Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 59: General Education Conference

"What's the matter?" Noting Jiang Baimian's abnormality, the honest Shang Jianyao asked.

The honest Gnawa interrupted him immediately:

"This is not a good time to discuss."

As he spoke, the red light radiating from his eyes swept across the face of Ulrich, the temporary president of the Ark Management Committee.

Uh, old Ge, don't be so direct, a little more euphemistic, a little euphemistic...Long Yuehong's slander can't stop.

Fortunately, Ulrich’s ability to observe words and expressions is absolutely superb. Otherwise, he would not have been a housekeeper by the tyrant DiMarco. He asked in a steady tone:

"Chairman Xue, is there anything I need to feed back to Captain Tan?

"If not, I have to deal with the daily affairs of the management committee."

Jiang Baimian groaned:

"Not yet."

When Ulrich left this floor, she showed the last page of the materials in her hand to Shang Jianyao and others.

"It seems to be related to the Eighth Research Institute... that is to say, Lin Sui is unlikely to be one of the hosts of the'Eternal Life' Project." Bai Chen quickly interpreted the key meaning of this piece of information.

Although she didn't know which research institute was in charge of the "Eternal Life" project, it was certainly not the eighth research institute located in the north.

——The "LiuLi Pure Land" of the Order of Monks is located in the Monk Wasteland, which does not belong to the Great North in a broad sense, and the "LiuLi Pure Land" is suspected to be the headquarters of the research institute it belongs to.

Shang Jianyao, who is both honest and rebuttal, shook his head:

"Not necessarily. What if Lin Sui is a member of the Eighth Research Institute and also participated in the'Eternal Life' Project?

"Who stipulated that talents should not be shared among several major research institutes?"

Bai Chen couldn't deny it, but Long Yuehong hardened his mouth:

"There is a probability, but it is definitely very low. In terms of confidentiality requirements, there should be information barriers among the nine research institutes. As the chief scientist of the Third Research Institute, Olei has very limited knowledge of other research institutes. ."

"You're so serious." Shang Jianyao, who didn't know which personality he switched to, glanced at Long Yuehong, and a playful smile appeared on his unmasked face.

Long Yuehong's face flushed, defending:

"I'm seriously discussing this!"

Jiang Baimian cleared his throat and interrupted the conversation between the two:

"When there was no information to the contrary, I chose to believe in the judgment of the Salvation Army for the time being.

"So, who is Lin Suhui among'Associate Dean,''Charlie,''Professor Li,' and'Doctor'? Or, has she passed away when the old world was destroyed?"

"Associate Dean", "Charlie", "Professor Li" and "Doctor" are the few remaining members of the Eighth Research Institute who have lived from the old world to the present. They have all entered the "new world", sleeping all year round, occasionally Activity.

This is the information obtained by the "Old Tune Team" from the Special Representative of the Eighth Research Institute, Kao. Shang Jianyao privately referred to them as the Big Four of the Eighth Research Institute.

"First exclude'Professor Li', because Lin Sui's surname is Lin." Shang Jianyao was the first to comment.

Long Yuehong immediately refuted:

"'Professor Li' is just a code name, it doesn't mean the real surname is Li."

After blurting out such a sentence, Long Yuehong felt the pleasure of revenge.

"Yes." Shang Jianyao actually agreed, "Just like Gu Zhiyong may not necessarily have the surname Gu, but may also have the surname Long. Hey, he has been genetically modified, uh, the genetic modification is only 1.75 meters tall and he is not handsome. The grades are average..."

Long Yuehong's face was red and white, but Shang Jianyao actually changed his lines.

Yes, after the three genetic modifications of "Enhanced Repairing Ability", "Enhanced Immunity" and "Reaction Speed ​​Increased" this time, his height is still not long.

But now, Long Yuehong sadly discovered that "faster reaction speed" does not seem to include thinking.

For a while, he didn't know how to oppose the business.

"The four of them may be Lin Sui. They obviously wanted to cover up with the code name instead of the real name." Bai Chen brought the topic back to the right track.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"This is also a future direction of investigation."


A few days later, Shang Jianyao's mental injury completely recovered.

The night before the departure of the "Old Tune Group", it happened to meet the three major sects of "You Gu" to hold a general education meeting.

Jiang Baimian, who is interested in similar things, suggested that everyone go to watch the church and help maintain order by the way.

Shang Jian Yao raised his hands and feet in favor.

He jumped up and raised his hands and feet.

Upon seeing this, the honest Gnawa specially reminded him:

"Hey, your condition is getting more and more serious, so be careful."

"Rest assured, we have a mature negotiation and substitution mechanism." Shang Jianyao replied.

The five people of the "Old Tune Team" took advantage of the location and took the elevator directly to the lobby of the Vigilant Church.

Hundreds of people have been squeezed here, divided into three piles.

Of course, this is only the situation on the bright side. I don't know how many church guards and Hongshiji town residents who are interested in the debate are hiding in the hidden places inside the ventilation ducts and outside the windows.

According to Shang Jian Yao's "calculation", the number of them is three or four times that of those who appeared.

"Vier, I saw you!" Shang Jianyao suddenly shouted.

No one answered him.

Shang Jian Yao sighed, regretting that he didn't swindle Viel out.

Just when he, Jiang Baimian and others found an empty space in the church where the wall lamp was dimly lit, there was a sneer from somewhere.

This sneer had a distinct drake voice, as if it had come from a boy who had changed his voice.

Shang Jian Yao ignored it, took off his tactical backpack, and grabbed a handful of things out.

He immediately asked Jiang Baimian and others:

"Do you want it?

"How can you lose the seeds at this time?"

"Melon seeds?" Long Yuehong opened her eyes wide and looked into Shang Jianyao's hands. As expected, she saw a handful of sunflower seeds full of grains.

"You, why would you have?" he asked in surprise.

Shang Jianyao replied triumphantly:

"You don't know, I will save the candy and melon seeds and save them when it's suitable.

"Hey, all the sweets are given to those kids."

This refers to the mountain monster young child.

Hearing such words, Long Yuehong felt inexplicably that he had traveled back to the past, only at the age of seven or eight.

"Give me something." Jiang Baimian unceremoniously spread out his palm.

"You will be beaten like this." Shang Jianyao gently patted Jiang Baimian's palm with his other hand, and then put a small handful of melon seeds on it.

"The game when you were a kid?" Jiang Baimian asked with a smile, closing his fingers.

"It was his prank." Long Yuehong began to complain, "I often lied to me, Yang Zhenyuan, and a few others, saying that there were snacks for us, but when we reached out, he slapped our palms."

"You are so cheating." Jiang Baimian suppressed a smile.

Long Yuehong began to regret her quick lips.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Baimian added casually:

"This shows that you have a pure temperament and will treat people wholeheartedly."

"How did you reason about the second half of the sentence?" the honest Gnawa asked.

"Yeah, yeah." The honest Shang Jianyao also asked.

"It's about to start! Why are there so many words?" Jiang Baimian raised his finger to the upcoming general education conference.

As the bishop of the vigilant church, Antoniola, a clergyman with a strong body and a bald head, although his rank and strength are not as good as the several present, he still walked to the vigilant holy emblem as the host.

He glanced at Saint Sigmund, the Fear Bishop who came here specially, and said loudly:

"The topics of this general education conference are:

"Be vigilant and fearful of who is the ‘first sex’ of the old age."

Zug, who is committed to maintaining order, wanted to raise his hand and say, "Please add "friendliness", but after thinking about it, I decided not to swim in this muddy water~www.readwn.com~Friendship first, friendship first!

After Antoniola announced the issue, Sigmund, the lanky bishop of Fear, who was wearing a ghost mask, stood up:

"Of course it is vigilant.

"Why do we feel fear in the face of danger? It's because we are born with it.

"Why do we feel fear in the face of the unknown? It is because we are wary of its dangers, and we are wary of losing our precious lives...

"Before we were babies and knew there was fear, we would still instinctively show vigilance in the face of many things!"

Someone from the Fear Order immediately got up and tremblingly retorted:

"No, we already had fear when we were babies.

"Our ancestors ‘written’ it in their genes and passed it down from generation to generation.

"To put it simply, babies who don't know how to fear certain things can't survive at all in ancient times, and their genes can't be inherited..."

This time the theoretical level was a little higher... Jiang Baimian listened with relish, and a click sounded from her side from time to time.

Shang Jian Yao, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen were all quietly eating melon seeds.

Jiang Baimian's facial muscles moved a bit, and Yu also picked up a few melon seeds.

The debate gradually deepened, and she became more and more attentive. Afterwards, she forgot that she still had melon seeds in her hand, and Shang Jian Yao quietly and quietly passed a few of them.

Listening, Jiang Baimian suddenly felt that the vigilant hall became a little darker.

With a movement in her heart, she subconsciously raised her head and looked at the huge holy emblem ahead.

Behind the half-covered white door, in the deep darkness, the looming female figure seemed to be a little clearer, watching everyone.

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