Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 67: filter

Long Yuehong was still at a loss:

"What scare you away?"

Shang Jian Yao pushed the door and got out of the car, "hate that iron can't become steel" and explained:

"Didn't we notice that someone was spying on us in secret? After waiting for a while, the other party didn't come over.

"So, Da Bai wanted to pretend to sleep, lure him into attack, find a chance to catch him, and study his speciality, um, if he is really that special ‘higher unintentional person’.

"Who knew that you made your own plan and scared him away!"

When Shang saw Yao talking, Jiang Baimian also walked off the jeep.

"The group leader never said that..." Long Yuehong carefully recalled the previous situation, and turned his attention to Jiang Baimian for help.

He thought this was ridiculous. He was just bragging in front of Xiaobai, how could he scare away a "high-level unintentional person"?

If the other party really has the ability to "foresee", it shouldn't confuse the bragging plan with the real possible plan!

Although Bai Chen and Gnawa were puzzled just now, they seem to have come to their senses now.

Jiang Baimian has not answered yet, Shang Jianyao has said cheerfully:

"Contemplation! Understand, what is contemplation?

"What kind of person is Dabai, don't you know? It's full of stomach, uh, Qiqiao Linglongxin, how can it simply let go of the abnormality? Especially we all felt the secret gaze.

"You have to learn to understand what is meant by words, and have a silent understanding with us."

This is Shang Jian Yao, who loves to joke, or Shang Jian Yao, who is seeking novelty and novelty. He actually played the role of Xiaohong's elder and teacher... Jiang Baimian glared at Shang Jian Yao and cleared his throat:

"Don't listen, I just want to observe for a while before going to bed, lest there be any accidents."

It turned out that what he said was true... Team leader, you even cheated your own team members in order to deceive the enemy... Long Yuehong suddenly remembered what happened when she faced the mechanical monk's purification method.

At that time, Jiang Baimian planned a fake plan, deceived the mechanical monk Jingfa by deceiving the team members, and successfully ambushed him.

Seeing that Bai Chen also showed a reminiscence expression, Jiang Baimian hurriedly added:

"And there is no way to say it.

"Do you still remember the mechanical monk purification method? He showed excellent'listening' and mastered our'plans'. Besides, when we were trapped in the'Crystal Consciousness Sect' Sikkaluo Monastery, we didn't realize it. Have you ever seen what others have seen and heard what others have heard?

"According to my understanding of Buddhist scriptures, according to the Buddhist sacred places here, abnormalities should be related to this. I suspect that the ability of the special'higher unintentional person' is not'foresight', but'Tian Er Tong' and'Tian Eye Tong'. .

"Well, I mentioned from Xiaohong that Lao Ge can monitor around the clock. After I can sense the bioelectric signal, the secret gaze disappeared instantly and began to doubt."

"Yeah." Bai Chen and Gnawa agreed.

Long Yuehong thought about it seriously and found it to make sense.

So, the bull I was bragging just now was heard by the "higher unintentional person" and scared him away directly? Long Yuehong suddenly realized that he was amused.

However, he still has a little doubt:

"Team leader, that's just a ‘higher unintentional person’, why can he understand our words and understand the meaning? This is completely different from ‘foresight’ which can work through dangerous intuition."

Even if the "advanced unintentional ones" regain a certain level of intelligence, they should only be able to understand simpler words, just like those who followed Xiao Chong.

Jiang Baimian nodded gently and said:

"Since he is a special ‘higher unintentional person’, there must be a ‘special’ place. Maybe he is possessed by something, and the other party acts as a ‘translator’.”

"You can't underestimate the'higher unintentional ones.'" Shang Jianyao raised an injustice, "Xiao Chong's subordinates evolve again, maybe they can understand more complicated words."

I think it’s more likely that the team leader said that this place is not only a Buddhist holy place, but something has been possessed by Liu Lu...Long Yuehong muttered while expressing the corresponding content in a more tactful way.

Shang Jianyao, who had switched his personality, didn't insist on his opinion, but regretfully said:

"It's a pity, the trap didn't take effect and didn't catch him."

"Forget it, go to sleep." Jiang Baimian breathed out, "He shouldn't come back tonight."

On this point, the remaining members of the "Old Tune Team" have similar judgments.


There was nothing to say all night, and at 9:30 the next morning, the "old tune group" arrived at the Second Food Company of Tieshan City half an hour earlier.

The gate here is still in a collapsed state.

Jiang Baimian and others quickly searched the food company in a quarter of an hour and found that there was no difference from the situation yesterday.

Then, Shang Jianyao took out the restored medical records and the Little Jade Buddha in turn, and tried them, but it did not cause any changes.

"We really entered the illusion yesterday?" Jiang Baimian said regretfully, "Is this the purpose of'You Gu'?"

She and Long Yuehong and others sighed, Xu Datong and Li Shouyi's dark vehicle drove over.

"How about it, did you find it?" Xu Datong asked cordially and enthusiastically.

When others are enthusiastic, Shang Jian Yao is naturally more enthusiastic:


"But it doesn't exactly mean that we entered the illusion yesterday!"

Illusion... This is a good explanation... Jiang Baimian thought about it and said:

"We have caused a change in the illusion, so that the employee introduction column I mentioned before is completely reproduced..."

She told the original story of yesterday's experience, but concealed the little Jade Buddha and pushed all the problems to the illusion.

Finally, she guessed:

"The reason why we, but not you, encountered the illusion may be that we carry a medical record from the ruins of the United Steel Plant in Changhe City, which is another Buddhist sacred place."

"No wonder..." Xu Datong suddenly realized, "However, what you see in the fantasy world seems to be of little value."

Jiang Baimian first shared the contents of the medical record with the other party, and then said:

"We are looking for a connection between the two."

She didn't mention the speculation of her team last night, which was too shocking and lacking evidence.

"Thank you so much." Xu Datong said sincerely, "I don't know how we can help?"

Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

"You mentioned before that you have collected several hard drives from the ruins of Tieshan City, and restored the data inside. Some of the information that was sorted out to us before came from here. Can you copy the entire database to us now? ?"

"We have carefully selected the ones for you, and I think it's a bit useful. The rest are all miscellaneous and worthless." Xu Datong felt that it was meaningless.

Jiang Baimian cleared his throat and said with a smile:

"It's true that I still have the identity of a folklorist, who is very interested in the living environment of the old world, and the miscellaneous content is likely to contain details in this respect."

Xu Datong glanced at her, then laughed:

"All right."

He immediately asked a member of the "Salvation Army" in the car to take out a portable computer.

Gnarva did his part, and walked over with the "firewall" and "antivirus software" and copied all the information.

"Old Ge, do a few simple screenings of those data now." Jiang Baimian gave orders in front of Xu Da and his colleagues.

"The first key word is Changhe City." This time it was Shang Jianyao.

Similar screening, the "Old Tune Team" had done the information on Tieshan City that they had before, and everyone was very proficient.

"There are only a few business-related content, which is meaningless." Gnawa quickly gave the result.

Bai Chen said immediately:

"The second key word, Montis."

This is the name of the first owner of the "Ship Below the Ground". He once went to Tieshan City to participate in the bidding for the renovation of the old city, and awakened his ability in the field of "Bodhi" after the destruction of the old world.

"No," Gnawa replied.

"The third key word, foreign businessmen." Jiang Baimian thought for a while.

Gnawa quickly completed the search:

"There are several news reports from foreign chambers of commerce that do not involve Montis and the transformation of the old city."

Next, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "Old Tune Group" did more screenings using keywords such as "Old City Reconstruction", but they didn't get any results. Xu Datong and Li Shouyi watched them quite patiently.

As time flew, Jiang Baimian walked back and forth a few steps:

"Keywords, foreigners."

Gnawa started searching again.

After a few seconds, he said in a slightly synthetic voice:

"There is a discovery."

"What is it? Shang Jianyao surrounded him excitedly.

Gnawa looked up at Jiang Baimian and said:

"There is a post from a local forum in Tieshan City, with the subject of condemning unfair law enforcement.

"Someone mentioned in this post:

"Before, a foreigner drove without a license and rammed a pedestrian into a vegetative, but he was not sentenced and only lost a sum of money."

Did a foreigner drive without a license and knock a pedestrian into a vegetative? Long Yuehong's pupils dilated, and the hair on his back stood up instantly.

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