Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Layer by layer

"Du Heng..."

The name Jiang Baimian uttered seemed to contain magic, and the members of the "old-tune group" in the room lost their ability to speak.

Before that, they had never thought that they would see Du Heng's name in a Buddhist shrine located in the remains of the city.

There shouldn't be any relationship between the two.

After ten seconds, Shang Jianyao said sincerely:

"Teacher Du Heng really is a person who has lived from the old world to the present!"

He looked proud and proud, and he didn't know that he thought it was his teacher.

"The appearance age is nothing like..." Long Yuehong murmured.

Du Heng seems to be in his forties, and the destruction of the old world has been nearly 70 years, even though he was a child prodigy when he participated as a special guest in the genetic research academic lecture jointly organized by the Holm Reproductive Medical Center and the North Company. It's definitely over eighty now.

Bai Chen organized the next language:

"Could it be just the same name with the same last name, or with the same pronunciation and different characters?"

"With the strength and speciality of Teacher Du Heng, Zhu Yan's skill is a completely acceptable explanation." Jiang Baimian said carefully, "a character like him, in the old world, has a name and a surname, but it conforms to my imagination."

This is a mysterious existence chasing the suspected "king of the unintentional" Xiao Chong running around. He has experienced the destruction of the old world is simply the most logical guess.

Moreover, he has many old friends, such as the "Buddhist Body" of the "Crystal Consciousness Sect".

"If it is really Teacher Du Heng, we should have asked him about the cause of the destruction of the old world and the origin of the'unintentional disease'." Long Yuehong sighed with regret.

The honest Shang Jian Yao made a sneer:

"Did you forget? Teacher Du Heng said that he lost a lot of memory."

"He chose to be a scholar of antiquities, and he might not have the idea of ​​retrieving that part of his memory." Jiang Baimian agreed with Shang Jianyao's words, feeling that this and Du Heng's self-proclaimed can form a logical chain.

At this time, Bai Chen remembered something, and while alerting to possible accidents, he asked:

"In what capacity did Teacher Du Heng attend that academic lecture?"

Jiang Baimian shook his head slowly:

"do not know.

"He is the only special guest who does not have a red river name, and does not indicate his identity or position."

Even those with government backgrounds have very legitimate titles on the surface.

"It's really mysterious!" Shang Jianyao showed obvious envy.

"Is there anything else to follow?" Long Yuehong felt that Du Heng's origins should not be discussed in detail at this time, and why he should attend such an academic lecture on the frontiers of genetic research.

On the one hand, there is a lack of effective clues. On the other hand, the "Old Tune Team" is in the Wasteland No. 13, where time is equal to life, and such waste cannot be tolerated.

Jiang Baimian turned the last page of the document:

"After the special guests is the place for academic lectures, on the fourth floor of this small building, meeting room 3.

"Nothing else."

Before the team members responded, Jiang Baimian sighed:

"It seems necessary to go there and do a search."

Although under normal circumstances, after an academic lecture is over, the relevant conference room will definitely be cleaned up and there are other arrangements, but at that time, it is not a few days before the destruction of the old world. Jiang Baimian looks forward to Holm Reproductive Medicine The staff in the center did not clean up thoroughly, and there were clues or traces left.

After speaking, she pointed to the desk drawer and said:

"Come here and help look through the remaining documents and strive for a quick decision."

Now that Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong have completed their tasks, of course their labor must be used rationally to save precious time.

After more than ten minutes of searching and looking through it, the "Old Tune Team" finally confirmed that there was no other investigative material in the office belonging to the director of the center.

"To see the names of Lin Sui and Teacher Du Heng on such a document, our trip is worth the fare." Jiang Baimian was not disappointed at all.

Compared with the kind of team that has been exploring the ruins of the city for many years and can't find any effective clues, the "old-tuned team" is completely lucky.

As Jiang Baimian stuffed the document into his tactical backpack and picked up the individual combat rocket launcher on the ground, Long Yuehong turned to the window and set up a posture of "snooping" inside.

Zen Master Pudu saw Yao calmly and sat down cross-legged, turning around the "Six Pearls of Consciousness", and reciting the contents of the medical record in the ruins of the steel factory.

After completing this "ceremony", he took out the Little Jade Buddha.

Still no change occurred.

"There is no destiny..." Shang Jianyao's words are always inexplicable.

After he sighed, he put away the little jade Buddha and the restored medical records, and the "old tune team" slowly evacuated the room and searched other places on the same floor.

In this way, they went up layer by layer, and finally reached the top floor, which is the fourth floor, without much gain on the way.

Of course, this is mainly because they don't look down on it. They changed into an ordinary relic hunter team to enter here, looking at everything is worth money, and looking at everything, they want to move.

After making a slight distinction, Bai Chen pointed to the diagonally forward:

"That is conference room 3."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shang Jian Yao took out a piece of paper and unfolded it.

There are nine patterns painted on it, corresponding to different ages.

The heavens hold the year to bless the picture.

Shang Jianyao pushed the picture out and held it there, lowering his head and fell into silence.

After a few seconds, he finally made a sound:

"Everyone, please protect me."

When praying, it is best not to wear the "Six Consciousness Beads", otherwise, I am afraid that only the "mandala" of the old age in September will appreciate you, and you did not draw a symbol to represent him... Jiang Baimian couldn't help it. Belly slandered.

When Shang Jianyao put away the blessing of the heavens, Long Yuehong asked with curiosity:

"Why don't you use the corresponding prayers for every clinging year? What is'dreams everywhere, why be serious', what is'always to stay forever', and what is'new life as the sun, life is the heaviest'?"

Shang Jianyao sighed, and said in embarrassment:

"Who is in front and who is behind?

"This is a very serious question, and I'm afraid they will fight because of it."

"Can you come by month?" Bai Chen gave a suggestion.

Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up:

"Yeah! Why didn't I expect it?

"Then I will do it again!"

He also wanted to take out the picture of Zhutian Responsible Years and Blessing.

"Stop!" Jiang Baimian stopped his time-wasting behavior.

Then, she passed Bai Chen and Long Yuehong, and walked to the 3rd meeting room first.

Shang Jian Yao craned her neck and looked at it, disappointed that she did not go to the wrong door.

Conference Room No. 3 is quite large and is still arranged to hold academic lectures. The front is a huge projection screen and a speech platform on the side. Below are rows of seats and projectors.

It is a pity that there is no piece of paper here, not even black blood, as if even the "unintentional" had never been here after the destruction of the old world.

Jiang Baimian sighed secretly, but still issued the order according to the process:

"Search an area separately."

Upon hearing this, Shang Jian Yao walked directly to the front of the conference room, patted the projection screen lightly, and asked in a soft voice:

"You have worked so hard for so many years, what happened in the first place?

"Did you invite any amazing people in that academic lecture?"

He was like asking an old friend.

Not surprisingly, the projection screen did not answer him.

If the projection screen can speak, the first sentence must be "insanity"!

Jiang Baimian wanted to raise his hand to cover his face, but due to his left hand holding a single-soldier battle rocket launcher, his right arm was in a state of paralysis and could not be implemented at all.

She could only pretend that nothing happened, and just checked the corners, behind the door, and some seats in the afternoon sunlight shining through the window.

As a result, there was no doubt, and the "old tune group" found nothing.

They immediately searched other rooms on this floor, but still did not get any valuable clues.

Jiang Baimian did not forget to let Shang Jianyao recite the medical records and display the Jade Buddha, but this Buddhist shrine seems to be really different from the previous two places.

"It feels too, too normal, too ordinary." Long Yuehong expressed his opinion at the top of the fourth floor of the stairs.

As a Buddhist holy land, too normal is the biggest abnormality.

In Changhe City United Iron and Steel Plant and Tieshan City No. 2 Food Company, there are more or less "abnormalities" hidden!

Bai Chen pursed his mouth and said:

"But we have already searched, and we have tried all the methods that should be tried."

"No." Shang Jian Yao raised his chin and asked with a smile, "Don't you think there is something missing here?"

Bai Chen's expression was a little dazed, and after thinking for a few seconds, there was still no answer.

Jiang Baimian coughed lightly:

"Along the way, we have not seen a warehouse of frozen reproductive materials.

"This is essential for a reproductive medical center that can treat infertility ~www.readwn.com~."

As employees of "Pangu Bio", they are always sensitive enough to similar things.

Long Yuehong suddenly realized:

"This...this is underground?

"We haven't been to the negative one yet!"

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded, "Go now."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly turned her side and looked at the French window in the opposite room:

"There is a relatively strong bioelectric signal!"

But it does not belong to human beings.

Long Yuehong was startled, and immediately felt a strong fear.

This is like the essence, holding his heart tightly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a huge black shadow slapped on the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It was a thick bucket python with cold eyes, round and big, as if filled with blood.

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