Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Scrabble

After listening to the broadcast, Long Yue, who was sitting on the side of the bed, stood up sharply.

The development of the matter completely exceeded his expectations.

The man who got the nuclear warhead was actually to blow up Wubei and send hundreds of thousands of people to hell!

Moreover, he hijacked the broadcast and publicized the matter widely, as if to appreciate the panic and desperate collapse of the residents of Wubei.

This is simply a lunatic!

It is truly a disaster for a miniaturized hydrogen bomb to fall into the hands of such a person.

"Group leader, what should I do now?" Long Yuehong looked at Jiang Baimian.

He did not become overly nervous, became flustered, and even lost the ability to think. After so long of experience, he could still maintain a basic composure in similar situations.

He asked Jiang Baimian directly because he remembered that the group leader mentioned earlier that the Huang member of the Wubei Material Coordination Committee asked the "old-tune group" to receive feedback the day after tomorrow, and then undergo a detailed inspection and leave Wubei.

At this moment, unless you directly turn your face with the "Salvation Army" and rely on your own ability to forcefully break out of Wubei, you will have to consider this issue.

Jiang Baimian did not answer immediately, but frowned slightly and said thoughtfully:

"Don't worry, I feel this happened too suddenly, a bit strange..."

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao agreed.

Bai Chen tried to figure out Jiang Baimian’s thoughts:

"The start time of this'game' is too strange, not sooner or later.

"If he is waiting for the army to enter the city, Wubei is under martial law, and everyone can't escape freely, then it is entirely possible to announce the start of the'game' last night.

"Isn't this kind of thing the longer the delay, the greater the probability of failure?"

The honest Shang Jian Yao gave his own answer:

"Maybe he didn't find the opportunity until a few minutes ago, and took control of the entire Wubei broadcast system for a short time. He couldn't make an announcement before he wanted to."

Hair flyers on the street are too easy to expose, and only "anti-intellectual" people like to do it.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"I think he was superfluous in doing this.

"If the goal is to blow up Wubei and satisfy certain desires, you must enter the village quietly and not shoot, so that the success rate will be high."

"No, no, no." Shang Jianyao shook his finger, "Maybe he is a pure lunatic, wanting to appreciate the ugliness of human nature and the appearance of human collapse before the explosion?"

Jiang Baimian wanted to reply, "Such lunatics are often unable to control their own behavior, and very few can complete the corresponding plan", but she changed her mind and remembered that there are such things as awakened people on the dust.

The awakened person who sacrificed mental health has both ability and action. For example, the dark version of Shang Jian Yao can definitely do similar things.

Jiang Baimian slowed down, looked around and said:

"I mean, with such a broadcast, with such a ‘game’ notice, with panic, the Wubei Material Coordination Committee will most likely mobilize urgently to evacuate residents and materials out of Wubei in batches.

"Three days is enough to turn this place into an empty city. When the time comes, just blow up the building, is that satisfied?"

Listening to the analysis by the group leader, Long Yuehong gradually figured out what was wrong.

Honest business opinion, Yao argues for reasons:

"Maybe that lunatic never thought of killing everyone. He simply wanted to create chaos and appreciate everyone's panic."

As a mentally ill patient, his statement made Jiang Baimian, Genawah and others who were present could not refute it.

In this regard, he is professional.

Soon, another professional, the cowardly but vicious Shang Jian Yao, sneered at himself:

"It's me, I will definitely add a sentence at the end of the broadcast:

"Within three days, Wubei can only get in and can't get out. If one person escapes without authorization, I will detonate the nuclear warhead in advance.

"In this way, whether the purpose is to destroy Wubei, kill most of the people here, or appreciate the exaggerated performance of human beings under the crisis, the effect can be maximized!"

Good fellow, Long Yuehong called good fellow in her heart.

The vicious Shang Jianyao perfectly explained what an extremely dangerous lunatic with a high IQ is.

With such an "expert" here, the hidden problems of the broadcast just now became obvious.

Jiang Baimian's various thoughts were strung together.

She smiled slightly and said:

"Seeing Weizhi, based only on the actual situation and the broadcast content, we can infer that there are two possibilities for this matter:

"One, the terrorist went crazy, his brain is not good enough, he forgot to add the sentence at the end of the broadcast, "Wubei can only get in and out during the game." The possibility of this situation is actually not too high, stupid guy. He should have been showing his feet long ago, and even though he was not exposed for various reasons before, after this broadcast, he will not be able to bounce for long, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to detonate the nuclear warhead;

"Second, he deliberately didn't add'During the game, Wubei can only enter and can't leave', so that there are loopholes in the rules..."

Having said that, Jiang Baimian looked around again:

"His real purpose may be to force the Wubei Material Coordinating Committee to evacuate everyone in the city.

"Only in such a large-scale evacuation in a state of emergency can he have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!"

This... Long Yuehong's heart moved.

Bai Chen also understood.

It was Gnawa who spoke before everyone else. He moved his metal-forged neck up and down and said: Gu

"That person wants to use a large-scale evacuation to send that nuclear warhead out of the city?

"Otherwise, under martial law, with the mobilization and organization capabilities of the'Salvation Army', and with the large number of awakened people they have, it will not take a few days to dig out that person and retrieve the nuclear warhead."

Papa, Shang Jianyao's applause was not late.

At this time, there was a noisy sound on the first floor of the hotel, which seemed to have become more chaotic.

After looking at each other, Jiang Baimian pointed to the floor:

"Let's go down and take a look."

When they discussed before, they heard many residents leave the room, go through the corridor, and go straight to the ground floor.

When the "Old Tune Team" came to the first floor, they found that cross-border trade merchants and foreign heritage hunters surrounded the hotel manager named Shen Kang and some employees in the middle, yelling:

"Let us leave!"

"It's too dangerous here."

"I'm here to do business. I'm not a dangerous person. Give me proof that I can get out of the city!"

"The nuclear bombs have been planted in Wubei, why don't you evacuate everyone quickly?"

As the guests said you and me, the phone at the front desk of the hotel rang.

"I, I'm going to answer the call, there may be the latest instructions." The hotel manager Shen Kang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took the opportunity to squeeze out the crowd, and answered the call.

After some "umh" and "good", Shen Kang's expression relaxed a lot, and he turned to the hotel guests and said:

"Don't panic, everyone, our Wubei Material Coordination Committee is studying an emergency evacuation plan. Don't worry, we can withdraw from Wubei at the earliest this afternoon and tomorrow morning at the latest. There is still a long time before the nuclear bomb detonates!"

Hearing these words, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and others turned their eyes to Jiang Baimian at the same time:

The group leader’s guess seems likely to be correct.

Jiang Baimian was not complacent about it.

To say that there are no smart people in the Wubei Material Coordinating Committee and can't detect this problem, she thinks that people who think this way are stupid.

This is a conspiracy together.

When the threat of nuclear bombs has been exposed, it is impossible for the "Salvation Army", which still adheres to its original purpose, to evacuate the people!

Jiang Baimian immediately made a gesture to signal the team members to leave with him.

After returning to the room on the third floor, she glanced at Gnawa, who was closing the wooden door, and said to Shang Jian Yao:

"Can your current strength hijack the Wubei Broadcasting System and make the announcement just now?

"Well, the premise is within the scope of ability."

Shang Jian Yao thought about it, and shook his head regretfully:

"Not yet, I can only make the announcer's voice twist in an inaudible direction.

"Unless, I can implant the corresponding thinking into the announcer in advance."

"The voice is wrong." Long Yuehong heard the broadcast of Wubei yesterday and knew which announcer the voice did not belong to.

Jiang Baimian said with an "um":

"In this way, that terrorist is more powerful than Hey, even if he hasn't entered the'New World', he will soon find the door."

"Not necessarily, I can't hijack it, but Old Ge can." Shang Jianyao laughed and pointed to Gnawa, "There is not only one way to hijack radio, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a powerful awakening. You can, and so can smart robots."

"Yes." Jiang Baimian accepted this statement and took it into consideration.

She showed a thoughtful expression again:

"There is one more problem, a problem on the timeline."

"What?" Long Yuehong asked nervously.

Jiang Baimian said to himself:

"We heard about the theft of military supplies at noon on the 15th. In the afternoon, the two traitors were found and both died. At the same time, judging by what they left behind, they had been to Wubei and handed over the lost military supplies. So and so.

"And it takes eight hours at the earliest to reach Wubei from that settlement. In other words, the two traitors leave Wubei in the early morning on the 15th at the latest. Of course, they may also be by plane, but this It's too arrogant and too ostentatious.

"We arrived in Wubei on the afternoon of the 16th and issued a pass at the immigration office, and then the martial law began here."

Jiang Baimian paused and concluded:

"From the early morning of the 15th to the evening of the 16th, the person who received the nuclear warhead had enough time and ample opportunity to send it out of the city. There is no need to worry about the subsequent martial law, but now it seems that the nuclear warhead is still in Wubei City.

"why is that?"

"He has procrastination!" Shang Jianyao answered without hesitation.

Then, he refuted himself:

"Perhaps the terrorist's purpose was to blow up Wubei and kill most of the people here, but he chose to show hope to everyone, and then during the evacuation process, he suddenly said, lied to you, and detonated the nuclear bomb."

Jiang Baimian took over the words:

"There is another possibility:

"The person who got the nuclear bomb suffered an accident, so that it was delayed for two days and was trapped in the city by martial law!"

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