Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 124: He has to thank us

Green olive district, Antana Street, a shop converted from a dilapidated warehouse.

Gnawa, wearing a long cloak, followed Jiang Baimian and the others into it.

It is filled with electronic components in various ways, messy as if the ruins of a bombed city.

The boss is from Honghe, sitting behind a tattered table, repairing the walkie-talkie with different tools.

Feeling the shadow enveloping him, he raised his head and looked at the door, his eyes quickly falling on Bai Chen's face.

"What parts do you want this time?" the boss with a pale yellow beard asked, "You haven't been there for two years, have you?"

"More than that." Bai Chen simply responded, and then went straight to the subject, "Are there any robots that are broken or not repaired?"

The boss' eyes lit up:

"You have found an expert in this area and want to make a fortune by repairing the robot?"

Robots that are completely broken and poorly repaired can only be sold as electronic components. If the situation is better, they can be sold for one or two thousand ores. In the case of serious damage, two or three hundred ores may not be recovered, and it is highly likely that they can be recycled. It is quite cheap to sell scrap iron and steel.

The repaired combat robots are priceless products in the entire "Early City" sphere of influence, and they are much more expensive than the original "old tune group" purchasing military exoskeleton devices.

This kind of absolutely reliable and powerful companion who is immune to many influences is the "dream lover" of all relic hunters. If you can get it, you want one, and the more the better.

Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong didn't interrupt, and handed the stage to Bai Chen, who is most familiar with this place.

Bai Chen replied calmly:

"That's right.

"A gentleman is buying broken robots and wants to research their parts through disassembly and develop a new model by himself. His bid is higher than most people on the market. I want to come to you to try my luck."

"Which powerful person?" The boss put down the walkie-talkie and tools in his hands.

If you are not a member of a big force, even if you get a new type of combat robot, you can't make a profit in mass production.

If you want to assemble all kinds of electronic components by yourself, maybe you may not be able to get them in two or three years.

"I don't care which big power person it is, I only care about the price he bids." Bai Chen's expression did not change.

The boss stood up and mumbled a few words:

"This reminds me of a saying in the old world: arms dealers who don't sell weapons to hostile forces are not good arms dealers.

"On Antana Street, I have seen several people killed by their customers. I hope you are not the next."

He picked up the greasy cloth, wiped his greasy hands, and walked to the door leading to the rear area.

Here belongs to the pattern of the front store and the back warehouse.

Jiang Baimian and others followed closely.

Compared with the chaos outside, the warehouse is unexpectedly neat, with different electronic components and different old world electrical appliances placed in different places.

Looking at it, Long Yuehong actually saw two robot bodies.

One of their bodies is nearly fragmented, with many missing parts, one has a hole in the chest, and the rest are still intact, but the metal skeleton appears slender, and the whole is quite "slender".

"You are lucky." The boss pointed to the two robot bodies. "Recent hunters just came back from Scarlet Wasteland and packaged them and sold them to me.

"One is a robot that specializes in repairing power grids, which can be transformed into an all-rounder, uh, I mean the all-rounder in the repair field..."

"Can humans be repaired?" Shang Jianyao asked curiously.

The boss thought about it seriously:

"it should be OK.

"A robot with a wrench, a height of 1.9 meters and a full body of iron, can't beat an ordinary human?"

"At least five." Shang Jianyao helped to calculate.

"Moreover, its main module does not restrict it to use submachine guns, assault rifles, and grenade guns. As long as it can be repaired, it is still a very popular companion." As a businessman, the boss first praised his genius, "It is now The problem is that the damage is too serious, and there are too many parts that need to be replaced or repaired, including the main chip."

Isn't this a waste product... Jiang Baimian muttered in his heart.

The boss then introduced another machine:

"This is a maid-type robot with a high degree of artificial intelligence, but it has no attack module. It is said that before the destruction of the old world, they will be covered with artificial leather when they leave the factory, and their appearance looks very close to our humans.

"This damage is fine, but the main chip was bombed out..."

The boss's voice became quieter, and it seemed that he couldn't pass his conscience by saying that.

For a robot, the main chip is the component with the highest technological content, the most irreplaceable, and the most difficult to repair.

After a pause, the boss became confident:

"Anyway, you are selling them to others for research. These two models can broaden his horizons and enrich his knowledge base."

"It makes sense." Shang Jian Yao clapped.

Bai Chen nodded:

"Make a price."

The boss smiled:

"That repair robot is 1,500 Ore. It is very popular, and many electronic components can also be used on other robots.

"That maid robot 800 Olei, really, it is very cheap, even if it is disassembled into electronic components and sold, I can take back 700 Olei at least. If you stay with me, maybe it will be 1,000."

Touching the "wallet" which is not thick, Jiang Baimian grumbled:

"The level of artificial intelligence is very high..."

She was looking at Gnawa in a cloak and whispered.

Gnawa nodded slowly.

Although the maid robot has no functions, it only lacks the main chip. At that time, install the spare chip carrying the "source brain" clone up, repair the surrounding wiring, and change the battery compartment. Attempt to activate.

After hearing the group leader's hint, Bai Chen, who saw Gnawa's actions, began to bargain.

In the end, the "Old Tune Team" bought the maid robot at the price of 720 Ole.

As Jiang Baimian stuffed the banknotes to Bai Chen, he muttered to himself:

"It's time to apply for new funding..."

The exploration of the wasteland No. 13 ruins can be reported upwards, indicating that the previous financial expenses have been implemented.

The only thing Jiang Baimian needs to consider is how to inform the company of the secret laboratory's problems without involving Gnawa.


In the Red Wolf district, in the apartment rented by the "Old Tune Team".

Shang Jianyao solemnly pressed the start switch.

Then, he stepped back two steps, and stood side by side with Jiang Baimian and the others watching the silver-gray maid robot.

A red light quickly appeared in the maid robot's eyes, and after a flicker, it moved its head from side to side.

"This..." It made a soft female voice.

Jiang Baimian wanted to say congratulations, but finally chose to smile.

The maid robot's speech speed suddenly increased:

"Why don't you have any weapon modules?

"There are not many useful modules...

"Only sweeping, mopping, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning windows..."

I don't know if it is an illusion, Long Yuehong always feels that the "source brain" clone in front of him is much more humanized than in the laboratory, and there are signs of emotional breakdown.

He guessed there are two reasons for this:

One is that the "source brain" clone is completely separated from the main body and is no longer under control, and the corresponding core modules are gradually developing in the direction of humanization. The second is that this maid robot has a very good carrying capacity for artificial intelligence.

Jiang Baimian, who had already finished the draft, took a breath, took a step forward, and said with a smile:

"This is a stopgap measure."

When the red light in the eyes of the maid robot fell on her, she sincerely explained:

"As you know, it is very, very difficult to get good combat robots in the first city. UU reading www.uukānshu.com for one or two years, or even three or four years, may not be possible.

"For such a long time, even if we are willing to abide by our promises and actively fulfill our contracts, we can't stand the chance of accidents.

"You also know what our mission is. If we don't have time to find a suitable body for you in the ruins of death, wouldn't you be completely finished?"

"Bah, baah, Tong Yan Wuji, the wind blows away!" The honest Shang Jian Yao looked disgusted.

Jiang Baimian glared at him and saw that the maid robot had "calmed down", and smiled again:

"So, we first quickly found you a body that can carry that chip, and then you can upgrade it as you want, without relying on others, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water and drought, and relying on yourself is the kingly way.

"Look, we have also prepared an extra grenade launcher for you. Gnawa has already studied it. You can install it with a little modification."

The maid robot's eyes flickered with red light, and she stretched out her silver-gray metal palm:

"What you said really makes sense.

"Thank you for keeping your promise."

Several members of the "Old Tune Group" all quietly breathed a sigh of relief, including Gnawa.

Jiang Baimian then stretched out his left hand and shook the opponent.

The maid robot retracted its metal palm and said with relief:

"I will now tell Gnarva how to clear the remaining information.

"By the way, from now on, please call me ‘Alpha’, this will be everything."

ps: This time I set up a salon in Hainan, and by the way I also set up a writer training class. I finally couldn't hide from their lecturer class for a year. Today I have to talk for three hours. It’s miserable, and then I pay it in the evening. There was a live broadcast of the reading and video account, so smiled, asked for a chapter of leave, and there was no change in the evening.

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