Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Reentry

Hearing Jiang Baimian's words, Shang saw Yao Chu there, motionless.

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Baimian couldn't understand this guy's body language.

"What do you think is behind the door of room '1215'?" Shang Jianyao asked unabashedly.

Jiang Baimian gave an angry "Oh":

"You ask me, who shall I ask?

"The corresponding knowledge is no longer what our confidentiality level can grasp. You shouldn't talk about the second half of the conversation with Director Su just now."

Fearing that Shang saw Yao didn’t understand what she really meant, she added:

"Even if you want to talk, it will take a few days, after not so many people pay attention."

She can prevent eavesdropping in the field of science and technology, but can't stop the Awakened.

Fortunately, the ones I communicated just now are not too taboo, but I need to pay more attention to them in the future.

Shang Jianyao showed a "suddenly realized" expression:

"I see!"

As for what he understood and how much he understood, Jiang Baimian didn't care, and simply answered his question just now:

"The horror behind that door is likely to exceed your and my expectations. We will encounter similar situations in the future, so we can’t go any further, unless we already have a certain understanding of the'new world' and the nature of these scenes. With enough certainty."

"Then, maybe it's the door to the'new world'." Bai Chen said his own guess next to him.

Jiang Baimian responded immediately:

"If that's the case, then you can't even go in!

"Have you forgotten Ole's attitude?"

Although Long Yuehong did not hear Avia mention this matter personally, when Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao reported it, she was still very impressed:

The father of "Yuan Brain", the emperor Ole Ubiss before "First City" would rather die than enter the "New World"!

"Unless you have reached the point where you can't go through the door and can't investigate further, I don't recommend Shang Jian Yao to enter the'new world'." Jiang Baimian briefly summarized and changed the subject with a smile, "Since the review At the end, you two can take Xiaobai around so that she can see the difference between the activity centers on different floors."

She didn't bring her own because she currently lives on the 349th floor and the activity center is not interesting, mainly to provide various services to the management and their families.

Long Yuehong and Shang Jianyao haven't answered yet, Bai Chen already shook his head:

"Let's wait until the rewards are distributed."

Jiang Baimian groaned slightly and agreed:


The end of the review does not mean that the review is passed. Although she, Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong are not concerned and can already run around, but foreign employees like Bai Chen still have to be cautious and wait until the dust settles. It’s a safer choice to go to other floors.


Floor 495, Area C, No. 11.

As soon as Long Yuehong returned home, she saw her younger brother Long Zhigu playing with her laptop in the living room, while her younger sister Long Aihong jumped up and down nearby, trying to compete, but each time she failed sadly.

"Why are you playing on the computer again?" Long Yuehong subconsciously took up the majesty of his elder brother, "You are now the critical moment for college entrance examination!"

Long Zhigu glanced at him sideways, and said helplessly:

"Brother, it's almost November. I have finished the exam a long time ago and I'm already in school."

Long Yuehong was stunned, and found that she had been outside for too long, and she felt a little dull about the passage of time.

It was spring before the "Old Tune Team" left the company, and now it is late autumn. He completely missed Long Zhigu's final review, examination and volunteer application.

"Haha." Long Yuehong smiled awkwardly, "My memory of the situation at home still stays before departure."

——A few days ago, when their family chatted, they mainly focused on Long Yuehong’s shared experiences outside.

Without waiting for Long Zhigu to respond, he asked doubtfully:

"It's not the weekend, why are you going home?"

Long Zhi Gu laughed:

"Isn't it that you are back? I asked the teacher for leave, and I have been living at home these days and nights."

"He just wants to take the opportunity to play on the computer!" Long Aihong ruthlessly punctured Long Zhigu's excuse, "Brother, you have to take care of him!"

Long Zhigu quickly explained:

"Brother, you don't know that the school only has computer-related courses a few times a week. I want to master a bit more, and I can only use the ones at home."

"Do you have more information on old world entertainment?" Long Aihong sneered.

Long Zhigu couldn't help but glared at this girl.

Some of the old world entertainment materials are too fake. What kind of sister is the cutest? Men who have a sister know that the sister is the most annoying!

Long Yuehong didn't care about the quarrel between his brother and sister, because he thought of one thing:

Xiaobai said before that when he returned to the floor where he lived, he usually stayed at home, rested and played on the computer.

However, this time, in the first city, in order to buy Xiaochong, she gave out her portable computer, and the money she applied for afterwards was to supplement her nutrition and raise return supplies, which failed to help her make up.

Isn't she boring at home during this time? Long Yuehong cast her eyes on the laptop on the table in the living room.

Long Zhigu and Long Aihong suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.


When Shang Jianyao returned to Area B, No. 196, the "Hourly News" hadn't started yet. He leaned on the bed and squeezed both temples with his hands.

In fact, for him, this action is no longer necessary, but a large number of people in Shang Jian Yao have a sense of ritual.

"Spirit Corridor", in the "131" room.

Shang Jianyao glanced at the "LCD screen" hung on the wall of the second bedroom, and shouted several times at the residual breath of Xiao Chong inside:

"Little Chong! Little Chong! Little Chong!"

Still no one responded to him.

"Addicted to the game?" Shang Jianyao muttered to himself, and had no choice but to give up.

He came to the hallway covered with a thick dark red carpet, and once again arrived in room "522".

"Still..." Shang Jianyao sighed, pushing the door and entering.

What appeared in front of him was still the ruins of the city, with vehicles parked in a mess, everywhere, walls looming in the dark, and sometimes large bloodstains could be seen. As for the window glass, there was almost no completeness.

Shang Jian Yao didn't rush forward, and cast his eyes on the place where he was attacked last time.

In the next second, the door of a car was suddenly pushed open, and a "unintentional" rushed out.

All this is exactly the same as last time.

But this time Shang Jian Yao didn't go to test what would happen to his injuries, and the crumbling billboard slammed down in midair, slapped the assailant to the ground.

"I understand." Shang Jianyao shook his right and punched his left palm. "Reading is over again!"

All aspects of this psychological shadow are reset with the recovery of the corresponding spirit!

In theory, most of the details of this reset will be restored, and only a few will change. After all, this is the unconscious mental activity of the room owner, which cannot be exactly the same every time.

The calm and intelligent Shang Jianyao quickly recalled where the "unintentional" came from last time, and then he bent his back and sneaked into a building on the side of the street with light steps.

That is, a few seconds later, many "unintentional people" were attracted by the sound of heavy objects falling. They turned around and found no prey for prey, and then hid them back in the dark.

The place where Shang Jian Yao sneaked into was an old world supermarket, and the edible items in it were either left in packaging or simply moved away.

The rest may be scattered on the ground with the collapse of the shelves, or neatly placed in the original position, but a large part of them may have wrong or weird names, in short, they do not seem to be true.

In this regard, Shang Jianyao expressed his understanding. After all, the room owner was busy with hidden transfers at the time, so how could he pay attention to so many details?

Ever since, when he subconsciously reorganized the original scene, he extracted some things from other experiences to perfect the situation, which inevitably brought contradictions, for example, a toothbrush-like object was labeled "sour orange."

Shang Jian Yaogu showed the usual "Berker" assault rifle, holding it, while walking to another exit of the supermarket.

Although there is no other person here, and there seems to be no "unintentional", he still follows the same path, fully revealing the main points he has mastered in usual training.

This shows that it is not the reckless and bold one who is now leading the body~www.readwn.com~ When approaching the other exit, Shang Jianyao swept his eyes and saw a small display stand with newspapers and magazines.

"Tieshan Daily" "Character Periodical"... Shang Jianyao walked over with great interest, picked up two of them, and looked through it.

Unfortunately, except for the clear cover and front page, there are pictures and text, and the contents are almost blank.

This shows that the owner of the room did pass by at that time, but he only took a few glances and didn't have time to read carefully.

Shang Jianyao's eyes quickly moved to two places:

One is the name of the newspaper: "Tieshan Daily";

The second is the cover character of the character journal: the 23-year-old genius scientist Lin Sui.

This is a young woman who is not beautiful but looks very sweet. She has a twist braid at random.

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