Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 154: Unlucky

The information provided by Zhang Lao reminded Jiang Baimian of the analysis of nuclear warheads by himself and others.

One possibility is that the person who received the nuclear warhead in Wubei failed to send the items out of the city in time due to some accident and was trapped here under martial law. He saw that the "Salvation Army" quickly found himself and had to take the risk. , Hijacked the radio, designed a "game", hoping to leave quietly among the evacuated crowd.

At that time, several members of the "Old Tune Team" had guessed what the accident would be. Some were inclined to the reality of the target and encountered something that made him unable to get away for a while, and some felt that he belonged to a powerful awakened person. By accident, it was good. The undead was "hit" the weakness and had to spend two to three days to recover. Some believed that the problem was in the middle, such as the person who connected the defector and the person who hijacked the broadcaster who got the nuclear bomb and was infected soon." "No heart disease", or sudden brain congestion or heart disease, failed to hand over the nuclear warhead in time, and it took the person who hijacked the radio two or three days to connect the broken "line".

Nowadays, someone has been stolen because of antihypertensive drugs, and his condition is violent. Being sent to the hospital for two days can completely correspond to the second situation. Of course, the third set is logically smooth.

As he thought, Jiang Baimian felt joyful in his heart, feeling that he and others might have caught the fox's tail:

It is absolutely rare that antihypertensive drugs were stolen in the city of Wubei. It rarely happens in peacetime, but it happened two days before martial law.

This directly caused someone to have an onset of illness and was sent to the hospital for two days.

Jiang Baimian looked at Zhang Lao who was wearing a gray-white deep-bottomed aluminum pan, and smiled calmly:

"I looked around and didn't find any particularly valuable clues.

"But things like clues are often not so eye-catching when placed there alone, and they will only shine when they accumulate a lot.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, we will work together with the Public Security Management Committee to gather more intelligence and find useful clues."

Zhang Lao, who was washed in his black uniform until he turned white, was furious after hearing this:

"What am I worried about?

"If I don't rest assured, people often call me for stretching my hands too long, being nosy, and reluctant to give up power!

"You do what you like, don't bother me!"

Just like what the hotel manager said, a bit irritable and irritable... Jiang Baimian muttered in his heart.

However, she didn't think Zhang Lao didn't care about nuclear warheads.

If he really doesn't care, why bother to ask people and collect such a pile of information?

If he really didn't care, he would have relied on his identity to pull in his relatives and comrades-in-arms, and withdrew from Wubei ahead of time.

At this time, the honest Shang Jian Yao asked:

"I really want to gain something, don't I need to tell you?"

Old Zhang waved his hand, and after two seconds, he said in a loud voice:

"Don't tell, don't tell!

"I'm back to the nursing home!

"You remember to get an aluminum pan to wear it, you can't take it so seriously anymore!"

"Good, good." Shang Jianyao, who likes to sing and dance, is not at all repulsive about wearing aluminum pots, but is eager to try.

When Mr. Zhang left, Shang Jianyao turned to Jiang Baimian and said:

"I didn't read the next two pages very clearly. Show me again."

It turns out that you really didn’t read it clearly. I thought you noticed the message like I did but pretended to find nothing... Jiang Baimian hung up the flashlight and folded the paper. Significant tone said:

"Go back and look again, there's a black light here."

There is a nuclear power plant in Wubei, and there is a large hydropower station in the upper reaches of the Yuelin River that is relatively well-maintained. The lack of power is not serious, but this is only relatively speaking. After all, this is an important industrial base of the "Salvation Army". So, There are not many street lights installed in the parking area of ​​the "Lime Hotel", and the lighting is not good. Jiang Baimian had to rely on the light of a flashlight to read the information just now.

"Okay." Shang Jianyao looked disappointed and couldn't wait to walk towards the back door of the hotel.

Jiang Baimian walked next to him, thinking in his mind, quickly analyzing the harvest just now:

At present, "hypertension" should be a certain price. Otherwise, the two coincidences of stolen antihypertensive drugs and emergency onset of the disease are superimposed. The accident of the drug being stolen can be very smooth and does not require accidental factors to deduce that the target will become ill on the spot and be sent to the hospital for rescue...

The one who was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment is likely to be a powerful awakener, otherwise the cost would not be so serious-at the time point, the body was almost collapsed without taking antihypertensive medicine once...

It is not yet certain whether this is the one who hijacked the broadcasting system, or the middleman responsible for connecting with the defector, or whether the two identities are unified...

I personally prefer the former, otherwise there will be too many strong people in this matter, and the probability of being troubled by accidents becomes extremely low...

However, how could such a strong man be stolen from the antihypertensive drug that is regarded as life?

The more Jiang Baimian thinks about it, the more he feels absurd, funny and funny:

If it weren’t for Wubei’s relatively complete medical system and the outsiders were willing to give some help, that mighty awakened person might have passed away, and the cause of his death was enough to make it to the dusty funny rankings. Well, if there is such a thing If the list exists.

Approaching the back door, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao saw the hotel manager Shen Kang exploring their brains there.

"Why is Zhang Lao here again?" Shen Kang asked slightly worried.

Shang Jian Yao answered honestly:

"In the evening, I asked Mr. Zhang to help us ask the old soldiers in the nursing home if they had seen any suspicious people recently. He just came to give an answer."

"What do you ask this for?" Shen Kang heaved a sigh of relief, and asked in confusion.

Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"Isn't this a nuclear warhead installed in the city? This is related to everyone's safety, and we think that what we can do is one thing."

"This has the material coordination committee to worry about, you just need to stay in the hotel." Shen Kang didn't agree with the behavior of the "old tune group" too much.

However, he still expressed his gratitude for this:

"It would be great if everyone thought like you did, and most things will not develop to the point of martial law and can be resolved.

"Hey, right now, I am not worried about whether people will die. The evacuation must be too late. I just don't know how many things I can take away. I finally saved up some belongings..."

Shen Kang said more and more quietly, and finally stopped altogether.

Jiang Baimian glanced around, pretending to ask casually:

"Manager Shen, have you noticed anything unusual in the past few days? What's rarely happened in the past is considered."

Shen Kang thought about it seriously:

"No, I live like this every day."

"Really not?" Jiang Baimian tried hard to imply, "For example, so and so and so, so so and so were injured, so and so and so were taken to the hospital, so and so and so were stolen."

Shen Kang frowned slightly:

"It seems there is, and it doesn't seem to be..."

Only two or three days later, you can’t remember the fact that some residents were stolen because of antihypertensive drugs and sent to the hospital for rescue? Could it be that you are also the awakened, and the price is forgetfulness? Uh...Jiang Baimian muttered silently, suddenly thinking about it, and couldn't help "visualizing" the gaze of "You Gu".

At this time ~www.readwn.com~Shen Kang touched his forehead and said:

"I remember, there was a hapless guy who drove out to do errands. As a result, the antihypertensive medicine and other things left in the room were stolen.

"He was delayed for a long time before coming back. It may be that the blood pressure medicine on his body or in the car was only enough for one meal, and he didn't keep up afterwards, and the whole person was dizzy.

"When he found that the antihypertensive medicine in the room was gone, he was so angry, his blood pressure surged upwards, and he passed out on the spot.

"Fortunately, there was a waiter with me, so I quickly called the hospital, otherwise he might not be able to get it back!"

Sure enough... Jiang Baimian was about to ask which room it was. Shang Jian Yao already asked in shock:

"You thieves are so rampant here?"

Shen Kang sighed:

"Hey, there are too many foreign relic hunters, and some feel that they have no hope of settling down, so they will find a chance to get a certain amount of supplies to leave.

"We didn't expect that someone would venture into the surrounding rooms to steal things!"

"Poor fellow." Jiang Baimian said first, "Is he still in the hospital right now, which number is the guest in the room?"

Shen Kang thought for a while and said:

"I came back before the martial law, Room 214, what is the name of the king, I don't remember clearly."

Jiang Baimian said twice, pointing to the stairs:

"Good luck to him, we will go back first."

She and Shang Jianyao bid farewell to Shen Kang and walked up the stairs one step at a time.

When passing by the second floor, Jiang Baimian frowned suddenly and said to himself:

"What did I just want to do?

"Why I forgot when I turned my head..."

Shang Jian Yao heard this, and recalled:

"I don't remember you mentioned it to me."

"Then I'll talk about it later." Jiang Baimian left the matter behind.

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