Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Exhaustive

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Jiang Baimian was speechless and could only point to the front:


She drove the rented car to the bottom of the alley, and then found someone there for Shang Jian Yao to inquire.

It was confirmed that the man wearing sunglasses had appeared in this alley in recent days, turning right at the bottom every time.

When Shang Jian Yao returned to the car, Jiang Baimian turned the steering wheel to the right.

But when the vehicle entered another street, she did not rush to pursue it, but slowed down until she found a place to stop.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Baimian picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Hey, what's the difference between the two people I asked before?"

"No." Long Yuehong's voice came through the walkie-talkie, "They are all normal, doing their own things, no one is trying to transmit information outside."

"Very good." Jiang Baimian praised, "Don't we still have some cameras? Find a place to install them to monitor these two targets on your behalf."

After putting down the walkie-talkie, she restarted the car and tracked down the street.

On the way, Shang Jianyao got off the car several times to find someone to ask questions. Although most of the time was in vain, only relying on a few useful "witnesses", they still locked the whereabouts of the man with black sunglasses.

On the other side, a small team composed of Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Gnawa secretly observed the people in this area, including but not limited to those who had been questioned by Shang Jianyao, and those who could hear the dialogue and see the scene around.

Almost an hour later, the small car rented by the "Old Tune Team" was parked near a six-story old building.

Sitting in the driving position, Jiang Baimian looked there and recalled whether he had misjudged the direction along the way.

After confirming that she was correct, she pointed to the dilapidated building road commonly seen in the Green Olive District:

"From the current intelligence, the target lives here.

"The specific floor and room are still subject to further investigation."

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while and said:

"You really are not lost."

Jiang Baimian deliberately refuted, but couldn't find strong enough words.

Shang Jianyao cast his eyes on the side car window and made his own suggestions:

"I will ask when someone comes out."

Jiang Baimian didn't answer immediately, and said after a while:

"Don't hurry."

She turned her head to look at Shang Jianyao:

"Don't you think it's too easy to find?"

Before the action today, she always thought that she could only gain something this time, and she found some clues, who knew she had directly locked the place where the target lived.

The honest Shang Jian Yao smiled and said:

"Maybe he didn't know that Odick was repeating the scenes he saw in the nightmare even if he was crazy. He didn't know that Old Ge could directly find his eyes big and small through the sunglasses.

"Without these two premises, even if he appears directly in front of us, we would not think he has any problems.

"In this case, who is so tired to do so many things to cover up whereabouts?"

I will do... Jiang Baimian replied in his heart, and said helplessly:

"Basic anti-tracking still needs to be done."

"You have to tell him that." Shang Jian Yao said with a hand.

Jiang Baimian glanced at this guy:

"In short, you can't go up so recklessly.

"Well... let's observe the outside for a period of time."

She picked up the walkie-talkie again:

"Old Ge, install all the remaining cameras around the target building to monitor the situation here.

"Xiaohong, Xiaobai, you are three hundred meters away, within the signal reception range, find another rental house.

"The initial monitoring period for this time is three days."

After giving the order, Jiang Baimian looked at Shang Jianyao again:

"Why don't you object?"

Shang Jian Yao raised his hand and rubbed his chin, and said with a smile:

"This is the most reasonable and prudent process. Why should I object?

"The one I just proposed has been subdued by the other me."

The reckless one is controlled? Jiang Baimian is not only fortunate, but also feels the way of getting along with Shang Jian Yao is breathtaking.

After the concealed busyness of Gnawa and others, the "old tune team" used high-tech products to arrange the monitoring of the target building.

They then withdrew into a rented house 900 meters away in a straight line.

——Within this range, Gnawa can act as a temporary base station, using wireless transmission to access surveillance videos in a timely manner.

"How are you doing now?" After settling down, Jiang Baimian asked Genawah.

Gnawa responded like a machine:

"The signal transmission is normal, and no picture worthy of attention has been found so far."

"It's a bit power-consuming," the honest Shang Jian Yao helped add.

"Yes." Gnawa put the previously used high-performance battery into the charger.

Long Yuehong watched him do this, and hesitated and said:

"To monitor for three days?

"Is this too, too cautious?"

Jiang Baimian shook his head and smiled:

"In the face of a'nightmare', you can't be too cautious."

She immediately looked around, narrowed her smile and said:

"Do you remember the two questions I asked Lauris when I went to Odick's house?"

"Ask if it's the home of her and Odick, or if Odick is going crazy there..." Bai Chen said, suddenly silent, as if thinking of something.

Jiang Baimian nodded to her and said:

"Odick's home is in the Red Wolf district, and it's not close to the Green Olive district.

"From there, the straight-line distance to the rental house where we had a'nightmare' was more than five kilometers.

"This shows what?

"It shows that the'Nightmare' attacked us and caused Boss Hugo to die, but it also affected Odick five kilometers away or even further away, causing him to go crazy.

"This shows that the coverage of'Nightmare' has reached at least five kilometers!"

What a terrifying influence this is!

Long Yuehong didn't think about this problem at all before. After being spotted by Jiang Baimian, he took a breath and took ten seconds to digest the situation.

He said worriedly:

"The company really thinks we can try it?"

Shang Jian Yao, the strongest in the group, has no more than two hundred meters of influence at present!

A smile appeared on Jiang Baimian's face:

"No, you should think like this:

"Such a horrible'nightmare' actually needs to send someone to the place we rented before to find clues on the spot, instead of doing it in a more concealed way a few kilometers away. This shows that'it' is likely to be subject to considerable restrictions."

"That's right..." Long Yuehong woke up.

This also shows that the greater probability that the "old tune group" needs to fight is the minions of the "nightmare", rather than the "it" itself.

Papa, Shang Jian Yao clapped.

Bai Chen asked another question:

"Since the'Nightmare' can make Odick in the Red Giant Wolf District go crazy, why are the residents of the Green Olive District only the residents of the Green Olive District who have the collective dream, not including the people near the Red Giant Wolf District?"

Jiang Baimian said in a guessing tone:

"Maybe the dream defense line of'Dawn Morning Star' is over there?

"This can be confirmed with them later."

"Hmm." Long Yuehong felt that this was indeed the most reasonable explanation.

Jiang Baimian flipped his wrist and looked at the electronic watch, then looked around:

"While we are free now, let's make some plans."

"Good." Bai Chen and Long Yuehong responded quickly.

This is the routine process of the daily actions of the "old-tone team". As long as there is time and time, they will make some plans for the various developments of the matter.

Of course, limited by energy, manpower, resources, and the contradictions between different plans, they can only choose the largest possible ones to prepare.

Shang Jian Yao took out the pen he was carrying and sniffed it as a pipe.

He looked at Jiang Baimian, thinking and asking:

"Even if we treat the current location of the target residence as a trap and make a targeted plan, we still lack sufficient intelligence to refine it."

Yeah yeah...Long Yuehong agreed in her heart.

Jiang Baimian smiled slightly:

"This will be discussed later.

"Let's first assume that the minion of the'Nightmare', the man wearing black sunglasses, is a very powerful awakener himself, at least at the level of the'corridor of mind'."

"This does not need to be assumed, I think it is." Long Yuehong said his own point of view.

He believes that since the other party can become a "nightmare" minion and has appeared in a dream, the level will definitely not be too low.

"The probability is more than ninety percent." Genawa found a mathematical model and gave the results of the calculation.

Jiang Baimian smiled and asked the question:

"So, what field will he be in?"

Seeing the thoughtful expressions of Bai Chen and others, Jiang Baimian shook his head and said:

"It is difficult to make effective guesses because we have almost no intelligence support.

"Why don't you work harder, use the exhaustive method, substitute the other party's behavior to analyze, and choose the most suitable for the current situation or the most likely threat to our guess to formulate the plan.

"For example, if he is an awakened person in the ‘Spirit Corridor’ of the ‘Bodhi’ realm in January, how would he deal with the task given by the ‘Nightmare’, how would he find out where we are, and where might the price be expressed?”

Shang Jianyao stroked his chin with a pen and said:

"In similar matters, the choices made by'Fate Tong','Tian Eye Tong','Tian Er Tong' and'Tai Xin Tong' are different."

Long Yuehong nodded, then agreed and continued:

"If the person who possesses the ‘Fate Link’ is equivalent to the awakened person in the ‘Last Man’ realm who can look through the memory, these two situations can be dealt with together.

"If I had the similar ability ~www.readwn.com~ to track down the whereabouts of some people, I would definitely not let the surrounding residents go. I would definitely read the memory directly and look for the corresponding ‘image’.

"At that time, the disguise we did was different from now, but the Jeep did not repaint it later. It is not ruled out that some people have seen us come out of the Jeep.

"And tracking the memory of this jeep, um, we didn't deliberately go around the unmanned streets halfway, then, then..."

Having said this, Long Yuehong paused for a moment, and shouted in a slightly horrified voice:

"He should be able to find the room we rented again in the Red Wolf district!

"After that, I followed the vine and persisted, and there is a high probability of tracking here!"


As soon as Long Yuehong's voice fell, she suddenly felt terribly quiet outside the room.

The streets shining in the afternoon sun seem to be no one passing by.

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