, don't worry about me and hey."

She meant that she and Shang Jianyao had a background and a strength, and even if they were punished for this, they would definitely not hurt their bones.

When Long Yuehong and Bai Chen agreed, Shang Jianyao took the initiative to talk about what happened last night, and finally asked:

"How should I explore next?"

"Oh, haven't you always been very assertive?" Jiang Baimian teased.

Shang Jianyao said seriously:

"To give play to the collective wisdom.

"All of us thirteen can simulate the discussion between executives."

Thirteen people...Long Yuehong was stunned.

"Thirteen people?" Bai Chen did not hide his doubts.

Shang Jianyao pointed to himself:

"We have ten now."

Jiang Baimian raised his hand and pressed the corner of his mouth, sighed:

"The first thing to analyze is that the fear or psychological shadow represented by this scene comes from before or after the room owner enters the'corridor of the soul'."

"Why can't it be a dream?" As soon as Bai Chen's voice fell, he woke up, "Well, except for the awakened who has broken into the'new world', or the legendary old age, the dreams displayed in the room cannot last forever. Yes, Shang Jianyao will go in tonight to see if there are any changes and then we can draw a conclusion."

Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped.

Jiang Baimian is even more gratified:

"Xiaobai, you are becoming more and more active when discussing, and you are very clear-headed."

She went on to say:

"In fact, even those awakened who break into the'new world', their dreams should retain the characteristic of being easy to change, which is different from the repeated presentation of psychological shadows.

"As for the old man, it belongs to another kind of creature. We can't analyze it now, but Shang Jian Yao's luck shouldn't be so bad. The first room opened into the old man's dream."

"Yes, yeah, I'm not Xiaohong." Shang Jianyao was very confident about it.

Long Yuehong tried to refute, but he was a little bit embarrassed.

His current perception is that his luck is good and bad, when it is good, he can survive fatal injuries, and when it is bad, he will encounter everything.

But most of the time it is still at a normal level!

Shang Jianyao seemed to have changed his personality, and the topic changed:

"According to my analysis, the danger represented by that scene is not too great."

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded, "If the owner of the room explored the ruins after entering the'corridor of mind' and encountered so many'unintentional people', even if he could not clear it, he would not be able to escape if he tried to escape. Difficult things, it is unlikely to leave a psychological shadow, unless, unless he encountered some extremely terrifying things in the later stage of this exploration, but in this way, his psychological shadow should not retain the early scenes, you Think about it, are your fearful memories of certain things focused on the subject, and the trivial details before and after are not so clear?"

"Yes." Long Yuehong thought for a while and made an affirmative answer.

He recalled the injury now, and remembered the battle with Asus and Christina, and the other people he met on the way had no impression.

Bai Chen was silent for a while, and nodded.

Jiang Baimian continued:

"The memories are like this, and the psychological shadow is definitely more obvious. The scene it presents must be a very scary thing at the time, just like the situation in the previous room '1215'."

"I don't feel any other danger." Shang Jian Yao rubbed his chin, confirming Jiang Baimian's statement from the side.

Then he added expressively:

"Since that scene represents the shadow before the room owner enters the'Corridor of Mind', with his strength at the time and without considering his ultra-standard companions, he mostly escaped danger by means of hidden transfer.

"I intend to imitate him."

Having said that, Shang Jianyao questioned himself:

"They are all awakened at the level of the'Spirit Corridor', can't they be bolder?

"The soldiers are here to cover the water and the earth, and kill all the ‘unintentional’. You should be able to pass through this shadow of the soul."

When Shang saw Yaos debate, Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen's expressions were all normal.

Because similar things have happened more than once on their way back to "Pangu Creatures".

After the quarrel was over, Jiang Baimian said his thoughts:

"The number of'unintentional people' in that scene is likely to be related to the mental strength of the room owner. After all, it was impossible for him to count exactly how many'intentional people' he encountered. He could only rely on his own'feeling'. Illusion.

"In other words, you cannot clear all the'unintentional ones' before the mental consumption corresponding to this psychological shadow is exhausted.

"And your mental strength is definitely much weaker than that of the room owner now. In terms of probability, the possibility of you encountering the same newcomer is almost zero. Therefore, even if it is just a psychological shadow, you may not be comparable. ."

What's more important is that there is no such thing as destroying a group today. You can recover and the other party can recover.

Shang Jianyao agreed with this judgment:

"It's better to hide transfer.

"I try to shoot as few as possible, lest it attract more ‘unintentional’."

Jiang Baimian nodded gently and said:

"From the current situation, this scene is still more suitable for you now, better than weird, mysterious or suspenseful."

After the exchange of this matter, until two o'clock in the afternoon, the four members of the "Old Tune Team" went out one after the other and went to the designated place for review.

Shang Jianyao first met Mei Shouan~www.readwn.com~ in the C-14 project team on the third floor of the underground building. Then, led by the other party, he took the elevator to the fifth floor.

This layer belongs to the "management area".

Until then, Mei Shouan turned his head to Shang Jian Yao said:

"The person responsible for the second review is Director Su Yusu."

Shang Jianyao is no stranger to this name, and is often heard in the news on the hour.

There are five directors on the board of directors of the company, namely Ji Ze, Lin Yang, Huang Renhui, Su Yu and Li Lingyun.

Among them, Ji Ze is the first-ranked vice president, taking the overall responsibility in place of the boss, Lin Yang is the vice president who manages all production departments, Huang Renhui is the chief scientist and the decision maker of the research system, and Li Lingyun is another vice president. In charge of logistics related, including material distribution, employee entertainment, etc., Su Yu is in charge of external affairs and is the immediate boss of the Minister of Security.

Of course, if he wants to command the action cluster of the Ministry of Security, he must discuss it with the board of directors and obtain authorization, not just what he wants.

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