Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 82: "treatment"

In a meeting room for doctors in the lunatic asylum, Lauris sat across from the long table with one hand crossed and the other hand held vacantly before her mouth.

She recalled:

"Actually, Odick and I have known each other for less than two years. They were introduced by friends.

"He is a ‘senior hunter’. I know what it means. Before meeting him officially, I thought he would be arrogant or rude, but that’s not the case."

Shang Jian Yao, Jiang Baimian and others didn't interrupt, watching Lauris move the hand that put the virtual grip on her mouth to the ear, and straightened the hair that fell from the temples.

Her tone became soft unconsciously:

"He is very polite, not the kind of politeness that pretends to be on the surface, but the kind of courtesy that truly respects a person...

"He has enough insight, experience and strength, no matter what he does, he is calm and confident, methodical, calm and unhurried, and can solve almost everything that I find quite difficult, making people rely on him unconsciously and trust him...

"He is very gentle, not the kind of gentleness that he says. He remembers every hobby I have, and he knows what I don't like and hate. He always arranges everything to my liking before I notice it...

"If it were not for his own confirmation, I would never believe that he has been a relic hunter for more than ten years, wandering in the wilderness for a long time, and killed many robbers...

"He is very proud of being a dream watcher and feels that he is contributing to the continuation of the entire human race...

"He likes children very much. We plan to have children next year. As citizens of the'First City', he can get maternity subsidies...

"He hates irritating tastes, especially things that smell like vinegar...

"He is very responsible and never shirks...

"He kept his promise and promised me not to take dangerous tasks again. After going to dangerous places, he really never did it again..."

While speaking, Lauris's eyes were a little open, and a smile appeared on her face.

Shang Jianyao spread out a black soft leather notebook in front of him, and brushed it with an absorbent fountain pen to record his words.

When the other party finished speaking, he said:

"You can talk about some of the details when you get along."

Lauris hesitated for a while before continuing to recall:

"Although he is a'senior hunter', the money and supplies he has saved over the years are not too much, because there are many really difficult believers in their sect, and he is always willing to help.

"Before getting married, he was worried that I would mind this, and he specially took me to meet those people and learn about their lives.

"Although my parents had a decent job in the city at the beginning, I didn't know anything. In the neighbors around me, people often lost their lives because of'intentional illness', wars, robbers and various diseases, which led to the whole The family became impoverished, and several of my childhood playmates lost their whereabouts.

"I remember that day, I said I understand you and I am willing to support you. As long as you don’t sacrifice your family and yourself for this, I will not only accept it, but will also help you. He was so excited that he hugged me tightly, as if To melt me ​​into his body..."

Lauris recalled section by section, making Odick's image more clear and three-dimensional in the minds of Jiang Baimian and others.

Finally, Shang Jian Yao stopped recording, smiling Lauris and said:

"What you described is of great help to follow-up treatment. I will try it now.

"Of course, you have to avoid it, so as not to irritate him."

"Good." Lauris nodded expectantly.

The five members of the "Old Tune Team" returned to the third floor and back to Odick's ward.

The mad "senior hunter" noticed movement outside, and rushed behind the iron gate again, through the small cavity, shouting loudly:

"Let me out! Let me out!"

Pong Pong Pong, his sound of tapping the iron gate is endless.

When Odick calmed down a bit, Shang Jianyao looked into his eyes with deep gaze, and said in a deep and mellow voice:

"You are Odick, a'senior hunter', you are very polite, not the kind of politeness that pretends to be on the surface, but the kind of courtesy that truly respects a person...

"You have enough insight, experience and strength. No matter what you do, you are calm and confident, methodical, calm and unhurried. You can solve almost everything that others find quite difficult. People rely on you unconsciously and trust you..."

He repeated Lauris's words almost exactly the same, only slightly added additional descriptions in some places, and modified the personal pronouns.

When Shang saw Yao's voice echoed, Odick calmed down completely, listening with a slightly blank look in his eyes.

And Long Yuehong and Bai Chen finally understood what Shang Jianyao's so-called treatment method was:

"Thinking implantation"!

Jiang Baimian watched in silence, without trying to stop it.

"You are the dream watcher of the'Dawn Morning Star'. You are fighting danger in your dreams and guarding human beings... The way you express your fierce feelings for your wife is to hold each other tightly... You plan to have a child next year... …You will not attack your relatives, friends, and innocents, nor will you use your abilities against them unless they threaten your life..." After some time, Shang Jian Yao finally completed the retelling and weaving. The way to have so many details.

Odick's eyes gradually cleared behind the iron gate, and he sighed slowly:

"I'm sorry to trouble you.

"I didn't expect to see you again in this state. Ever since I left Wild Grass City, I have never been there again."

I'm going... Odick remembers us? Although he was crazy before, his memory was not damaged? Long Yuehong looked stunned.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"This world is always full of accidents, so don't worry too much.

"The one you need most comfort is your wife. She has been suffering for you all day and is constantly seeking a cure for you."

Odick nodded:

"I am very guilty of this."

"It's okay if you understand." Shang Jian Yao turned his body and shouted loudly:

"Mrs. Lauris, you can come here!"

In just a few seconds, there were rapid footsteps on the stairs.

Lauris, wearing dark culottes, hurried over with a quick trot.

She looked at Odick behind the iron gate and noticed the gentleness on his face.

"Oh, honey, are you really all right?" Lauris raised her hands and covered her mouth.

Her eyes turned red uncontrollably, and her emotions became very agitated.

Odick replied softly:

"Sorry, I worried you.

"I will pay attention in the future, and I will no longer be aggressive in the face of nightmares.

"I understand that I am no longer alone."

Lauris's tears flowed down:

"It's okay, it's okay, you can do it when you are done! I, I will go to the doctor, let him come to see and confirm!"

She was afraid that it was a sweet dream, and she would wake up if she pierced it.

Dancing, Lauris ran to the doctor's office.

Long Yuehong glanced at her back, then at Odick, suspecting that the latter was really no longer crazy.

He couldn't help but asked:

"What did you see in the nightmare?"

Odick's expression was distorted behind the iron gate, and his eyes became hollow.

He muttered to himself:

"There is a person on the left and a person on the right, with a small picture frame in the middle.

"You have a big eye and a small eye. You are not a good person. I will help you to remove them."

After repeating it twice, Odick's eyes swept to Shang Jian Yao and others at the door.

He suppressed the abnormal expression and said sincerely:

"Sorry, I can't provide you with valid clues."

This is very polite and calm enough.

Long Yuehong stared and listened blankly, unable to speak.

Inexplicably, he felt that the wind in the corridor was full of coolness.

At this time, Shang Jianyao responded to Odick.

He raised his arms, raised his body slightly, and looked at the void and said:

"Illusive dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the stairs without looking back.

Even though he ran into Lauris who was bringing the doctor along, he didn't stop.


In the jeep, Shang Jian Yao sat on the left side of the back row and remained silent for a long time.

Long Yuehong glanced at the sky and said:

"Where to go now?"

Jiang Baimian had a belly draft~www.readwn.com~ calmly said:

"Go around the Golden Apple District and the Red Giant Wolf District a few times, and then go to the place where Xiao Chong rented before and find a safe house.

"I won't go back to the Green Olive District tonight, I hope to get rid of the attention of the'nightmare'."

"Good." Bai Chen felt this was very safe.

The Jeep drove for a while, and Gnawa patted Shang Jianyao on the shoulder, and offered his own suggestions:

"Actually, you don't need to worry so much. You can collect more information and build an Odick behavior database through me.

"In this way, after re-entering, you can deal with most situations."

When Shang Jian Yao finished listening quietly, he suddenly laughed.

He opened his arms again, raised his body slightly, and said with a smile:

"Illusive dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

PS: Ask for monthly pass at the end of the month~

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