Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 142: bill

This time, Long Yuehong didn't ask why, because he could also see that this matter was not that simple.

If there were only two inner ghosts stealing some military supplies, the "Salvation Army" would not pay such attention to it. They would send telegrams to various border settlements and key outposts, describing the looks, height, and clothing of the wanted object, and clearly pointed out the needs. It’s almost the same as the recovered materials. After a while, if someone drops in and fills in the wanted order with photos, there is no need to send multiple groups of specialized personnel to carry documents to different border settlements and key outposts one by one. notify.

"What could it be?" Bai Chen whispered to himself as he drove.

Shang Jianyao guessed with great interest:

"Military exoskeleton device? A secret weapon excavated by the Salvation Army, or a secret weapon developed by itself?"

"Is there such a possibility that military supplies are just a cover, an excuse that was stolen by something else?" Gnawa's eyes flashed red.

Jiang Baimian made a nasal sound:

"Do not rule out this possibility.

"Oh, don't guess, if you don't have any clues, isn't it the same as making up your own story?"

"Yes, yes!" Shang Jianyao echoed.

He immediately refuted himself:

"Doesn't it make sense to make up stories?"

"Hey, I have read too many old world entertainment materials and have a rich vocabulary." Jiang Baimian didn't care too much about the group members discussing or not, anyway, I was idle.

In this way, they took less than one and a half hours along the increasingly smooth road, completely out of Yunshan, into a vast and vast wilderness overgrown with weeds.

At this time, Ding Ling slowed down and waited until the Jeep of the "Old Tune Team" was level with him, then opened the window and said:

"It will take at least eight hours to go to Wubei. We will find a settlement to rest and leave tomorrow morning. Isn't it okay?"

"No." Jiang Baimian shook his head first, and then asked in confusion, "Only eight hours?"

She has seen high-precision maps of the old world and studied the crude maps drawn by hunters of the relics of the current era. She feels that the distance from here to Wubei is about the same as that from Yecaocheng to Redstone. It is not uncommon to have a bad weather and frequent disasters, and it is necessary to take a long detour.

Perceiving Xue Shiyue's surprise, Ding Ling glanced at the road ahead and explained with a little pride:

"In the first 20 years of the new calendar, we completely repaired the main road from Wubei to Yunshan, and it has been maintained over the years.

"From here to Wubei, except for a few places where the pollution is serious and there are more problems, you need to go around. At other times, you can drive along the road.

"Li Ziren, one of the founders of our'Salvation Army,' once said that food is the blood, industry is the bone, and the road is the nerve that connects all of these."

Hey, Shang Jianyao clapped vigorously.

Jiang Baimian also truly felt the different qualities of the "Salvation Army" and other forces.

Although they are considered to have fallen, they are far better than big forces such as the "First City" on the road to reconstruction.

In those places, there are often similar words:

"Anyway, many roads left over from the old world can barely be opened. Some places can't be detoured a little bit?"

"How can there be so many supplies to repair roads? Get more high-chassis vehicles, and the wilderness is not impossible to drive!"

"I'm also afraid that if the road is too well built, it will be more convenient for slaves to run!"

To this day, only the inner streets of the major settlements and the roads leading to the surrounding manors in the "Initial City" have been rebuilt and maintained from time to time. Other places, including wilderness outposts and border settlements, are mainly dependent on the old world. The legacy and fairly flat wilderness.

Coupled with the existence of large contaminated areas, unmanned areas, dangerous areas and the impact of extreme weather, the time cost of people's travel has risen sharply.

"It deserves to be the'Salvation Army'!" Jiang Baimian also praised.

It can be seen that Ding Ling and her subordinates are quite happy about it.

Regardless of whether they have fallen or not, they are quite proud of and empathetic to the past actions and achievements of the "Salvation Army".

At about three in the afternoon, two vehicles arrived at a settlement.

This was re-established around a farm in the old world, and beyond the high walls, large tracts of fields were lush, waiting to be transformed into golden.

Relying on the aura of the senior soldier of Ding Ling's "Salvation Army" and the captain of the border settlement, Jiang Baimian and the others entered the settlement directly without a pass and letter of introduction, and followed to the oil depot located in a remote place.

Ding Ling got out of the car and took out a rolled white handkerchief from somewhere inside the black uniform.

She carefully unfolded the handkerchief, revealing stacks of small plastic cards of different colors inside.

"This is a 50-liter fuel ticket..." After searching briefly, Ding Ling twisted out a small light yellow plastic card.

Jiang Baimian noticed that the surface of the slightly transparent little card was printed with the words "standard gasoline", "50 liters", and "materials coordinating committee system", and also printed an incomplete red official seal.

When the oil depot guard took the small plastic cards and started to refuel the green mountain bike, Shang Jianyao curiously approached Ding Ling, looking at the small plastic cards and said:

"This is the bill for your'Salvation Army'?"

"Yes, there are oil tickets, pork tickets, beef tickets, mutton tickets, fish tickets, rice tickets, flour tickets, cloth tickets, ready-to-wear tickets..." Ding Ling briefly introduced, "You'd better exchange materials for some notes. This will make it more convenient to supplement what you want."

"Oh oh oh." Shang Jianyao had an "I understand" expression on his face.

Jiang Baimian took two steps forward and said with a smile:

"Why don't we change something from you first?"

"Okay." Ding Ling did not refuse, and even joked, "Just use the canned pork with sauerkraut you ate yesterday. The taste was so greedy for us yesterday, I kept swallowing our saliva!"

Jiang Baimian chuckled lightly:

"This in itself is produced by your'Salvation Army'. After being smuggled across the border, we have a chance to get..."

While speaking, she glanced at the expressions of Ding Ling and her subordinates, and found that they were not too concerned about smuggling.

After negotiation, the "old tune group" exchanged the greasy portion of canned food and biscuits for some bills, including pork tickets calculated by catties.

Long Yuehong watched the whole transaction process and found that Ding Ling actually had a kind of bill called "timber felling ticket."

"This is?" He pointed curiously.

Ding Ling looked down and said with a smile:

"All the resources of our'Salvation Army' belong to the whole. If we want to cut down trees and get some timber, we also need bills."

Shang Jian Yao thought for a while, pointed to the solar charging panel on the roof of his Jeep, and asked seriously:

"Do I need a ticket to get solar energy?"

Puff... you might as well ask if you have to pay for the sun? Jiang Baimian sneered in his heart.

Ding Ling was obviously taken aback when asked:

"No, it's not necessary."

After the mountain bike was refueled, Ding Ling and her subordinates led several members of the "Old Tune Team" to the campsite in the corner of the settlement.

On the way, they met some men and women who seemed to be relic hunters.

The reason why Jiang Baimian thinks they should be relic hunters is because their temperament is very different from the residents and soldiers of the settlement itself.

They were more sloppy, more unscrupulous, and didn't care about other people's gazes. Among them, some even stood on the roof of the car, playing music, twisting their bodies, seeing Shang Jian Yao's eyes shining brightly.

It can be said to be a relic hunter. These are also somewhat different from the existence to the west of Yunshan. They don't have the special temperament that combines depression and indulgence with indulgence, and they don't look like they have suffered too much hunger and cold.

After parking the car at the campsite, Jiang Baimian found Ding Ling and her subordinates, and pointed to those people:

"Are they relic hunters?"

"Yeah." Ding Ling first nodded, then saw Long Yuehong and their faces with a certain amount of doubt, then smiled and explained, "In our'Salvation Army', relic hunters can't be just like they want to be."

"Huh?" Shang Jianyao responded cooperatively.

Of course, he is really curious.

"Except for children and elderly people, everyone in our'Salvation Army' has their own positions and responsibilities. How can we say that to be a relic hunter and to be a relic hunter? Maybe you don't believe it, but we are in our sphere of influence. Inside, except for a few deep mountains and those unexplored polluted areas, there are no wilderness wanderers in other places." Ding Ling showed the kind of innate pride again.

She elaborated:

“In the beginning, we didn’t welcome this kind of occupation at all. Some specialized teams were responsible for exploring relics and collecting materials. However, as the urban population became more and more populous, the original positions gradually became insufficient, even if they were newly created. Not enough, this diverted a group of willing people to join the Hunter Guild.

"So, in our'Salvation Army', we must get approval if we want to be a relic hunter."

This...Long Yuehong was eye-opening at first. UU read www.uukānshu.com and think about it again. It seems that this is no different from the company.

If he and Shang Jian Yao and others were not assigned to the Ministry of Security and were approved to have certain freedom of movement outside, how could they become relic hunters?

In addition, you can also use the Hunter's Guild to obtain basic information on various places in the dust... Jiang Baimian thinks about the change of the "Salvation Army" from another angle.

Ding Ling glanced at the relic hunters, and said in a slightly complicated tone:

"These people always like to laugh at us for being old-fashioned and conservative, but they don't want to think about who allows them to have a bite of food when they are not harvesting, and who makes them not worry too much about robbers in the wild? It's their family. It's us regular troops!"

The captain felt that several of her subordinates also seemed to have nodded their heads.

At this moment, several relic hunters ran out from somewhere in the settlement and shouted:

"The two inner ghosts have a clue!"

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